Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1868 Did you win?

Why is Gaofeng sleeping in the multidimensional world? It was the aftermath of the last time he traveled through multi-dimensional space. He fell into a deep sleep due to fatigue last time and drifted deep underground unknowingly. When he traveled through space, he happened to drill into the center of the magma. This was not an ordinary lava flow, but a huge The magma sea, the peak soaked in the magma sea, cannot quickly pass through the nodes to the multi-dimensional space in the high temperature and heat, and can only absorb the flame energy around him. In this way, he has accumulated a huge amount of flame energy.

When Gao Feng finally escaped from the magma, the energy in his body almost exploded his Broken Star Gallo's body. What made him even more depressed was that his own energy characteristics were changed, adding a trace of fire that can burn everything. It is said that as long as the peak stimulates the energy of the whole body, it can also act as the sun in the sky for several hours.

From then on, Gao Feng no longer dared to travel through space at will. In the magma, he just peeled off his skin and got a lot of benefits. If he traveled into the rocks, he would be buried alive by countless megatons of rocks, and he would not even be able to move. Can't, let alone travel through space, so Gao Feng will wait until the Chaos God King travels through the fluctuations of multi-dimensional space, and then use the Chaos God King to guide his goals.

In Gao Feng's heart, this moment was not the second decisive battle, but the continuation of the Battle of the Southeast. At the last moment of the Battle of the Southeast, he did not insist on staying on the battlefield. He was always depressed and uneasy, and in this piece of refuge that his family was looking for. Therefore, being spied on by the Chaos God King again aroused boundless anger, so he must kill the Chaos God King. Otherwise, leaving such a powerful enemy who thinks about eating his wife and children every day, Gao Feng would probably dream. All will wake up.

A thunder broke Gao Feng's thoughts. The Chaos God King seemed to have mistaken the main battlefield. He used all his strength to fight with the weird creature, or tried every means to destroy it into ashes. The lightning and thunder were very lively. Of course Gao Feng Not letting go of this opportunity to add some trouble to the Chaos God King, he gently slid into the multidimensional space and appeared behind the Chaos God King again.

"Do you still think I will be fooled..."

The Chaos God King let out the roar of his soul, and the strong spiritual impact was like a torrent sweeping everything, rushing towards the peak. Just when it was about to hit the peak, the peak disappeared into the multi-dimensional space again, allowing the Chaos God King's spiritual impact to fall. In the empty space, at this moment, the strange creature that was almost roasted into charcoal shook off the charred skin all over its body, regained its true color, vibrated slightly, and teleported to the Chaos God King whose attention was diverted, like a rope. He tied him up, and the eight flat heads suddenly opened the gaps, revealing a mouth full of fangs, biting the remains of the Chaos God King one by one.

The weird creature seemed fragile and could be cut into several pieces with one knife, but its teeth were so sharp that it bit through the Chaos God King's skin, which was tougher than a steel plate, and then followed the bite wound and burrowed into the chaos. In the body of the God King, at this time, even if the arm knife swept across, it could not prevent the broken strange creature from disappearing from the surface of the body.

Gao Feng had been looking for the Chaos God King's flaw, but when the flaw appeared, he took a breath of cold air. He originally thought that the monster would cause some trouble to the Chaos God King, even if it allowed the Chaos God King to exert more effort. Okay, I never expected that the eight-headed monster would actually get into the body of the Chaos God King and try to eat him. How cruel is this?

Waves of wails from the soul were transmitted to Gao Feng's mind through mental shocks. Each time he became weaker and weaker, and he felt that the Chaos God King was about to die. However, Gao Feng discovered that it was not that the Chaos God King's mental power was weakening, but that he kept bringing Chaos to his mind. The God King's spiritual power absorbed not only the Chaos God King's spiritual power, but also the spiritual power dissipated in the valley, including Kalea, Dark Demon, and Yue Laisha.

Gao Feng was not happy, but instead felt deeply worried. After the source of his will was integrated into his body, he kept absorbing the scattered spiritual power around him. It was not so serious originally, but since he fell asleep in the multi-dimensional space, the absorption efficiency has declined. As it rises, if left unchecked, he will inevitably become the new will of the world and absorb the spiritual power of the entire world for his own use. But is this really what he needs? I'm afraid that he won't be able to get close to anyone. Once he gets close, the people around him will spontaneously lose their spiritual power, thereby consuming their lifespan and vitality. In other words, even close relatives will be short-lived if they stay by his side for a long time.

The Chaos God King is in extremely bad shape at the moment. The eight-headed monsters that have penetrated his body are like active vines growing inside his body. They are protruding and twisting under the skin, as if they are looking for a gap to get out of, and they seem to be robbing the internal organs and flesh and blood, tearing inside. , Anyone with eyes can see that the Chaos God King is not in good condition and seems to be dying soon.

Gao Feng didn't want to wait any longer. He couldn't guarantee whether the monster that ate the Chaos God King would transform into an even more terrifying creature. Now was the best opportunity to take advantage of both parties to be flawless about themselves.

A sharp starlight broke through the sky, and the sharp blade of the three-sided stabbing sword suddenly pierced behind the Chaos God King. The sword body was restrained with curling flames. Before the sword could reach, the scorching heat hit his face first, and people followed him. Jian Zou's peak perception is operating to the limit, recording every change in the Chaos God King's body in his mind, and constantly calculating various strategies in his mind, whether to attack, avoid, retreat, or pursue, no matter what the Chaos God King does If there are any changes, he can implement them according to the strategy formulated in advance.

Fighting against the Chaos God King requires such calculations. Any carelessness may reverse the situation and put himself in crisis. It doesn't matter if he fails, but if his family is killed because of his failure, Gao Feng will not forgive himself even if he becomes a ghost.

Even if a thousand plans are executed in the mind, the sword blade will not touch the Chaos God King for even a second. There will be no strong and violent mental impact, there will be no flying arm blade that is as watertight as the golden sunrise, and there will be no weapon that can burn everything. The white fire, three-edged sword stabbed into the back of the Chaos God King easily, and the smoothness made Gao Feng unbelievable. Could it be that this formidable and powerful opponent was so weak that he no longer even had symbolic resistance?

The moment the stabbing sword penetrated the skin of the Chaos God King, it ignited a pile of flames. The flames quickly wrapped the Chaos God King's incomplete body. As Gao Feng injected his huge energy into the ruby-like sword body, the flames The temperature is getting higher and higher, reaching thousands of degrees in an instant. It not only melts all the wind and snow flying high in the sky, but also eliminates the white snow covering the ground, revealing the dark soil.

The Raging Snow Valley, which has been covered with ice and snow all year round, has arrived in spring at an extreme time. The dark soil is full of water, just like the land moistened by the spring rain. The sound of gurgling water comes from the foot of the mountain. The white and crystal snow covering the hillside, and The speed visible to the naked eye turned into darkness, and the clear snow water gathered into small streams along the low-lying ravines, and then turned into small rivers in larger gullies.

It only took a short time for the ice and snow to melt from winter to spring, and even shorter time passed from the early cold and warm spring to the scorching hot summer. After the ice and snow melted, a large amount of snow water turned into water in the scorching heat. Steam rises, and the vast mist fills the valley, like a fairyland on earth, but people in the valley will never agree. They feel like buns in a steamer, slowly getting cooked.

Having experienced the magma bathing peak, he could no longer feel the burning heat brought by the high temperature, not to mention that the flame that could melt steel came from him. He soon discovered his mistake. Even though he was thousands of meters away, thousands of The ground can't bear the high temperature. Maybe in a few seconds, except for the powerful Bengyun Jialuo, the ground will turn into a sea of ​​fire.

Gao Feng looked at the storm clouds above his head. The wind and snow were still drifting there. The Chaos God King, who was burned into a fireball, soared into the sky and broke into the place with the densest snow and wind. In an instant, he arrived at a place where the wind was howling and the air flow was like a dragon circling. In this place, various cyclones collide and squeeze, forming a storm area with a radius of hundreds of miles. Even the clouds cannot stay here. Up, down, left and right are dark and chaotic spaces, full of restless malice. Even if heavy warships break into If it enters, it will be torn into pieces in the shortest time, and then sent thousands of miles away by the rotating airflow.

This place has exceeded the limit that Bengyunjia Luo can endure. Even if the peak is cut by the sharp high-speed airflow, he still feels the pain of Lingchi. Fortunately, the extreme high temperature and the scorching fireball have created a new airflow vortex. In this strange and dangerous place, Land, barely able to protect itself.

There is no rank after the Broken Star. Whether it is powerful or not depends on the amount of energy it absorbs. Gao Feng took a trip to the magma pool in the center of the earth and absorbed endless flame heat energy. This energy was integrated with its own spiritual power. It belongs to The exclusive power that cannot be taken away, unless the spiritual power in it is completely expelled, can the energy that Youming condenses in his body be taken away like the Chaos God King.

Under the squandering of Gaofeng regardless of cost, his own energy dropped rapidly, and the flames surrounding the Chaos God King became higher and higher. Inadvertently, there was a dazzling light in the dim storm, and the center of the light was Gaofeng and Chaos. God King, the terrifying energy contained in this beacon is no less than the huge beam of light lit by the Chaos God King in the Southeast Battle. This shows how powerful Gao Feng is after breaking through the Broken Star level.

In a daze, Gao Feng's heart was filled with ups and downs, and an unbelievable sense of absurdity arose in his mind. Did he really win? The Chaos God King is about to die in his own hands? So wouldn't he become the most powerful person in the world?

How many times have you been desperate and decadent, how many times have you been depressed and avoided, how many times have you been terrified? Stepping onto the southeastern land with a determination to die, I witnessed the giant ape's resolute self-destruction, the spark when Xiao Ling fell into the sky, and the withering of the tree man and the biological battleship. All the sacrifices and determination will be rewarded at this moment. ?

Perception cannot determine in detail what the Chaos God King is in the flames. Gao Feng decided to completely burn the Chaos God King to ashes. Only in this way will he feel at ease. Otherwise, no one knows whether the Chaos God King will come from any nook and cranny. Jump out and resurrect with full health.

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