Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1962 Intelligence

Gao Feng was not happy, and his momentum suddenly expanded tenfold, turning into huge pressure. At the same time, it permeated the entire hall, making every strong man have the urge to kneel down.

"Sir, please calm down, we refused the first time..."

The hippopotamus-like creature hurriedly tried to persuade him, but his ears were twisted into a spiral shape, which is a sign of nervousness.

"Why does he want Phantom Wushuang?"

Although Hippo did not agree, Gao Feng still wanted to understand, and at the same time, the anger in his heart became substantial.

"Because Phantom Wushuang is likely to be from the Blood Queen's clan, and he said he wanted to lure the Blood Queen out..."

"Take me to her..."

Gao Feng has no nonsense. Since he can't speak properly, let's see who has the bigger fist. Two hundred heroes from that tribe and my enemy? Is it strong?

The titled strongman known as the King of Dawn had an indescribable pomp. Where he met the peak, tens of thousands of creatures wearing golden armor lined up in an imposing manner, like the army of the Sun God. And these The armored warriors were all from the peak of the Silver Heart. Whether it was the armor on their bodies or the weapons in their hands, they were all standard and exclusive weapons. Compared with the blood of the God of War once at the peak, they simply didn't know how luxurious they were.

The moment he saw these warriors, Gao Feng began to become cautious, because the position of these warriors was very particular. Once they launched an attack, they would form an endless wave of attacks. At the same time, they could change formations at any time. In other words, they could The power of the entire queue is maximized, and at the same time, it can better protect itself. Even if it encounters hundreds of thousands of powerful people with a silver heart, it can still advance and retreat with sufficient strength. If it finds the opponent's flaw, it can even win with one blow.

"The mother clan of the titled strong man is the challenger of this group. They easily defeated their opponents and established the future strength of the clan. Therefore, many established clans have formed alliances with them..."

Seeing tens of thousands of Silver Heart Peaks, the leaders of the underground forces began to be afraid. Although the powerful dragons did not suppress the local snakes, a rising and powerful star field was the target of countless forces. Even the underground forces in Behemoth City were not enough. , if someone destroys them, they can pat their butts and leave, but if they are destroyed, they will be in trouble themselves.

"Where's the stuff?"

A majestic and long word came from the depths of the void space, causing many underground powerhouses to feel suffocating panic. For a while, no one dared to speak.

"Pretend to be a ghost..."

Gao Feng cursed secretly, and moved his mental knife upstream, thinking about the location of the opponent's aura. The next moment, he heard a roar, and the darkness of the starry sky was torn apart, and a ten-meter-tall guy with the same resplendent appearance appeared. He is even more slutty than the Chaos God King. The Chaos God King only has golden skin and behaves more proudly. But this guy completely hides himself in the dazzling light, as if he has transformed into a star, and even stars are not like him. Dazzling now.

"Who is it, who is offending my majesty..."

Thunder-like roars echoed in the space, creating countless cracks. Tens of thousands of golden-armored warriors knelt down to the titled strong man at the same time, responding to the strong man's anger with silent silence. Even many underground strong men knelt down. Even those who could persist in not kneeling had their internal organs or bones shattered, so they pinned all their hopes on Gao Feng.

"Idiot, you don't even know who the attacker is. Is this the level of a powerful person with a title?"

Gao Feng mocked at the side, and the unspeakable viciousness in his words suddenly aroused even greater anger. In the roar, the titled strong man pointed his finger at Gao Feng, and then tens of thousands of golden armored warriors roared at the same time, and the weapons in their hands were instantly charged. , tens of thousands of energy actually condensed into one, turned into a spear that pierced the starry sky, thrust towards the peak, and at the same time enveloped all the underground powerhouses.

The combined attack of tens of thousands of Silver Heart Peak's exclusive weapons was even more powerful than the combined attack of several Destruction Species. At the moment when the energy was gathered, the coldness of death descended on the underground strong men. When that terrifying energy spear hit them When he was stabbed, the only thing the underground strong men could do was to close their eyes and wait for death. Only a few leaders fled in a blink of an eye. It seemed that they had no intention of looking back.

At this time, a dark giant beast suddenly appeared. It was a thousand meters tall and stood in front of the huge spear. It just matched the size of the giant spear. It raised its huge claws and slapped the tip of the spear hard. On top of that, he actually faced off with the energy of tens of thousands of powerful men with silver hearts.

This was the first time Gao Feng used his death sigh to condense a complete dark behemoth. The behemoth had thirteen long and short horns, black wings like a western dragon, two hind legs and four giant claws. Although all the creatures present They have never seen a similar giant beast, but they have to admit that just the condensed shadow can make the soul start to feel frightened.


Tens of thousands of golden-armored warriors cooperated seamlessly and roared at the same time. At the moment when the golden spear disappeared, the exclusive energy condensed into a huge light group, suspended above their heads, and then there were thousands of light arrows, an endless stream. Shooting at the giant beast, these light arrows contain terrifying energy and lethality. Even if the peak of the silver heart is hit, it will die tragically instantly.

Thousands of light arrows almost turned the giant beast into a hedgehog. The giant beast raised its neck and head and let out a silent howl. This also made the underground strongmen who survived the disaster change their expressions. They thought that the dark giant beast could no longer hold on. , only the corner of Gao Feng's mouth curved with joy.

I don’t know if the golden armored warrior has a brain cramp or something, but he doesn’t understand basic physics. The smaller the force-bearing area, the greater the pressure, which is converted into an attack. The more concentrated the energy, the greater the damage. Even concentrated attacks cannot hurt him. Dark behemoth, can you just disperse the attack? You must know that the characteristic of the dark behemoth is to swallow energy. Relatively speaking, the more concentrated energy is, the harder it is to swallow, and the more dispersed energy, the easier it is to digest.

The titled strong man never moved, staring at Gaofeng. Gaofeng also looked at the titled strong man mockingly. Tens of thousands of golden-armored warriors tried their best to activate their energy, forming an endless stream of golden arrows, shooting towards them. The giant beast shot, and the giant beast's movements became more and more intense. It seemed like it was struggling to death, but they could not find that the giant beast condensed from the originally invisible black matter was transforming into a physical form, and its ethereal body On the body, tiny scales are being formed, and in the body under the scales, even the bones are forming, and they are no longer as empty as before.


The titled strong man saw the problem and suddenly roared, stopping tens of thousands of endless golden armored warriors. But the next moment, the black giant beast suddenly burst out with a soul-shaking roar. Finally, the transformation was completed, and its huge body quickly shrunk three times. , only a body of less than three hundred meters is left, as low and crystal clear as black crystal.

Then the black crystal-like giant beast instantly rushed in front of the huge light ball condensed by the golden armored warriors and swallowed it in one bite. This was a ridiculous visual difference. The energy ball was several times larger than the dark giant beast. But he ate it like glutinous rice balls, feeling as if he had seen a ghost.

"Compensate and then retreat..."

After the titled strong man roared, he did not make any extra moves. Instead, he stared at Gao Feng and never glanced at the dark beast. Even though the dark beast was within his reach, the sarcasm at the corner of Gao Feng's mouth gradually It is not easy to disappear and become a super strong person.

"There is no compensation. You were the first to offend..."

Gao Feng snorted coldly, and the dark giant beast suddenly extended its thousand-meter-long wings and let out a soul-shaking spiritual roar. Then countless energy turned into light balls, which floated from tens of thousands of golden armored warriors, and shot toward the dark giant in an endless stream. The beasts gathered together, and with just a few breaths, the texture of the dark beast became more crystal clear.

Tens of thousands of golden-armored warriors who had been drained of energy sat on the floor one after another. They could no longer support the weight of their armor. At this time, the titled strong man was unexpectedly silent. After a while, he nodded and said:

"I look forward to meeting you at the Challenge..."

The previous talk of compensation was a test of Gao Feng. If Gao Feng really retreated, he would have to leave something behind. But when Gao Feng was fearless and even slapped him in the face, the title-blocked strong man became more kind. As mentioned before, no super strong person is simple. Facing opponents who may be of the same level, no matter how cautious he is, he is the hope of the tribe, even more so. What's more, the challenge is about to begin, and he must use Fight in the most perfect condition. If you are injured in advance, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Tell me the information about the Blood Queen, and then we'll stop here..."

Gao Feng looked at the titled strong man without fear, without any aura leaking from his body. But just like this, it made the titled strong man even more uncertain to pay attention. If Gao Feng was weaker than himself, no matter how hard he hid it, he would still be able to find some traces. Now there is no trace at all, whether it is the means or the strength is superior to him, it is not simple.

"It is rumored outside that I defeated the Blood Queen. In fact, it was a tie. I was not injured and she did not achieve her goal..."

The title-banned powerhouse finally told the actual situation in front of everyone, and no one dared to leak the details. This meant offending two powerhouses, him and Gao Feng.

"What's her purpose?"

"What other purpose does the Blood Queen have? Kill the creatures she encounters, tear apart the fleets she encounters, and in short destroy everything. I led the tribe to participate in the Starry Sky Challenge, and I happened to meet her..."

As the title expert described, Gao Feng frowned. Hong Sha's situation seemed to be getting worse and worse. He had completely evolved into a mad dog, biting anyone he saw. If it had been before, Gao Feng would have thought that someone would be retaliated for provoking Hong Sha. , but now, the reputation of the Blood Queen has gradually spread. Many strong men will be extremely cautious when they see a female in red clothes and cannot take the initiative to attack. This can only mean that Hongsha's sanity has completely disappeared.

After getting the reward he wanted, Gao Feng returned to the place where the Phantom retreated. His mood became extremely bad, so he tortured the two beauties crazily, making them as tired as dead dogs, and tortured their spirits to death. , just when the two women were discussing whether to harm themselves and avoid the subsequent training, all training suddenly stopped, and then countless treasures for cultivating spiritual power were roughly poured into their mouths, like blowing up balloons, making their spiritual sea It has been expanded to the extreme. Even so, Gao Feng is still instilling in him, directly teaching him the dilemma of life and death.

Mei'er and Ying'er, with tears in their eyes, sat obediently in front of Gao Feng. They only needed Gao Feng's glance to make them tremble, obviously they were extremely afraid of Gao Feng.

Two strange spheres are placed in front of the two women. They are the origin of the world that Gao Feng obtained from the underground world. Any civilization that obtains these can cultivate a large number of silver-core warriors. If they are willing, they can directly supplement them to the mothers. The world origin of the star will effectively change the nature of the tribe and evolve in a higher direction.

At this time, Gao Feng placed these two world origins that seemed to contain the entire starry sky in front of the two women, just to make them become catastrophic powerhouses. If given the choice, Gao Feng would rather bring them back to the earth, but now, only the Phantom can get his The true inheritance and experience, the soul strength is unmatched at the same level, they are the top among the top, even some species of destruction are not as good as them.

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