Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1928 A step too late

"Although I don't know what has happened to her, I believe that she has no hostility towards you. The surveillance troops you sent to the war fortress have never suffered any losses. She should be merciful."

Gao Feng just wanted to smile bitterly. He could realize the horror of red sand better than anyone else. When he was in the solar system, as a catastrophe, he felt like a natural enemy when facing red sand. If his fleet hadn't besieged the inhabited planet before, I believe that red sand The sand will go away, and when she leaves again, the entire planet will not have a complete life.

He also knew that the reason why Hongsha left the Aulima star sector was because there was no more prey here. Hongsha needed more lives as prey, so he could only go to other star sectors. The only thing that made him feel a little warm was, Hongsha did not regard his subordinates as prey, which meant that at least Hongsha still had a glimmer of reason.

Gao Feng is not afraid of Hongsha killing, he is only afraid that Hongsha will turn into a monster that only kills for the sake of killing. This is what Hongsha is like now, but it also leaves a bottom line, giving him a chance to find his little fairy again. If Danghong Sha even began to massacre his pirates. I am afraid that in this life, Gao Feng will never be able to save Hong Sha. Even if they meet, they will be life and death enemies, because by then, both Gao Feng and humans will be the prey of Hong Sha.

What was originally a plundering expedition turned into a hellish tour of clearing all kinds of wreckage. In the process of cleaning up ship wreckage, even the brutal pirates became frightened, because they cleaned up thousands of shipwrecks, but nothing happened. Not a single intact body could be found, almost all of them had been torn to pieces.

What frightens them even more is that if only the human body is torn into pieces, many ships carry all kinds of giant beasts and domestic animals. Even these low-level creatures without intelligence are still torn into pieces. They even doubt that even if the human body is torn into pieces on the ship, The parasites will also be torn apart.

Once, the torn corpses of dozens of Silver Heart warriors were discovered, and the entire fleet began to panic. Many miscellaneous people wanted to return. Although the Olimar sector was in dilapidated condition, it would never be as full of death as here. If you look carefully , at least tens of millions of survivors can be found in hiding. With a population, it may not be impossible to establish their own country.

In this regard, Gao Feng could only use cruel means to suppress it. The bloody mad dog Xiang Ba became Gao Feng's royal butcher. Any pirates blacklisted by Gao Feng would become a pile of meat paste. According to Xiang Ba, since he is afraid If it is torn into pieces, then it is up to him to chop it into meat paste. Whether to become minced corpses or minced meat is your choice.

With the mad dog, they are back on the original track, but Gao Feng still feels a little happy in his heart, because before those strong men with silver hearts were torn apart, their energy-filled spines were pulled out and thrown aside. This shows that the red sand Even if he becomes a madman, he still thinks about him.

In the entire fleet, perhaps there are only two people who are truly not afraid. One is Shampa. He has never been afraid of death. According to him, he died a long time ago. Now he is just a puppet eager for revenge, and The other is a peak where he even wants to find red sand.

Lila really deserves the title of coward. She no longer dares to show up. She stays in the tattoo on her wrist all day long and does not show up no matter what she says. Even when it is time to sleep, she will shrink her whole body into Gao Feng's arms and die. She hugged him, which made Minnie very dissatisfied that she could not be intimate with Gao Feng. Fortunately, Minnie was also afraid, so she and Gao Feng held Lila in their arms and hugged each other.

After many obstacles, the fleet finally passed through the other end of the high-speed channel and arrived at the Sirila Star District. This is also a wealthy place for the Moko Protoss. It has been in business longer than the Aulima Star District and has two residents. Stars, more than 300 abundant resource stars, as well as the Moko tribe’s best starship officer school, and the most lively arena, which is full of all kinds of wealth and countless bloodshed. A large amount of wealth gathers every day. Countless lives are lost every day.

Most of the pirates in the peak have no chance to come to the Sirila star area. This is the most heavily guarded area except for the Moko family's home planet. It is impossible for any foreigner to cross the war fortress in each passage without going through inspection. There is only one possibility to get here without being censored, which is to become a gladiator, survive ninety-nine rounds in the Starry Sky Colosseum, and kill ninety-nine opponents before you can set foot on the outside land.

Arriving at this legendary star area, the pirates' emotions became high again. In their view, in such a large world, they may not be able to encounter the terrifying God of Death, and their arrival will definitely set off a frenzy of wealth. There is nothing more wonderful than turning someone else's wealth into your own. If you capture another inhabited planet, your life will be worth it.

At this time, the Wilderness Pirates Group has grown into a behemoth, with two directly affiliated legions, four basic legions, and a transport fleet. At its peak, it has more than 3,000 ships of various types, two-thirds of which are main battleships with more than two combatants. 10,000, with more than 30,000 logistics and sailors.

The vassals of the Wilderness Pirate Group are even larger, with more than 70,000 ships of various types and more than a million chaotic personnel. Even if they are pieced together, they can still create more than 10,000 regular battleships, 300,000 combat personnel, and even the Silver Heart Warriors. I can make up three hundred.

According to the initial plan, they rushed to the first-level fleet station in the Sirila sector as soon as possible and swept out any settlements encountered along the way. Although they did not expect the fleet here to be as unsuspecting as in the Olima sector, they could Today's fleet, even if it only sends out miscellaneous names, can still kill more than a thousand battleships in the first-level fleet. As long as these capital ships are eliminated, the remaining second- and third-level fleets will basically have no room for resistance.

As the fleet advanced rapidly, the strange feeling came again. There were many resource collection stars and settlements along the way, but no living person could be found. Most of them were torn corpses, destroyed ships, and floating in the starry sky. of fresh garbage.

Shangba roared threateningly at all the bad guys, and the giant bone ax in his hand was flying like a wheel. Under the roar of this mad dog, Shangba, even if they were reluctant, the bad guys could only bite the bullet and continue. After all, a mad dog is more powerful than the unknown god of death. Horrible, the broken corpses can be pieced together, and the meat sauce can be made into pies.

The fleet arrived at the first-level fleet station smoothly, without even triggering the alarm, and landed one after another around the dock. Then they looked at the broken corpses on the ground in a daze. In the open space of the military camp around the dock, there was almost no space without corpses. Judging from the position where the corpses were piled up, when the God of Death arrived, the first-level fleet had already reacted and prepared to fight the incoming enemy, but they had turned into broken corpses. So what happened to the incoming enemy could only be figured out by everyone.

Gao Feng was not in the mood to look at those corpses. Instead, he immediately sent out four legions to take over the warehouses, weapons depots, ammunition depots, and warships neatly moored in the dock. He knew that the reason why he could suppress the miscellaneous army was that It does not rely on prestige, but that he has more main battleships, stronger flagships, and more galactic warriors. Without these, millions of unknown troops are likely to bite back.

Because they were afraid of meeting the God of Death in the military camp, all the motley crew could only watch helplessly as the Wilderness Pirates plundered everything. The Pirates, who had the experience of accepting a first-class fleet, were very familiar with it. It only took less than five hours to master everything. As for the more than a thousand powerful main battleships, they all naturally returned to Gaofeng, and Gaofeng immediately handed over another Constellation-class destroyer to Minnie and appointed her as the deputy leader of the Wilderness Pirates.

Gao Feng would not let anyone other than his own woman control the Constellation-class battleships, so he temporarily promoted Minnie to deputy commander. At the same time, in order to balance the grievances of other regiment commanders, Gao Feng handed over twelve nuclear-class star destroyers to five The commander of the legion allocated it himself. As expected, Mad Dog Shamba took four ships, while the other legions shared eight equally. As a result, just after he was not matched, Mad Dog Shamba offered two more ships to Minnie, which kept Minnie's mouth closed. However, he secretly asked Gao Feng to compensate Xiangba with two hundred giant bone axes, which made Xiangba smile from ear to ear.

Through the first-level fleet station, Gao Feng confirmed that Hongsha was still thinking of herself because she did not destroy any ship of the first-level fleet, and she did not even tear apart the base's heavy tanks, but only dragged the people out of the tanks. Get rid of it.

It can be said that Gao Feng completely took over the supplies of the entire fleet, and then the Wilderness Pirates began to expand and reorganize. This time, they selected manpower from the miscellaneous army, disrupted it and replenished it to the four major legions, and then transferred manpower from the four major legions to form the third legion. The five legions, in this way, avoid the domination of one legion commander and allow the combat power to be evenly matched without too much difference.

More than a thousand main battleships were added, and only one legion was expanded. The commander of the fifth legion was not promoted from within, but unexpectedly fell to an outsider who had just joined. This person was the first Mink to cross the war fortress. Boerhua, the leader of the Si Volunteer Army, is the leader of the Kekebo tribe, a race that resembles a pangolin.

The reason why Gao Feng made Boerhua the commander of the Fifth Army was because of the deep impression he left last time. Through the replayed battle records, Boerhua actually relied on an interstellar cruise ship without any force to fight against the Burt-class main battleship. This kind of courage , I'm afraid even Xiangba is a little worse. After all, no matter how stupid Xiangba is, he will not use the rescue capsule to attack a heavy warship.

If that were the case, Gao Feng would not consider Burr Flower. The second reason is that Burr Flower organized a fleet to pass through the war fortress. You must know that when Burr Flower followed the wilderness pirate group to attack the residential star, there was only one interstellar cruise ship. , only rested for half a month on the residential star, and then prepared to conquer the war fortress.

In other words, Burr spent half a month to form a miscellaneous army, and then let this newly put together fleet form a simple fleet to complete the complex command of crossing the war fortress. It is conceivable that this guy's command How astonishing his talent was, Gao Feng still remembered that there was a so-called motley army that could not be organized into any formation, and swarmed through the war fortress. To this day, he still doesn't want to think about that scene again.

The establishment of the Fifth Army also made the original four army commanders become cautious. According to Gao Feng's approach, if they made a mistake, they could completely eliminate them by reorganizing the Sixth Army, and then find an opportunity to get rid of them. It was not easy. With today's status and wealth, only a ghost would be willing to go back to the past.

Boerhua is the catfish that Gaofeng put into the wilderness pirate group. Similarly, Gaofeng is also the Bole of Boerhua. Because of their racial habits, the Kekebo people have always been laughed at by other civilizations as dirt. Even if they join the pirate group, no one is willing to do so. Wanted, and finally picked up an interstellar cruise ship that no one wanted, and then stumbled and became a starship commander.

Now he suddenly ascended to the sky and was appointed as the commander of the regiment by Gao Feng. This was an unprecedented honor for the Kekebo tribe. Needless to say, a soldier dies for his confidant. Boerhua believed that he would be the regiment leader's second mad dog. At the same time, for the sake of To distinguish himself from the bloody mad dog, so as not to be killed by the mad dog, he asked his tribe to call him "Tu Dog" to show that he would not forget his roots.

They did not stay in the first-level fleet for too long. They just transferred supplies and activated the battleships. The wilderness pirate group began to move. Everyone supported Gao Feng's decision. No one wanted to stay here, even if the terrifying Death God had left.

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