Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1956 The Unparalleled Beginning

With the mentality of a working girl making money, Phantom walked into the dark corridor. Through the long corridor, they came to a huge arched space. The soul-shaking music rhythm erupted in the space. Countless creatures were twisting on the dance floor, and the sky was full of Starlight was flying on the dance floor, as if the starry sky was also twisting with the music. In the center of the dance floor, a feast of blood was unfolding. A girl who looked like a human was being lifted up by four strong creatures, with a mysterious fake The host above was cheering loudly:

"The main theme of tonight is the feast of blood. We are going to taste the purest and most beautiful blood of the Destroyer, the Blood Queen..."

While speaking, the host used sharp nails to slit the throat of the humanoid girl. The next moment, countless crazily twisting creatures let out hysterical roars, and then the stars in the sky began to spray blood, pouring it like rain on many people. On the heads of the creatures, they raised their heads, stretched out their tongues to catch the blood flowing from the sky, showing expressions of satisfaction. Just above the sand-blasted blood stars, a figure as red as blood was tearing a fleet into pieces. , it is the video of Hongsha.

The Phantom's face instantly turned as pale as snow, and they wanted to exit this place immediately. Even if they didn't have any experience, they knew it was bad. The party held here obviously used the humanoid girl as a substitute for the Blood Queen, and used blood to rape them against the Blood Queen. The desire to conquer, and the phantom is the raw material that was deceived.

"Two blood queens, where do you want to go? Did you see it? There are so many lives waiting to be torn apart by you, why don't you go to this joyful feast..."

The Silver Heart Seal also had a hypocritical face in private, looking at the two hotties with a fierce look. At this moment, he let out a sharp roar. Countless creatures saw the two phantom sisters hugging each other, and immediately let out all kinds of cruel and strange sounds. Yelling, surrounding them like demons in the center of the dance floor, the masked host also floated up in the strange yelling, flew to the top of the Phantom sisters' heads, and roared excitedly:

"Oh! The two blood queens, although they are blue, there is no guarantee that they are not disguised as blood queens. Do you want to watch the skinning game? We will get the most complete skin. Such smooth and delicate skin will be the final auction Taste……."

The loud music and noise hid the ear-piercing screams, and the terrifying screams triggered more cheers, but then the cheers turned into screams. Two Sapphire Star hotties were floating in the air, holding hands. Holding hands, in front of them, a dark monster scale slowly rotated, and countless fine sawtooths flew in the air, instantly turning the entire arched hall into a devil's triangle of death trap. When everything ended, they closed their doors due to extreme fear. The upper-eyed Phantom opened his eyes again, but was surprised to find that everything around him no longer existed, leaving only the original color of metal on the walls and floor, and only a thin layer of the terrifyingly strong superalloy walls remained, just like paper. It was covered with scratch marks from sharp claws.

"They are all gone. Let's leave quickly. It's too dangerous outside..."

The timid Ying'er didn't care what happened just now and just wanted to leave quickly, but Mei'er looked at the hole cut out in a corner. The hole vaguely reflected the fluctuations of energy metal, and she immediately used her telekinesis to remove it. When she was photographed in front of her, her eyes suddenly turned silver. Hundreds of mithril coins and more than a dozen crystal bone coins made her feel elated.

No one knows what happened in the underground gold-selling cave, and no one knows that behind the two Sapphire Star hotties who carried a lot of wealth, hundreds of lives quietly evaporated, and more than half of them were strong men with a silver heart. If they were in other places, The star area will inevitably cause turbulent waves, but here, even the waves cannot stir up. Every day, hundreds of thousands of galactic centers arrive, and at the same time, hundreds of thousands of galactic centers leave...

Ying'er was worried, but Mei'er was bold. After getting a lot of money and things, she pulled Ying'er to buy all the clothes that she could only look at but couldn't buy, and then a lot of top-grade cosmetics. , various handbags, shoes, jewelry, pendants I don’t know their purpose but I have seen on other women, and countless other things I have never seen before but find them interesting.

The two girls who had been influenced by Gao Feng actually gave the owner of the shop terrible thoughts when they spent money, just like two saber-toothed tigers that broke into the flock of sheep and completely wiped out everything with terrifying greed.

After countless items were delivered to the yacht, Mei'er discovered that this astonishing wealth had been completely consumed, leaving only the last few low-grade energy metal coins. At this time, a strange thought came to her mind, and she secretly said to Ying'er said:

"Ying'er, do you like the feeling of shopping?"

Ying'er nodded without doubting her presence, and then Mei'er said again:

“But what should I do if I don’t have money?”

"Yes, what should we do? The master is not here..."

"Ying'er, why do you say that? We are powerful people with a silver heart. We cannot rely on our master to support us like before. Our goal should be to feed our master..."

Upon hearing this, Ying'er's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, the master is so lazy and likes the top luxury goods. He will definitely be very poor..."

At this time, Meier's little tail was completely exposed:

"We will continue shopping tomorrow but don't buy anything, and then someone will take us to make money..."

"No, it's too scary..."

Ying'er was so frightened that her face turned pale, but Mei'er said:

"As long as we join forces and activate the treasures left by the master, we will be the new Blood Queen..."

Gao Feng didn't know that the Blood Queen was becoming a trend in public areas, which also led to an increase in the value of humanoid female creatures. Countless rich people wanted to get creatures similar to the Blood Queen as collectibles, which affected even the most worthless creatures in the Moko tribe. Eldar beauties have become much more in demand, and a new trick for many Eldar men is to dye their hair red and then wear red evening gowns to role-play.

Perhaps because of their admiration for the Blood Queen, the Sapphire Star girls also imitated the Blood Queen, wearing tight red leg-length skirts, light blue skin, and red skirts, which instantly turned them into hot beauties. , and also become the best prey for countless slave traders who collect precious species.

For a time, the underground world of Behemoth City was full of blood, and countless lives evaporated quietly. The sharp tooth trap was perfect for destroying corpses and eliminating traces, so no one noticed the Phantom's evil behavior. At the same time, two more flowers appeared in the bustling market of Behemoth City. With money flowing freely, they like to buy all kinds of top-notch luxury goods, especially master-quality cigars handed down from generation to generation, unique wines that can be regarded as antiques, super ingredients that can trigger a storm of taste, and all kinds of weird things. , so it is affectionately called Super Blue Fumei by merchants.

If it were normal times, Phantom would not be able to find so many underground forces. The problem is that there is a new round of great expansion. Countless strong people are gathering here from the entire galaxy every moment. These strong people may dominate the local area, but when When they arrived at Behemoth City, they realized how poor they were. Some people habitually robbed others, but they were immediately captured by the guards of Behemoth City. When these bumpkins discovered that the captain of the guard of Behemoth City turned out to be a species of destruction, all of them All the unwillingness turned into fear.

But in order to eat, to get the equipment they wanted, and to get a rare beauty, the bumpkins also worked hard. They tried every means to walk in the darkness and used all possible means to make money. Most of their goals were just now. The group of people who came to Monster City used various traps to kill people and seize wealth, and then began to expand further, collecting humanoid women for the dignitaries of Monster City, and then tragically met the Phantom. After that, there was no more.

For a time, terrifying legends circulated in the underground world. The unparalleled female bandit was walking on remote streets, waiting for someone to come to her door to devour her. There was no trace of her body wherever she passed, and nothing was left behind. Therefore, she was called the unparalleled female bandit. Taking the nickname Phantom, together they are Phantom Wushuang.

Waiting for the Starry Sky Challenge is a long time. It takes a lot of time for all races to mobilize strong people from all over the galaxy, especially since many places are not connected to the interstellar highway, so it will naturally take longer, so Gao Feng has enough time to hone his mental power, and Duan Ya also seemed to know that his behavior of eating and drinking for free was indeed unethical, so he gradually became cooperative and gradually strengthened the sharpness attribute according to the highest intensity that Gao Feng could bear. In this way, Gao Feng's progress became much faster. Until he completely hit the bottleneck.

Regrettably, he threw the long sword into the sea of ​​wine. Watching the long sword swim in the ocean filled with wine, Gao Feng felt disappointed in his heart. Only a sliver of mental power would have transformed. By then, the mental power itself would be a sharp blade. , It's a pity that just using the long sword to practice is always missing a lot of life and death experience. Just like in the Devil's Triangle, if it weren't for the death threat brought by the sharp tooth trap, it would be impossible for Gao Feng to find a new path.

After sitting quietly for a long time, Gao Feng felt that his body was stiff. He slowly stood up and moved his limbs. Only then did Gao Feng remember that there seemed to be a Starry Sky Challenge waiting for him. He just didn't understand why Emile didn't notify him?

Recalling the long sword and carrying it behind his back, Gao Feng suddenly missed Lila, the closest person here. The long period of no contact made Gao Feng feel a little guilty. After all, she had always followed him, whether it was the Devil's Triangle or the public star field.

After walking out of the closed door, Gao Feng found that no one was on duty here, so he walked out. Not long after, he heard vague voices coming from the distance, but it was Emile and Kodo:

"I don't agree. The majesty of the strong does not allow for challenges. This is what I said to him, and also to myself. You can't do this..."

"He has never made a move. We don't know if his strength is as powerful as he thinks. Lord Cormier is a strong man who can fight the Blood Queen one-on-one and survive. If you have the opportunity to recruit, why not recruit... "

This was Azig's voice. Hearing this voice, Gao Feng felt disgusted, and then Emile said:

"It's just a temporary loan. That one has never had a relationship with them and is just used as a decoration. When a large number of humanoid females flood into the market, we will buy better ones to compensate him..."


A cough interrupted Emile's words. He looked up and saw Gao Feng's cold eyes. His heart tightened slightly. Then he heard Gao Feng:

"I feel like you want to give my things to others?"

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