Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1908 Inspection

Gao Feng casually took one and held it in his mouth, taking a sip. The cigar was natural without fire, which surprised Qingcheng Wushuang. She didn't notice Gao Feng's energy fluctuations and couldn't help but ask;

"Is this the ability of Shattering Star Gallo?"

When she asked this question, a trace of sadness flashed across her face. It might only take half a year to degrade from the peak of Bengyun to the junior level, but to advance from the basic level to the peak, she doesn't know how long it will take, especially since she has lost her family's status. With support, he may not be able to return to the top in this life.

"Broken Star? You are thinking too much..."

Gao Feng enjoyed smoking his cigar. Whether it was in a space city or a moon base, it was an absolutely non-smoking environment. Gao Feng had not smoked for a long time, so he let the cigar linger in his mouth for as long as possible.

"what do you want?"

After smoking a third of the cigar, Qingcheng Wushuang did not speak. However, Gao Feng did not want to play riddles anymore and asked directly. A trace of blush appeared on Qingcheng Wushuang's originally withered face. He bit his lips and said tangledly:

"Energy crystals, we don't need relief. As long as we have energy crystals, we can be self-reliant. When we can produce food, we can pay off our debts..."

Even though she was in such a state of desolation, Qingcheng Wushuang was still proud. She knew that there was a space city and a lunar base in Gaofeng. The food and energy stored in it were enough for 200,000 people for ten years. She only had a hundred people. Even if she missed a little bit of residue, she could still make it. They ate until they died, but she didn't want to give out charity. She just wanted to borrow some energy crystals to survive the current difficulties.

Gao Feng did not reply, but looked at the five-meter-high purification tree. Even if everyone else was gone, the modified modulator girl still sat under the purification tree, using the crystal between her eyebrows to communicate with the purification tree, instilling spiritual power as nutrients. .

"I planted this tree. Apart from this tree, I have scattered hundreds of seeds all over the world, but I believe that the tree here is the best growing. Do you know why?"

After hearing these words, Qingcheng Wushuang, no matter how entangled she was, could not deny that without the peak, they would not be alive now. The so-called dignity was just a joke, but when she heard what was behind it, she was stunned.

"Because there is a kind girl who never gives up hope. With hope, this tree can protect more people..."

Speaking of this, Gao Feng sighed in her heart, and Qingcheng Wushuang blushed. She knew that Gao Feng was praising her, and her dead heart became more energetic. At this moment, Gao Feng suddenly held her broken arm, causing Qingcheng Wushuang to shout. :

"no, do not want……."


With his index finger raised to his mouth, Gao Feng interrupted Qingcheng Wushuang's low cry. Unexpectedly, Qingcheng Wushuang's cheeks turned redder, and he whispered:

"I'm very dirty and smelly now. Wait until I wash it off..."

Hearing this, Gao Feng immediately shuddered. He had just escaped from Zhuang Midie, so how could he still think about this? Knowing that Qingcheng Wushuang misunderstood that he wanted to use her body to make a deal, he did not explain it anymore and just said Exclusive energy is injected into the severed arm to analyze the alluring body.

When the energy of the peak integrated into her body, Qingcheng Wushuang realized that she had misunderstood, but this made her even more ashamed, because she said something she shouldn't have said, and she felt a little sad in her heart. She was already a disabled body, how could she deserve this? man?

Just when she was thinking wildly, a strange numbness suddenly came from the gap in the broken arm, which made her eyes widen to the extreme. She looked at the new arm that was growing in disbelief. In the blue light, there was a small snow-white hand. It was taking shape, and not long after, the missing part was completely completed. While she was shocked, she also felt a sense of fear. Especially when she tried to move her left hand, the fear in her heart reached its peak. She absolutely could not believe that someone could do it. To this extent?

Qingcheng Wushuang, who had her left hand again, suddenly wanted to cry. She thought she would be like this for the rest of her life, dragging her crippled body and lingering until she couldn't hold on anymore, and then died quietly. She didn't expect that the summit would give her A chance to be reborn.

"Go to sleep. After a good sleep, tomorrow will be different..."

Before Qingcheng Wushuang could thank him, Gao Feng dismissed her. Looking at the eyes that wanted to talk, Gao Feng raised the cigar box and said:

"This is the reward, you don't need to worry about the debt..."

Watching Qingcheng Wushuang leave, Gao Feng only regarded it as an insignificant thing. In fact, he never thought about taking Qingcheng Wushuang away. After all, the earth also needs someone to stay. Since Qingcheng Wushuang is willing to sacrifice for the survivors, why not let her bear more responsibility? Big responsibility?

A step forward with Gao Feng holding a cigar in his mouth appearing under the purification tree. The cybernetic girl opened her eyes. After seeing Gao Feng, she quickly stood up and left quietly. It was obvious that Qingcheng Wushuang had given orders to the others here.

Looking at the leafy purification tree, Gao Feng tried to condense a drop of the purest spiritual liquid between his eyebrows. This drop of spiritual liquid was equivalent to the entire spiritual power of the Broken Star's primary level. In the past, Gao Feng would have been severely depleted. But now, it is no longer necessary. All it takes is a short rest and the peak can be fully restored.

When this drop of substantial spiritual liquid appeared, the purification tree suddenly came alive, emitting joyful emotions, and all the leaves rustled, like a child waving his hands to ask for candy. When the spiritual liquid was completely integrated into the purification tree, , a huge breath of life suddenly emerged, and then Gao Feng heard Zhuang Midie's cheerful laughter.

"Big brother, after being apart for a while, you started to miss me? This is my first clone tree. If you want to talk to me in the future, you can look for it..."

Gao Feng also didn't expect that a drop of spiritual liquid would kill Zhuang Midie's clone tree. Fortunately, Zhuang Midie only made a brief introduction and fell silent again. Only then did Gao Feng suppress the idea of ​​​​escape again and carefully observe the rapid growth. purification tree.

During the rapid growth, the purification tree kept making crackling sounds, as if the joints in the whole body were being shaken. With the crackling sound like firecrackers, Qingcheng Wushuang arrived at the first moment, and was immediately stunned, because in her eyes, the purification tree that protected them , running upwards like crazy, seven meters, eight meters, ten meters, all the way to fifteen meters, tripling the height in less than ten minutes.

The height of the tree increased three times, and the branches increased more than ten times. Countless branches were swaying and dancing, and buds spread out on the branches, like blooming stamens. As the leaves opened, the poisonous gas surrounding the Free City seemed to be sucked in. The tornadoes in the eye of the storm were all concentrated around the purification tree, and soon the poisonous gas was converted into fresh oxygen.

In the peak of perception, at least 100,000 square meters of area are protected by the purification tree, suitable for life to survive. And this is just the beginning. When the young leaves of the purification tree really grow, this area will be expanded three times, and then the entire area will be expanded three times. The Free City will be covered with Purification Trees.

Gao Feng never thought that a drop of spiritual energy would create such a miracle. It can be said that the Free City has been completely recovered, and this is just the beginning. As long as Gao Feng is willing, the purification trees planted in China will form a settlement for survivors. point.

With oxygen, water is also needed to survive. The problem is that the wells in Liberty City are exposed to poisonous gas for a long time, which is very harmful to the human body. The main culprit of the degradation of Qingcheng Wushuang is precisely to purify the water source.

The emergence of the peak shocked the survivors, and the rapid growth of the Purification Tree made them incredible. But when a clear spring appeared under the Purification Tree, they were already numb, as if there was nothing that could surprise or surprise them. other.

Minnie also walked out of the room and saw the miracles created by Gao Feng. She just sighed in her heart. If a figure like Gao Feng had appeared in the Spiritual Race back then, maybe they would not have been exterminated by the Moko God Clan. Human beings are a race that is good at creating miracles, no matter how small they are. In a harsh environment, there are always some people who can stand out and become the hope and future of the race. In comparison, she, the so-called daughter of destiny, is more like a target used by the Eldar to attract hatred, and finally becomes a tool, for The enemies of the race have been working for so many years.

Gao Feng did not intend to take back the City of Freedom, but handed it over to Qingcheng Wushuang, and at the same time promised the City of Freedom to grow food in exchange for energy. Then he went to the main city of Xuanye and met Yue Lasha. Living in the underground mausoleum of Xuanye's main city, this mausoleum is the underground base built by Gao Feng for his mother. It has a complete oxygen generation system and reserves a large amount of supplies. It provides a refuge for Xuanye's children who are unwilling to leave the earth.

After two years of not seeing each other, Yue Lasha has become more mature, and is getting closer and closer to Youming in temperament, but she is still single and does her best for the Xuan Ye family. When he saw Yue Lasha for the first time, Gao Feng was filled with emotions. Why didn't he understand? There are some things that cannot be forced upon Yue Lasha's heart. Gao Feng's heart is both big and small at the same time. Not many can stay in it and cannot be divided by Yue Lasha.

Perhaps in order to make up for the sacrifices made by the Xuanye family to him, Gao Feng planted seven purification trees in Xuanye's main city, including one in the city lord's palace and six around the city. Now they are about three meters tall, waiting for the seven purification trees to receive the spirit at the same time. After using the original liquid, the foundation of the Xuan Ye family was once again forged. The aerobic area of ​​more than ten square kilometers is larger than the moon base, and there is no problem in accommodating tens of thousands of people.

After that, Gao Feng no longer consumed the raw liquid of mental power to spawn more purification trees. Instead, he patrolled the world and left footprints on various continents. As he patrolled the world, Gao Feng discovered many interesting phenomena, and some new species began to appear. Appearing in poisonous gas environments, these species include animals, plants, and insects. They should be mutations caused by drastic changes in the environment.

At the same time, Gao Feng also discovered that even if the world was destroyed, there would still be human beings lingering on. Most of them would be some functioning shelters, and the special geographical environment would isolate the poisonous gas. Gao Feng even discovered more than a dozen large-scale operating systems in the Chaos Front's lair. Bases, these bases are all subordinate to Charles, sheltering thousands of human survivors. They have adapted to wearing oxygen masks to mine and produce in toxic gas environments, and even transplanted the purification trees they found near the base to form a small area of ​​purification. Woods, exclusively for high-rise enjoyment.

Gao Feng has no intention of meeting Charles. Maybe decades or hundreds of years later, Charles' descendants will have new conflicts and contradictions with the Chinese region, but Gao Feng no longer cares about it. In any case, Charles is also a member of human civilization. Branching out, a single civilization may not be better than a diversified civilization. Perhaps the collision between the two sides can generate more technological sparks and allow mankind to continue to progress.

After Gao Feng inspected almost all the purification trees, he discovered that even the end of the world could not stop human beings from killing each other. They finally survived the spread of poisonous gas. These people just wanted a little food, a can of oxygen, and a bottle of clean water. The purification trees even fought each other, which made Gao Feng even have the idea of ​​destroying all the purification trees outside China. Fortunately, Gao Feng did not do so in the end because he knew that this was just the survivor's instinct to survive.

Since there was no way to stop it, Gao Feng could only go with the flow, but as a catastrophic expert, he still left a gift for the survivors. Every purification tree would have a clear spring, and there would also be a statue of Zhuang Zhuang. The current image of the butterfly, as long as someone is willing to pray to the statue, the growth of the purification tree can be accelerated. This is the peak of expectations, and I hope that the earth can recover as soon as possible.

Inadvertently, Gao Feng left a faith for the survivors. Zhuang Midie transformed into the goddess of purification, and her followers spread all over the world. As more and more purification trees were discovered by the survivors, settlements with purification trees as the core began to form. Slowly formed, leaving an indelible trace in human history.

After the final inspection was completed, Gao Feng took Minnie back to the moon. At the same time, hundreds of spacecraft returned to the earth, bringing a large amount of nutrients with them to start new trade with the remaining humans on the earth, disconnecting the earth from the moon base. The contact was restored, and in this way, mankind's last destiny was finally restored.


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