Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1932 They are coming

One of the rules for distinguishing the signs of civilization in the Galactic Alliance is that everyone can skillfully use the Galactic Common Language, whether it is using voice or mental vibration. If they cannot use it, they will be classified as low-level beasts. Even if they can use tools, make The same is true for various instruments, just like humans don't think that a monkey is a person just because it hits walnuts with a stone.

Gao Feng used the common language he learned from Lila and mocked in a low voice. In fact, the Moko puppet army should be more familiar with Gao Feng. Unfortunately, the person in front of him obviously killed the newcomer who did not know how many predecessors came to the position. I have never heard of Gao Feng, and naturally I don't know about the others. The motley crew has always known them as the captains of the Wilderness Pirates. As for Gao Feng, they have always been hidden behind the scenes.

"Dear King of Star Thieves, we are here to ask for advice on the next plan. We have no intention of offending your dignity..."

Spongebob was the first to step forward, tilted his brick-like body slightly towards Gao Feng, and said words that seemed to be compliments. Gao Feng continued to sip the wine, enjoying the delicious taste on his tongue, but did not answer.


The leader of the Moko puppet army took a step forward and said just one word. He saw Xiangba standing by with a sharp look in his eyes. He immediately did not dare to speak and stood there unable to advance or retreat.

"We wanted a roaring, full set of production equipment and drawings."

The seemingly charming succubus had an indescribable straightforwardness, and stepped forward to tell them their biggest goal. At this time, Gao Feng nodded. It was not anything else, but the other party's true intention.

"If it were you, would you be willing to give it to someone else?"

The famous Spirit Clan Martial God restrained his fierce aura and poured wine for Gao Feng gently. At the same time, a cold light flashed in his eyes, like the scimitar of the god of death, making several people's necks shiver.

The beautiful succubus looked at Minnie, who was as beautiful as herself, bit her lip, and after a while she said:

"You can take whatever we have, but with the roar of anger, we must get..."

Obviously, several people present knew that gaining the production rights under the protection of Wrath meant controlling more pirates and ensuring their own greatest rights and interests. However, Gao Feng did not refuse immediately, but was thoughtful.

What these three people want to express is obviously the common consciousness of the entire pirate group. It is easy to kill these three. One Xiangba is enough. The problem is that, surrounded by powerful enemies, he will lose more than he gains by fighting with the pirates.

"It's really troublesome..."

Gao Feng shook his head, sighed, then pointed at the succubus and said:

"What if I want your entire family to become slaves?"

"I promise……."

I originally thought it was Wu Da's overstepping and making things difficult, but I never expected that the succubus agreed immediately, which left Gao Feng speechless. Minnie was also surprised and poured the wine into the open space next to the glass.

"including you?"

Gao Feng said playfully, with an inexplicable cold light flashing in his eyes. Even the clan could bury it. This succubus cannot be left here. It is too ambitious and too vicious.

"Of course that includes me, I am also a member of the clan..."

The succubus looked at Gao Feng with strange eyes, as if what the other party said was nonsense. Now Gao Feng was completely spartan. He really didn't know where the alien's brain was. How could he agree to such a thing? Does she want to contribute everything of her species to the piracy cause in the entire universe? The question is, if others benefit, what will she gain?

After much deliberation, Gao Feng felt that he was trapped in a maze of thinking and could not get out of it, so he could only nod his head and said:

"So, deal..."

The moment Gao Gao nodded, one hundred and twenty-eight female succubi and twenty-one male succubi were all concentrated on Gao Feng's flagship, including the leader of the succubi, Lily Dingna. Surprisingly, , these succubus turned out to be all pure Silver Heart Warriors, many of them were scarred, and they were all warriors who had truly experienced cruel wars, which made Gao Feng even more strange.

Lily Ding and her sister Momo Ding became Gao Feng's exclusive maids, so that they wouldn't have to bother Minnie to serve as a guest. As for the powerful strength of the two sisters, they were ignored by Gao Feng. Since the establishment of Red Sand, Broken Star rank has been He couldn't let him take a high look, but Momo's pure and sweet appearance made him care more. This was the first time in this era that he saw a girl who was naturally cute, and it reminded him of the girl who loved to be cute in his previous life. girlfriend.

When Gao Feng fulfilled his promise and delivered the mothership that produced the medicine, one hundred and forty-nine Menalik tribesmen officially became Gao Feng's personal slaves and also his personal guards. According to Lily, they were not lowly people conquered by civilization. Domestic animals, but real warriors who were captured after defeat and forced to become gladiators.

The reason why Lily made this deal with Gao Feng was not as crazy as he had guessed. In addition to entrusting the smuggler with the formula of the medicine and sending it back to the clan, she also hoped that more pirates could be strengthened so that the Moko clan could The troops that came to encircle and suppress suffered more losses, which reduced the Moko tribe's attack on the mother tribe from the side.

Obviously, Lily is not an idiot as Gao Feng suspected. According to Lily's calculations, her IQ should be above the average level. In this way, she has completely defeated most of the legion commanders. Gao Feng asked Lily to assist Lila in completing some tasks. things inside the flagship while monitoring everything about her.

Therefore, the only real maid of Gaofeng is Momo. This succubus has a cute face, pure and cute, but also has a hint of charm. She also has a very innocent personality. She likes to act coquettishly towards Gaofeng. She works very hard to play the role of slave, but she can't let go. He has a bad habit of sleeping in. Many times, even if he is standing next to Gao Feng, he will fall asleep in a daze. He does not look like a strong man with a silver heart at all. However, there are also times when he is curious. For example, he once doubted Gao Feng's appearance. The tribesman who cut off his horns.

The days of lurking were boring most of the time. Gao Feng became more and more fond of the marine ecology room he renovated. It has a space of more than 20,000 square meters, four-fifths of the area is seawater, and there are all kinds of weird and beautiful alien marine creatures in it. , there is also a small island with a beach, deck chairs, and parasols. Most of the time, Gao Feng will stay on the island, enjoying the mild sunshine, drinking wine, and occasionally jumping into the water for a swim. Whenever At this time, Momo, who was wearing a sexy swimsuit, was always bored and dazed. She didn't know what fun there was in the water.

After a smooth swim, Gao Feng lay comfortably on the armchair, raised his feet high, and took out a cigar. The cigar was a strange plant called Magic Mist Grass. After a complicated process, the succubus girl rubbed it on his thigh. It exudes a calming fragrance. If you light it and take a sip, you will have a spiritual hallucination, as if you have returned to your previous life and recalled the heartbeat when you met your first girlfriend. When the good feeling disappears, your spirit will be greatly improved. degree of pleasure.

In the interstellar world, all items related to spiritual power are expensive. A piece of magic mist grass is enough for a starship soldier to work for ten years. But for Gao Feng, as long as he wants it, there is nothing he cannot get. To this end, Minnie opened a separate plantation for Gao Feng on her Constellation Battleship, and asked the Eldar who are best at taking care of flowers and plants to grow cigar materials for Gao Feng.

Smoking a cigar, Gao Feng suddenly had the idea that it would be good to live like this. At this moment, a small snoring sound suddenly came from beside him. He turned around and saw that Momo fell asleep again. This was Gao Feng's welfare, because the other party With her pure face and innocence, Gao Feng was always embarrassed to admire her figure. Only at this time could he be unscrupulous.

Momo's swimsuit is the peak of bad taste. The two straps just block the shop on the chest, and then go down in a V shape, almost exposing more than 90% of Momo's body. On the milky skin, there is a faint It shows a healthy red color, the buds on the chest are just right to hold, and the waist is slim, which looks soft and fragile, but is actually strong and plump, with a perfect mermaid line, and finally the thighs, which are Gao Feng's favorite , slender than her sister, nearly two meters tall, but not rough at all, delicate and delicate.

"Ah..., Master, I'm sorry, ugh, I'm sleepy again..."

Momo was speaking Chinese at this time. Her genius-like talent for language allowed her to speak it as smoothly as her native language in only seventy-two hours. It felt extremely comfortable to Gao Feng's ears, but it was so complicated that it made people crazy. The galactic lingua franca is so much stronger.

"Um, Momo, how old are you? Why do you like to feel sleepy?"

Gao Feng has always been curious about Momo's age. The problem is that only short-lived species care about age. Most species can live for hundreds or thousands of earth years. When the soul awakens, it is no problem to live for thousands of earth years. Therefore, those suitable for interstellar expeditions are mostly long-lived species, and Momo is obviously one of them.

"I don't know, sometimes a long time will pass in one sleep. When I was in my mother clan, after a nap, there were suddenly many more people in the clan, and after another nap, there were many fewer people..."

Gao Feng was speechless. In fact, every race has its own calculation method. Unified time is only available to the Galaxy Alliance. Non-members of the Alliance cannot be illuminated by the glory of the Alliance. Naturally, they cannot enjoy a unified concept of time. However, it is a common language. Being spread unconditionally, I don’t know what the alliance means.

"By the way, why are there so few male members of your tribe? Does your mother tribe rely on females to fight?"

Gao Feng has always been strange about this. All the Eldar are girls, and the men have become housewives. Lila is one of the few exceptions, but Momo is so cute, so what's wrong with her?

"No, there are not many females who can become Yali. They usually stay in the tribe and give birth to children. The males are more powerful... As for the few males, I don't know. I remember when we were captured together, there were obviously many Males, then males of other races took them away and never came back..."

After a lot of confusing explanations, Gao Feng suddenly became spartan. He was so smart, how could he not understand what would happen to those male succubi who looked the same as the Eldar because of the popularity of Eldest men.

"By the way, do you and your sister have a male? Have you ever had children?"

At this time, Gao Feng's expression was very serious. He was afraid that the girl in front of him actually had the soul of an old woman. If she even had a grandson or a great-grandson, that would be really terrible.

Momo immediately blushed and put her hands behind her back, shaking and shaking. By accident, the strap on her chest was shaken off, which made Gao Feng's nose so hot that he was about to bleed.

"How is it possible? My sister and I are the best Alex. If a male cannot defeat us, we are not worthy of having children..."

Gao Feng couldn't hear these words. All he could see was the delicate whiteness of the girl's chest, with two spots of blush. He was about to turn into a beast when Lila suddenly got out of his wrist and looked a little shy when he saw the scene in front of him. , but still said to Gao Feng:

"They are coming..."

The opponent Gao Feng had been waiting patiently for appeared. A huge fleet composed of 3,000 battleships and 2,000 transport ships quietly entered the Olimar sector and destroyed any spaceships and settlements encountered along the way, regardless of whether they were spaceships or settlements. , are they civilians who have been waiting for rescue. ... Friends who read books, you can search for "" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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