Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1975 Unexpected Disaster

Minnie blinked her big eyes and looked at Gao Feng like you were mentally retarded. At this time, Lila interjected:

"Minnie, you can't say this about the leader. He is now an official citizen of the public star field and has the qualifications to serve as a Galactic Alliance official..."

As soon as these words came out, Minnie, Lily, and Momo covered their mouths at the same time, their hearts almost beating out, and then they all let out ear-piercing screams, leaving Gao Feng baffled. What's the matter? Even the green card granted by the American emperor in the previous life does not seem to make people lose their minds, right?

"Quick, quick, pour the wine, pour the wine, let me slow down..."

Like a little girl, Minnie kept fanning her red cheeks, while Lily and Momo also opened Gao Feng's wine cabinet, and then Momo screamed again:

"Oh my God, the white dew of maple leaves, the tenderness of dreams, and the stamens of young flowers. I'm going crazy. I must be crazy. How is it possible? This is a peerless wine that only has been rumored in the Davin Star District, but not the real thing. One bottle is enough. It’s worth ten Burt-class heavy battleships…”

Momo, who was good at managing supplies, was crazy about Gao Feng's wine cabinet. Then she suddenly remembered something and opened more wine cabinets. Then her whole body went numb. When he roughly tapped all the wine bottles in the living room, he turned around and looked Minnie said:

"Sir, deputy captain, our captain is a rich man. His wine cabinet is worth all the battleships of the pirate group, and it is the kind that just left the factory..."

With a "boom", Minnie fainted immediately. God knows how much she worried about the integrity of the pirate group. If it weren't for Momo's help, it would have been almost impossible to maintain it until now. How many warriors from the legion would have fought for a little energy and Materials died in battle?

"Why is there energy metal as a packaging box? What's inside?"

Lily shook the small box in her hand curiously. Gao Feng was lifting Minnie up, glanced at it, and said nonchalantly:

"Oh, that's a specialty of that star region. It seems to be canned. Eating it can increase the mental power and energy compatibility of the peak of the Galaxy by about ten percent..."

"Boom" Lily also fainted. She had never heard of food that could increase the strength of a peak Silver Heart expert, let alone seen or heard of it. She, who had always longed to become a species of destruction, could not bear this blow.

At this moment, Chanel completed the final cleansing of the pirate group and returned at the same time as the Phantom. At this moment, a confused Manlie also walked out of her room, sniffing around with her little nose as if she was still awake. , a kitten that seems to be looking for food.

"Aurora? How is that possible?"

Minnie exclaimed as soon as she saw Manlie, then shook her head and said: "No, Aurora can't be so young..."

"She..., she is..."

The one who had the biggest reaction to Manlie was Chanel, because she saw that she looked like herself when she was a child, or in other words, similar to the beauty and elegance of a royal family.

"Manlie, why haven't you exercised?"

Seeing Manli'er, Gao Feng's expression was very gentle. With a casual move, Manli'er laughed happily and got into Gao Feng's arms. Then she watched eagerly as Gao Feng opened the energy metal packaged snacks and couldn't wait to put them into his mouth, revealing the quilt. The joy of feeding.

When Manlier finished eating, she shook her head boredly and said:

"I have worked very hard. You see, I have already broken through to the high level of psychic power. It won't be long before I can break through the center of the galaxy. I must be the fastest among my friends to break through the center of the galaxy..."

As she spoke, Manli'er raised her delicate little hand and demonstrated the change of energy for the peak in the palm of her hand. For a moment, it was like a swirling glow, adding a bit of dreamlike beauty to Manli'er's beautiful face.

At the same time, it also dealt a big blow to Minnie, Lily and others. Although their talents were outstanding when they were young, they were still far inferior to Manliel. At least at Manliel's time period, they did not even have psychic powers. Not awakened.

"Master, is she also a bastard?"

Because of the shock in her heart, Chanel spoke without considering the occasion, which made Gao Feng frown, and then he was relieved. After all, Chanel had been known as a bastard for who knows how long, so there was always a deep inferiority complex hidden deep in his heart.

"Oh, oh, my sister is swearing..."

Upon hearing Chanel's words, Manlie shed tears directly and asked Lily, who was very experienced in taking care of her sister, to send the results aside for comfort. At this time, Gao Feng shook his head and said:

"Manli'er is the purest royal family of the Moko tribe. In other words, you should also be a member of the royal family. It's a pity that your identity will not be recognized and you will be hunted down..."

Gao Feng explained the scene where he met Kodo for Chanel. Chanel clenched her fists, and the anger in her heart could not be increased. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said:

"I am not a royal family, and I am not a Moko family. From now on, Chanel will be a human family, the leader's ethnic group..."

After saying this, Chanel looked at Gao Feng eagerly, hoping to be recognized. Gao Feng didn't even hesitate and nodded:

"Humans are a very tolerant race. You will not have any problems being accepted. In fact, the two of them are not from the human race, but are former Sapphire Star people..."

The Phantom remained silent and displayed the majesty of a strong man to the fullest, because they knew that they were following Gao Feng and were far inferior in terms of qualifications. They simply used their own strengths to let other women know that even if they were equally beautiful, , and he will not be replaced.

After receiving Gao Feng's approval, Chanel seemed to have let go of something, and her whole person became much more relaxed. Then Lolita appeared and held a welcome ceremony for everyone present. The venue was the giant restaurant that was transformed into the Moonlight. It can accommodate two thousand people for dining at the same time.

Two thousand pirates at the level of squad leader or above walked into the luxurious restaurant with fear and fear, led by a humanoid female. To reach their own position, these pirates have various races, but they can always find a seat that suits them. Then countless micro-robots flying in the air deliver plates of exquisite and delicious food to the pirates. Almost every race The food was all different, but the only thing that was the same was the energy contained in the food and the excellent taste, making this group of rustics enjoy the most unforgettable meal in their lives.

Gao Feng would not join the lively restaurant below. He only showed up and gave a speech to more than two thousand pirates who looked dizzy. In short, the suffering was over and happiness was about to come. Following him, you will enjoy a better tomorrow. , and then Gao Feng returned to the exclusive restaurant to dine with a group of beauties.

Although the beauties around Gao Feng are from different groups and have different eating habits, Gao Feng's Moonlight is most indispensable for all kinds of top-quality ingredients. Many of them can't even be found in the market in Behemoth City, and two girls are unknown. How did the paper come home? Therefore, the dinner began with the sound of chewing with enjoyment. Except for Gao Feng and the more cunning Phantom, all the beauties buried their heads and ate.

The one who ate the most was none other than Lila, because she had regained her own body. She used to be Minnie's mother's body, and later they were like twin sisters. But now, the more mature Minnie is more like her mother. .

Lila has not eaten food since she followed Gao Feng. This time she seems to be preparing to make up for the food she has lacked for hundreds of years. At the same time, she has decided not to appear in the soul state again. In addition to being regarded by Gao Feng as the mastermind of the spacecraft, it seems that she It doesn't have much effect, but Phantom can accompany Gao Feng every day.

Chanel was the first to stop, and she paid more attention to Manlie. However, this little loli who liked to stick to her peak was very cold towards her, just because Chanel said the wrong thing when they met. As for Lily, , there is obviously a big difference. When getting along with Gao Feng, there seems to be a lot of estrangement. Only Momo is still heartless, and Gao Feng remains the same.

After the dinner, Gao Feng began to reorganize the pirate group and used a large amount of wealth and resources to allow the pirates to confidently choose whether to continue to follow Gao Feng or take the money and leave. After all, this is not the same as before. There are no external threats and supplies. It’s not that lacking, and in the outer star realm, you can take the wealth you need to live without worries for a lifetime and find a place to enjoy the rest of your life. Whether it’s becoming the owner of a manor or finding a few beauties of the same race to create a human being, it doesn’t matter whether you reach the peak or not. .

The scene was a bit dull for a moment. Minnie wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say. Anyway, she was very anxious, because everyone left, and the team also dispersed. These were elites who had gone through countless battles, and they were let go in vain. Some of them were pity.

After all, not everyone is willing to wander in the starry sky. The first pirate stood up, silently picked up his share of wealth, turned and walked aside. Gao Feng just smiled and nodded, without any discomfort. This change caused a stir. There was a sensational response. Ten, dozens, and hundreds of pirates stepped forward one after another. They could not see the scenery further away. Only the wealth in front of them was so real.

When the thousandth pirate decided to pick up their belongings, Minnie couldn't stand it any longer and got up and left angrily. Gao Feng remained silent about this, quietly watching more pirates come forward, perhaps because the law does not punish the public. , perhaps because of Gao Feng's consistent reputation, one-half of the pirates decided to leave the pirate group and start a new life.

In the end, there were less than 40,000 pirates left, and most of these 40,000 pirates were below the center of the Galaxy and could not walk in the starry sky. However, no one from the Martial God Group or the Scarlet Group left. They already had their own history of war. and pride, disdainful of hiding in a hole and eking out an existence like a prairie dog.

Although she was angry with Gao Feng, Minnie still showed up for the final reorganization. Seeing the 40,000 crooked melons and dates, she felt like crying without tears. It seemed that except for the two legions, at least most of the Silver Heart warriors had left. , making the fleet's starry sky raiding ability extremely lacking. At this moment, Gao Feng clung to the sky, looking at the densely packed and boundless pirates below like a god.

"The lives you choose to stay are far more loyal than those who choose to leave. I will never be stingy with rewards for loyal subordinates. You will receive double the wealth to stay in the fleet and continue to serve..."

The first sentence made the panic-stricken pirates burst into deafening cheers, and their originally depressed morale was instantly filled. Only Momo frowned and counted with her fingers whether the fleet's remaining wealth was enough to fulfill Gao Feng's verbal reward.

"Second, every life left in the fleet can become a Silver Heart Warrior, and the Silver Heart Warrior will become the pinnacle of power. I hereby promise everyone..."

The cheers disappeared instantly, and almost all the pirates looked at Gao Feng with strange eyes. Even the Moko royal family did not dare to say this. This is a large amount of resources that needs to be completed by the super race of the entire star field.

"Now, soul awakeners go to the Logistics Office level to receive breakthrough potions. These potions are the latest star-walking potions of the Galaxy Alliance, suitable for more than 99% of the races in the galaxy..."

Upon hearing this, Momo suddenly became anxious. There was medicine in the logistics department. She was about to grab Gao Feng and question her, but a small hand covered her mouth. It was Lolita.

"Idiot, you are the logistics department, and I am the logistics department. Now is the time for adults to establish their authority. What are you doing up there..."

Lolita slapped her chest, and while the waves were surging, she told Momo with lingering fear. Moonlight sold a large amount of star chromium and imitation spirit-gathering vines in the Monster City, gained a lot of wealth, and then was bought by Gao Feng in large quantities similar to Moko. The breakthrough potions of divine blood, although these potions are not as miraculous as Moko's divine blood, they can make creatures become star walkers in the shortest time, but they do not require the consumption of the world's origin. Even though they are super expensive, Gaofeng has a reserve of 100,000 quantities.

"Third, I will open up a new cultivation method, giving each Silver Heart Peak a chance to break through and become a species of destruction, but this requires talent and luck, and at the same time, it must be guaranteed not to be leaked, so only absolutely loyal members can Opportunity to learn….”

By this time, the pirates were used to it, and the money could be seen. As for the remaining two items, if no one had experienced them personally, even if they were beaten to death, they would not believe them. However, what if they were true? So every pirate is torn between doubt and desire.

Subsequently, tens of thousands of pirates received settlement fees and so-called strong potions, and then used them under guidance. However, the vast majority of pirates have not had much effect yet due to their own accumulated problems, improving their original strength and rank. , and many pirates who were originally stuck at the peak of spiritual awakening broke through and instantly became Silver Heart Warriors, arousing the expectations of countless pirates.

Without Gao Feng's identity certificate, it is almost impossible for pirates to reach the public star field. The Galactic Alliance operates the public star field like an iron barrel. It is impossible for any force to pass through the defense lines of the public star field without being audited, unless it can be carried out. Space jump consumes too much energy and cannot be afforded by just anyone. Compared with the Galaxy Alliance, reaching the public star area through space jump is proof of its strength, and it is naturally willing to welcome them.

The Moonlight took Gao Feng back to the public star field first, and at the same time took away Lily, Momo, and his bodyguards. After so many years of fighting, the number of the bodyguards was greatly reduced, with only less than fifty people left. They were all females, and it had nothing to do with Gao Feng's bad taste, but all the males had died in the battle, so Gao Feng decided to take them with him to become the starry sky commando of the Moonlight, lest a battle break out and the Destroyers would have to be dispatched.

Monster City has not changed in any way because of the departure of the peak. It is still at the end of the celebration. As a new round of challenge is about to begin, the contestants begin their final carnival. No one knows whether they can survive the next one. round challenge.

It was at this time that the Moonlight appeared in the public star field, exactly at the location where it had jumped before. But just as the Moonlight appeared, dozens of huge beams of light poured towards the Moonlight, instantly engulfing the Moonlight. Caught in the energy tide, somersaulting through the stars.

This attack was obviously beyond Lila's expectations. Under such circumstances, no matter how high-level the spaceship is, it is impossible to quickly prepare a protective cover after a space jump, and no one will be so bored that it will not be possible to fly to a spaceship that has just made a space jump. The spacecraft launches an attack unless the enemy has been guarding this space coordinate and is ready to attack at any time.

Fortunately, before going out, the Moonlight received a large amount of high-quality materials for modification. Otherwise, even if the hull is made of energy metal, it will be shattered immediately. Maybe the starry sky warriors can survive, but others will undoubtedly die, so The peak instantly appeared outside the ship, and then a dark beast thousands of meters long condensed.

This is the first time that Gao Feng has released the dark behemoth after restoring its own energy. Compared with before, the dark behemoth has been improved by leaps and bounds. Both in terms of size and material, it is the pinnacle, so the starry sky behemoth In the first moment, it swallowed up all the light cannons that came after the attack, not even letting one go.

Although the giant beast protected Gao Feng and the rolling Moonlight, it could not block Gao Feng's eyes. He had already discovered the incoming enemy, the unknown enemy who officially attacked Manlier that day. These guys were obviously angry because of Gao Feng's arrogance. What was even more surprising was that However, in order to avenge an arrow, he actually stayed at the place where the Moonlight jumped. This was almost equivalent to waiting for the enemy.

Now that the enemy has been discovered, there is nothing to say. Even if he encounters the Alliance's defense fleet, he can prove his innocence through the Moonlight's attack record. Therefore, Gao Feng struggled to pull out a door panel sword from his space belt. , and then swung out violently, the sword turned his whole body into a whirlwind, spinning in the starry sky. The next moment, countless space cracks cut into the incoming fleet like rain.

The incoming fleet has already prepared an attack formation. There are about 900 Silver Heart warriors standing ready. As long as there is a cry of cold summer, they will attack like a tide. Before they launch the attack, the neat formation will change. Countless Silver Heart warriors will The sudden disconnection of a part of the body almost made the surrounding companions' eyes pop out, but then more Silver Heart warriors were split into two by invisible space cracks.

After the Silver Heart warriors were slaughtered, the fleet in the starry sky also gradually changed. Ship hulls of tens or hundreds of meters were slowly breaking away from the battleships. There was no flash or explosion, and they were quietly split into countless pieces. pieces, during this process, no life capsule was launched. Obviously, until the ship disintegrated, the other party did not notice the danger.

The starry sky was in a mess, with countless corpses and wreckage floating in the starry sky. Not long after, three or two warships with ferocious appearance and numerous gun muzzles jumped to this battlefield one after another. The only warships that could directly make space jumps regardless of energy were The alliance's direct fleet, after they arrived, issued a question to the Moonlight. As the Moonlight transmitted Gaofeng's citizen verification code and attack records, they signaled the Moonlight to leave, and the battleship released various equipment and starry sky experts. They actually salvaged various wreckage and searched for the information database of the ship's mastermind.

Gao Feng returned to the Moonlight in a depressed manner, not knowing about the salvage operation of the alliance's direct fleet, or in his mind, all the police were on the scene at the same time, and it was useless to maintain the superficial things at most.

The first thing I did when I returned to the City of Behemoths aboard the severely damaged Moonlight was to throw down terrifying resources and bone coins, and use the alliance's top engineers to renovate the Moonlight, at least to achieve the ultimate in defense. In the past, it was because it was almost enough. After all, Gao Feng could also protect the Moonlight with Death Sigh, but this time Gao Feng was reminded that any accident could happen. Once, it was good luck, so he did not attack the Moonlight in the first place. Explosion, what if the next time it happens to hit the engine of the Moonlight?

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