Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1863 Finally Found

The Nuxue Valley is still as peaceful as before. At the entrance of the Nuxue Valley, the Jialuo children of the Xuanye family are waiting for the arrival of a convoy transporting supplies. Various supplies are piled on the snowy ground. Not far away, the prototype of the town has been completed. There is smoke rising from the kitchen, and in this land of ice and snow, there is a unique freshness and vitality.

The valley is not always peaceful. On the edge of the snow-white forest and at the foot of the mountains, groups of Garo guards are patrolling. These middle and low-level Garo guards are direct descendants of the Xuan Ye family and the Maple Leaf family, and they are also Gao Feng's most trusted Garo guards. Luo, even if Gao Feng is away, they still fulfill their duties and protect Gao Feng's family and children.

The construction of the hundred-mile-wide valley stopped a year and a half ago, and the original relocation plan was terminated. There are less than two thousand people living here, and the vast majority of them are women and children with Jialuo blood. Many of them migrated from Crystal Lake, some young Garos and even old people who existed in the Black Claw tribe era. Most of them were children rescued by Gao Feng during the war. Their loyalty to Gao Feng was unparalleled. If it weren't for the earth, No longer able to adapt to human survival, they will become the cornerstone of a new family.

You Ming walked calmly on the street. Although she was nearly forty years old, the years had not left any traces on her body. She and Yue Lasha who accompanied her were like a pair of sisters, but no one could ignore her majesty and dignity. Nobility, the aura of a superior person, cannot be concealed even in this small village. Everyone who sees her will consciously stop walking and bow, and send her away with warm eyes. Here, she is the supreme Owner.

Yue Lasha's cold expression is like a glacier that has not melted for thousands of years. She follows Youming step by step. Her thin and graceful figure is like a swaying willow. She has an indescribable charm and temptation, and there is always something about a young low-level Jia Luo. He peeked at her with admiring and hot eyes. Even if he peeked from behind, no one dared to be disrespectful. The huge aura surrounding Yue Laisha was like a giant beast hidden in the darkness, making people involuntarily fearful. Occasionally, There were light cyan light spots, vaguely wandering around her, sometimes flying mischievously, sometimes sinking into her body. This was the phenomenon of Bengyun's initial stage being unable to control its own energy fluctuations.

You Ming and Yue Laisha are respected here. Apart from their status as Bengyun Jia Luo, the shadow of Gao Feng is still deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts. Even people related to Gao Feng can be favored here. Indulging and caring, several little girls came forward and were surrounded by teenagers. They were Hongsha, Doudou and Xueya. Although they were not old, each of them was the center of the teenagers. They had not yet arrived, and the youthful atmosphere filled the air. A breath of joy came to my face.

Seeing a few little girls, You Ming's serious cheeks became more smiley, and his eyes were no longer majestic. Watching the children salute like him and then leave, he couldn't help but sigh to himself, and there were more calculations in his heart. The girls were all It is a talent that is only one in a thousand, especially Hongsha. I don’t know when he has become half-step Bengyun. Even in the top families, he is a genius that is unique in ten thousand. And he is only fourteen years old. Even Bilong has some talents. On the contrary, I don't know which of the children of Xuan Ye's family is good enough for her. Although Xuan Tian is also good, the age gap is too big, but Xue Ya is just right.

Not long after leaving, Youming and Yue Lasha came to a secluded house. A woman in black clothes was waiting at the door. Seeing this woman, Yue Lasha was a little unhappy. She snorted coldly and turned her gaze to Elsewhere, You Ming nodded slightly, signaling to the beautiful woman in front of him who was as beautiful as a hibiscus.

The respectful look of the dark demon towards You Ming made You Ming feel very comfortable. The woman in front of him was already Beng Yun, but she still regarded herself as a subordinate and took care of Gao Feng's wife and daughter. This alone was extremely rare. She also admired Gao Feng's vision and loyalty. It's relative. It's extremely rare to be able to become a strong man like Cloud Collapse and still remain loyal.

As the dark demon walked into the house, he heard the clear and crisp laughter like the tapping of jade. The laughter was extremely sweet, like the purest ice water in the snow-capped mountains. It invigorated people and made them feel better. It was like magical magic. , You Ming's rigid and stern expression also melted with laughter. That was the laughter of her granddaughter, Aurora.

Aurora, who is over two years old, has silver hair and blue eyes. She is perfect like a little angel in mythology. Her milk-like skin has a silky smooth texture. She is as happy as a little bird. She is running around under the care of many beauties. His legs are extremely agile and flexible, and no one can catch the naughty little villain.

The moment You Ming appeared, Aurora's smile suddenly turned cunning. She shouted happily and jumped up from ten meters away, like a cannonball flying towards You Ming. The momentum was really not like that of a child over two years old. The beauties of the moderator were so frightened that they all exclaimed. You Ming reached out and plucked the flying Aurora from the air like a fruit. Whether it was inertia or acceleration, it was like a dispensable breeze to her. .

"Grandma, you came to see me again. Did you bring anything delicious... Why didn't my brother come? Is he naughty again?"

Aurora was like a little bug, squirming in and out of Youming's arms. Even Youming, who was Bengyun Jialuo, almost couldn't control it. Under his helpless expression, he hid his joy for Aurora's doting, and gently He pinched Aurora's delicate little nose and answered various questions in a soft voice, making the lonely justice in the distance extremely jealous. Unfortunately, Aurora never liked him. Of course, Calea beside him also Don't like You Ming.

"Is there no news about that person yet? I don't think you need to wait any longer. Since that Chaos guy has disappeared, why don't you go out and have a look?"

Persuading his daughter as usual, the justice looked at Youming and Aurora with envious and melancholy eyes. The jealousy in his heart eroded his soul like a tide. In this valley full of hatred and hostility, he was one day. He didn't want to stay longer, especially since his granddaughter didn't like him, which made him even more depressed. Maybe he could regain her granddaughter's favor outside.

Despite the excitement of the initial meeting, Kalea had long been tired of her father. This guy had been frightened all day long since he was caught. When he found out that his daughter was the wife of the leader of the wilderness, he continued to instigate Kalea to seize power. Kalea doesn't like to worry. She can't be a leader. She just wants to enjoy the joy of raising Aurora wholeheartedly.

Unable to persuade his daughter to seize power, the Justice wanted her to go outside to accept the Charlotte Fleet and find an opportunity to escape from the wilderness and go to his home base in Europe. He also had many secret storage points and unknown blender cultivation centers there. , the Doom Slayer's sleeping base, millions of tons of supplies and equipment, and thousands of decommissioned but well-maintained second-hand warships. With these, he can regain strong strength.

"That guy won't die that easily. I'm just worried that he will find another woman. I don't want Aurora to have any younger brothers and sisters..."

How could Kalea, as her daughter, not know what the justice was planning? It's just that the chief judge is his father after all, and she doesn't want to look too ugly. She just said a few perfunctory words and didn't bother to pay attention anymore. She just hoped that Gao Feng could go home safely and that the family of three could live an ordinary life in peace and stability. Couldn't be better.

An inexplicable shock suddenly came, breaking the peace and tranquility of the valley for several years. Kalea, Youming and Yuelusha felt it at the same time, and then the three of them rose into the sky together, surrounded by a large number of surprises. Before that, the Dark Demon It had already reached the sky first, spreading out a light black halo and covering the entire house.

"Hahaha, I finally found it, kiss Kalea's niece, and your little baby, I'm here to see you..."

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