Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Ages of the End of the World Text 1947 First Arrival at Munger

After nearly two hundred years of evolution, the Sirila sector has formed its own rules. The so-called star pirate groups are actually small or micro independent kingdoms. They use their own resources or force to maintain their rule and interests, and at the same time also Due to various contradictions and ambitions, mutual annexation or fighting, small star thief groups are annexed every day, and small star thief groups split into more micro star thief groups every day.

In the Xilila star region where various forces are intricate, there are also spokespersons for the six major star regions. It has nothing to do with anything else, but the location of Xirila is so good. It has the transportation arteries connecting the six major star regions. Since it cannot be recovered, then To ensure their respective interests as much as possible, interstellar transportation has become the star industry of the Sirila Star Region.

Star thieves know how to rob, but they also know how to escort, so robbery and counter-robbery have become repeated stories in the starry sky, allowing some big shots with great eyes and hands to have the opportunity to leave the Sirila star sector and go out to have fun. , of course, is limited to consumption, and few people successfully stay outside. After all, the Moko tribe also needs to maintain social stability.

So Gao Feng became a big shot. He took his little pet with him and boarded the interstellar transport ship. In the best room, he admired the magnificent starry sky while playing with the little pet and followed the fleet into the Munger sector. , passed through the war fortress without any danger and failed to cope with the inspection, and finally became a distinguished guest of the expedition fleet, an interstellar strongman who was curious about the origin of mankind.

It is said to be an expedition fleet, but it is actually just an expedition team composed of hundreds of large and small ships. The battleships are all the lowest-level battleships. There are not even Burt-class heavy battleships. The larger ones are mostly transport ships. The third-level fleets are all The reason why I can be so arrogant about them is because the members of the expedition team are all unpopular and unpopular guys.

Their main task is to patrol the edge star areas of the Moko tribe. Most of the time, they search for precious mineral veins in the wild star areas. Because the distance is too far, a round trip takes almost ten thousand years, and the mortality rate is high. No less, and extremely lacking in entertainment and supplies, the Moko people laughed at him and called him an interstellar tramp.

This so-called long-distance fleet can be easily associated with slave owners like gorillas. Even the goods transported are sent to the Sirila star sector for sale even thousands of light years away. The only thing that is not beautiful is that these goods The value is too low. Many people died just after they were thawed from the freezer. No one wanted them as gifts. Even if they were taken to the slaughterhouse, they were rejected because they had no energy.

The problem is, apart from the humans who transport it, the voyage fleet can't produce anything good. Although there are some rare ores, they have to be turned in as tribute. Otherwise, they may not even be able to receive wages. Therefore, Gao Feng has become a rich man and is subject to the entire fleet. Welcome.

The commander of the fleet, an almost old Silver Core junior powerhouse, came to greet Feng Feng in person. He was surprised when he saw Feng Feng's appearance. Fortunately, he knew about the earth and knew that there were very few people who were as tall as Mount Feng. The Ke clan's population, not to mention the dangerous aura on Gao Feng, made even him feel suffocated.

After a while of politeness, the commander led Gao Feng to the distinguished guest room. Although he tried his best to decorate it, he still couldn't hide his shabby temperament. As for the wine served to the guests, it turned out to be rough and low-quality wine, which left Gao Feng speechless. This thing has a history of thousands of years, right?

Athena has never been quiet at this time. If you observe carefully, you will find that she is filled with fear from head to toe. This shows how much psychological shadow the voyage fleet has brought to her.

"I am a traveler in the front star field, pursuing the legend of the Behemoth Empire and looking for various clues..."

After the two sat down, Gao Feng began to set up the dragon gate array, from the so-called front star field to the central galaxy, and then to the empire of beasts. In short, he packaged himself as a well-informed super strong man who had seen countless races and miracles. The commander who had been running long-distance transportation was stunned for a while, and Gao Feng kept taking out various fine wines, elf fruits, magic mist grass cigars, and rare external star domain luxuries for the commander to taste. It also dispelled his last doubts and completely confirmed that Gao Feng was a descendant of a wealthy family in the so-called front star region.

"I have seen more than 200,000 different types of races, and there are many similar to me, but this is the first time I have found one that is completely similar. I am very curious about this, what kind of environment and geography can be separated by tens of thousands of light years , the same life form appears..."

After chatting for a while, Gao Feng brought the topic to human beings without any fuss, just like a normal curiosity. The commander, who had been completely consumed by wine and cigars, said without any concealment;

"Actually, this is the first time I have seen this fragile species. Their civilization is very primitive. They have just left the stone tools and have not officially entered elementary civilization. However, they are very aggressive and like to kill each other. Their lifespan is extremely short. Maybe it is It is because of the short life that he becomes barbaric and cruel..."

As the commander narrated, Athena, who had learned the galactic lingua franca, could not help but clenched her fists, but she did not dare to interrupt, and recalled in her heart all the things that had happened in the past, thinking of the blood that was everywhere when she was young, that The huge wooden horse that only destroyed the entire city-state, and her mother who was taken away, couldn't help but hang her head in despair.

"When we were preparing to leave, we played the role of gods and guided those guys to start a huge war, and the reason for their war was actually for an ugly female..."


The commander said he was very happy, so happy that he got carried away, and what Gao Feng couldn't tolerate the most was that other races challenged his aesthetic sense.

Feeling Gao Feng's anger, the commander trembled in fright, quickly shook his head and said:

"Wrong, I remembered it wrong. That woman is the most attractive female, right..."

Having said this, the commander suddenly pointed at Athena, causing her to tremble in fright:

"She is the offspring of that female, and that female is called Helen..."


The peak was suddenly Spartan. According to the historical time period and the return schedule of the voyage fleet, isn't it the Trojan War? The survivor of the Trojan Horse Massacre is actually right in front of him, and that peerless beauty actually has a daughter who is now his little slave girl?

"Since that planet has a group similar to mine, it should be of research value. Are you willing to sell that planet?"

Gao Feng pretended to be interested in human beings and then proposed the idea of ​​buying the earth. Of course, he never expected to buy the earth that produced the origin of the world, just to learn more information.

"I don't know about this. Although the place is very desolate, the Protoss never said they would give up. In addition, there seems to be a secret research base. I am not even qualified to know the specific situation. I am just an errand boy. Level not enough……."

The commander obviously really didn't know. He didn't even enter the moon base. It can be seen from this that how tightly the Moko tribe has blocked the information about the origin of the world? In fact, Gao Feng has never heard of the legend about the origin of the world in the three star regions. Even on the planet where the Moko tribe lives, there is no origin of the world because they are used to making souls into crystal boxes or soul gems.

"Do you sell the star map leading there?"

Gao Feng revealed his second true intention. The unscrupulous commander rolled his eyes twice, then nodded:

"Actually, it's nothing. There are almost no planets suitable for life along the way, and the minerals are also very poor. In the entire star field, there may not be a rich area in the development area..."

While speaking, Gao Feng stared at Gao Feng without blinking. Obviously, the cigars and drinks on the table were not enough to pay for the information. At this time, Gao Feng took out a meteorite like a cross star, which immediately dropped the temperature a lot, and also made Gao Feng The commander's breath became cloudy.

"You can use your mental power to check..."

Gao Feng was handed over to the other party, not caring that it might be taken away. In fact, this commander was a kind-hearted Moko. He carefully took the strange object from the universe, then closed his eyes and carefully experienced the changes in it. After a while, he used the abnormality Looking at Gaofeng with burning eyes.

"The peerless wonders and unparalleled treasures cannot be compared to the supplies my entire fleet has collected over the past ten thousand years. Are you really sure?"

Gao Feng nodded. At this time, the commander could no longer sit still. He immediately transmitted the data of the entire Wild Star Territory to Gao Feng. Lila quickly accepted it and then secretly said to Gao Feng:

"He has sold all the Moko Protoss's billions of years of exploration into the wild star field, including all road maps, planetary resources, various cosmic wonders that may be nurtured, and many dangerous areas. The value is incalculable... ”

The value of a sentence cannot be estimated, which is enough to be worth every penny. This commander is obviously a smart man. He knows that the star map information is public and the peerless rare objects are his own. The two cannot be confused, let alone his fleet is a race. Distributing marginalized people to the point of exile.

Perhaps because he thought he was getting a big advantage, the commander sent the more than 3,000 humans in stock to Gaofeng. All he had to do was record in the captain's log that an accident occurred in the cargo cabin in a certain month of a certain year and all the goods were destroyed. .

Gao Feng did not refuse this benefit. Although he didn't like the so-called Trojan remnants very much, he would not just watch humans fall into the tiger's mouth, so he let the gorilla slave owners take over and let them follow the rules of a certain interstellar farm. Becoming serfs was a good way for these ancient people to find a good place to go. It might take thousands or tens of thousands of years or who knows how many generations of descendants to establish a small human force in this star area.

Gao Feng's interstellar yacht once again became a cozy home, flying in the starry sky. He had obtained the star map leading to the earth, and the biggest problem in returning home was solved, so he no longer had any worries and decided to concentrate on finding the home planet of the Moko tribe. .

Of course, the main reason to really feel at ease is the new understanding of interstellar yachts. The top yachts have terrifying speeds. They only need more energy. The time required to return to earth is far less than that of clumsy voyage fleets. Knowing that most of the voyage armies are bloated transport ships, many times in order to save energy, they have to stop at the edge of stars for a long time to replenish light and heat energy. In addition, they spend a lot of time searching for mineral veins and mining resources, so four thousand Years of voyages are definitely not real data.

According to Lila's calculations, the time it takes for Gaofeng to return at full speed is probably between two hundred and eight hundred years, and at most it will not exceed eight hundred years. Whether it is two hundred years or eight hundred years, it is the same for Gaofeng. He has completely lost contact with human history. Even if he returns immediately, he may not be able to find anyone he knows. Except for a few Broken Stars, everyone else should be dead.

The more you see, the more insignificant you will feel, especially Athena, who saw the tragic experience of her people, so she became harder and more diligent, and finally became a junior psychic awakener, but even so, she could only I can barely communicate with my mental power, but as for the rest, I can only haha.

From this, Gao Feng learned that she was only twelve years old this year, or in other words, she was only twelve years old when the cryochamber was removed. However, she was well developed and looked almost fifteen or sixteen years old, which gave him a better understanding of Westerners. Of course, Gao Feng still looks down on this little lolita. After all, he has top beauties, so he may not be worse than Helen.

Interstellar navigation is lonely, and even long-lived species cannot stand the boring monotony. Therefore, except for the crew members on duty, most of them stay in deep sleep cabins and sleep. This not only minimizes the loss of life, but also allows them to sleep in Hone your psychic abilities.

Gao Feng did not have the conditions to do this. The entire yacht only consisted of three people and one sword. Chang Jian liked drinking, but was not picky about food. He could accept any wine, but his favorite was low-quality wine with alcohol content, so he soaked in it all day long. In the wine jar, drink when you are awake and soak when you are drunk.

As for Athena, she consciously plays the role of a doll. She never makes a sound at ordinary times and exercises her psychic powers all the time. Under Lila's teaching, she realized how precious it is that she can obtain the symbol of life. According to According to Lila, the symbol between Athena's eyebrows can buy tens of millions of Athena's and there will be more to use.

There are no inhabited planets in the Munger sector, but there are many planets rich in minerals, especially expensive energy ores, which have become the source of wealth in this sector. Therefore, this sector is also one of the wealthier sectors around it, although it cannot be compared with Compared with Sirila two hundred years ago, it was considered to be in the middle and upper reaches of the core star region.

Gao Feng's yacht arrived at the most prosperous space city here and sailed directly into the top dock berth. Not only did Gao Feng have dedicated personnel to maintain the spacecraft for him, but they also carefully provided personalized modifications. However, the price was far more expensive than outside, and Gao Feng was the most What's not bad is the wealth. When he settled the ancient humans, he bought a large interstellar farm. The remaining star coins were enough to make him a billionaire. After all, Momo gave away the most valuable wealth in the entire Sirila Star District. Put it into the space belt.

Walking in the space city with the little slave, Gao Feng felt that he had arrived on another living planet. The space city was too big, and the simulation of the environment was too real. Countless mountains, rivers, forests and valleys were refreshing and spiritual at the same time. In addition to the comfort, it is also divided into many personalized areas, including mountains full of ice and snow, dry deserts, high temperatures of flaming lava, and lakes filled with methane. Choose your own residence according to the preferences of different races. environment.

This made Gao Feng realize the true luxury of space city. After all, as a spiritual awakener, the environmental requirements will be reduced to the extreme. Unless it is a vacuum environment in the universe, general super gravity or toxic gases will not affect life. At most They feel uncomfortable, so even on inhabited planets, it is usually the favorite environment of local rulers. Foreign species can only be passively accepted, but here, they can choose freely, which shows the care and long-term vision of its builders.

As he walked down the VIP aisle, a charming-looking man from the Spirit Race soon stepped forward to guide the peak. Whenever a man from the Spirit Race appeared, Athena would take a peek with a trace of obsession. Obviously, this little Luo Li is a patient with severe facial control, but whenever she sees an Eldar man turning around and showing his graceful butt, he can't help but shudder.

Fortunately, Gao Feng was used to the Moko tribe's love for the Spirit tribe men, so he had a certain immunity and did not kick him away immediately. Under the guidance of the Spirit tribe men, he chose a residence in the Spirit tribe's style. Then he settled down.

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