Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1827 Sneak Attack

The Chaos God King finally revealed his unknown side. If he were not extremely angry, he would not have exposed his ugly side as proud as a god. You know, he has always shown himself to be aloof and gentle. posture.

This terrifying and weird appearance is not meant to scare people. When he opens his mouth, a silent roar rushes out of his throat. This is a whipping from the spirit and a tremor from the soul. The giant ape's mocking eyes suddenly turn into pain, and he grins. He let out a shrill roar, with two huge paws, one covering his forehead, and the other like a giant fan slapping towards the Chaos God King. When he waved his hand, the golden hair on his head exploded into pieces, turning into fluff and silk all over the sky. Xu.

The giant claws did not wait for it to fall on the Chaos God King, but he stepped back first, keeping his mouth open, still roaring the spiritual impact. This impact was exactly the same as the shell frigate in the biological battleship. Anyone covered by it would They will all be broken into pieces by high-frequency oscillations from within.

It's a pity that the giant ape is too thick-skinned. The golden hair is not useless, but it is a powerful layer of protection, so the first wave of attacks was borne by the hair. The Chaos God King will naturally not give up this sacrifice if he wants to fight the giant ape to death. The terrifying killing move obtained by his grace, he is ready to continue working hard, and he will not rest until the giant ape's brains are blown out.

When the Chaos God King focused all his energy on the damn giant ape, Gao Feng was so stupid that he appeared behind the Chaos God King. He didn't realize it until Gao Feng was within the dangerous distance from the Chaos God King. This has to be said. It is ironic that the Chaos God King, who thinks he has evolved into a higher life form, does not have the same sense and search as Rishan Jialuo. Although his powerful spiritual power is still above the perception ability, he does not have the ability to use his senses flexibly to provide early warning even in battle. As a result, when he concentrated all his mental power on the giant ape, Gao Feng found an opportunity to get close.

The three-edged rapier pierced the heart of the Queen of Chaos God like lightning. Between the arcs protected by the Chaos God King, the three-edged sword made of metal was like a lightning rod, sucking countless scattered arcs into the sword body, letting the thin The sword's blade was completely transparent, and a large amount of electric arcs were poured into the palm of Gao Feng's sword-holding hand.

Fortunately, Gao Feng still had scale armor on his body. When the powerful current entered the hand armor, the damaged scale armor began to rejuvenate, and the incomplete armor gradually recovered from the abundant energy. However, Gao Feng's thoughts were no longer on the scale armor, and he was fierce. His eyes only saw the sword blade piercing the golden skin of the Chaos God King.

The moment the sharp sword blade comes into contact with the opponent, it is like a toothpick poking into old cowhide. Then the blue light flows upstream along the blade and hits hard on the tough old cowhide. The ability to annihilate all things separates the sharp sword edge from chaos. The strong skin of the God King was worn away together, and then the slender tenacity drove straight in, piercing the heart of the Chaos God King.

At the moment of penetration, Gao Feng still couldn't believe it. He didn't believe that the Chaos God King would die in his hands without any resistance, but the sword blade clearly penetrated the opponent's heart. Even if Broken Star Gallo's heart was injured, there was no possibility of survival.

There was no time to think about it, Gao Feng's wrist turned, and the rapier was as hard as wood pulp sliding in asphalt, but in the end it tore irregular cracks on the skin of the Chaos God King, with a few broken bones, Pulled out.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, as fast as thunder and lightning, the delicate triangular edge. The tough biological tissue still remained on the stabbing sword, but the slender and straight sword body was twisted and deformed like an iron wire that had been hit by a random hammer. The sharp sword The tip also disappeared without a trace.

Gao Feng succeeded in the attack and retreated quickly. He had already planned his retreat. He did not move away, but drew a weird arc and ran behind the giant ape, covering himself with the huge body of the giant ape. No matter whether the Chaos God King died or not, He wants to hint to the other person's mind that he and the giant ape are actually the same person.

"Despicable bugs, I will eat you..."

Roaring in anger, wrapped in the extremely evil mental power, Wan Jun hit his head like a giant hammer. Like the explosion of a million tons of explosives, the intense mental shock was the most ferocious I have ever encountered. This was the aftermath after most of the mental power was shared by the giant ape. Even so, Gao Feng almost lost consciousness. Fortunately, the mental power continued. During the condensation, he achieved leapfrog growth, and then narrowly escaped the most angry blow from the Chaos God King.

After surviving the mental shock from the Chaos God King, Gao Feng was still hiding behind the giant ape, using his senses to detect the state of the Chaos God King. He was horrified to find that the pierced heart of the Chaos God King had returned to the same state as before, except that it had been pierced. The place is as white as mutton-fat white jade, forming a strong contrast with the surrounding golden color.


Gao Feng was in despair because of the powerful self-healing power of the Chaos God King. If it were any living creature, if his heart was severely damaged, even if he did not die, he would lose 90% of his vitality. But this freak of Chaos God King still has so much energy. The energy roared, how could Gao Fengqing be embarrassed? Just when he was frustrated, the giant ape issued a new challenge.

Speaking of which, the giant ape is the most unjust guy. He was transported all the way here by the tree people for no reason. At the most dangerous moment, he was used as a shield and thrown into the wild. As soon as he woke up, he was greeted by a terrifying beam of light that penetrated the world. Although he was It was swallowed, but it was still uncomfortable to full. It didn't recover, and was moved to a weird place again. The small space and strong pressure almost forced the fart out. It finally burst the place, and then To an altitude of several thousand meters, it caused a false alarm and almost broke its front teeth, but this was far from over. Another small yellow bug attacked him one after another, finally completely irritating the giant ape who had no sense in the first place.

The giant ape couldn't see the insidious peak hiding behind its butt. Its scarlet eyes only had that damn yellow insect. The insect suffered a lot for it, and it even suspected that it was the insect that caused it to be lifted up into the sky. So the giant ape became angry and would no longer be as careless as before, and began to go all out.

Shuren and Xiao Ling once believed that the giant ape was the culprit of the destruction of the world. This was not unreasonable. The ability of the giant ape to absorb unlimited energy was not the root of its power. It was like a glutton. No matter how much food he ate, It will not be converted into strong muscles and strength. The greatest ability of the giant ape is not only to eat more and grow taller, but also to fully exert its own strength. Although it cannot achieve fine control, it can cause destructive effects. blow.

The furious giant ape jumped like an ape, and pressed towards the Chaos God King like a mountain. Its two huge arms were like two big hammers, slamming towards the Chaos God King, and the waving fists broke the air. The scream produced is no worse than a cannon ejecting from the chamber.

When the giant ape rushed toward him, the Chaos God King sneered, took a step back, and disappeared silently into the air. Just now, he suffered big losses one after another because of his anger, and it was Gao Feng who came from behind. The silent sneak attack allowed him to regain his sanity from his anger. He would no longer use the attack method he was least good at to fight head-on like before. He wanted to enter the multi-dimensional space where no one could find him, and use the most insidious method. , the most vicious and cruel way, playing with the dead peak and the giant ape on the premise that the opponent cannot find himself. Mobile phone users please visit http://m.piaotia.net

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