Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 2001 The Change of Return

The corpses of tens of thousands of Dark Thorns were piled together like a hill, but for the Starfleet, it was only the carrying capacity of a transport ship. Soon all the bodies of Dark Thorns were packed away. Only then did the Phantom show up. Jumping happily in the starry sky, looking for bugs that have slipped through the net to kill, as if they want to vent all the fright they received before, and Hong Mei and Ziying have become the best helpers. As long as there are bugs, they can find them. come out.

When the Phantom was in danger of being strangulated, Gao Feng came to a battleship and stared at this giant battleship that was dozens of times larger than an aircraft carrier. This was the alliance's true starry sky giant, the 'Starry Sky Barrier' class flagship, with nine consecutive armors. The main gun can continuously fire the most terrifying artillery fire, and it also has 380 secondary guns. Each secondary gun is equivalent to the main gun of a Kongya-class battleship, which is also the main gun of a Constellation-class destroyer.

In addition, this battleship also has terrible armor, which is not just an energy shield, but the top hybrid armor. Its defensive effect is even stronger than the frontal armor of the battle fort. It is impossible for ordinary main guns to shake it, even in the starry sky The giant cannon may not be able to sink it with one shot. It is an extinction-class battleship used by the Alliance to suppress the entire galaxy.

Such a terrifying and terrible warship is like a dead blue whale, lying silently in the center of the battlefield. There are large and small wounds everywhere on the ship, especially on the front armor with a radius of more than ten kilometers. It is almost impossible to find it. One meter of intact armor with layers of wounds, like a planet hit by a meteorite.

None of this could make Gao Feng stop. What really made him stay was that although the appearance of this battle armor was broken, there was no serious problem inside. Although there were traces of the battle after the bugs broke through, and there were many corpses scattered around, the vast majority of the battle armor was The place was empty, and there were even many important warehouses, which were carefully closed and locked. Obviously, this battleship was abandoned.

This abandoned giant ship was like an old dog that lost its owner, quietly waiting to die, then be forgotten, and eventually became a giant tomb in the starry sky battlefield. What Gao Feng thought about was, if this thing was taken out, would it be possible? Will it be confiscated by the alliance?

Then Gao Feng was sure that it would be confiscated because the value of this battleship was too high. Unlike the giant transport ship he had obtained before, that thing could not pose a threat to the alliance and was slow, so it could only be used as an expensive toy. But this starry sky barrier is different. It can easily destroy races similar to the Moko Protoss.

The Wilderness Fleet has long been adept at salvaging battlefields. A large number of industrial robots have been dispatched to search for larger battleship wreckage on the battlefield. In addition, there are also robots specifically responsible for salvaging rescue capsules. Although the rescue capsules are not of much value, if they are found with a higher identity Their corpses can still be exchanged for some benefits. After all, the most important thing in the public star field is wealthy families and wealthy families.

At the peak of repeated calculations, he finally decided to get rid of the Star Barrier. However, he would not get rid of the huge shell, but the various control systems inside, such as weapon systems, various high-power ammunition, and A giant space jump engine, as well as the most top-notch energy transmission system. In addition, Gao Feng also salvaged various precious equipment and equipment from battleships that even citizens cannot buy. Among them, there are dozens of customized equipment that are close to the Destruction War Armor. Sets, all stored in the core warehouse of the battleship, obviously have not had time to be issued.

Opening the starry sky barrier is equivalent to opening a huge treasure. The harvest from it is enough to compensate for the round trip of the transport fleet. In addition to the various equipment within the fleet, Gao Feng has not even spared the hull, because these armors are excellent The defensive alloy, even the Thorn of Darkness, can't deal with the armor of the Starry Sky Barrier. Removing the armor of such a large battleship can at least improve the defense of thousands of Kongya-class battleships by several levels.

Gao Feng almost dug the starry sky barrier to the extreme. Not only did he send out a large number of industrial robots to dismantle the battleship armor with great difficulty, he even had to scan the entire internal structure and record it in detail. If it was pulled to the star field outside the alliance, just This structural diagram is enough to exchange for the ownership of a residential star.

After finally dismantling the giant battleship into an empty frame, the commander of the transport ship warned Gao Feng that because too many lifeboats were salvaged, the transport ship was occupied by a large number of warehouses. In addition, there were also armor, main guns, and auxiliary equipment for the starry sky barrier. Cannons, various types of missiles, as well as starry sky torpedoes, etc., have already kept the transport ship at full capacity.

Gao Feng was depressed. It seemed that he had brought out all the transport ships, but because he was too enthusiastic about the starry sky barrier, the result was this embarrassing situation. The starry sky battlefield was treacherous, and new changes may occur at any time. Gao Feng may not have a chance. Lead the new transport ship to get here safely.

The battlefield has just begun to be excavated, and the cargo bay has already been filled, which gives Gao Feng a headache. If he had known it, he would have used more than a dozen transport ships to drag the starry sky barrier back. That way, although it would inevitably be dazzling, it would be better than looking at it now. A feast on the table, but you can’t eat anything, right?

"Check the rescue cabins, throw them back if there are no signs of life, and revive them immediately if there are signs of life..."

It is unthinkable that peak hours can only save space as much as possible, relatively speaking. The personnel are better arranged than the rescue cabin. After all, there are many abandoned warships on the battlefield, so let them drive back. It is better than dismantling it and sending it back on a transport ship.

With a single order, hundreds of thousands of life pods were thrown back into the starry sky. In fact, there were more than tens of millions of life pods in this starry sky. After all, only a few of them could salvage. As more and more bodies were removed, more and more bodies were thrown back into the starry sky. More lives were saved and then forced to join the fleet temporarily.

At this time, the peak has reached the front of the battlefield. It is more tragic, or more chaotic, than the center. Because this is the starting point of the defeat, many warships ignore the distance between them. As a result, they collided together, and because there were so many warships and various logistics ships at that time, the vast starry sky turned into a super accident scene, with a large number of shipwrecks, capsized transport ships, giant tug ships, and even a mobile battle fort. They were all piled up on the battlefield, thus blocking the evacuation route of the rear fleet, and eventually led to a large number of ships being abandoned intact. These ships were not even touched by insects.

This is also the place where the life pods are densest. Countless life pods fill every gap. The soldiers and sailors who were supposed to stay on the ship wanted to escape for a chance of survival because they were unwilling to let the ship be stuck and unable to move. , Unfortunately, the alliance was defeated too quickly, and there were no ships to take care of them. Now most of them have become the most real coffins.

The life pods were too dense, so Gao Feng had to rush all the way, causing countless life pods to collide with each other. As a result, many sleeping survivors were awakened, and they actually sent out survival signals. It was a surprise. Then Gao Feng came to the battlefield. The front end is also where the bugs launch their counterattack.

Looking at it, this is also the most tragic place in the entire battlefield. Almost no warships can be identified by model and type. They are all turned into broken wreckage. The wreckage is filled with the corpses of insects, including many rare and precious insects. From this, It can be seen that the battle that day was cruel.

It was here that Gao Feng felt the strong breath of death. Even in the absolute low temperature environment of the vacuum, it still made him want to fight in the cold war. He did not stay for long and returned to the densely packed accident scene. Compared with the forward one, It was tragic. Looking back at these ships that were crowded together and unable to move, Gao Feng felt that they were just a bunch of jokes, so he didn't pay much attention to the possible crew members and sailors around them.

The actual situation may be more complicated than what Gao Feng saw, but the tens of thousands of intact ships have become the biggest gain this time, especially the survivors lingering in countless rescue cabins, which can at least provide a large amount of manpower to Gao Feng. , sail away the battleship he selected.

It took half a year of busy work this time to get everything done. The 3,000 transport ships that came here had more than ten times increased in number when they returned. Among them, there were as many as ten giant transport ships, and they were all fully loaded. Other types There are also more than 10,000 transport ships, and each one is struggling because Gao Feng has filled the corridor gaps of the transport ship with various materials and weapons.

Except for the transport ships, the remaining more than 20,000 battleships are all main battleships in relatively good condition. The lowest level is Xuan Kong. There are also six or seven thousand Star Fantasy class battleships, and there are also thousands of warships higher than Star Fantasy level. ship, so Gao Feng is considered to have made a fortune this time.

After finally returning with these battleships, he did not see the fleet clusters that had been scattered across the starry sky. Only the wilderness fleet at the peak remained in place waiting for him. At this time, countless insects were constantly attacking, but Boerhua, who commanded the fleet, was also a genius. The commander can still barely hold on, and occasionally launch local counterattacks, using anti-matter missiles and space torpedoes to disperse large swarms of insects, and then send out the Galaxy Peak to strangle them at close range and leave with one blow. , leaving a starry sky full of corpses.

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