Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1926 Wanli Family Letter

Gao Feng discovered that the best performer turned out to be a stubborn iron drill. The iron tribe was the most disliked group of people among the slaves. They had strong muscles and huge bodies, but they did not have excellent brains. , many times, they are used as mounts for riding. The problem is that they are two-legged creatures, and they are regarded as four-legged beasts by the Moko tribe, and they have long been resentful.

Therefore, when Iron Diamond ascends to the top and shouts, there are so many followers of the Iron Tribe who sacrifice their lives for their masters like the men of the Spirit Tribe. Unfortunately, the Iron Tribe is a small group among the slaves. If the number increases tenfold, the first legion of the peak will , will experience explosive growth.

After a day and a night of unrestricted carnival, a large number of tributes were continuously delivered to the flagship, piled up into mountains, including hundreds of soul gems, tens of thousands of spiritual body crystal boxes, various rare energy crystals, gems, and rough stones. Stacked together randomly, any one of them can buy an Eldar male slave or an Eldar female.

Various cosmic wonders with incredible abilities. If you can find excellent weapons experts, they may be able to be made into powerful weapons exclusive to the Galactic Warriors, or individual energy cannons that can shoot down battleships. If you are lucky, you can find something that cannot be copied. Super materials can create curved jump coordinates, create artificial wormholes, and travel thousands or even tens of thousands of light years.

The largest number of strange objects in the universe is a kind of fruit. These fruits are half a person tall and look like olives. If they were opened, a person might be able to hide inside. What is even more surprising is that these fruits still exude the breath of life. It seems as if it is still growing on an invisible tree.

There were so many fruits that Gao Feng had to ask the Guangshi Clan to find a special warehouse for storage. A rough calculation showed that there were 100,000 fruits. Since the number was large enough, Gao Feng did not pay too much attention to it. He just chose more than ten like Amethyst-like fruits with a richer life breath were placed in the exclusive room. He felt that these fruits could create a life magnetic field, which was very good for the body.

Countless green fruits have just been transferred, and new tributes have been delivered, but they are four Spirit Tribe men who look exactly the same. With their enchanting figures and milk-like smooth skin, they are the best among Spirit Tribe men. The Iron Tribe Oxhorns who came could not help but swallow their saliva. This time, Gao Feng would not accept anything he said. In order to express his care and love for his subordinates, he gave the rarely seen Eldar quadruplets to the four legions respectively. Let them harm others.

The acceptance, replenishment, and distribution of various materials, as well as rewards for meritorious personnel, punishment for failure in combat, and rewards for attached cannon fodder, these trivial matters have become Gao Feng's main busy objects. Fortunately, he has been the leader for many years, These sundries that drove several legion commanders crazy were easily dealt with, and with Lila's excellent auxiliary energy, the goal was finally achieved smoothly.

The peak of a tiring day did not wait for Minnie to return, and most of the pirates still stayed on the planet, because the core planet is the key planet carefully developed by the Moko Protoss and contains a huge amount of wealth. Many places have not been opened for the sake of more profits. , naturally we have to stay for a while, and even Gao Feng is planning to replace all the energy in the fleet with the top energy tanks, and then fill the transport ship with supplies, and there are many places on the flagship that can actually be modified, for example, A marine ecosystem of about 10,000 meters would be good.

With a trace of satisfaction, Gao Feng returned to the exclusive room, but as soon as he returned to the room, his mood became depressed again. No matter what kind of achievements, there needs to be someone to share them with. In a world without friends, Gao Feng is more likely to become depressed.

At this time, he began to miss Hongsha again, and even the fire dragon. What appeared in his heart the most were his relatives who stayed on the earth. Originally, many people had been forgotten by him, but when he was far away from the earth, he couldn't even find anything familiar. At this time, even the Chaos God King felt friendly.

Suddenly remembering that he had brought something from Earth, Gao Feng took out a diamond-shaped storage terminal and sent it to the reading device in the room, and then a wall-sized virtual screen and menu appeared.

Thousands of menus were all written in Chinese characters that Gao Feng was familiar with. Seeing these words, Gao Feng's eyes began to moisten. He didn't dare to take them out before because he was afraid that the earth's information would be exposed. Now that the entire star region is under his control, he doesn't need to worry. Someone intercepted this information.

Thousands of menus are all movie titles translated by Minnie. These trophies obtained from Mars immediately became the favorites of Kalea and others. Even Cai Feng and Luo Xing became loyal movie fans. As for May and Masati became die-hard fans of the Star Trek series.

Before leaving the earth, Minnie used new storage technology to copy thousands of movies and TV series into this small artificial diamond, hoping that one day she would miss her hometown and be able to catch a glimpse of the past glory of mankind.

Gao Feng did not click on the menu, but slowly read the name of each menu item, treating it as a game that touches memories. Some movies he has seen, some he has not seen, and those he has seen will try to recall the content. If you have seen it, you can guess the plot.

Just passing the time like this, hoping that sleep would come soon. Suddenly, Gao Feng saw a menu that shouldn't appear, which said "Aurora's Day". Gao Feng suddenly became excited and clicked on the content with trembling hands.

The virtual picture suddenly changed and turned into an almost real picture in front of Gao Feng, just like he was seeing the outside from the inside.

This is a room full of childlike interest, with various dolls and toys, as well as warm pink tones, which made Gao Feng's always calm heart beat faster. Then Gao Feng saw a small bed with a bear doll sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at A little girl with silver hair.

At this time, Gao Feng was extremely worried about the little bear doll, because this guy could see his daughter every day, but he could only guess from thousands of light years away whether his daughter had grown taller again, whether she was picky about food, or whether she didn't eat well. Getting slimer.

Time passed by, Gao Feng didn't care about the monotony of waiting for Aurora to get up. He just quietly watched Aurora's even breathing, occasional turning over, and the cuteness of her little mouth. Waiting for him to see Aurora. The moment Ruola opened her eyes in confusion, she forgot that she was just looking at the projection, and walked forward to touch her daughter's face, softly ask her to get up, and give her a kiss.

His fingers easily passed through the projection and could not touch anything. Aurora rubbed her eyes, as if recalling the plot of her dream, while Gao Feng could only look at her quietly, unable to express his longing and love for her.

Time continued to pass. Aurora's day was very long. From getting up to have breakfast, going to school, playing, playing with her friends, and playing naughty pranks, she didn't seem to know that she was being filmed. Everything was so natural, so It was so real that Gao Feng couldn't tell whether he was in the Olimar sector or the moon base.

Many people appeared in Aurora's picture, including her teachers, classmates, friends, brother, and her father-in-law, who would narrow his eyes into thin lines when he saw Aurora. When Gao Feng saw his father-in-law holding Aurora in his arms, In his arms, he held it high, and his heart was filled with jealousy. It was his daughter...

The next moment, Gao Feng felt lost. He remembered that he was busy everywhere and rarely played with his daughter. Even if he hugged him, it was mostly perfunctory. He never listened carefully to Aurora's interesting stories about him, new friends, and other things. What, because there are too many things in his heart, and he can't hold his daughter's innocence.

It wasn't until this moment that Gao Feng realized that he was so close to happiness. All he had to do was pick up his daughter and listen to her quietly. But now he was infinitely far away from happiness. He was so far away that he didn't know if he could still be there in this life. Seeing his daughter, at this moment, no matter what major events, what responsibilities, what vows, none of them matter. Gao Feng just wants to return to his hometown, to the moon base, to be able to hold his daughter and ask gently:

"Hey honey, how were you today?"

Gao Feng wanted to cry, but he couldn't, because he was a catastrophic warrior, and some human shortcomings had completely disappeared. He wanted to get drunk. Maybe when he got drunk, he could forget the regret in his heart, but he couldn't get drunk because He is Havoc Gallo.

Just like yesterday, Gao Feng was lying on the flower bed, thinking about messy things, waiting for the anxiety in his heart to disappear, or for a new day to arrive. Only in this way can he temporarily forget and numb himself with endless work.

Minnie appeared again and quietly came to lie down next to Gao Feng, but today he had no desire to speak or even touch her. He just stared at the top of his head in a daze. Minnie may have discovered something was wrong with Gao Feng and tried to kiss Gao Feng. His cheek was pushed away by Gao Feng irritably.

"Have you killed enough people today? Don't mess with me..."


After Minnie said one word, she didn't know what to say. She didn't dare to annoy Gao Feng anymore, so she just lay aside and looked at Gao Feng. This look made Gao Feng even more annoyed. He wanted someone to accompany him, but he didn't want to look like a blockhead. , the anxiety in his heart made him a little abnormal, he turned over suddenly, pressed Minnie under him, and went in regardless, causing Minnie to let out a cry of pain.

"Shut up, aren't you used to it?"

Gao Feng shouted softly, making Minnie's stiff body soften. Then Gao Feng discovered that something was wrong. Minnie had become very narrow today, like a small intestine trail, which made it difficult for him. Of course, if he ignored it and had a strong body at the level of Catastrophe, Gao Feng has no scruples, but this will cause harm to the other party.

"What's going on today? It's really..."

While complaining, Gao Feng began to soften and kissed Minnie's earlobe gently. He knew that Minnie's ears were the most sensitive, or in other words, the ears of all Eldar women were very sensitive.

A little gentleness made Minnie react suddenly and violently. She took the initiative to hug the back of Gao Feng's neck, and then raised her body upward, as if to make herself and Gao Feng become one whole. Her beautiful eyes were filled with moisture, hazy like smoke and sand, A sweet smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This reaction was beyond Gao Feng's expectation. Whether it was Minnie on the moon or Minnie now, although her body was different, her reaction was the same. It was as hot as a flame. It went crazy and even Gao Feng couldn't bear it. But at this time, it was as gentle as water.

Thinking that Minnie might feel guilty for killing too many tribesmen, Gao Feng was unwilling to delve into it and actively cooperated to let the other party enjoy pleasure and bliss. Just as he was sending Minnie to the top again and again, a man suddenly walked in from outside. The person, with his peak sense swept away, was stunned, because it was also Minnie outside.

Although Minnie had cleaned herself up and exuded a fresh body fragrance, she could not block the bloody smell coming from her bones. So when she appeared, Gao Feng confirmed her identity, but the problem was that she was lingering with him at this time. Who is it?

"Ha, I knew you were dishonest, you actually ate it secretly..."

When Minnie saw Gao Feng and the two, she immediately started laughing. Just as Gao Feng was about to explain, Minnie continued:

"Dear mother, when did you regain your memory? How did it feel for the first time? Could it be that you used my identity to achieve your wish? You are still the same as before, you like to play tricks..."

When Gao Feng heard this, his hair almost stood up. He quickly stood up and wanted to run. Unexpectedly, Lila, who played Minnie, hugged him tightly, making him unable to move. At the same time, she actively twisted her waist to let him go deeper. This stimulation It was so intense that it made him tremble for seven seconds, and then he collapsed completely. Lila also arrived at the same time, her face flushed, and she hugged him tightly, never letting go.

At this time, Minnie also climbed onto the bed, lay on the side, hugged Lila, kept stroking her, and said with a strange smile:

"Doesn't it taste good? As a girl who has never experienced the fate of a man, and finally got rid of the curse of bad luck, you should thank me..."

"Minnie, if you hadn't parasitized me on him, why would I be like this? I've felt everything you did..."

Lila sighed, complained, and at the same time rubbed Gao Feng's face intimately, and said shyly:

"I know Minnie has sworn her soul to you, and I will do the same, and you will be my only male companion."

"Huh, you got a good deal and behaved well. You haven't said when you regained your memory..."

Minnie obviously doesn't care that Lila is with Gao Feng, she is more concerned about Lila's early recovery.

"Not long after entering the Aulima Star Zone, I completely recalled the past, but I was still very weak. Fortunately, the leader's body continued to replenish my soul energy..."

"No wonder you refuse to leave my man. It turns out that with this intention, you are truly a conspirator..."

Minnie obviously has no respect for her mother, and Lila doesn't refute. She will only achieve her goals in her own way. Although she acts very scheming, it may not be to protect herself. As for Gao Feng, in order to avoid embarrassment, she has begun forced hypnosis. , I just want to wake up and the world will restart again.

The conversation between the two women kept coming to his ears, and Gao Feng's consciousness gradually blurred. Sometimes releasing yourself is the best way to relieve stress. The insomnia caused by anxiety just disappeared, and then Gao Feng fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Gao Feng felt like he was tied up by a big net. Then he discovered that Minnie and Lila were hugging him tightly, as if they were afraid of losing him, and the two identical faces were just like that. Like a pair of flower-like twins, they make the flagpole stronger in the early morning.

Carefully moving the arms and thighs of the two women apart, Gao Feng got out of bed and looked at the sisters hugging each other. Infinite satisfaction suddenly surged in his heart. It may be shameless, but the achievement of conquering a mother and daughter flower, and It is not something that ordinary people can understand.

With a sense of freedom and carefreeness, Gao Feng enjoyed the comfort of the artificial sea. With two splashes, water splashed on his face. The two beauties looked at Gao Feng with a smile and said at the same time:

"Who is Minnie? Who is Lila?"

Of course, Gao Feng was not troubled by this kind of joke. He pulled a beautiful woman close to his arms, sniffed her neck vigorously, and then said:

"You are Lila, and the other one is Minnie..."

"It's really boring. I have prepared many steps..."

Minnie obviously did not expect that Gao Feng could confirm his identity through the sense of smell. Gao Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. The smell of blood in his bones is not so easy to get rid of. A murderous person, a scheming person, and a little careful person can tell the difference. come out.

With the company of two beauties, Gao Feng would not be lonely. Chatting with them, Lila gradually became familiar with Gao Feng. There was no longer any barrier or embarrassment. Taking advantage of the opportunity of playing with Gao Feng, she suddenly hugged Gao Feng and With the most pious mentality, I completed the spiritual bridge, officially opened my memories to Gao Feng, and also exposed all my privacy to Gao Feng.

Time seems to be very long, yet it seems to be very short. Gao Feng has experienced Lila's life. Although there are many memory losses, he truly understands this woman's psychology. Lila is actually a very pitiful person. She is naturally timid and has delicate emotions. , is incompatible with the ideas of the Eldar tribe. Although she is the best person in the tribe, no one recognizes her. Even the men of the Eldar tribe are unwilling to talk to her. She has always lived like a transparent person, with no friends and no communication.

Too afraid of being alone, Lila did a very crazy thing, challenging a giant beast that threatened the Eldar alone. This giant beast had the strength of the Broken Star peak. Almost no Eldar could compete with it, so they could only form a formation to drive it away. And Lila spent about three years observing the living habits and habits of the giant beast, understanding it better than anyone else, and then used various means to lead the giant beast into a trap step by step. Finally, she was captured after being unable to resist. Lila achieved great success by killing him with one strike.

It's a pity that no one thinks highly of Lila's method of killing the giant beast. They think she is too cunning and not a warrior. She is called a conspirator. However, her great achievements cannot be erased, so she has the opportunity to leave a descendant for herself through the mother tree. Lila used her own blood to create Minnie, and at the same time she prayed that her child would be brave and become a hero of the Eldar race, and not be isolated like her.

This is the past of Lila and Minnie, two women with extreme personalities but the same origin. They can be said to be mother and daughter, or sisters. It makes Gao Feng less depressed, at least there is no need to worry about the condemnation of conscience.

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