Apocalyptic Dark Age

2028 Encountering intelligent Zerg

The bugs that appear in the void are black beetles, but these beetles are more evolved. Each one is a bug king, with different shapes. It resembles a human body, with six sharp arm knives. The sharp carapace is like armor covering the whole body. cover.

The Insect King attacks fiercely and brutally. It does not allow for peak reaction time and uses violent killing moves to cut him into pieces. Four Insect Kings are equivalent to four species of destruction. And this Insect King is good at hiding, like an assassin, and is good at combining attacks. Even the top ten among the powerful ones may not be able to escape.

Unfortunately, the assassin met Gao Feng. Gao Feng didn't even move his brows and continued to fly forward quickly, not paying attention to these insect kings. Then, the demon lotus emerged from behind Gao Feng, and countless tough roots took the lead. Stabbed into the skulls of several insect kings.

Ever since Gao Feng rescued the demon lotus, this weird lotus was like a parasitic vine, attached to Gao Feng, and would not show up at ordinary times. It would only attack after discovering bugs. Many times, Gao Feng would forget about this guy.

The demon lotus quickly sucked up the four insect kings, shook its gorgeous flower stamens with joy, and shared its happiness with Gao Feng, but Gao Feng was distracted by the phantom's battle.

Hundreds of black beetles surrounded the Wushuang team in the center. The beetles were exactly the same as the bugs that attacked Gao Feng. They were all insect kings. Hundreds of insect kings appeared at the same time, giving Gao Feng a bad association. It seemed that there was no such thing inside the super giant ship mother insect. Found so many insect kings, let alone these insect kings are from the same species?

Hundreds of insect kings would only make Gao Feng wary. What really surprised him was that there was only one insect, or rather an insect man, fighting against the phantom. It was the intelligent insect Gao Feng had seen on the opposite side of the Galaxy Channel. '

Gao Feng's comments on intelligent creatures are different from the mainstream thinking of the Alliance. For him, if you know how to wear clothes, you are no longer a savage creature. The insect man still looks like a bug, but he has put on clothes and uses utensils.

The bug-men fighting the Phantom were male and female, and their appearance was extremely delicate. Except for the two black and white tentacles on the forehead, the only difference was the three pairs of transparent wings on the back. In other places, they were almost the same as humans, except that they were smaller. With a height of 130 centimeters, she is really exquisite.

Although he is small, he is not weak in strength. He can still survive the space storm jointly launched by the Phantom. His delicate little hands cut into the sharp teeth of space from time to time and launch counterattacks at the Phantom. It looks like a child playing, but in fact it is extremely powerful. Even if the Phantom He didn't dare to take it, so he could only move instantly through his space ability.

The battle between the Phantom and the Insect Man was tense and fierce. The battle field formed made the Insect King dare not approach. Several mutilated corpses proved the danger of the two hotties.

The moment the peak appeared, the insect king discovered it. The next moment, dozens of insect kings appeared not far away and launched a crazy attack on him. However, the demon lotus hid its roots. The lotus knew very well that if the number of insect kings exceeded a certain number, It must be the one who dies.

The Broken Tooth Sword, which had been lonely for a long time, automatically jumped into his hands. Without any effort, it pulled Gao Feng's hands and slashed out, creating thin and sharp space cracks, or space blades.

The space blade was so insidious that the incoming insect king never noticed it. When the space blade passed through his body, he still charged towards Gao Feng. When they rushed in front of Gao Feng and spread out their sharp insect legs, the viscosity of the fracture was torn apart due to their force. split into two.

With just one sword strike, half of the more than ten insect kings were lost, and the other half were immediately thrown into chaos. They missed the intersection with Gaofeng and avoided in other directions. At least they had to figure out the attack method before they could organize an attack, but Gaofeng would not give them a chance.

The dark giant beast appeared again, covering and locking the evading Insect King in one fell swoop. After a few seconds of oppression, the Insect King was unable to move. The originally terrifying and dangerous Insect King waited motionless for Broken Fang to kill it.

The time it took for Gao Feng to kill the insect king was short, but it was enough for hundreds of insect kings in the distance to react. Like wasps that exploded their nest, they swept toward Gao Feng crazily. Facing hundreds of insect kings, Gao Feng could feel the demon lotus because of fear. He was trembling, but he remained unmoved. Without hesitation, he cut off his tooth-broken sword, then turned around and ran away.

Gao Feng is not arrogant enough to challenge hundreds of Destruction Species. Although the Black Insect King is not very powerful, compared to the Destruction Species with weird abilities and rich combat experience in the Starry Sky Competition, they are much more like mass-produced streamlined versions, but the number has increased. Even he had to back away.

The battle in the starry sky not only belongs to the peak and the Wushuang team, but also belongs to the Wushuang Legion. Boerhua received the Phantom attack before the peak, and dispatched a jump gunship as quickly as possible, carrying the most elite interstellar warriors of the Wushuang Legion to support.

Hundreds of insect kings frantically pursued the peak, and the support of the Peerless Legion also arrived. First, there was intensive fire cover, and many insect kings were involved in the gunfire. Although the firepower of the jump gunship was comparable to that of ordinary main battleships, it was still insufficient to deal with the insect kings. It can slightly suppress the pursuit of the Insect King, but cannot kill it.

The attack of the jump gunship did not hurt the Insect King, but it successfully diverted the hatred. At least two-thirds of the Insect King flew towards the jump gunship at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, they reached the gunship cordon. Unexpectedly, the gunboat was not evacuating. Instead, he stayed where he was and had some free time.

When the Insect King approaches the battle area, there are not only gunboats in front of it, but also hundreds of Destruction Powerhouses and several times the number of Silver Heart Peak powerhouses waiting in full formation. The powerhouses are wearing uniform armor, just like ancient heavy-armored warriors launching attacks on the Insect King. Counterattack, in a few blinks, hundreds of strong men and hundreds of insect kings were strangled together, turning the calm starry sky into a huge arena.

The reinforcements shared a large part of the pressure for Gao Feng. Only then did Gao Feng have the opportunity to fight with the chasing insect king, or a dog fight would be more appropriate. For a time, the ruins filled with various debris formed three battlefields, the Phantom and the Insect Man, The peak and nearly a hundred insect kings, the high-level strong men of the unparalleled legion and hundreds of insect kings.

Compared with Gaofeng and Phantom, the battle between the Peerless Legion was the most brutal. Almost every few minutes or even seconds, a strong man died in the battle, or the Insect King was torn to pieces. The most brutal one was Xiu'er from the Asura tribe. Er has unparalleled fighting talent, and has been baptized in the trial space. Her combat power is no worse than that of the Phantom. Her own fighting style is close combat. Her fighting method is more like the Zerg than the Insect King. She has torn apart the most Insect Kings by herself. The number of kills occupies the entire three levels of the team.

Melee battles between powerful men with thousands of levels of destruction are extremely rare in the Galaxy Alliance, and can only be seen in the Starry Sky Challenge, but even the Starry Sky Challenge will not be as brutal and unrelenting as it is now.

There is a huge legion behind the strong men as backup. There is no room for light cannons and missiles to be used in the battle between the strong men, but the unparalleled legion has enough silver-centered strongmen. These silver-centered strongmen are direct descendants of old pirates, as well as some. Many newcomers who joined later did not lack the courage to fight against bugs, because when fighting against bugs, the Peerless Legion always won the victory before committing to melee troops, which made many strong men who were used to fighting in the stars unable to find their own value. Now, , the opportunity has come, even if the opponent is the Insect King with the power of destruction.

Thousands or tens of thousands of Silver Core experts join the battlefield, forming a huge black tide, trapping hundreds of insect kings in the center. Maybe they cannot bear the main attack, but they can cooperate with the harassment. In this way, the initiative on the battlefield falls to In the hands of the Peerless Legion.

At this time, Gao Feng used constant swimming attacks to kill off the insect kings one by one. Although it was inevitable to be injured, in general he was able to do it with ease, especially with the demon lotus behind him.

The motto of the Demonic Lotus is to bully the weak and avoid the strong, but it also has a auxiliary function. A piece of green petals always floats and rotates around Gao Feng, releasing a faint halo to treat Gao Feng's injuries.

In this way, Gao Feng can focus on the insects. The starry sky beasts are like cage shackles, locking the insect kings one after another. The broken tooth sword can always cut through the solid armor, and it also has the ability to analyze. The Insect King is more difficult to analyze than ordinary insects, but it just takes more time.

After Gao Feng finished analyzing the insect king, the real massacre began. The dark behemoth trapped the insect king one by one, and then was decomposed by the power of analysis, turning into balls of dead flesh.

Once the weakness of the Insect King is found, no matter how many Insect Kings there are, they are just ordinary bugs. Just like slaughtering those hunters in the Starry Sky Challenge, Gao Feng easily eliminated all the remaining Insect Kings. When he turned around, he found that the Insect King had been lured away. , was also captured by the Peerless Legion at a very heavy price.

Casualties are unavoidable. Killing one thousand enemies and losing five hundred to oneself is a great victory in the eyes of these scarred warriors. This is their first time to experience the battle of besieging and killing the species of destruction. The best feeling is extremely wonderful, giving them a strong sense of self-confidence. From now on, they will also be part of the top powerhouses in the starry sky.

The two battlefields ended, but the root cause of the melee has not subsided. The Phantom is still fighting with the Insects, but the people around it are no longer the dense Insect King, but the strong men of the Unparalleled Legion.

The strong also know that enemies that the Phantom cannot defeat are not easy to offend, but the Phantom is even more difficult to offend. They will never want anyone to touch their prey. It has nothing to do with anything else, just because they are the powerful and unparalleled Queen. The Queen Naturally strong and proud.

Gao Feng was also watching the battle. The situation was under control, so there was no need to worry. The only thing that needed to be worried was the insect man, which had involved itself in the most dangerous battlefield.

In fact, this is exactly what happened. The insect-men have begun to panic, and the rhythm of the attack is completely in the hands of the Phantom. The space storm has become more weird and changeable. The gorgeous and weird robes on the insect-men are full of tears, and light green blood is faintly leaking out.

Just when Gao Feng was considering whether to capture the insect-man and torture him severely, the insect-man suddenly let out a soul-piercing spiritual roar, forming a 360-degree spiritual impact with no blind spots, sweeping over the surrounding strong men watching the battle. The peak is also shrouded in it.

The mental roar of the insect-man is extremely strange. The powerful destructors in the galaxy have long been familiar with mental attacks and have different defense methods. However, there is no way to deal with the mental attack of the insect-man. They are all attacked one after another. Only Phantom and Gao Feng can barely hold on. , their mental power has been strengthened countless times, and they can withstand even mental attacks from alien galaxies.

The phantoms flickered and appeared behind the bug-man, shaking slightly. Then, the bug-man's mental attack suddenly stopped, and then shattered into countless minced meat ice crystals floating in the vacuum.

"Come on, there's a situation here..."

The alert Yinxin Peak suddenly reported the discovery. Then Gao Feng saw a giant ship mother insect. The giant ship mother insect was about to escape. Unfortunately, there were too many wreckage and the speed could not be increased. It was trapped and unable to move.

Several strong men of the species of destruction were about to step forward and kill them, but were stopped by Gao Feng, because they thought of the rescue cabin that had been opened on the battlefield before. Besides, the battleship mother worm, which had lost the effective launch distance of its plasma cannon, did not imagine that So dangerous.

Gao Feng collected the Hundred Drops of Galaxy Origin that had been scattered by the Insect King, and personally led the unparalleled team and the strong pirates of the Destruction Species to land on the super giant ship Mother Insect. They soon found the survivors hidden by the Insect. One million survivors filled the giant ship. In the internal space of the mother worm, even the high-level bugs that guard the mother worm and the breeding mother worms have no place to stay. Only the non-threatening worker insects ignore the peak and continue to be busy inside the giant ship mother worm.

After Gao Feng sealed off the ammunition compartment, the giant ship worm was completely disarmed and fell into Gao Feng's hands intact. This was also the first giant ship worm to be captured. Moro Gan, who had been watching the battle, rushed over immediately and boarded the giant ship. The female insect visited, with an indescribably ferocious expression, which was obviously reminiscent of the plasma cannon that obscured the stars when the fleet was attacked by insects more than a month ago.

"Congratulations, great starry sky powerhouse, you have created a miracle..."

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