Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1904 The Ordeal of General Alpha

Compared with the Chaos God King, the appearance of Gao Feng was a mistake. Perhaps Gao Feng inherited the destiny of the previous era, so he was not on the list of candidates for world consciousness. He killed the Chaos God King by accident, but he did not need to bear the responsibility of being devoured by the Chaos God King. The fate of the world consciousness, and at the same time, in the name of guardianship, awakening the potential of the source of consciousness, using the high-level Broken Star as the basis to break through the last step, maybe he is not as fierce as the catastrophic powerhouse who swallowed the world consciousness, but he has a more perfect Plan to penetrate into the Moko Protoss, thus completely disintegrating the entire terrifying civilization.

The complex eyes finally turned into determination again. The catastrophic powerhouse made him successful and almost killed him. You must know that all along, he has used the source of consciousness as a tool to absorb and purify spiritual power, and has not truly understood the source of consciousness. Use discovery, if he does not achieve the catastrophe, he will die here inexplicably and be buried with the catastrophe strongman, and the fate of mankind and his family will become extremely miserable. The resentment in Gao Feng's heart far exceeds the catastrophe strongman. admiration and gratitude.

The right hand, as delicate as crystal carving, pierced the chest of the catastrophic powerhouse without hesitation, and then pinched out an egg-sized ball of light. The moment the ball of light was caught, the light emanating from the entire stone chamber wall was extinguished instantly, and at the same time The powerful body of Havoc Jialuo also shattered into pieces, turning into dust and piled up on the stone platform, and the human form could no longer be seen.

Looking at the ball of light in his hand, a trace of malicious ridicule emerged from the corner of Gao Feng's mouth. Perhaps in the eyes of the powerful people of Catastrophe, the Moko Protoss could never take away the origin in his body, but as the Gao Feng of Catastrophe, he could easily get this ball. The origin of Mars has been sleeping for who knows how many thousands of years.

Grasping the origin of Mars, Gao Feng left the Great Rift Valley and emerged in the high altitude of Mars. His perception instantly spread to hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and he grasped everything on the surface. Soon Gao Feng discovered five biological warships that were fleeing.

The black matter is like cancer cells, spreading rapidly along the surface of Mars, capturing biological battleships with energy fluctuations. Looking at it, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers are shrouded in black matter. On the edge of the black matter, there are two groups of organisms. The battleship ran with all its strength and did not dare to stop for a moment.

According to this speed, it would not take twelve hours for the black substance to wrap up the entire Mars. The killing move left by the catastrophic master specifically for the Moko Protoss is not easy to resolve. At least Alpha did not deceive Gao Feng when it came to engine overload. I believe she also regretted the engine overload. Otherwise, she would have led the fleet back to space and escaped.

Gao Feng watched the fleet flee, but he was not anxious at all. In fact, he was almost killed today, and Alpha was also the culprit. If she hadn't been focused on finding traces of the previous generation of astronauts, Gao Feng might not have come to the Great Rift Valley or been close to the Great Rift Valley. , naturally will not be detected by the black matter. After staying in peace for twelve hours, he can return to the starry sky. Thinking of the sins he has suffered, Gao Feng has the idea of ​​​​putting Alpha on his knees and spanking him.

Before the black matter could catch up with the biological fleet, Gao Feng began to implement his travel plan to Mars. In fact, there was nothing interesting to see on Mars. Apart from the desert Gobi, there were only strange peaks and rocks. However, a large amount of water ice was found at the North and South Poles. Its content is not much less than that of the Earth's former North and South Poles.

Mars has more than 630,000 craters with a diameter of more than one kilometer, and countless craters smaller than one kilometer. In addition, there are Martian dust storms that can ravage the entire planet. Over countless years, the traces of civilization on Mars have long disappeared. The only All that is left is the desolation and meteorites that have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

After being promoted to Catastrophe, the maximum speed in the Martian atmosphere may not reach light seconds, but can at least reach the first cosmic speed. Gao Feng soon explored almost all of Mars. In addition to a large number of mineral veins, many earth-launched objects were also discovered. Exploration satellites and robots can occasionally find alien spacecraft buried deep underground. In addition, Gao Feng also unexpectedly discovered a large number of energy crystal mines. It can be said that they are everywhere, far denser than the earth.

The discovery of the energy crystal mine was an unexpected surprise, but Gao Feng did not believe that the emergence of energy crystals was inevitable. You must know that in the previous life, there was not a single energy crystal in the entire world, but after the nuclear war, a large number of energy crystals appeared. At least the wilderness system's caravans have records of finding energy crystals all over the world.

Looking back on the various changes on the earth, Gao Feng discovered that if the Chaos God King had not been killed, the earth would probably have become the second Mars. This sign had already appeared before Gao Feng was born. The oceans disappeared, energy crystals appeared, and humans broke the evolutionary path. There are signs that strong human beings have appeared all over the world. Even India has no less than the Mahayana monks of Bengyun, not to mention the clones of strong men hunted by the Chaos God King.

While Gao Feng was meditating, Alpha opened her beautiful big eyes and looked at Gao Feng suspended in mid-air in front of her with great shock. The shout of reminder was stuck in her throat and she could not shout out. Inside the bridge, no matter how heartbreaking she made it The roar of Split Lung will not be heard by the peak outside. The problem is that the stalking black substance is behind the battleship and will swallow up the peak in a short time.

For Gao Feng, Alpha felt determined not to see each other again. Because of his previous stubbornness and poor decision-making, and the unlucky escape incident, it was Gao Feng who took the risk to resist the terrifying black claws that gave them the opportunity to enter the multidimensional space. Even though In this way, the Alpha flagship and frigates were severely damaged and needed a lot of bright energy crystals to repair them. The biological fleet, which already owed a lot of debt to Gao Feng, was even worse. If they could take the opportunity to kill Gao Feng, the debt might not have to be repaid.

Unfortunately, this is impossible. Before the peak, he fell to the place with the densest black matter and he didn't die. What does this little black matter mean now? Alpha could only bite the bullet and order:

"Launch anti-air missiles to remind that guy to stop being distracted..."

As soon as the order was given, I heard the little confused but exclaimed:

"Oops! I made a mistake and fired the annihilation cannon..."

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of black beams of light shot out towards the peak in the air. Almost at the same time, hundreds of black lights hit the peak. Alpha's eyes suddenly turned black, and his whole life became dark. He grabbed the little confused egg by the neck and shouted sternly:

"You must be my enemy in my previous life, I want to kill you..."

"How many crystal stones do you think we need to pay to make up for the crime of manslaughter?"

Gao Feng, who had just been hit by hundreds of annihilation cannons, suddenly appeared next to Alpha and stared at her maliciously, making Alpha just want to faint. Then she gave a serious order:

"Your Excellency, Commander, has been picked up. Attention all ships, we will meet at the following coordinates. We will now start recording the coordinate positions..."

"Uncle, you are so powerful. Even the annihilation cannon can't kill you. Do you want to try something else? We have just developed an anti-matter fission bomb, one of which has the power of a 500,000-yield nuclear bomb..."

Gao Feng helplessly looked at the excited little confused boy, and he couldn't figure out what kind of murderous heart he had underneath this delicate and cute appearance. Nuclear weapons were introduced to her as delicacies, but Gao Feng knew that the little fool's head would always be short of strings. Her way of thinking was not in this dimension, so she could only direct her depressed eyes at the serious Alpha and snatch her away. Grab him, put him on his knees, and beat him hard:

"I made you disobedient, made you embezzle my energy crystals, made you act on your own, and almost led to the destruction of the fleet..."

"No, no, don't hit me, it will break..."

Alpha let out a shy moan again, her little face turned red, her queenly aura disappeared completely, her hair stuck to the corner of her mouth, which was extremely enchanting. When her mind went blank, she could only shout "No", but her small waist twisted. , seemed to take the initiative to raise her little buttocks, making the little confused boy squatting in front of her, holding his face in his hands puzzled, suddenly thought of something, and shouted loudly:

"That nasty, black disgusting thing is still chasing us. Sister Alpha has been beaten into an idiot, how can she escape..."

"You are the idiot, don't, it will really break..."

Alpha suddenly raised his head and yelled at the little confused egg, and then fell into a state of confusion again. He lay obediently on Gao Feng's knees, biting his lips and continued to scream, which made Gao Feng's anger completely dissipate.

Gao Feng was not a pervert, and had no thoughts about the underage Alpha. He was just angry because of the previous sins he suffered, so he taught the little girl a lesson. Seeing that Alpha seemed to be getting happier with more spankings, he was too lazy to continue and waited until Gao Feng stopped. , Alpha flashed a hint of disappointment, then jumped up, put one hand on his waist, pointed at Gao Feng's nose and shouted:

"I'm not afraid of you. The worst we can do is die together. Anyway, at this speed, we won't be able to escape before the things outside catch up with us..."

This is called pulling out your pants and getting beaten, and putting your pants on to scold your mother. Alpha’s intelligence and vision did not live up to Gao Feng’s expectations. He was able to discover the speed of the expansion of black matter and the duration of the fleet’s persistence by enhancing his perception dozens of times. Alpha unexpectedly In the process of escaping, he knew the result through calculation. He was not a little bit better than Gao Feng. He was a natural commander.

"Hmph, I'll take care of you later and see what you did to the flagship..."

The confidence brought by the promotion to the catastrophe made Gao Feng much more cheerful. He deliberately frightened Alpha and disappeared from the bridge. When he reappeared, he was already outside the battleship, facing the swarming black tide alone, which made Alpha bite his lip in worry. , her eyes could not accommodate anything except the peak.

Facing the upcoming black craze, Gao Feng pondered for a moment. Countless black lines appeared on his face, wrists, palms, etc., which were exposed outside his clothes. The moment these lines appeared on his skin, they turned into hundreds of millions of lines. The symbol of ten thousand rushed out of Gaofeng's body and faced the black craze.

At the moment when these symbols come into contact with the black matter, the black matter of the entire planet converges towards the peak position, like all rivers returning to the sea, being continuously absorbed by the dense black symbols, and the absorption speed is far faster than the expansion speed of the black matter. , it only took less than five hours to absorb all the black matter that had spread over half of Mars, and then turned into black lines again, invaded Gao Feng's body, and slowly settled down.

Gao Feng opened his eyes suddenly, and the huge energy in his body increased again, as if he had transformed into a giant beast of heaven and earth, exuding the terrifying pressure of swallowing the sky and the sun. Even the biological battleship several kilometers away was teetering under this pressure. , and soon Gao Feng suppressed the surge of energy in his body and regained his original composure.

At this time, the biological battleships had all returned to the team and gathered behind Gao Feng. The children in the battleship were all looking at Gao Feng in horror. That terrifying frenzy that could even swallow up the battleship was just eaten by Gao Feng? Everything that happened made them feel like they were in a dream.


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