Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1938 Before leaving

"Results, I only ask for results..."

Gao Feng slapped the handle of the beach chair, showing his impatience. Lily quickly said:

"We have identified the exact location of the passage, but we cannot open it..."

"Can't open it? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

At the peak of her bad mood, Lily sat up straight with a stern face, making Lily feel huge pressure. Under this pressure, her cheeks turned red, and she entered the estrus period with a rapid heartbeat again, and she couldn't help but moan. , letting the terrifying atmosphere created by Gao Feng fill the air.

"Because it is not a smuggling channel, but the last refuge of the Chimeyan civilization, so only the descendants of the Chimeyan civilization can open it. Only when the smugglers control the descendants of the Chimeyan ethnic group can they lead to other star regions, thus accumulating a large amount of Wealth, unfortunately, due to a turmoil, all the descendants of the Chimeyan people were affected, and the smuggler's family also declined..."

Hearing this, Gao Feng had a headache again. The Sirila Star Region was one of the earliest star regions conquered by the Moko Tribe. Perhaps the earth was still in the age of dinosaurs, and the Chimeyan people had already been conquered by the Moko Tribe, spending a lot of resources and manpower. , the final result is still a dead end.

If there were no Destruction Species stationed in the Starry Sky Fortress, Gao Feng could forcefully break through with his powerful fleet at the risk of losing half. Although the pirate group is now more powerful than ever, the Sirila sector has become a huge prison, where several people are imprisoned. Among the tens of millions of interstellar pirates, Gao Feng can use the smuggling channel to leave. The problem is that he may not have the chance to start over. Even if Iron Diamond's first legion is still waiting for him in the edge galaxy, I believe Minnie will not give up the Martial God Legion.

"But we have another gain. We found a mysterious star map in the ruins of a certain Chimeyan civilization. It is the most dangerous area in the Sirila star sector. All approaching warships will disappear. Maybe there will be something there What we want…”

Hearing this, Gao Feng was a little tempted. There are always many strange places in the universe. These places have become terrifying forbidden places, leaving various weird legends in various civilizations. In order to solve these mysteries, or find For the so-called treasures, there will always be those who have lived for too long at the peak of the Silver Heart. However, the end result is almost the same. The powerful ones who have gone there have all disappeared.

"Lila, how's the discussion going at Shampa..."

Gao Feng suddenly said about the tattoo on his wrist, and the three-inch villain appeared immediately and said sharply:

"The discussion has been completed. Six small battleships are also ready, waiting for your order to let them leave..."

The Succubus Queen is a powerful warrior, but she is definitely not a mature woman who is good at expressing herself. Even if she wears a swimsuit that can make the males of her race go crazy, she cannot achieve her wish. She can only helplessly watch Gao Feng leave. Momo soon He appeared, holding a large plate of fruit cultivated by the Eldar in his hand, and his chest was full of juice.

"Lily, do you really think that the leader is suitable to combine with us? I always feel that he looks so strange, and he has no horns..."

Momo's aesthetics are obviously different. To her, if a tribesman has no horns, it must be extremely ugly, so in her eyes, Gao Feng is naturally very strange, but Lily is obviously different. Instead, she clutches the burgundy red horn in distress. Hairi said depressedly:

"You are not sentimental, is it just wasted like this? You know, this is the most sacred ceremony in the clan..."

The six small battleships were packed like sardine cans with officers and soldiers from the six major star regions. They were arranged to visit the final line of defense, the Wilderness Pirate Group, and the direct armies of the three major pirate groups. Finally, they experienced the giant starry sky up close. The terrifying size of the cannons were sent into the high-speed channels respectively. What awaited them would be interrogation and review by the garrison troops in each sector.

When Gao Feng eliminated the main forces in the six major star regions, he had actually accomplished his intended goal. When the armies in the six major star regions were destroyed, the strength of the pirates was also doubled. In this way, even if there were more Even if a fleet of the same size is formed, it will be impossible to capture the Sirila sector, so showing muscles and releasing goodwill becomes the next plan.

Seven Earth days after the first batch of captives were released, Gao Feng asked the pirates to release the second batch of captives, and asked the captives to bring a message that if food and living supplies could be sent from the six major star regions, they would More captives were released, and a large amount of wealth and treasures were placed on the captives' ships.

These finances and treasures are no longer very valuable among pirates, because they have plundered three star regions in a row, and there are a large number of similar gadgets. Apart from taking up space, there is almost no way to use them. They are not as good as a magic weapon. A mistgrass cigar or a bottle of Eldar wine is a bargain.

This time, the response speed of the six major star regions was very fast. Several large civilian fleets appeared in the Sirila star region one after another. Not every star region was willing to send a fleet, at least in the Olima and Moria star regions. Indifferent. In addition, the people driving the fleet were all prisoners who had been released before. Obviously, these sectors still maintained a cautious attitude.

This time, Gao Feng decided to spend a lot of money. Not only did he release all the previously captured Starfleet officers and soldiers, he even gave them 40,000 Eldar men for free. Although Minnie protested to Gao Feng more than once, even if her compatriots were gay, they could not be treated as homosexuals. Give gifts.

For this reason, Gao Feng handed nearly 200,000 green fruits in the warehouse to Minnie, which made her shut up. He and Lila rewarded Gao Feng well at night. They were willing to try any position, and Minnie collected them all from the earth. All kinds of related knowledge, and most of the postures, even Gao Feng had never heard of, making him feel like he was out of body.

Just after the third batch of food and living supplies were delivered from the outside world, the pirates finally put aside their worries, and the tense atmosphere of war preparations gradually eased. Even the number of slaves who died of exhaustion at work was rapidly decreasing, which indirectly allowed the slaves to start Accepting the rule of the pirates, for a time, the Sirila sector was called the Star Thieves Empire by the pirates.

The rise of the Star Thieves Empire is not accidental. Although the Moko Protoss is powerful, their strong desire to conquer has caused most of the Moko clan's elite fleets to fight outside. Most of the fleets that are really placed inside return to rest after rounds. What's more, even so, it is guaranteed that each core sector has a first-level fleet, several second-level fleets, and more third-level fleets. At the same time, warships are classified as contraband and are prohibited from being owned by any group or individual. This Only then did Gao Feng find the opportunity.

One thing goes another, pirates are the most powerful armed forces in the surrounding star areas. In this way, unless a large number of expedition fleets are mobilized, the star pirates will be safe for the time being, and even if an expeditionary force is mobilized, there will not be dozens of them. , or even hundreds of Earth years, is almost impossible, which allows pirates who have always had a sense of crisis to more easily transform the Sirila sector into a war fortress.

So many pirates began to divide their cards, and the two residential stars were equally divided between the Wilderness Pirate Group and the three major pirate forces. In addition, daily business and production were also restored. The pirates traded special products and resources that they could not use with each other, allowing them to His lair is full of luxury like a nouveau riche. As for Gao Feng, he is beginning to prepare to explore the dangerous area of ​​Devil's Corner.

It has to be said that Gao Feng's preference for Minnie, and with Minnie's hard work, half of the remaining two hundred Tamoko divine blood was defrauded. The result was that the Martial God Legion had more than a thousand silver-hearted warriors. This means that Gao Feng has to build more than a thousand bone swords, which consumes almost one-third of Yin Xin's spine. In addition, Gao Feng also uses the cosmic wonders in stock to create a gorgeous armor and long bow for Minnie, making her more Like an elven warrior.

In addition to Minnie, Lila also has the same equipment, but Lila doesn't like to participate in battles in person. This equipment can only be used as a decoration in the bedroom, making Momo drool every time she sees it. As for Gaofeng's guards, the same After getting the equipment, the women were equipped with long jointed whips, and the men were equipped with white bone maces, which looked very impressive. As for Gao Feng's two maid sisters, they were equipped with high-heeled leather shoes that exceeded the knees, ultra-short leather skirts, and leather jackets with big breasts. And the hollow-carved mask eye patch, coupled with the bone stabbing sword and long whip, you are the living succubus queen.

While Gao Feng was preparing equipment and resources for each of his major legions as much as possible, the delicate Lila and Lily felt something was wrong, because Gao Feng looked like this, not as if he was preparing for a long journey, but as he was preparing for the funeral, passing through the Xilila star After collecting countless information and documents in the area, Lila learned that the so-called Devil's Triangle was a first-level dangerous area in the Milky Way. It had swallowed up at least a thousand of the top warriors of the Galaxy. This only left names and records, and there were no more. Leaving her name behind and going spontaneously will not be counted, which made her start to get confused.

The one who regretted the most was Lily. She felt that if she hadn't told Gao Feng the information, maybe Gao Feng wouldn't have taken the risk. In this way, even if she couldn't complete the sacred ritual of the race with Gao Feng, she could still stay by his side with peace of mind. You can feel an incomparable sense of security around him. This experience makes Lily, who has been shuttled through the war, feel peaceful like never before.

Just when Gao Feng handed the last five hundred giant bone axes to Xiangye, this guy from the Moko tribe actually knelt on the deck and begged Gao Feng to take him to the Devil's Triangle. This made Gao Feng get to know him again, and maybe he was right. It was Xiangba who had more intense emotional changes than other Moko tribesmen that made him so extreme that he was willing to sacrifice his life for his adopted daughter whom he had not seen for a long time. Therefore, Gao Feng handed over the third constellation-class flagship to Shamba, let him protect everything he left behind.

Before leaving, Gao Feng did not let Minnie and Lila come to him, but lay quietly on the bed. He needed to be alone. In fact, if Gao Feng wanted to leave, he could leave at any time through a small smuggling channel. After getting in touch with Iron Diamond, as long as he returns to the edge star area, he will have at least a thousand battleships and more than 5,000 transport ships full of supplies. Except for the constellation-class battleships, they are no less than an ordinary first-class fleet. They can also cause a bloody storm. .

The real reason that made him decide to go to the Devil's Triangle was that he was still dissatisfied with his own strength. Even as a catastrophic expert, he might not be able to kill the Destruction Seeds, and the Moko Protoss was able to gather six Destruction Seeds at once, which meant that Now, they still have more trump cards hidden in their home planet.

Although Gao Feng has killed countless Moko tribesmen, captured countless master brains, and obtained information that even the highest master brains cannot contain, he still knows nothing about the Moko tribe's home planet, or even its specific location. It’s just as ridiculous as the people in previous lives who didn’t know where the capital was.

Gao Feng didn't know why the Moko Protoss tried so hard to hide their home planet. But he knew that if he didn't have the strength to kill the Destruction Species, even if he was on the Moko Clan's home planet, he still wouldn't be able to stir up any movement, let alone destroy it.

He once relied on contacting the enemies of the Moko Protoss, and destroyed the Moko clan through internal and external attacks, but so far, no force has come to him. This made Gao Feng deeply realize that in the vast universe, even if Gao Feng has countless To some forces or countries, a star region is as ridiculous as a thief in an enemy's house, unless Gao Feng can completely control at least one-third of the Moko tribe's large star region and eliminate more than 50% of the Moko tribe. The overall strength of the army will attract attention. The problem is that at this level, Gao Feng does not need the help of other forces.

His brain was running at high speed, and a familiar yet unfamiliar smell suddenly came from outside the door. This smell was like poppy perfume, with a mysterious temptation, and it made people addicted. Gao Feng immediately thought of the succubus queen, Lily. .

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