Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1978 Changing Thinking

When attending a banquet, it was natural for Gao Feng to bring a female companion and a maid, so Gao Feng decided to let Lila be his companion and Chanel his maid. As for Lily and Momo, Gao Feng hoped that they could become species of destruction as soon as possible and treat him like that. The help is greater, and even Gao Feng already has greater ambitions in his heart, why not establish a human alliance? Bringing humanoid creatures into an alliance to help each other?

People who are not from my race must have different hearts. This sentence is especially obvious in the starry sky. Except for the people of my own race, even Akmo may not absolutely believe in Gao Feng, because they represent not themselves, but the entire race. This is also a strong person. The responsibilities that must be borne. A strong man without a clan is like a rootless fly. No matter how great his achievements are, they are just meteors flying across the starry sky. They will be brilliant for a short time, but most of them will be forgotten. Like the great era when they resisted the Behemoth Empire, countless strong men were completely forgotten due to the disappearance of their tribes. Even the monuments recording their achievements were turned into ignored stones in the Dark Star Territory.

As the winner of the fifth round of the challenge, Gao Feng is still worth a lot, with appearance fees reaching thousands of bone coins, but this is not his original intention to go there. In fact, the banquet was held this time by the largest slave consortium in the Galaxy, which has always been... They are famous for producing high-quality slaves, and the most famous thing is their taming of slaves. As long as the slaves are sold by the consortium, it is rare to hear of rebellion. Of course, even if there is a problem, it is too abusive and has little to do with the consortium.

Gao Feng's participation in this banquet made the organizer overjoyed. After all, the strong men of the fifth round almost represent the most powerful men in the galaxy. They may not be seen in the City of Behemoths, but in any star region, they are considered super big shots. , even some kings of the gods must treat them equally.

As soon as Gao Feng appeared, twelve beautiful humanoid creatures came to greet him. These creatures were all very similar to humans. If it weren't for the different breath of life, Gao Feng would have thought he was seeing fellow human beings in the City of Giant Beasts. Among them, the most outstanding ones But it was a woman with black hair reaching her waist, wearing a skirt and long clothes, which made Gao Feng feel as if time and space were confused, because the aura of this woman made his blood tremble slightly.

"Hey, the deer roars, eating the grass in the wild. I have a guest, the virtuous voice of Kong Zhao. He treats the people without any respect, and a gentleman is effective. I have a wine, and the guest is Yan Yiao..."

The strange mental shock, carrying these words, gently came into contact with the spiritual sea, and then quickly retracted like a frightened deer, leaving Gao Feng baffled. Then he was greeted by twelve girls and headed to the center of the banquet room.

"Why do you want to release your spiritual power?"

Because she had not been harmed before, Gao Feng ignored her, but Chanel quit, stepped forward, and blocked the black-haired beauty with a sweet face, graceful bearing, and classic temperament. This caused a commotion, and in the dark While the beauty's face turned pale, a creature with a head that could not be identified as a marmot or a weasel appeared in front of Gao Feng as if teleporting. It was dressed in an exquisite dress and matched with the cunning smile on his face, which looked very much like a chicken. The weasel paying New Year's greetings, especially the two paws that are constantly entangled on the chest, seems to be always ready to reach into other people's pockets.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's because we didn't discipline her well. We will definitely punish her severely and give you an explanation..."

These words made all the girls present change their color, and the brash black-haired woman's legs trembled directly, as if she would kneel down at any time, which made Gao Feng feel very bad, especially the appearance of the species in front of him, which made him feel like he was collaborating. The villain is seen.

"No need, I'll just buy them..."

Throwing an object casually, Gao Feng raised his chin and continued to move forward. He passed by the girls without listening to a step, which made the weasel anxious. Although Gao Feng's status was not bad and the appearance fee was not small, when it came to buying these It seems that women are not enough. After all, the trend caused by the Blood Queen has not dissipated. The worth of humanoid females... "

With all kinds of entanglements, Weasel looked at the thing in his hand. He thought it was only a bone coin at most, but his eyes almost popped out. With the same size, apart from the space folding gem, what else could be worth the price of twelve What about humanoid females?

In a blink of an eye, these females became Gao Feng's slaves. When Gao Feng reached the center of the banquet, the slave trade proved to be in Chanel's hands. Even though she was reluctant, Chanel was not allowed to arrange for these female slaves to follow Gao Feng.

The classical beauty with long hair reaching her waist obviously did not expect that one of her tests would lead to her becoming Gao Feng's slave girl. This made her breathe a sigh of relief. At least she and Gao Feng looked similar in appearance. They were better than a group of connected humanoids. It is much better to be a slave to the strange creature. The only thing that is not beautiful is that Chanel is too domineering. The depth of her eyes is full of contempt and suspicion for her, which makes this smart woman unable to approach the peak.

No matter where the banquet is held, the banquet is the same. Each circle tests, contacts, and is accepted by each other, or establishes a new core, offers benefits to let others participate in one's game, or sees an opportunity and gathers a group of powerful people. Similar comrades, seeking benefits together.

Therefore, the main subject of the banquet is the exchange of interests. As a fifth-round strongman, Gao Feng, although many critics are not optimistic about his future, is already considered a star at this banquet. After all, those who are more powerful may not Would appreciate a circle of this level.

Many living beings invited Gao Feng to join their circle, and there were also many consortiums that were rich but did not have strong foundations and invited Gao Feng to join. Gao Feng just responded with a smile and made no substantial commitment. This was the case, and it also made Gao Feng gain a lot of favor. , after all, not every strong person will be as gentle as Gao Feng, most of them are brutal and impressionistic.

As the situation slowly unfolded, Gao Feng, who originally thought it would be uncomfortable, suddenly discovered that although these strange-looking guys looked dazzling, they were actually not that hypocritical. At least they could always correct themselves when facing strong people. In his mentality, he mostly complimented Gao Feng, which made him feel a little elated. After all, it felt good to be praised.

With the arrival of the host, the banquet became lively, and some famous singers or entertainers also appeared on the stage. Unfortunately, Gao Feng could not appreciate the art of mainstream society in the galaxy. Besides, the creature that looked like a butt made a sound similar to farts. The arias he sang always made him feel weird. It was said that this butt was still a superstar, and the appearance fee alone was as high as thousands of bone coins, which made Gao Feng feel as depressed as a dog. It turned out that he and the butt were the same person. level?

Soon, the master came to Gao Feng, first with some compliments and blessings, and then began to take the initiative to tell the strength and background of the slave consortium, and then made various promises. For a while, Gao Feng could hardly interrupt. It was obvious that the other party was good at speaking. Similarly, this guy's ability to observe people's emotions is also outstanding. When he saw that Gao Feng had no interest in joining, he changed the topic and changed from solicitation to cooperation. With the help of Gao Feng's name, the consortium had some nominal enshrinement. Of course, the benefits Nothing less.

The consortium needs its own name to be too high, and there is no need to object to this, because most powerful people will affiliate with one or several consortiums and charge a fee similar to image endorsement to make their lives more comfortable, not to mention affiliation. These consortia will also provide some exclusive products and information, so it is a win-win situation.

This kind of cooperation is mostly a verbal agreement. As long as Gao Feng nods, there will be an income. Even if the consortium needs Gao Feng's help and there is no benefit, Gao Feng has the right to refuse. No matter how it is calculated, there will be no loss. After Gao Feng thinks about it and nods again and again, a big gift will be given. When it was delivered to Chanel, not only were the space gems given away before returned, but there were even three times the number of rare and rare treasures. They were all treasures that could only be used by the species of destruction and were almost impossible to appear on the market.

By the time the banquet was over, Gao Feng had dozens more contact cards and twenty-four more slaves. These slaves were all gifts from the slave consortium and had various professional skills. At the same time, their own strength was not bad. If they were allowed to go up, When it comes to starships, they are all the most competent captains, at least more professional than Gao Feng's pirates, so Gao Feng feels that he has made a lot of money.

Afterwards, Gao Feng attended several more banquets, met a lot of people, and gained a lot of resources. He felt that he had gained a lot. At the same time, he was also full of resentment towards Ackerman. Through testing, Gao Feng already knew that Ackerman was making money in the cherished materials market. How much he paid, and what the other party gave to him made Gao Feng have the urge to scold his mother, but he couldn't blame him. Who made him like being a homebody?

Just when Gao Feng was waiting for the start of the sixth round of challenges, he received a new notice. Because a large number of strong players were eliminated, the time schedule was changed and extended almost ten times. At the same time, the number of games also changed a lot, and it was no longer intensive. It is a continuous competition, but an arrangement that automatically divides the games according to the requirements of the players. Of course, the five games can also be concentrated into one day. In this way, the loss to the strong will be greater. After all, those who fish in troubled waters will be eliminated. The rest is not simple.

In other words, the original three-day round has become the current eight-day round, and you can freely choose the time period for the challenge. Obviously, it takes the best care of the strong people, but it does not help the peak. He still decided to organize all the games Gather them together to save time.

With thirty days of preparation, Gao Feng no longer stayed at home to enjoy the sunshine and beaches. Instead, he boarded the Moonlight and constantly traveled through space, just like moving, moving back all kinds of wealth from the ancient battlefield, and through the new people he met. Friends, sell a lot of resources.

Through this kind of ant relocation, Gao Feng accumulated a huge amount of wealth, and this wealth turned into various warships with energy shields, new transport ships, rapid repair ships, small auxiliary ships, and ships carrying a large number of industrial robots. Large mothership.

After successive promotions, Gao Feng finally became one of the top strong men in the galaxy, and also had the status of the eighth-class citizen among the nine. Not long after he became an eighth-class citizen, an alliance official who was familiar with him came to congratulate Gao Feng again. At the same time, Gao Feng was given an explanation for the attack on the Moonlight.

Due to the busy schedule of Gaofeng, Phantom has not seen Gaofeng for a long time, so he is full of resentment. Now the exclusive lounge has expanded to hundreds of thousands of square meters, almost the same as a small island. Endless sea water surrounds the living area, and the island is filled with birds and flowers. , various furniture and living facilities are mixed in without any violation, giving people living inside a sense of peace and relaxation close to nature.

Such a dreamlike room could only appear in the interstellar era. If such a room were built on a lunar base, it would be enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. But here, there are less than a hundred people in total, and 99% of them are beautiful. Women are also a dream that men on earth can never hope for.

The universe in the room is extremely abundant, allowing every girl living here to quickly grow in strength without much effort. This is also a benefit for the top 1,000 strong people, but Gaofeng no longer needs it, so it is cheaper. Girl, soon, the strong men of the Silver Heart will be like popcorn in the microwave. The appearance of the connection also made Chanel jealous to the extreme. You must know that she separated from Shampa and suffered a lot in order to be promoted to the Silver Heart. This is still Given her outstanding talent.

Because Gao Feng was absent for a long time, the females also began to divide into several camps. Among them, the first batch of slaves were the most arrogant, but those who joined later were not to be outdone. The last one was a gift given to Gao Feng by the slave consortium. They also because of their strength The strongest, not to be outdone.

When there are more women, there is more right and wrong. This is obviously true. Gao Feng left a lot of top-notch luxury goods in the room. Phantom also turned a large amount of private money into luxury goods for women. As a result, in the war between women, it was actually divided among them. Even Lolita couldn't stop it. As for Chanel, she obviously had the bad taste of sitting back and watching the situation develop, allowing women to fight openly and secretly for various luxury goods.

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