Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Ages of the End of the World Chapter 1786: Explaining the Origin

Several other children also made moves. The golden little beauty waved and threw a black ball towards the peak, which was exactly the same as the one that was chased outside before. The brown Greek little beauty was struggling to move a strange instrument from behind. It is showing the decreasing time seconds. ╪┟.[.

All this happened too fast. The children were as agile as cheetahs. Others would have been caught off guard. But Gao Feng showed up before they made a move and did not stop them. He just stood there and watched their performance. He believed that No matter what happens, it is under control.

The black ball flew first, and it could be seen clearly from a very close distance. The so-called black ball was actually an unknown material of biological medium. It was densely covered with small dots the size of sesame seeds, exuding a faint fishy smell. Just as it was approaching the peak, it It turned into a slender black snake and suddenly pounced towards his cheek.

At this time, Gao Feng raised his hand to wave the instrument in the little brown girl's hand, and quickly stood in front of the little black snake. The liquefied metal squeezed out bits and pieces of non-metallic parts, shaped them into hollow balls, and swallowed the little black snake whole. , sealed, dropped and rolled on the floor.

When the black child saw that the golden girl's attack failed, he shouted and pulled the trigger of the rifle. Bright flames sprayed from the muzzle of the gun. The burst of bullets passed through a short space and rushed towards Gaofeng's heart at a speed that was almost invisible. Unexpectedly, the rain of bullets could only stir up the sway of blue light. It did not even damage Gao Feng's hair, and the bullets were not reflected. They disappeared without a trace as if they were being swallowed. In the end, only the red boy's metal vessel was left.

The steps to operate the metal container are very complicated. Before it officially takes effect, Perception first explores the contents inside. Inside the container is a thumb-high sealed medicine, which is very strictly preserved. Although I don’t know what the pharmacological effect is, I believe it will definitely not be What a good thing, so before the activation of the red boy was completed, Gao Feng dissolved the outer casing of the metal vessel, took the potion and examined it in his hand, causing all the children present to be horrified. Even the black children could not hold the gun. It fell to the floor with a sound.〈〔. co[m

"What is this thing for?"

Gao Feng shook the pink potion and asked Hei Loli, who was dumbfounded and unaware of the situation. No wonder Little Muddle-headed was disliked by the other children. After experiencing this drastic change, everyone else worked hard to resist Gao Feng, but she was the only one who could still stay at Gao Feng. Beside her, when it was over, she was still depressed about the lack of food in her belly.

"This is for sleeping. Just a little bit will help you sleep soundly. I accidentally knocked over a bottle before, and..."

Black Loli didn't care about the thing in Gao Feng's hand at all. It seemed to be just a dispensable thing. Gao Feng shook his head helplessly. He felt a little sympathy for the Epsilon team. When meeting such a top-notch member, it was difficult not to go crazy. , sometimes being too cute is also a heartbreaking character.

"What other means are there? Let's come up with them together!!!"

Gao Feng threw the thumb potion back to the red boy. When the other party hurriedly took it back, he showed off his cards to them with great anger. His words revealed not only confidence, but also a tolerant attitude of an adult towards naughty children. w(ww.

The black child lowered his head and looked at the rifle at his feet, and then at Gao Feng who didn't care. Finally, he communicated with other friends through eye contact. Of course, the object of communication definitely did not include the black lolita orchid. Finally, he said dejectedly:

"What do you want? We have nothing..."

This statement not only acknowledges Gao Feng's power, but also refutes the possible compensation. It is a child's unique scoundrel. The other children also nodded together, proving that they really have nothing, forgetting that their greatest wealth is the battleship they own. The only thing worth seeing in the peak.

"Tell us your purpose, the organization and forces you belong to, why do you want to come to China?"

Gao Feng has determined that these children have nothing to do with the Chaos Front. The language system of the Chaos Front is a large fusion of the languages ​​​​of many European countries in the previous life. It is based on English and accommodates many words such as French, German, Spanish, etc., and ultimately forms a new language. On the contrary, The English spoken by children still retains the flavor of the previous era.

"As I said, she got lost because of the orchid grass and came here. If you want to blame her, just blame the orchid grass. Otherwise, if you take her away, use her to compensate and let us go... "

Miss Jin pushed all the problems to Lan Cao, and even proposed to use Lan Cao to compensate Gao Feng, but Lan Cao, as the party involved, was still giggling and had no objection to being used as compensation. I don’t know if she really didn’t care, or if she was completely Not understanding his position in the hearts of his friends has turned into a disaster.

"We are the fifth team of the Great Cosmos United Army. The Great Cosmos United Army is the hope for the rise of new humanity and the future development direction of mankind. It will inevitably lead human civilization to get rid of historical flaws, find a new position, and show more brilliant heights..."

The little black boys took the initiative to stand up and explain their philosophy and origins to Gao Feng. At the same time, they also proved that they would not use bluegrass as compensation. Even if bluegrass put the entire group into trouble, they still admitted that bluegrass was an indispensable part of the group. member.

"Greater Universe United Army? That's interesting. Your leader shouldn't be Alpha, right?"

Gao Feng looked thoughtfully at the stubborn black boy. The black loli next to him rubbed her belly with a grimace and said in a depressed tone:

"When will we have something to eat? How about we find something to eat first before talking about anything else? Anyway, Alpha is coming soon..."

"Lancao, you idiot, you said something you shouldn't have said again. Alpha is here to save us..."

When Black Loli said these words, the other children's expressions turned ugly again. Even the little brown beauty who acted very gentle couldn't help but scold loudly, and unintentionally revealed more information about Alpha.

"I'll get you some food later. Answer my question first. Where is your master? Don't tell me that you built the battleship yourself, as well as all kinds of equipment and weapons..."

This is the issue that Gao Feng is most concerned about. Regardless of what force the so-called Great Universe United Army belongs to, it is just that they already have such a powerful battleship, which is enough for Gao Feng to take it seriously. If such a powerful battleship appeared earlier, it would sweep across the country. China is not a problem. When encountering the powerful Bengyun Jialuo, there is no way to fight back. Now the situation seems to be getting more and more complicated. The Chaos God King has not been solved yet, and the Great Universe United Army has appeared again. I don’t know what will happen in China. A change of situation?

Hei Loli calmed down when he heard that there was food, and the other children were also bright-eyed. At least they were not sophisticated enough to control their emotions. The little black boy also knew that they had no means to turn over the cards, so he explained to Gao Feng with a little cooperation. :

"We inherit from the greatest civilization, the nation of America, were born from the Nest of Life, have the purest blood, and are an important part of the American Spark Revival Plan... To be precise, we are the third generation plan executors, the former Both generations were destroyed due to various reasons. Our previous generation of executors retained the DNA of the invaders and cultivated new biological battleships..."

The little black boys' narrations were not organized and systematic. Even if their performance level was far higher than that of ordinary children, they still could not be compared with mature-thinking adults. Gao Feng had difficulty in sketching out these children in his mind through the other party's fragmentary descriptions. The origin of

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