Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1881 Harvest

Gao Feng couldn't bear to kill him because he felt sorry for the amazing insect king who might become his fellow traveler, and he couldn't bear not wanting to rescue him. He might not be afraid of the consequences of the insect king's promotion to the broken star, but he had a wife, children, subordinates and foundation.

Gao Feng decided to watch the insect king go on his way, wait for the insect king to die, and then collect the insect king's body. As for whether to use it as raw materials or food, it depends on future plans. While waiting, the insect king's consciousness became weaker and weaker, and a faint sadness slowly spread between heaven and earth. This sadness was a pure spiritual power that Gao Feng could not absorb. It was the last trace of the peak strongman left in this world. If someone broke in here, he would involuntarily sink into the atmosphere of sadness and die in the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Just as Gao Feng was waiting for the sadness to reach its limit and the insect king to fall completely, a sense of unwillingness suddenly joined the sadness, producing a kind of tyranny that was almost chaotic and crazy. This tyrannical breath was like the insect king's last ray of light, which made it suddenly sit up from the lake. The next moment, it prostrated itself on the lake and begged Gao Feng.

This insignificant action consumed the remaining vitality of the Insect King. The body with silver light decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. If the light was lost, the Insect King would also be at the time of death. Gao Feng looked down at the Insect King, frowning slightly, and suddenly a pleading came into his mind. This was the Insect King's self-learning and understanding of spiritual shock.

The Insect King naturally did not know human language, but expressing with consciousness was more accurate than language. Gao Feng instantly understood the Insect King's thoughts. The Insect King, whose descendants were all killed, hated himself the most. But even if the Insect King consumed his essence, he could not do anything to him. He asked himself that there was no hope of revenge and he was about to die. Infinite sadness surged in the heart of the Insect King.

After the sadness, it also found the opportunity to advance to the Broken Star. It was precisely this step that had stuck it for who knows how many years. I don't know how many peak disaster beasts like it were assimilated with the world because they could not cross the last step. They clearly found the way to advance, but died because of serious injuries. Even the Insect King would feel infinite unwillingness.

The problem is that if there is no medicine, it would be fine, but its only chance to survive is Gao Feng, and Gao Feng is its enemy who exterminated its clan. The two extreme emotions intertwined, almost turning it into a mad insect. In the end, the desire and unwillingness to be promoted overcame the hatred for Gao Feng. The insect king was willing to surrender to Gao Feng and get the help of his enemy. ,

The insect king did not surrender sincerely, but the last straw of the drowning man. He would live if he could, and he didn't care if he couldn't live. He just wanted to find an endorsement for his unwillingness. Gao Feng hesitated and watched the insect king's breath getting weaker and weaker, and finally completely cut off.

At the moment when the insect king died, a ray of pure spiritual power quietly penetrated into the insect king's eyebrows. This trace of spiritual power was like a pacemaker, which revitalized the dead insect king. But this trace of vitality was insignificant, even less than when the insect king was seriously injured.

It was this insignificant spiritual power that brought the Insect King back to life. It was like the source of life, constantly nourishing the Insect King's dried-up soul. This was also Gao Feng's intention. It was because the Insect King was hit by the spiritual storm. If he didn't die, how could he eliminate the continuous damage? At the moment of death, the subsequent damage of the spiritual storm disappeared completely, and a wisp of pure spiritual power just connected the moment between the birth and death of the Insect King.

The energy lake contains an unknown amount of energy that is constantly converging to the Insect King. In the process of converging, the Insect King's own spiritual power is also constantly merging with the energy, from the initial one percent to one tenth. During the process of the fusion of the Insect King, Gao Feng's face began to look ugly, because he found that the Insect King had taken a big advantage of him.

The spiritual power that Gao Feng injected into the Insect King was his own purified spiritual power. The purified spiritual power could not be obtained before the Star Shattering rank. Only after the promotion to the Star Shattering rank could it be polished and purified bit by bit. The Insect King used this wisp of spiritual power, which it could never rely on the pure spiritual power it obtained, to complete the second spiritual sea construction.

This time, the construction gave it an infinitely high starting point out of thin air. It used a wisp of pure mental power as a trigger to continuously purify its own mental power. In other words, before the energy fusion was completed, it had already achieved the effect of promotion. Although it was only one step away, it was a great opportunity.

You must know that Gao Feng had suffered so much and experienced so many hardships in order to purify his own mental power. Finally, with the help of the blue cross star, he barely achieved the effect of purification before promotion. Even so, it was far inferior to the wisp of mental power given to the insect king. How could Gao Feng not be jealous?

In extreme extremes, Gao Feng resisted the anger in his heart, squatted down, touched the skin of the insect king like grease, and began to analyze the insect king. Only by thoroughly analyzing it, Gao Feng could kill the other party at any time, so as not to raise a tiger for harm.

From beginning to end, the insect king did not move and recovered slowly. Even if Gao Feng used his consciousness to inform the other party in his brain that the life and death of the insect king was in Gao Feng's mind after the analysis, the insect king had no idea of ​​resistance. In other words, even if the insect king had wisdom, he was still simple and did not know the word "treason".

It took less than an hour to completely analyze the Insect King who was half a step away from becoming a star-shattering being. After the analysis, he could destroy the Insect King with just a thought and plunder the Insect King's essence to replenish himself. Even if the Insect King fled to the ends of the earth, Gao Feng could travel from the multi-dimensional space to the Insect King with just one step, which was very convenient.

When the Insect King has completely returned to its peak state, the level of the energy lake has dropped by about half a foot. At this time, the Insect King is more powerful than before. The silver light surrounding him is mixed with a trace of milky white, giving it a sacred feeling. Instead, his aura began to become introverted, tightly converging all the terror and power into his body. There was no longer the raging flames of the sky. This showed that the Insect King had taken a further step in controlling himself and had reached the threshold of returning to his original nature.

The resurrected Insect King did not attack Gao Feng, but he did not express much joy towards Gao Feng. After all, Gao Feng was the enemy that wiped out his group. He floated silently next to Gao Feng, alerting Gao Feng to the enemies coming from behind. In other words, look for opportunities to take revenge on the peak behind you.

Gao Feng paid no attention to the insect king, but looked intently at the lake. Not long after, a huge golden insect nest slowly rose from the lake. This huge insect nest was completely made of semi-solidified crystals, and contained the horror inside. Energy, even Gao Feng was slightly surprised. He had never seen a semi-solidified crystal of golden quality. If the energy contained in a semi-solidified spirit is equal to a fish pond, then a golden semi-solidified crystal is equivalent to a small lake, no matter how small the lake is. A hundred times bigger than the fish pond.

Apart from insect nests, there are not many semi-solidified crystals in the energy lake. The largest ones are only about the size of a fist. It can be seen that the gem beetles have raided the energy lake countless times, and the strange flowers and plants that were scattered everywhere have long been completely destroyed by the spiritual storm. After being ground into pieces, only some cracks in the crystals remained. These peaks did not like them, so they found Saibaba with the insect nest and the insect king, and returned to Saibaba's lair. There, Gao Feng prepared to search for the stone balls again. , this is also the habit of the peak, the thief will not go short.

For Gao Feng, the trip to Africa is just a small trip that is not boring, but for the wilderness, it is an opportunity to break through the bottleneck. Countless warships are no longer afraid of energy loss, and all operate at the fastest speed, bringing more Ore and resources are transported back to the wilderness.

Countless factories stand on the desolate land. Each factory area stretches for dozens of miles. Each one is a giant. They produce countless spare parts and mechanical equipment, transport them to the assembly center and pass through the assembly line, becoming part of the space city. .

Hundreds of scientists have temporarily given up on their original projects and begun to study thousands of new materials and species. These things can be regarded as the last heritage of the world. Each one has special effects, and many of them can significantly If the baby that improves human body quality can be popularized and the best way to use it can be found, people who go into space will no longer need to worry about muscle atrophy or other deep space diseases.

Stone balls are valued by the peak, but they are not the subject that scientists are most interested in. The material they are most enthusiastic about is a mineral called red obsidian. This weird ore from the Grand Canyon of Africa has a weird gravity field. Anyone who is close to the ore Creatures within a hundred meters will passively increase gravity. This means that one ton of red obsidian-refined material can achieve the effect of a 100,000-ton space gravity system. Not to mention the processing and material costs of a 100,000-ton large-scale system. Just talking about the transportation and time costs are enough to increase the progress of the wilderness space program by more than ten points.

While you let go and work hard in the wilderness, the valley and forest are as quiet and leisurely as usual, with flowers blooming for a long time and countless energies floating between heaven and earth. Wandering in the sea of ​​​​flowers, nourishing the flowers, they are as crystal clear as jade, and in the center of the sea of ​​​​flowers, the graceful tree gradually begins to lose its green color and gradually transforms into the texture of white jade. All this is because Next to the tree man, the insect nest was destroyed by golden light.

The insect nest no longer looks like it was sunk in the energy lake. The overall size has been reduced by more than dozens of times, but every inch of the shell is more dazzling than before. This is the essence of Gaofeng after spending a lot of effort to analyze it, but even Gaofeng is also The appearance of the insect nest cannot be changed, it can only keep the original appearance.

Every time she passed by the Cordyceps sinensis, Hua Qi could always feel the countless pure energy integrated into her body, making her originally fair skin show signs of crystal transformation. Coupled with the occasional moisturizing from the peak, she exuded amazing beauty. It can be said that when walking out of the valley, Hua Ci is definitely one of the most beautiful women in the world. Even the most beautiful women in the world cannot describe her beauty. It is beyond disaster and has an inferiority complex that makes any man feel ashamed.

It's the despair that no matter how hard you try, you can't get close to it. Such a woman shouldn't have appeared in this world. It makes people crazy, but they can only stand in the distance and look at the back of her, out of reach. Only when you don't care about the whole world can you sit on the top of a beautiful woman.

Lazy Gao suddenly came out of the wooden house, his whole body was limp, as if his bones had been drained, and his whole body exuded an aura of extreme decadence. Hua Cai, who was busy, took a casual glance and stopped paying attention. He almost lost the peak he pursued in life. , it has always been like this, so it’s not surprising if you see it more often.

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