Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1861 God King and Maple Leaf Madness

Before the boulders hanging in everyone's hearts could be lowered, rolling thunder suddenly came from outside the car, and then the images on the dozens of virtual displays in the command car suddenly went out, leaving only the monitoring equipment on the car body, which could still view the images outside. transmission.

And these pictures are all still, as if the pause button has been pressed. Almost every stuck picture has a blurry shadow. With the automatic analysis of the on-board optical brain, creatures even weirder than the previous monsters appear on the picture. , it was a human figure woven with vines, and the limbs and body could barely be seen. Even so, it was blocked by countless hanging vines, and no gaps could be seen.

There is no doubt that the previous monster was the Lord of Punishment, and the monster behind him was Maple Leaf Mania. Nowadays, the Chaos God King who controls the Lord of Punishment has increasingly no lower limit. Even ordinary people who are not the Garo people do not dislike it. If not Maple Leaf was so eager to pursue him that he would pry open the heavy transport truck like a can and eat it.

The Xingjie God Lord who was being chased at this time felt as if he had eaten ten thousand flies. He knew without looking back that the monsters stalking behind him would not give up easily, and they were extremely shameless. Every time he found a powerful monster, Creatures that are ready to make progress will always be robbed by Maplemaniacs and become Maplemania's food.

If he hadn't been unable to defeat Maple Leaf Mania, the Chaos God King would have cut him into pieces and scattered his bones into ashes. Unfortunately, even he himself was Maple Leaf Mania's pre-ordered food. He had long since lost his mind and had only appetite for Maple Leaf Mania to pursue him. He plans to eat him to the end of the world.

Now that the two of them have arrived in the northern wilderness, they will undoubtedly cause a bloody storm. Not to mention the convoy that escaped the disaster, God Lord Xingjie gave up his plan to continue hunting for blood food, and prepared to use the tried and tested speed to temporarily get rid of Maple Leaf Mania. At this moment, a vague spiritual feeling suddenly touched his heart and soul, causing the figure of God Lord Xingjie to pause slightly and carefully search for the spiritual feeling that made his heart and soul tremble.

The trembling of his soul against his spiritual sense made him instinctively realize that something very important was not far away. This thing could speed up the recovery of the Chaos God King's body. For this reason, God Lord Xingjie was in contact with the body. At the same time, stay where you are and wait for your heart and soul to notice it for the second time.

Ruo Youruo's spiritual sense arrived as expected, and just when the main body was about to take over the clone and lock the position of the spiritual sense, a fast shadow hit the back of the Xingjie God Lord heavily, like a running locomotive, and the Xingjie God Lord was He flew around like a spinning top, and after hitting the Lord Xingjie God, Maple Leaf Mania followed him like a shadow, and continued to chase after the Lord Xingjie God, grabbed his arm and opened his mouth to bite him.

At this moment, the consciousness of the Chaos God King had just attached itself to his clone. Before he could get used to it, he heard a snapping sound, followed by a tearing pain in his arm. He turned around and saw He was hugged tightly by Maple Leaf, and his whole body was wrapped in fine vines. A pair of sharp fangs were embedded in the scales of his arms. There were still meat residues emitting a foul smell in the gaps between the sharp teeth. .

The Maple Leaf Maniac didn't know that the Chaos God King was gnashing his teeth and glaring at him, biting the opponent's arm with concentration and shaking his head gracefully. As the flowing vines on his head danced, a piece of skin with scales was torn off by his sharp teeth, and he chewed it in two or two mouths. Swallowing it in pieces, it slid into Maple Leaf Mania's throat.

The floating vines vaguely revealed the face of Maple Leaf Mania. It was a savage and indifferent face. The eyes were so small that they were almost invisible, and the facial features were uneven. Only one big tooth was as sharp as a knife. The Chaos God King looked at the opponent's ugly face. Cheeks, the whole person was dumbfounded. This was the first time for him to experience being bitten off and devoured by flesh and blood. He had always eaten other people, when would it be someone else's turn to eat him?

For a moment, the Chaos God King forgot the spiritual sense that touched his heart and soul before, forgot that he was just a consciousness loaded on the clone, and even forgot to accumulate energy to merge with the main body, awaken the sleeping main body, and his raging anger allowed him to turn the maple leaf Kuang regarded him as the most hated enemy in his life, no one, just like a natural enemy that would never stop fighting.

The extremely angry Chaos God King used the huge and sharp claws of his avatar to tear Maple Leaf Kuang's vines around him with all his strength. A powerful spiritual tsunami was constantly released from the center of his eyebrows. Amidst the shrill roars, he and Maple Leaf Kuang were speeding through the sky. Rotating almost to the point where the naked eye cannot tell each other apart.

The Chaos God King's counterattack is not without its fierceness. The spiritual tsunami is a terrifying attack that even the strongest posture of the peak cannot withstand. It is the only thing that the Chaos God King can do to elevate the Xingjie God Lord, whose strength is at the high level of Bengyun, to above Shattering Star. A way to increase the clone's attack power.

The explosion attack of the Chaos God King did not have the expected effect. Maple Leaf Maniac only paused for a moment, and then bit the shoulder of the clone of the Chaos God King. At such a distance, the stench from Maple Leaf Maniac's mouth reached the clone first. The end of his nose was smoked half to death, making the Chaos God King regret why he wanted to give his clone a sense of smell.

After the stench, a large piece of flesh and blood and scales on the shoulder was torn off. Under the huge wound, the bones could be clearly seen. This made the Chaos God King feel a little scared. Then he remembered that the clone is not the original body, and there is no immortal body. It has powerful self-healing power, and does not have the terrifying and changeable killing methods. The only purpose of its existence is to devour as many creatures as possible and extract energy to replenish its body. Here, it will fight to the death with the Maple Leaf who has lost its mind and is worse than a beast. The worst deal.

Maple Leaf Mania is a mad dog at this moment. Apart from his instinctive appetite, he has no trace of humanity, and his thinking is extremely simple, almost like wood. It is no wonder that the Chaos God King's spiritual tsunami will fail, even under severe mental shock. It may have acted on a piece of rotten wood. As the Chaos God King struggled, some of the vines wrapped around him were broken. There was no blood flowing in the fractures, only tough wood fibers, which made the Chaos God King think that he was facing a mad dog. It's a big tree.

The top priority was to leave as soon as possible and search for more energy. After understanding this, the Chaos God King no longer bothered Maple Leaf to eat his own flesh and blood, nor was he stingy with a little energy. The long mountain-shaped horns suddenly rose up. It grew rapidly like a bamboo joint and turned into long whip tentacles like a beetle. At the top of the tentacles, the black sharp horns were faintly shrouded in a purple-black halo, exuding sharp and terrifying power.

The three sharp tentacles extended to more than four meters in length, slightly curved, like giant claws, and then stabbed down like lightning. The speed was so fast that as soon as they made a move, the tentacles had already reached Maple Leaf Maniac's forehead. Beyond the Chaos God King's expectation, he pierced Maple Leaf Mania's forehead and cheeks and out the back of his head, as easily as chopsticks piercing tofu.

First surprised, then surprised. The Chaos God King originally planned to use his tentacles to scare the opponent, using the opponent's fear to dodge or retreat to free himself from the nasty vines, but he didn't expect to hit Maple Leaf Mania so easily. The key point is that it seems that even if he is just a clone, he is still powerful.

The proud Chaos God King looked at Maple Leaf Kuang who had his head stabbed with mocking and greedy eyes. During the previous entanglement with Maple Leaf Kuang, all the Bengyun Jialuo from the top families that were destroyed were eaten by Maple Leaf Kuang. There aren't even a few Rishan Jia Luo left. The Xingjie Divine Lord, who is not as powerful as Maple Leaf Kuang, can only pick up some leftovers. In other words, the energy drawn by Maple Leaf Kuang is ten times or even a hundred times that of the Xingjie Divine Lord. If Maple Leaf Kuang can defeat Maple Leaf Kuang, If you eat it, it will probably shorten the body's dormancy time to the shortest possible time.

Maple Leaf Kuang, whose head was pierced by three tentacles, blinked his bean-sized eyes in the greedy eyes of the Chaos God King, as if he couldn't figure out why there were thorns on his head, and then shook his round neck vigorously, trying to He broke free of his tentacles. This movement almost scared the consciousness of the Chaos God King away from the God Lord of Punishment. What the hell is this? Why didn't he die after his head was pierced?

The Chaos God King immediately wanted to pull out the tentacles from the opponent's head, but when he inserted it, it was like a cork with no resistance. When he pulled it out, the three tentacles seemed to be growing in the opponent's head, and he couldn't pull them out no matter what. When it came out, as the tentacles twitched, the head connected to the tentacles also swayed back and forth. It looked extremely funny, but the Chaos God King couldn't laugh.

He was furious in his heart, and the tentacles collapsed upwards with all their strength, and they were pulled into a semi-circle like a fishing rod caught in the heavy rain. They also pulled Maple Leaf Maniac's head up high. His big bean eyes still had no emotion, and they stared blinkingly. I don’t know what I was thinking about the tentacles on top of my head. At this moment, there were three muffled sounds of broken steel wires. The tentacles embedded in Maple Leaf Maniac’s head broke at the same time. The broken tentacles cracked out and kept pointing outwards. Spray a purple-black liquid. As soon as the liquid comes into contact with the air, it turns into black smoke and dissipates in the strong wind.

Shocked, unprecedented shock, God Lord Xingjie is the clone of Chaos God King, how could he not know the details? The fighting power of God Lord Xingjie may not be the most outstanding among the clones, but it is not something that any strong person can easily solve. The three tentacles are the biggest trump card of God Lord Xingjie. They are sharp enough to penetrate any material, and they are extremely powerful. The toughness and sturdiness are almost as good as the golden arm sword of the main body. How could it be broken due to excessive force?

The broken tentacles continued to ooze purple-black liquid, while the cracks on Maple Leaf Madman's head were shrinking. The holes left by the broken tentacles were repaired. In a few blinks, the ugly cheek with three big holes was gone. Completely recovered. In addition, Maple Leaf's wild vine-like hair easily broke off the inlaid tentacles on the back of his head. He flexibly loosened his mouth and ate it like a cucumber. While eating, he was still He looked at the Chaos God King with his arrogant little eyes.

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