Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1811 Prediction

Wen Xin'er panicked and wanted to provide more solutions. These solutions may be whimsical, but they are definitely feasible, especially since they have excellent performance of the Shahu warship and a large number of industrial robots. It may not be impossible to reach sub-light speed.

"It's useless. The Commander-in-Chief is no longer here, and Miss Yan's heart is no longer here either..."

Wuyue suddenly spoke, with an indescribable regret in her hoarse voice. She said that she had a great fondness for Yan Twenty-nine, which made his heart flutter for a while. Compared to Iris, who was nothing but a face, Yan Twenty-nine Jiucai is a more suitable candidate to be his wife, especially now that the genetic collapse may be completely cured, his heart has not yet moved.

"Are you also one of my husband's lovers?"

Anastasia's clear words suddenly interrupted May's sigh, and Huo Meier, who was looking embarrassed, stood aside with Anastasia. The crowd in the distance had dispersed, and Anastasia, who had just finished socializing, officially joined high-level talks.

In response to Anastasia's rhetorical question, Wuyue was speechless, and her face was as troubled as constipation. On the contrary, Yan Twenty-nine looked calm and said casually:

"Don't you feel tired from holding the title of Commander's Wife all day long?"

"Haha... How could it be? The more outstanding my husband is, the prouder I am. As one of the people closest to him, I will naturally abide by my duties as a wife and do some chores for him. It is natural..."

Anastasia's Chinese speaking is getting better and better. Not only does her accent disappear, but her idioms are also weighted and natural. Even the most obtuse person can hear the disagreement between her and Yan Erjiu, which is in Yue Yue's heart. There was a sigh, there were too many women, there were too many right and wrongs, Gao Feng's life and death were unknown, and a fire was already burning in the backyard. If it were him, he would rather die outside than face such a predicament.

A few days ago, Wen Xin'er was quarreling with Yan Erjiu, and was almost shot by Yan Erjiu. But today, when faced with Anastasia's arrogant tone, her feelings suddenly turned towards Yan Erjiu, and she opened her mouth and said:

"Sister Yan has followed the commander-in-chief before you. It is said that she is still ahead of you. Even if the commander-in-chief does not admit it personally, everyone knows what happened between the two of them..."

"What are you talking about? There will never be anything between me and him. I will never give up myself for a man. I don't care how many women he has. The relationship between me and him can only be that of superior and subordinate..."

Yan Twenty-Jiu's cheeks were slightly red. It was not that he was being told what he meant, but that he was carrying an unreasonable disaster. Anastasia didn't believe it at all. Regardless of whether Yan Twenty-Jiu was related to Gao Feng or not, as long as the other party was a beautiful woman, it was worthy of suspicion. Although she could not see with her eyes, her mind's eye could see more clearly. When she noticed the more beautiful Wen Xin'er, she automatically substituted it for another person who was not clear to Gao Feng.

"Which one of his are you?"

As soon as Anastasia said these words, Wen Xin'er almost choked to death. Wu Wuyue couldn't help but said:

"Miss Anna, the situation is tense now. The commander-in-chief is fighting against the enemy. We must unite for the best..."

"Why am I not united? Didn't I help him deal with those sneaky guys? Didn't I appease those dissatisfied people with grudges? Or..."

"That's enough. Five carts of medicine, ten carts of grain, and corresponding cloth and tools will be delivered to your hometown tomorrow..."

Yan Twenty-Jiu opened his mouth and shut up Anastasia with just one sentence. A hint of joy appeared on Anastasia's face, and just as she was about to open her mouth to answer, Yan Twenty-Jiu continued:

"Wu May is right. The situation is tense now. Foreign enemies may attack the wilderness at any time. You'd better go back to your hometown first and set off with the convoy tomorrow..."

Hearing this, Anastasia was unwilling again. She blinked her jade-like eyes and said doubtfully:

"Foreign enemies? How could there be foreign enemies? The breath of the wilderness is peaceful and peaceful, full of positivity, but there is no breath of death. There was a danger lurking underground before, but now this dangerous energy is also moving out of the wilderness. There will be no more crisis..."

Everyone was confused by Anastasia's words, especially Wu Yue and Wen Xin'er, who were even more confused. On the contrary, Yan Erjiu had come into contact with more abnormal humans. Huo, who was thoughtful and silent all the time, was confused. Mei'er saw everyone's doubts, took the initiative to stand up, and said helplessly:

"Anna is the prophet of the Ross people. She is good at observing the dangers and opportunities of the race. Otherwise, how could she be so stubborn about the commander-in-chief? She obviously took a fancy to the opportunities and benefits that the commander-in-chief brought to the Ross people, so she would be so stubborn. shameless……."

"How do you speak? Don't forget your duty as my maid?"

Anastasia and Huo Mei'er were enemies. After Huo Mei'er explained, they immediately fell out and started arguing. Only then did others realize that Wen Xin'er had a crush on Huo Mei'er. Anyone who doesn't like her will make her go overboard.

"Stop being her maid, follow me, sister, and I will take you to play on the moon..."

As soon as these words came out, Huo Meier was greatly moved. She was not interested in the moon, but in any chance of getting away from Anastasia.

"The moon? Well..., the moon is an important window to the future and an opportunity for future revival. The Russians are also going..."

Anastasia originally wanted to oppose Wen Xin'er's attempt to abduct her maid, but when she heard about the moon, she suddenly had a sudden impulse and said these words involuntarily, making Wen Xin'er raise her brows and leaving May May stunned as if she had seen a ghost. .

"How long will the wilderness last? I mean, how long will it last without being invaded by foreign enemies?"

Yan Twenty-Jiu suddenly understood why Gaofeng would acquiesce to Anastasia's deception. According to Gaofeng's thief's character, he would never do anything without benefit. Since Anastasia can bear his name, Walking must have its meaning.

"If it was before, I could feel the faint aura of death lingering on this land and on the heads of ordinary people. But just now, I found that the aura of death had disappeared and was filled with vigorous vitality. What should have dispelled the aura of death? , just like after the Abyss Demon Eagle that threatened the Ross race was driven away, the bad luck that had shrouded the Ross people for decades was gone... So, without foreign enemies, the wilderness will last as long as you want. …….”

Even if Anastasia's good news was not taken seriously by everyone, it dissipated a lot of the depression in their hearts. At this time, May was a little confused:

"Have you noticed that the wilderness seems to have really changed?"

"you mean?"

Yan Erjiu asked his doubts uncertainly, but Wuyue's eyes suddenly lit up and he said strangely:

"It seems that there are no senior officials from the former Northern Military Region among those present today? Where have they gone?"

"It seems to be saying that there are new changes in the underground biological beasts, and Chihai Pavilion will take people underground to help exterminate them..."

Wen Xin'er, who had more contact with the underground army, quickly remembered her previous invitation to the military to visit and was rejected, and told the news she knew.

"No, Masati didn't come to participate either, and no one from the Blood Sea Fleet showed up..."

Carefully sifting through the people who had attended before, Yuyue also found more doubts. At this time, Yan Twenty-nine frowned and said:

"Yesterday, the Blood Sea Fleet requested three times more strategic supplies to support Tieshan River. However, according to the information reported by Tieshan River, there is currently no Chaos Fleet on the front line, and there is no news of the top families being invaded..."

"I think I know the reason. The final battle has finally begun..."

May's face is both sad and happy, and her heart is full of the sourness of being abandoned. As a soldier, who doesn't dream of fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield? Since putting on the military uniform, the only battle he has commanded has been on the moon. Now that the smoke is everywhere, it is a good time for soldiers to show their ambitions, but it will never be his turn, and it will be even less likely in the future. The most likely ending is to die on the moon. There is no chance to go to the battlefield again.

"Is it the mysterious director of the research institute?"

Very few people know about the existence of tree people, and Yan Twenty-Jiu is one of the very few people who know about it. A large amount of materials are allocated through her hands, especially the precious strategic crystals and semi-solidified crystals, which account for more than 60% of the total. She disappeared into the underground black hole for no reason, even arousing suspicion from many people, but she was eventually suppressed because she knew what these crystals would eventually be used for.

Anastasia didn't understand everything Wu Yue and Yan Twenty-nine said, but she didn't interrupt. Living in a strange environment, she knew that sometimes she could be open and sometimes she had to shut up. .

"I think so. It has been exactly seven days since the commander-in-chief said this that day. Seven days should be their final preparation time..."

If Wen Xin'er didn't commit her own shortcomings, she would be a very smart person. Otherwise, she wouldn't have found a way out of the peak. She quickly deduced the time window. Whether it was the underground world or Jialuo on the ground, everything remained the same. Using the custom of time windows in the previous era, seven days is a week, thirty days is a month, and 365 days is a year.

"So, the matter with the Chaos God King has been resolved?"

May still can't believe that the heavy crisis lingering over them has just disappeared? Should the moon plan still be implemented? With plenty of time, does that mean that the wilderness will become a paradise without foreign invasion in the future?

"Since you can predict the crisis, can you please predict the commander-in-chief? When will he come back?"

Regardless of whether he believed Anastasia's words or not, Yan Twenty-nine was unwilling to see anything happen to Gao Feng, especially when he saw hope. He used rare soft words to plead with Anastasia, and others also watched. To Anastasia, she seemed to acknowledge the Snow Queen's abilities.

Anastasia was very grateful for Yan Twenty-Jiu's rare compliment. Her nature was not bad, but she was used to being a queen and liked the respect of others. First Huo Meier made trouble with her, and Yan Twenty-Jiu got used to it again. Because she was too strong, she had to use a stronger posture to maintain her dignity.

Anastasia, who closed her eyes slightly, seemed to be in some kind of hazy state. The moment her white eyes closed gently, all the sharpness and strength disappeared. She was like a stunning beauty carved from ice and snow, making those who thought they were beautiful Wen Xin'er felt strong jealousy that such a beautiful face could appear on someone else's face. The jealousy in her heart was immediately aroused, making her secretly curse and hope that Anastasia would die soon. Mobile phone users please visit http://m.piaotia.net

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