Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1837 Consciousness Takeover

"What if we could eject them all?"

Gao Feng couldn't bear the noise of the four children watching the flowers for a while, and murmured in his heart, but it was just talk. He was not yet shameless enough to occupy the magpie's nest and drive away the owner. Unexpectedly, right there As soon as the idea emerged, the children's consciousness disappeared together, leaving only his consciousness still connected to the battleship.

He wanted to quit and let other children accept it again, but at this moment, he discovered a new change. Before, he was only vaguely integrated with the battleship, but there was always some gap. Even if he wanted to control the battleship, he would only borrow it. And can't do whatever you want.

It was different at this time. Just when Gao Feng wanted to turn, the biological battleship turned in an extremely agile direction, changing the angle just as he needed. Then Gao Feng thought of traveling through the multi-dimensional space. The battleship shook lightly and entered the multi-dimensional space. In the multi-dimensional space, it is no longer as blurry as before. Countless small dots appear in the complicated lines. Each point is a passage in and out of the multi-dimensional space. According to the previous height and direction, Gao Feng understands that the passage will be through. Toward position.

With the thought coming back, the biological warship easily broke through a small point in the direction pointed by the peak, and appeared in the real world, just above the battle location between the Chaos God King and the giant ape. As soon as it appeared, it triggered the chaos between the Chaos God King and the giant ape. The giant ape's attention disappeared again and entered the multidimensional world.

Gao Feng did not take action when the giant ape was fighting with the Chaos God King because he discovered that the biological warship could not effectively harm the Chaos God King. Instead, it might be attacked by the giant ape who did not recognize his relatives. Based on the cracks in the shell-shaped biological warship, this fatal blow was deduced. What was struck was not the Chaos God King, but more like the huge whip that connected heaven and earth before the giant ape, which was cut off.

If this is the case, Gao Feng would rather wait a little longer than let the biological battleship rush into the battle. At this time, the black boy also discovered something was wrong with the biological battleship and wanted to join the control platform to connect with Gao Feng's thinking.

"What happened? Why would you...?"

The black boy was rarely panicked. He obviously couldn't understand Gao Feng's ability to control the biological warship. Gao Feng did not want to explain more. The more he explained, the more complicated this thing became. He just explained casually:

"Don't worry, I won't let you participate in the war again. Wait until Alpha and I tell you to leave the battlefield..."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he kicked the black boy out of his consciousness, feeling as comfortable as a background administrator. Then he began to study the communication functions of the biological battleship. After a while, he found what he wanted.

Gaofeng was fiddling with remote communications and accidentally got the order of priority wrong. The original design of the biological battleship was flawed. According to the designer's original intention, the biological battleship should have been controlled by one person, so that it would have the most perfect fit, no matter in combat. Or anything else, it can be done with ease.

It's a pity that if you want to control the biological warship perfectly, you must have strong consciousness, abundant mental power, and tenacious will. Children are not capable of these, especially in long-distance communication. If you use consciousness to communicate, you need a lot of energy. The power is huge, so it is even more impossible to find a suitable candidate, so the warship itself can only be used as a platform base station to communicate through dialogue.

When Gao Feng fully met all the needs, the obstacles were eliminated, and Gao Feng inadvertently found a bug in the biological battleship. Through the originally set remote contact point, Gao Feng easily communicated with the other two biological battleships. Contact, but he hasn't found a way to open the conversation video yet.

Gao Feng was also obsessed. Of course, long-distance conversations required face-to-face, but he was lying on the bed without even using the electroencephalograph. How could he have a face-to-face conversation? Accidentally, Gao Feng's consciousness cut into the control platforms of the other two battleships, and also kicked out the consciousness of those children. Then Gao Feng discovered awkwardly that he had split into three and controlled all the biological battleships.

All this happened so fast that there was no time to explain. After Gao Feng controlled three biological battleships at the same time, he did not feel any difficulty at all. His mental power was still at ease, as if he was incarnating into three at the same time, and each one The incarnations are as relaxed and natural as the original form.

When he controls other biological battleships, a large amount of information is fed back to him from the biological battleship's console, including not only the battleship's characteristics, functions, modulation and development data, but also a large number of explanatory explanations, as well as future upgrade directions, etc. , these things have been hidden in the console of the biological battleship, waiting for a certain time to be discovered by the children who have grown up to tap more of the potential of the battleship, but with the peak, these secrets appeared in advance.

Gao Feng originally thought that the most powerful biological battleship was Alpha's main battleship. Unexpectedly, after he sorted out countless information in an orderly manner, he was shocked to find that the truly powerful biological battleship seemed clumsy and could only be used as a logistical support ship. supply ship.

Biological supply ships have no offensive power. In addition to producing various supplies, their greatest use is battlefield repairs. This saves a lot of time and restores the combat effectiveness of battle-damaged biological warships in advance. You can wait until Gao Feng truly understands the details of the supply ship to find out. Even if All other battleships were damaged in the battle, and as long as there was a large amount of energy, the supply ship could also copy them.

This reminded Gao Feng of one of the most powerful abilities of the Chaos God King, which is to create clones. The supply ship can continuously create clones. The difference is that the clones created by the supply warship are all main battleships, but they do not have combat capabilities themselves. In short, it is a specialized route, so it is not surprising that the combat capabilities of the copied warships are superior to its own.

In addition to these, Gao Feng also discovered more secrets of biological warships. These biological warships have the ability to temporarily link together. The combined fleet can easily travel through multidimensional space led by fast reconnaissance ships, but this is only the most insignificant function. Each type of warship can form a new type of warship with different functions. For example, if a main warship and a fast reconnaissance ship are combined, their combat power can be increased by one and a half times. If three combat ships are combined, the combat power will be that of a single warship. Four times, five battleships can be combined together, which will increase the speed by six times, and can easily leave the battlefield.

Unfortunately, two battleships were damaged in the battle. Gao Feng was unable to know more combination methods, so he operated the three battleships at the same time, drawing three huge arcs, and at the same time converged at staggered points in the sky, and combined them together to form It's like a combined battleship in the sky city.

This battleship still remains flexible, fast and light, and has strong offensive and defensive capabilities. Unless it directly penetrates the core compartment of a certain battleship, even if the damage is serious, it will return to normal in a short time. Such a combined battleship, The survivability is several times higher than that of fighting alone, which also makes Gao Feng temporarily relieved about the safety of these children.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Gao Feng ignored the thoughts of Alpha and other children. Under his authoritarian control, the children all became spectators, and all activities of the battleship had to be carried out according to Gao Feng's ideas. As a result, the relationship between the black boy and Alpha There are no more disputes. No matter what they think, they can't overcome the will of the peak.

Gao Feng's thoughts were mostly focused on the Chaos God King and the giant ape. The two had been fighting fiercely. Both the giant ape and the Chaos God King were really fighting. Especially the Chaos God King just wanted to get rid of the damn giant ape. , and then went to find the peak to devour and make himself the orthodox substitute of the world's will. To this end, he spent a lot of energy at all costs, and even ignored his previous plan to temporarily withdraw.

The giant ape is not smart and just stares at the Chaos God King to death. It is not that he has any deep grudge against the Chaos God King, but he covets the powerful energy of the Chaos God King himself. The giant ape's thirst for energy is a natural desire. According to the tree people According to the theory, if it weren’t for the Chaos God King who was responsible for the catastrophe, the giant ape would have destroyed the world, because it would eat up all the energy in any situation until it broke the earth’s own cycle and completely declined. At that time, the earth will become the second Mars, and it will no longer be possible to leave life. Mobile phone users please visit http://m.piaotia.net

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