Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1930 The Rise of New Powers

When Gao Feng gave up looking at the star map without a clue and was about to take a break, Lila, who was sorting external information, suddenly said to Gao Feng:

"Shamba sent back news that they have successfully landed in the Coliseum, capturing 352 Silver Heart-level gladiators, 150,000 soul gladiators, 300,000 slaves of all races, and more than 5,000 spiritual body crystals. Box, two hundred soul gems, and a new banned drug, 'Rageful Roar', which can instantly increase the strength to a level. If the soul gladiator uses it, he will have the strength of the Silver Heart Powerhouse in a short time, and the number will reach twenty Ten thousand……."

Hearing the so-called angry and roaring forbidden medicine, Gao Feng's heart moved. If he could master the method of making this medicine, wouldn't the Moko Protoss be invincible? Two hundred thousand angry roars means two hundred thousand galactic warriors. Wouldn't it be impossible for the entire universe to stop it?

"It's called a banned drug. It should have strong side effects, right?"

Gao Feng pondered for a few seconds and then asked, Lila:

"The side effect is overdraft of life. Once used, 90% of life will be consumed. This is a cheating method for the Star Colosseum to manipulate the results of the game. In addition, using the angry roar cannot really defeat the Silver Heart Warrior, but is infinitely close to the Silver Heart Warrior. The strength of the heart….”

Gao Feng now fully understands that the result of using forbidden drugs is that he has the strength of his scale clone in a short period of time. It can only be regarded as a pseudo Broken Star. If you encounter a real Broken Star, you will still die ugly, let alone an overdraft. Vitality, a medicine that is neither high nor low, can only be used to cheat and make money. Anyway, the life of the slave is no longer considered.

I wanted to forget it, but suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in Gao Feng's mind and he immediately said:

"For Xiangba to torture the senior officials of the Colosseum, we must obtain the potion formula and production equipment. I need a battleship that can produce potions at any time..."

If he could get the so-called divine blood of Moko, the Summit would make all the direct descendants of the pirate group become star-shattering powerhouses. But if he couldn't get it, he wouldn't mind equipping the Furious Roar to the peripheral cannon fodder troops. These guys were already passing. Today, there is no tomorrow, and they have robbed three star districts in a row. They have enjoyed everything they should and should not enjoy, and they do not expect to be able to wash their hands in a golden basin, leaving behind a forbidden drug that can be used to fight at critical moments. It could not be better.

Of course, Gao Feng would not give these banned drugs to unknown brands in vain. He would clearly mark the price, you get what you pay for, and he would conscientiously indicate the side effects of using the medicine. Just like the Eldar, if there were about two thousand earth years Once the medicine is used, the life span will be reduced by 90%.

It's a pity that Gao Feng's good intentions were not understood by the pirates. For them, they would rather live vigorously for a day than live as a beast and slave for a thousand years. If they didn't fuck the men of the Spirit Tribe and kill the Moko men, even if they live, It would be better to die.

A large amount of supplies and raw materials were continuously gathered in the Coliseum, and then sent to Gaofeng's flagship through transport ships. By the time Gaofeng and Minnie's two Constellation-class battleships were filled with warehouses, even the transport and supply ships of the Martial God Legion There is no free space, and there are still massive supplies piled up in the arena.

For a moment, Gao Feng felt like an evil arms dealer who sold arms to bandits. The bandits robbed him everywhere and handed the looted wealth to him in exchange for more arms. With such huge benefits, Gao Feng no longer felt guilty for a while. Thinking about the next step, the Sirila Star Sector is too rich. Even if it is just a settlement, the hidden wealth is no less than the capital of the Edge Star Sector and the medium-sized city of the Olimar Star Sector. No wonder Sirila Star He couldn't see the surrounding star areas and despised others as country people.

Except for the first-level fleet station and the Starry Sky Colosseum, the Wilderness Pirates have never attacked other places, but the harvest accounted for 80% of the total. After all, the Sirila sector is so rich that even the motley crew feels numb, just like The bandits who robbed the bank were very happy when they robbed one million the first time. They were so happy when they robbed 10 million the second time. But they robbed 100 billion the third time. Damn it, even if they use one million as firewood every day. Burning, it will take a full three hundred years to burn. Can he survive for three hundred years?

When wealth turned into a pile of garbage everywhere, pirates began to pay attention to taste, pursue individual strength, and even personalized lifestyles. As a result, Gao Feng completely lost control of these motley crews and could only load countless items onto transport ships. , one-way to the edge star area to hide, the specific number, I am afraid even Lila, who is good at calculation, cannot figure out.

More than an Earth month has passed, but the mountains of supplies in the Starry Sky Colosseum have still not decreased. The collected transport ships can no longer transport more wealth and supplies. Overnight, the main force gathered in the Colosseum suddenly disappeared. , leaving behind a total of 300,000 banned drugs.

The motley crew who received the news were like flies that found shit, swarming in. They didn't even look at the mountains of wealth. They fought over the banned drugs, and were eventually divided up by the most powerful pirate groups. These pirates simply used Taking the Starry Sky Colosseum as a base, he began to live a happy life as a pirate, ignoring the disappearance of the wilderness pirate group.

The regrouped Wilderness Pirates suddenly discovered that their main battleships were reduced by one-third and their transport fleet was reduced by 80%. They had plundered countless wealth and ships in the Sirila sector, and the number of ships they had plundered was even greater than what they had just taken from Auli. It was even less when Ma Xing District came over.

At this time, several army commanders had rough guesses in their minds, but they all kept their thoughts in their hearts, and no one said anything. However, Gao Feng began to provide exclusive weapons to the Silver Heart strongmen of the pirate group. It was no longer the Martial God Legion and Exclusively owned by the Scarlet Legion, the cohesion of the entire group was instantly enhanced again. At this moment, the crazy motley crew finally did something that shocked Gao Feng.

Due to the lack of transportation power, the 720 rail guns were abandoned in the arena by several legions. After all, this thing couldn't really be used as a star destroyer, and it was too slow. It was tasteless and would be a pity to abandon it.

Unexpectedly, these abandoned useless pieces were actually sent to one of the two residential stars of the Moko Protoss by the motley crew. This residential star also has a rail gun, but because it is in the hinterland, there are other star regions as barriers. There were only a little over two hundred in number, but as a result, a motley army engaged in a railgun position battle of 720 versus 200.

The battle between the rail guns was lackluster. They were like a bunch of idiots. You fired one shot at a time and I fired one at a time. They won by cheating. The result was also very clear. The pirates lost more than a hundred rail guns. All the orbital guns of the habitation star were destroyed, and then they were pushed to the edge of the atmosphere, bombarding the habitation star below.

When the garrison fleet of the resident star could no longer bear the passiveness of being beaten and took off one after another, it was like a replica of the attack on the resident star in the Olimar sector. Tens of thousands of chaotic warships and spaceships were approaching like locusts. The two thousand defending fleets dispersed without any formation lines or tactical coordination. The pirates used their most accustomed swarm tactics to pull the Star Fleet into their best group fight. After losing more ships than the Star Fleet, After successfully taking out the last defense of the planet, it became a replica of the capital star of the Olimar sector.

When the news came back, Gao Feng still couldn't believe it. Then the pirate representatives who occupied the planet sent a contact request to Gao Feng, willing to use the wealth and slaves of the planet to exchange the main battleship with Gao Feng. The reason was that they would suffer a lot from attacking the planet. Of course, in addition to the request in exchange for battleships, they also insisted on offering the most precious resources and treasures to Gao Feng. They also gave Gao Feng 300, the latest large-capacity interstellar transport ships.

This made Gao Feng feel a little embarrassed. He gave away hundreds of the main battleships in the worst condition to the motley crew, and even squeezed out three nuclear-class star-destroying ships and gave them to the three most powerful pirate groups. After all, Gaofeng still needs them to become bait to attract the Moko tribe.

When these main warships were replenished to the miscellaneous army, things seemed to be a little out of control. Gao Feng was waiting for reinforcements from the Moko tribe to enter the Sirila star area, encircle and suppress the miscellaneous army, and then sneak attack from the rear. He never expected that the miscellaneous army could attack The next inhabited star, what was even more surprising to Gao Feng was that these pirates did not stay on the inhabited star to enjoy themselves, but accepted the warships traded by Gao Feng, packed the remaining rail guns, and rushed towards the last inhabited star non-stop. go.

I don’t know when, the miscellaneous army in the Sirila Star Region expanded again. The original number of millions of miscellaneous troops multiplied several times like a balloon, and the Sirila Star Region has ten times the number of trade fleets than other star regions. These fleets were all accepted by the pirates. Except for some of the transport ships that were given or sold to Gao Feng, the remaining armed transport ships were all transformed into pirate warships and then gathered around the last core planet of Sirila.

Gao Feng did not participate in this feast. He knew that sometimes, one had to endure loneliness in order to achieve greater results. He did not take it seriously for a mere core planet, but he dispatched a large number of reconnaissance ships and exerted a large amount of force. Pictures and information.

The number of star thieves gathered in the capital star of the star sector exceeds five million, and the vast majority of them are slave sailors of the local interstellar transport business group, or the mineral business group, and there are even examples of the entire business group transforming into a pirate group. When the miscellaneous armies were looting, countless Moko protoss joined them, because they understood that if they wanted to avoid being robbed of their wealth and women, they could only become part of the bandits. What's more, some Moko puppet soldiers showed up to say that the pirate group was not just a bandit. Targeting the Moko tribe.

The biggest enemy comes from within. This sentence is very classic. Five million pirates and two hundred thousand ships of various types have densely surrounded the entire planet. They even made a rough arrangement to concentrate real warships on the planet. In the sky above the fleet station, there were too many speculators who sold all kinds of information to pirates, just for some trophies that the pirates did not like.

At this time, Gao Feng hopes that the fleet of the Moko tribe will appear soon. It seems that he can't hold it anymore. Five million pirates have at least one million banned drugs. If they suddenly rebel, the wilderness pirate group will be eaten up. There is no scum left.

All of this is an order for unrestricted operations issued by Gao Feng, which gives the miscellaneous army the greatest autonomy. At the same time, with the Wilderness Pirates as the main force, with support in mind, they are no longer afraid of the Moko Protoss army. In addition, More forces joined in, and it has completely turned into a monster that even Gao Feng is afraid of.

The capital star of the sector is not an incompetent person who just sits there and waits for death. When the subsidiary residential star is conquered, the capital star mobilizes all its personnel and installs weapons on all the aircraft that can be modified. The rail guns are also temporarily armored and even arranged. Tens of millions of orbital air mines were fired, blocking the entire planet. Spacecraft from outside could not get in, and spacecraft inside could not get out. At first glance, it looked like the entire planet was covered by a thick black fog.

In addition to the outer orbit, thousands of warships and tens of thousands of orbital gunboats are standing ready. They have also learned the lessons of the last inhabited planet. In addition, the beautiful original ecology of the planet has also been actively destroyed. A large number of steel fortresses have been constructed under the desperate construction of countless engineering equipment. Every moment, war robots wearing thick armor walked out of the factory and converged on the mountain-like fortresses. Even the underground was under intensive construction, preparing to serve as the last refuge.

The scene that returned left Gao Feng speechless for a long time. These scenes reminded him of the numerous arrangements he led the wilderness system to make when the earth was about to face a catastrophe. In the end, he could send more supplies to the stars. He even acquiesced to Yan Twenty-Nine. , plucking the last grain of food from the mouths of children who were crying for food. Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation, exhaustion, or were suppressed and executed because of their resistance because of his decision-making, just to let the remaining people live. There is a way for people to survive.

It is precisely because of the madness in the late stage of the wilderness system that Ouya disappeared silently, and even the peak could not be found. Countless underground people would rather return to the underground city than go to the starry sky. Wu Dao, who should be cunning and cunning, actually stayed in Ross. In the human camp, while enjoying beautiful women, they are waiting for poisonous gas to cover the earth.

The capital of the sector is so similar to the former Earth, but there is no pleasure of revenge, only bursts of tired sadness. Isn't this the purpose of abandoning everything and coming here? Why am I not happy when I achieve my goal?

The pirates' attack began, and the railguns came forward again. This time they were more skilled and more numerous than the last time. The pirates were not without talents. They repaired the destroyed railguns. The number once reached 800, and the number in the sector The capital has only about three hundred gates in total.

Sometimes the simpler and cruder it is, the more effective the effect is. The greater the number of back-and-forth bombardments, the more advantageous they are. Even if the Moko people have thickened the armor of the rail guns, facing the bombardment of three rail guns, the increased armor will Still useless.

Just as the pirates gradually gained the upper hand, the densely packed pirate ships suddenly opened twelve gaps, and hundreds of huge industrial carriers were seen, dragging twelve huge space cities, slowly approaching. At this time, Gao Feng felt A chill lingered in the spine. The pirates were so vicious that they even dismantled the Starry Sky Colosseum and used it to attack the planet.

More than three hundred rail guns fell silent one after another, and the huge industrial carriers began to accelerate. These industrial carriers cannot land within the atmosphere, so once they approach the atmosphere, they have the only fate of crashing. But at this time, the interstellar pirates did not do anything at all After paying attention, the arrogant control industrial mothership rushed towards the dense orbital air mines.

Countless small rescue capsules flew out of the industrial mothership, like plant spores scattered in the wind. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of orbital patrol robots hidden in air mines rushed towards the rescue capsules, easily using small particles to The gun destroys it.

The spore-like rescue capsules turned into small flashes of light under the attack of the robots. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that the sky was filled with flash lights. When the lights went out, the heavy industrial mothership had already rushed past the robots. Crash into the dense air mines.

Compared with industrial motherships, robots are like ants and boulders. These ants that destroyed the rescue capsules could not change the trajectory of the mothership by any means, including self-destruction, nor could they stop it until the air mines were detonated. Tens of thousands of orbital gunboats launched a Don Quixote-style charge.

The exploding air mines were like reflectors covered by sunlight, dazzling and dazzling. They also covered the real battlefield. The charging gunships fired particle cannons one after another, vaporizing the wreckage of the blown-up mothership. Unfortunately, the number was not very large. There are always larger pieces of debris passing through the air strikes, turning into red meteors and falling to the ground.

The second line of defense is the Starfleet. The Starfleet's firepower is a hundred times that of the gunship. Even if the optical weapons are severely weakened in the atmosphere, it still exceeds the gunship's particle cannon and will quickly destroy all fish that slip through the net.

The atmosphere of the planet really started a fierce collision. The first layer was a dazzling air mine. Air mine is a simple and powerful weapon, but its combat effectiveness is extremely low. A simple particle light can detonate a piece of it. It is generally used as a blockade barrier for interstellar passages to prevent spacecraft from forcibly breaking through. The effect is the same as the highway interception nail net in Gaofeng's previous life.

At this time, it has become the most important life direction of the planet. Perhaps the officials of the sector will regret it infinitely and should increase the number of air mines a hundred times. After all, no one knows that pirates will use space cities to break through the defense line. .

Three consecutive rounds of interception firepower were enough to intercept most of the wreckage of the mothership, but it was still the majority, not absolutely. A mothership with only one-third of its body left crashed into the second layer of gunboat array. The huge hull easily knocked more than a dozen gunboats into explosive flames, and then fell downwards. There were only two warships within hundreds of kilometers below.

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