Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1941 The Story of the Starry Sky Behemoth

It's not easy to get in, and it's not easy to get out. Even if Gao Feng walks the straightest route, he will always find a familiar trap at some point. It seems that even the void here is crooked, which reminds Gao Feng of his past life and ancient China. of maze.

In the past, Gao Feng would have been in a hurry because there were still responsibilities waiting for him outside. However, after experiencing countless traps, Gao Feng's character has become calmer and more rational. He knows that impetuousness cannot solve the problem, so he no longer deliberately I was in a hurry and just kept walking in this area, believing that if I could get in, I would be able to get out.

When the trap is no longer an obstacle or a goal of experience, Gao Feng treats it as scenery, leisurely enters from the most powerful position of the trap, then completes the analysis, and walks out lightly. Occasionally, when the nature comes, he will completely break it. Then see what treasures there are.

In fact, not every trap can form a strange object, but the strange object must have been a trap. This is the truth of this starry sky. The biggest truth is that the mountain-like corpse. The entire Devil's Triangle is based on the corpse. What exists, maybe this terrifying area is the tomb of this super beast.

Gao Feng has no intention of becoming a tomb robber, but he will not let go of the strange objects on the corpses of the tomb robbers along the way. It is not easy to go deep here and preserve the corpse. Gao Feng even found a corpse of a species of destruction. This one is the only one left. Even after death, the Destruction Species in the lower half of the body still retains a twisted desire to kill. This is the only thing that the dust of the universe cannot take away from the corpse. As for the objects on the corpse, they have long been lost with the passage of time.

Even the species of destruction fell here, which made Gao Feng feel a strange excitement. Obviously, he had become more powerful than the species of destruction. In this way, it seemed that the Moko Protoss had one less trump card to deal with him?

On this day, Gao Feng finished smoking the last cigar in his inventory, and then kept the cigarette butt with deep regret. He was worried that if he lost even the last interest, would he forget that he was still a human being one day? Maybe one day in the future, smelling the smell of cigarette butts will remind him of the fragrance of cigars, and then associate it with his own identity. Finally, he will recall that his hometown is on earth.

With a certain feeling, the peak is rare and a little low, and suddenly I make a crazy decision. I no longer use my senses or my eyes. I just move forward with my eyes closed. When I encounter a trap, I analyze it. When I encounter a corpse, I break away. , when encountering a strange object, he no longer paid attention to it, and rushed forward, indulgently once.

Then Gao Feng increased his speed to the extreme and charged quickly in the Devil's Triangle, which was classified as a first-level dangerous area by the Galaxy Alliance. There were constantly traps trying to pull him in, and he would bump into something from time to time, and occasionally there would be strong There was a huge gap, and even upside-down confusion. He ignored all these peaks and just moved forward. As he kept moving forward, he suddenly had an understanding that maybe what he saw and felt was not real. The truth is likely to be hidden in the least noticeable place. With this realization, Gao Feng hit the wall hard.

This time Gao Feng opened his eyes, touched the big green bag on his head and felt like crying. Who is so wicked? Build such a hard wall? Then he discovered that he was standing in a strange space, with a gold-like wall in front of him. But gold is the least valuable thing in the universe. Even iron ore is better than gold. It can at least be used as a basic material for processing. into a civilian spacecraft.

Touching the big bag on his head, Gao Feng turned around and saw countless statues. These statues gave him a familiar feeling, because in the center of the statues, he saw a terrifying giant beast, worshiped by countless people. These people are about three meters tall and have human forms with eyes between their eyebrows.

The mountain-like giant beasts and the worshiping humans are all in real proportions. At least the scales on the giant beasts are the same size as Gao Feng. Suddenly, Gao Feng thought of something and suddenly raised his head, only to see a huge ceiling. The vortex blocked out all the cosmic dust. He took a sharp breath and discovered that there was pure oxygen here. If ordinary people on earth were here, they would get oxygen poisoning over time.

After looking at the statue, Gao Feng turned around and looked at the golden wall he had bumped into before. Suddenly, he discovered that there were countless reliefs carved on the wall. The content of the reliefs was about the birth of a civilization and its journey to the stars. The first half of it was almost the same as the ancient history of the earth. Differences include tribes, city-states, countries, wars, famines, natural disasters, etc. In the second half, a young monster appears. This monster becomes the mascot of a country, and then consumes the power of the entire country to support the monster, and finally becomes Terrible weapons rule the entire planet.

After completing the unified planet, they gathered all the wealth and talents and began to advance into the starry sky. Soon they found a second habitable planet, so they occupied it, then colonized it, found more treasures, and continued to support the monsters. What followed was The entire sector is ruled.

When the first road to other star regions is opened, the collision of civilizations ignites the flames of war, powerful enemies instantly destroy the expedition fleet, the star region becomes the hunting ground of aliens, the homeland is about to be trampled, and the giant beasts become the last defenders .

Fight after battle, danger after crisis, comeback again and again. Finally, after the giant beast transformed into a giant beast in the starry sky, earth-shaking changes took place. And away, this time it was the enemy's turn to wail in pain.

There is no justice in the collision between species. There are irreconcilable contradictions between survival and development. The sanctity of home makes everyone willing to protect it, and they are also willing to seize more planets to become new homes. Giant beasts are killing each other quickly. grew, and sector after sector became colonies.

Countless star regions bring countless resources, and the foundation of the starry sky empire is increasingly taking shape. The citizens of the empire have become aloof slave owners. The invincible behemoth is the long sword of the empire. Wherever the long sword points, all races will be destroyed.

Tens of thousands of star sectors, hundreds of star fields, shrouded in the shadow of the giant beast, trembling in the shadow of the giant beast, with no external enemies, the empire began to decay, the top management was incompetent, the citizens were decadent and decadent, the fleet was abandoned in the military camp, the slaves were in dire straits, and the uprising suddenly broke out, sweeping countless In the star sector, there is only one giant beast, which is always running for its life. The slaves are getting stronger and stronger. They form an invincible fleet and attack every star sector of the enemy country. Even in the face of the giant beast, they still risk their lives.

Countless battles, countless slaves died in battle, more slaves became rebels, and joined the battle to destroy the enemy country. Thousands of battles finally made the giant beast avoid in pain, more star sectors were captured, and more Fleets are formed and more enemies appear.

The cornerstone of the empire no longer exists, supplies become scarce, a large number of citizens are killed in battle, insufficient sources of troops are not available, and the injured beasts have no chance to recover. As the situation becomes increasingly disintegrated, the enemy country finally collapses, and the remaining nobles and citizens take refuge. After returning to the core star area where he started, he still couldn't stop the enemy from coming. The starry sky beast launched a final battle and destroyed the incoming army with his life. But as more enemies appeared again, the last imperial people, together Enter the place of death where giant beasts are buried….

There are no treasures here, no peerless skills, and no pet eggs left by giant beasts. There is only a piece of history, a powerful empire that once ruled the entire galaxy, and the final elegy. I believe that if it were not for the dense death traps in this area, conservative The oppressed races will never leave any trace of the empire.

At the same time, Gao Feng woke up. Even if he was as powerful as a starry sky beast, he would still get tired, injured, and die when faced with countless ants who were fearless in life and death. But what made him curious was, what was the origin of this starry sky beast? It was actually able to suppress the entire galaxy. If it were him, even if he was ten times more powerful, he wouldn't be able to do it, let alone a species of destruction that could destroy a middle- and low-level civilization. It was enough.

Of course, there is not nothing here, but because of the oxygen environment, most of them have been oxidized, and even the corpses have turned into bone powder, piled up on the ground like a hill. Only a few items are displayed around the giant beast statue. Things still exist.

These gold coffee tables are large and small, and they are all related to the giant beasts. Many of them have turned into black marks and disappeared due to oxidation. Others are scales or cuticles that fell off after the battle with the giant beasts. These have almost lost their energy and become decayed. Like a mummy, the only thing that Gao Feng valued was a broken tooth.

This broken tooth, which is more than five meters long, even if laid flat, has a diameter larger than Gao Feng's waist. What caught his attention is that the tooth is still full of energy, and this energy is sharp enough to tear everything apart, but he doesn't know why. will break.

So Gao Feng touched it rudely, and then used his analytical ability to create countless spatial cracks in an instant, covering the entire room. The next moment, the statues that had been preserved for countless millions of years were all shattered, and Gao Feng was also cut into countless tiny pieces. The wound is like a bloody man.

Taking a breath of cold air, Gao Feng stepped back three steps in a row and looked at Broken Tooth in horror. It was not that a broken statue hit Broken Tooth, but it did not provoke any reaction, and his analytical ability only touched it slightly. Let it produce Lingchi-like power. What does this mean?

When everything returned to calm, the most complete thing in the room, apart from the indestructible golden wall, was only Gao Feng and the broken tooth. This time Gao Feng stepped forward cautiously, touched the broken tooth again, and felt it. The texture is as gentle as jade.

I don't know how long it took, Gao Feng suddenly closed his eyes, and then used his heart to feel the broken tooth, because this is how he entered here. If he used his senses and eyes, he might not be able to get in in this life. He even had some doubts that he actually It was brought here by Broken Tooth.

With his eyes closed, Gao Feng slowly stroked it with his palms, just like soothing a small animal. During the stroking process, his palms felt a little warm. I don't know if it was due to the temperature generated by friction or the changes in the broken teeth.

Gao Feng's spirit fell into a strange state of emptiness at this time, as if he didn't think about anything, didn't care about anything, he was just in a daze. Gradually, an inexplicable emotion appeared in his heart, which was a feeling of grief and anger, a kind of sadness, There is also a kind of reluctance.

This is not a peak of your own emotions, but an intrusion from the outside, but this intrusion is not malicious, just like an extremely depressed guy who suddenly comes to you and talks about his misfortunes, but you are not used to his appearance. , but can understand his difficulties.

Gao Feng just tasted these emotions in his heart, and did not take the initiative to contact them, nor did he want to expel these emotions. He did nothing, just listened quietly, and as time went by, these emotions also dissipated. , and then became relieved, as if letting go of something.

At this moment, a blade-like spiritual force suddenly penetrated Gaofeng's spiritual sea, causing him to groan. Then his nearly substantial spiritual force actively counterattacked, trying to isolate this sharp spiritual force. Unfortunately, his counterattack was like using paper to block the blade, which was easily penetrated. The blade that penetrated the defense rushed into the source of the spiritual power of the peak, and then suddenly disappeared.

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