Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1866 is not over yet

"I don't believe I can't kill you..."

The Chaos God King was also anxious. He kneaded it for a long time and lost a finger. Where could he go to explain this matter? What the hell is Maple Leafmania? Why have I never seen anything so disgusting? In particular, this guy didn't know when to stop, and even aimed at the third finger.

In desperation, the Chaos God King used both palms together, and with a snap, Maple Leaf Maniac was swatted to death like a fly. But when he moved his palms away, Maple Leaf Maniac, who was almost crushed, was burying his head in his palms. It was almost eaten through, and the next moment, Maple Leaf Maniac's head came out from the back of his hand, like a worm eating a leaf.

"What the hell are you?"

The Chaos God King sent out the most powerful mental impact and passed his questions to Maple Leaf Mania's mind, but Maple Leaf Mania didn't even pause, and was still gnawing at his palm, dozens of vines tightly Locked in the gap between the palms and between the fingers, it seems that he is very satisfied with this position and cannot move away.

Maple Leaf ignored Maple Leaf wildly, making the Chaos God King feel like he had eaten a fly that just landed on the stool. Then various attack methods emerged in an endless stream, including lightning, fire, whirlwind, corrosion, as long as he could think of it, he used them all , almost used a micro black hole to trap himself in it, but Maple Leaf Mania was indifferent. His palms were gone, his arms were gone, and even his shoulders were in danger.

"You forced me to do this..."

The roar of the soul of the Chaos God King resounded throughout the world, and the manic mental impact knocked out everyone below Beng Yun. Even Kalea and the others were affected by the disaster, and they vomited blood and landed. They could no longer stay in the air. The Chaos God King roared, and the body made of rocks burst into pieces. Large and small pieces of gravel fell to the ground, creating huge pits. The dust in the air was blown away by the sweeping wind and snow, revealing the Chaos God. King Jin's true body.

When the golden and brilliant true form of the Chaos God King appeared, the jaws of Kalea and Bengyun Jialuo who had not fainted yet all dropped. The frightened expressions of their open mouths did not change for a long time, and they always maintained this shock, as if Keep it in your heart forever.

It was a remains with only half of the chest cavity left. To be precise, it was a mutilated corpse. There was no trace of the head or the lower abdomen. Most of the right chest was gone, and only a long knife-like arm was connected to the left chest. Challenge What he saw was not the miserable appearance of the body. In fact, Jia Luo in this era had seen countless ugly corpses. Even if they were blasted to pieces by strong men, it was not uncommon for them to be smashed into meat paste, but no one had seen them alive and kicking. of corpses.

If the corpse in front of me is the Chaos God King, then who injured him to this extent? The figure of Gao Feng suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts, and a kind of sadness emerged in their hearts. The Chaos God King was here, where was the most precious person in their hearts? A feeling of pride swayed in his mind. Only Gao Feng could rival the Chaos God King. Even if he couldn't kill him, he could still turn him into a pile of disgusting corpses.

The Chaos God King has no choice. The stone body makes him look majestic and mighty, but it also limits his strength. Although it is enough to deal with strong men below Broken Star, there is no way to kill the unknown creature Maple Leaf Maniac. If it is not really impossible, , The Chaos God King absolutely does not want his unrepaired body to be shown to the world.

The Chaos God King who showed his true form abandoned his pride and was determined to destroy everything. As long as he lives in this valley, he will not let go of even an ant. No matter whether he kills people and silences them or destroys their corpses and traces, he will not let go. No creature that has ever seen him should exist.

The golden afterimage shines, and the fish scale-like glow rises in the sky. It is the trajectory of the Chaos God King moving at an extremely fast speed. This speed exceeds the limit of imagination. Within the atmosphere, even the fastest aircraft cannot exceed it. In one second, During the visual pause, golden rays of light flashed repeatedly around Maple Leaf Mania. When the Chaos God King reappeared, Maple Leaf Mania's body was covered with vines that were cut off at the roots, revealing his dark cheeks.

The broken vines fell from the air, and the image of Maple Leaf Mania reappeared in front of the world. Kalea recognized this guy first, but she could never imagine why Maple Leaf Mania had given them such a strong sense of danger before, as if Maple Leaf Mania had given them such a strong sense of danger. It is more dangerous and more deadly than the God of Punishment.

After the vines covering the body fell, everyone saw that Maple Leaf Maniac's body was no longer a human body. It was covered with deformed and ugly tree tumors. At first glance, it looked like it was wrapped in toad skin. These tree tumors cracked from time to time. , black and foul-smelling pus flowed out, and before it fell, it dried up on the body and formed new tumors. Seeing Maple Leaf Mania, the Chaos God King suddenly wanted to laugh, because he saw his former self in Maple Leaf Mania. .

He has a sympathetic appreciation for Maple Leaf Mania. Unfortunately, he is the only Chaos God King in this world. No matter how powerful Maple Leaf Mania is, it is just a pest that threatens him. Only the arm knife is slightly raised and pointed at Maple Leaf Mania. Maple Leaf Mania His big eyes were still cold and emotionless, like a barren desert. Even when facing the Chaos God King who was a hundred times more powerful, he still showed no awe.

Maple Leaf moved wildly, just like he had bravely moved forward countless times in pursuit of prey, just to tear off the prey's flesh and blood with his teeth and devour it. Even if the Chaos God King became more powerful, in his big eyes, there was still food, no matter what was in his way. Whatever is in front of him, he is the creature at the top of the food chain.

The afterimage shines, and the Chaos God King dodges Maple Leaf Maniac's attack by a hair. Maple Leaf Maniac rushes past him until he is a thousand meters away, then gradually stops, and then turns around, his big eyes are still cold. , but his chest was skewing, slowly sliding down from his abdominal cavity, and a slender crack was expanding, eventually breaking completely, splitting him in two.

Maple Leaf Maniac's being cut in half is not the end. The remaining body is still cracking, split into four parts and eight parts. It seems to be intentional. The Chaos God King divided each piece of Maple Leaf Mania into smaller pieces than his own body, with a trace of Proudly, the Chaos God King did not care about the Maple Leaf Madman who was torn into eight pieces, but turned to face Kalea and others gathered below.

Kalea knew that she could not escape, and no one in this world could escape. Even if the Chaos God King had only a little bit of his body left, he was still fierce and unparalleled. Apart from her husband, she could not think of anyone else who could resist the Chaos God King, even the powerful one. Neither does the alien beast Fire Dragon.

No one is afraid. They know that fear is useless. Even if they beg for mercy, they will not get a trace of mercy. When despair reaches the extreme, they become fearless. They can only raise their chins to protect their last dignity and pride. Even if they die, they are willing to do so. Die standing.

Yue Laisha first felt something was wrong. She saw that Maple Leaf Kuang’s eight-piece body did not fall and was suspended in the air. She didn’t understand gravity, but she knew that if Maple Leaf Kuang died, it would never be like this. Then other women They also discovered that they did not look at the powerful Chaos God King, but looked at the corpse of Maple Leaf Mania.

The Chaos God King did not believe that Maple Leaf Madness was still alive, but the attitude of the women made him hesitate. After turning around, an eyeball was moving in the cracked hole in his chest. The Chaos God King was unaware, but he had perfect self-healing ability. , even if the energy cannot repair the whole body, it is not difficult to get an eye out. At a glance, Maple Leaf Maniac's corpse is seen growing slender vines, like rough threads, sewing the mutilated corpse.

Maple Leaf Mania is obviously not dead. What is certain is that he is no longer human. No one can be dismembered like Maple Leaf Mania, and can grow vines to sew it up. The Chaos God King has never encountered such a creature. There was some regret in his heart. If he hadn't transformed before, he would have captured and devoured Maple Leaf Madness and created a new clone, and it would definitely be the most powerful clone.

Even so, the Chaos God King would not let this guy go. He once again shone with brilliant golden light, pulled out a kilometer-long halo, and wanted to cut Maple Leaf into pieces with a thousand knives. He didn't believe that Maple Leaf was like this. Knife, the opponent can still survive.

Just when the God King of Chaos's all-cutting arm sword was about to harvest, the node between multi-dimensional space and reality suddenly flashed, making the God King of Chaos' heart skip a beat. A bad premonition flashed through him like a fleeting glimpse. The next moment, a person with a perfect appearance appeared. The charming man stepped out of the multidimensional space and appeared under the blade of the Chaos God King.

The crisp sound of "Bing", crisp but yet heavy, resounded in the valley. The reverberation even crossed the sweeping wind and snow and spread to dozens of miles away. A three-sided stabbing sword like a crystal carving was opened. The golden arm knife revealed a flawless man with a height of two meters, naked upper body.

"Chaos God King, you and I are not done yet, come on, come on, we will fight to the death today..."

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