Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Age of Darkness at the End of the World Text 1819 The God King Appears

"Chaos God King, do you want to hide in the mouse hole forever? With your timid temperament, do you still want to save the world? The world's will is blind to find you..."

Gao Feng didn't know what the Chaos God King was going to do again. He wasn't afraid that the Chaos God King was too powerful. He was just afraid that this guy would always hide in the multidimensional world to attack. And he was tired of the hide-and-seek game. Since the Chaos God King didn't want to show up, Gao Feng didn't know. If he is dead, then he might as well expose the biggest secret of the Chaos God King to see if that guy can continue to hide.

Gao Feng shouted loudly again and again, extending from the real world to the multi-dimensional world. The multi-dimensional world could not transmit the sound, but he believed that the Chaos God King would be able to hear it.

When Gao Feng continued to shout provocatively, a pressure as powerful as falling stars suddenly appeared on the fast reconnaissance ship. This pressure did not come from reality, but from the multidimensional world. It easily pushed him and the battleship back to reality. world.

Even in the real world, this pressure still did not disappear. Under this strong pressure, Gao Feng felt that the entire planet was pressing on him. He could not help but squat down, as if he would be pressed against the outer deck of the battleship in the next moment. The upper pressure is deflated.

Not only the peak, but also the biological battleship could not withstand the heavy pressure, and kept sinking at an extremely fast speed. If it were not extraordinary, it might have fallen to the ground and created a hole in the boss.

In the face of strong pressure, Gao Feng never gave in. All the strength of his body hit his legs. He held his breath and used the added power of the scales to integrate with himself. He then used his mental power to continuously stimulate all potentials and finally twisted his waist. He straightened his back and stood up straight like a spear. Even if he died, he would stand up straight and die.

With a surge of arrogance in his heart, Gao Feng raised his head and glared at the sky. The blue wings of light stretched out behind him, forming two giant wings that were ten meters long. The wings were layered by countless light threads as thin as willow branches. It contains two-thirds of the peak energy. Once released, the power will not be any worse than the previous Wanjun Thunder.

"Since your Excellency has appeared, why haven't you shown up yet?"

The questions shouted from the depths of the throat were like the roars of evil spirits. Under the strong pressure, even the air could not carry the sound. It was necessary to use mental power to transmit Gao Feng's words. As the questions came out, an evil wave came out. Extreme mental power suddenly appeared, hitting Gao Feng's eyebrows like a giant hammer.

Before this evil mental power could touch the center of the eyebrows, it first collided with Gao Feng's own mental power. In comparison, Gao Feng's mental power was like a little loach colliding with a python. It was crushed and depressed without any accident. In just a short moment, Gao Feng felt the cold, wet coldness from this evil spiritual power, just like suddenly feeling a cold snake slip into the quilt while he was sleeping, giving him a sudden and creepy feeling.

There was no such thing as the mighty power that one should have imagined. The moment the giant hammer touched the peak, the mental power suddenly retracted and was extremely condensed into a needle point. It suddenly pierced the visor between the eyebrows and instantly made him raise his head, like a mountain. Falling like a collapse.

The moment the peak fell, an empty place in the sky suddenly distorted, like a deformed mirror, and then a two-meter-tall figure appeared, as bright as the sun god. This figure was made of gold, with radiant light and a handsome face. Wushuang is a kind of neutral that is so beautiful and charming. There is not a single hair on the head, whether it is the top of the head or the brow bone. A pair of bright eyes releases a real flame. Just looking at it a little will make people's eyes burn. The stinging pain, and the majesty that was like a god, as if the world was too big to accommodate this majestic body.

The God King of Chaos finally appeared. After shouting out his biggest secret at the peak, he appeared from the multidimensional world. From the moment he appeared, the air began to twist and break. The chaotic air flow was like water poured into a frying pan, exploding. Thousands of thin lightnings were like countless shining stars surrounding him.

It seemed that even the sky could not tolerate the power of the Chaos God King. The shining arc spread rapidly around him, and in an instant his eyes were more than ten kilometers away. At the same time, it also enveloped the peak and the biological battleship. The biological battleship seemed to be nothing in the shining arc. Abnormal, but the gradually brightening hull showed that these tiny arcs themselves were extremely energetic.

The Chaos God King showed up for Gao Feng, but he couldn't catch or kill Gao Feng. The fast reconnaissance ship still shuttled between the two worlds. It was the only one who could provoke Gao Feng in front of him, but there was no way to kill him. thing.

Because the energy carried by chaos itself is too strong, it has made the world repulsive, causing the earth's gravity and magnetic field to become chaotic around it. Every time it stays for one more second, some energy will be dissipated. If it stays for a long time, it will eventually cause energy The imbalance will lead to terrible natural disasters. This is why the Chaos God King is willing to stay in the multidimensional space.

This is Gao Feng's only way of confronting the Chaos God King. The fast frigate's uncertain hull flashes brightly and darkly, which will also break the Chaos God King's attempt again. The most critical point is that the Chaos God King is still full of questions. He had to tell Gao Feng that if it weren't for the fast reconnaissance ship, he might have caught Gao Feng and tortured him.

Gao Feng didn't let the Chaos God King wait long. He turned over and sat up. Immediately, his faceplate cracked like a spider web, and the cracks became bigger and bigger. It suddenly shattered and turned into a handful of flying sand, revealing his true face. Without raising his head, he knew that the Chaos God King had already arrived. Appeared, but the fear in my heart was more intense than when I first faced the miniature black hole.

The shattering of the visor means that there is no possibility of repair, because this is not energy destruction, but the materialization of pure spiritual power. The lethality of the Chaos God King's spiritual power has been transformed from invisible to tangible. It is not energy, but its power exceeds Energy, if you use a vivid metaphor, the strong man under the collapsing cloud is weaker than an ant in front of the Chaos God King. With just one look, the strong man who even takes half a step to collapse the cloud will die immediately, or even to death. I don’t know how I died.

In addition to the broken visor, Gao Feng's eyebrows also felt a faint sting. A warm current was winding from the stinging eyebrows to his chin. Fortunately, the hard visor blocked most of the lethality. If Otherwise, the mental sharp thorn from before could pierce the center of his eyebrows. Even if it could not kill him, it would damage the pineal gland in the skull and destroy his own mental power.

The attacks of the Chaos God King are not without viciousness. Gao Feng is also wary of this attack method that is even weirder than the micro black hole. Although the micro black hole is hard to guard against, there are ways to deal with it. There is no way to detect the invisible and qualityless spiritual thorn. Wait until the time comes. The absolute killing distance was unavoidable, and it was too late to dodge.

Little guy, I've been paying attention to you for a long time. It's a miracle that someone like you can appear in this era... "

The Chaos God King did not use his voice to convey his words. Like the Lord of Terror, it directly acted on Gao Feng's mind. While transmitting, there was an evil and sharp mental power that constantly eroded Gao Feng's brain. While corroding, it also There is some kind of weird temptation that persuades Gao Feng from the depths of his soul to obey the master wholeheartedly. If Gao Feng's own mental power had not been desperately resisting, he might have become the opponent's puppet unintentionally. Mobile phone users please visit http://m.piaotia.net

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