Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1784 Children’s Understanding

Dozens of bullets were like still raindrops, floating in front and behind him. There was no peak movement. The bullets rotated one after another and gathered in front of him. This magical scene made the little guys who were afraid of empty bullets forget their fear and open their arms together. His mouth stared blankly, and his eyes filled with curiosity.

The bullet condensed into a metal ball the size of a duck egg in front of Gao Feng. The metal ball rotated rapidly, containing unimaginable terrifying power. As long as Gao Feng was willing, the metal ball could fly out like an electromagnetic gun and destroy any targeted target. , but these children have never felt danger. They are looking at the rotating metal ball attentively, with more expectations shining in their eyes, as if waiting for the changes that will follow.

The peak did not disappoint them. The dripping metal ball suddenly cracked, and a vine grew from the crack, just like a vine of life interpreting the rhythm of growth. Metal buds condensed and bloomed on the vine, Forming a leaf surface, in an instant, the single metal vine split into dozens of branches, each with leaves, as if an explosion of life, making the children clap their little hands in response to Gaofeng's magical performance Cheers.

The next moment, the vines changed again, weaving into the shape of a fishing net, covering the entire room. Then several children were all caught in the net by the thin metal vines, like a group of big fish in a net. Only then did they After figuring out what Gao Feng was doing, they all started shouting, looking angry.

Gao Feng touched his chin and looked at the children whose faces were red with anger. He secretly wondered if he was really thinking too much. But in this era, nothing can be judged by the experience of the previous era. Even if it is just a group of children under ten years old, Gao Feng also guesses in his heart that they are not as simple on the inside as they appear on the outside?

After some struggle, these children finally realized that they could not break away from the comfort of the metal vines. After exhaustion, they all calmed down and glared at Gao Feng. No one was willing to speak first. There were five children in total, three girls and two The men are all carved in pink and jade, indescribably beautiful, like a group of vivid dolls. If women see them, they will be filled with love. They will hold them in their arms and cherish them, but the peak is not filled with love. Holy Mother, these children are not really harmless either. At least Xiao Ling won't be able to stand up for a while.

"Where do you come from? Where are your guardians?"

Gao Feng expressed himself in halting English. He had not used this language for many years, and his expression was weak and arbitrary. At least his accent had taken on the flavor of the wilderness.

In response to Gao Feng's inquiry, several children showed disdain at the same time. They all raised their chins and pretended to be arrogant. One of them, an Asian girl with black hair and black eyes, who looked like an elf, was somewhat concerned about Gao Feng. She paid attention to Gao Feng. The purpose is because Gao Feng, like her, has black hair, black eyes and yellow skin.

The children were not as cunning as Gao Feng thought. Although they appeared uncooperative, Gao Feng still found the leader among them, a little African boy. The little boy was not the oldest, but he was definitely the most stable. , in the perception, several other children made various subtle movements, making gestures to get closer to the black child, showing the important person in the child's heart from the side.

"It seems that it's you?"

Gao Feng walked up to the black child and looked down at the numb, seemingly dull child. Under Gao Feng's strong pressure, a trace of panic flashed in the black child's eyes, but he remained dull, as if he couldn't listen. Understanding what Gao Feng was talking about, the black-haired little Loli opened her mouth, her clear and sweet voice sounding like a nightingale singing.

"Are you going to kill us?"

These words represent the biggest fear in the children's hearts. Gao Feng turned to look at the black-haired little Lolita. From her, he felt something different, a connection of blood. This feeling he got from the Yellow Emperor's legacy when he was on the moon. She has experienced that this is the deepest bloodline hidden in the body of Chinese Americans. Most people have lost this trait due to age or environmental radiation and other mutations. Did they not expect that a pure-blood girl would appear in front of them?

At this time, Gao Feng had forgotten the black child. He walked up to the little black-haired Lolita and waved away the metal vines that bound her. Under the curious and doubtful eyes of the other party, he slowly squatted down and talked to her. Looking at each other, although the two of them were very different in age, the girl still saw from Gao Feng's eyes that the other person was not cruel and violent. She couldn't help but muster up a little courage in her heart and wanted to speak, but she didn't expect that the black child's voice came from behind her. Shout:

"Don't hurt her, I'm the officer..."

Unintentionally, the black child asked himself. After he revealed his identity, the other children stopped insisting and slumped to the ground as if their spines were jerked. At this time, Gao Feng had already determined that they were all ordinary children. , does not have powerful abilities and dangers.

Gao Feng did not respond to the black child, and reached out to touch the head of the black-haired little loli. There were many such quirky little girls in previous lives, but they are rare in this era. The lack of culture means that most children have never had a complete In childhood, the young Garo had to strive for awakening from birth, and after awakening, he had to strengthen his own strength day after day. His young shoulders were burdened with too many things.

When the little black boy saw Gao Feng taking action, he immediately became anxious and struggled desperately. The other children were also making loud noises. It was rare that no one cried. Even though they were extremely scared at this time, it can be seen from this that they also bear the same responsibility. Many things, at least no longer believe in tears.

"He won't hurt me, I can feel it..."

The black-haired little loli suddenly spoke, interrupting the children's quarrel. Her two big black eyes were as pure as water, looking at the peak with curious colors. A slight smile appeared on her pink lips, and she softly moved her lips. The little head is close to Gao Feng's big hand, like a kitten waiting for the caress of its owner, it is so cute that it makes your heart melt.

"Can you speak Chinese?"

Gao Feng tentatively asked in Chinese, and saw the little girl looking at him blankly, obviously not understanding what he was talking about. Behind him, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who looked like a Barbie doll, suddenly said in the most standard Chinese:

"She doesn't understand the second language and is a language idiot. She only pretends to be silly and cute. You will definitely be deceived by her..."

As soon as these words came out, Gao Feng was speechless. Just now, he was afraid that he would hurt the black-haired little Lolita and that he would die. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he sold her out. I really don’t know how to describe the relationship between these children. relationship, maybe they are too naive and cannot tolerate any scheming, maybe they are really old and cannot understand the world of their children.

"Yes, she only cares about food, nothing else..."

Another girl with brown hair also testified beside her. Her pupils were as green as jade, her cheeks had clear lines, like a masterpiece carefully carved by ancient Greek art masters, and her voice was crisp and clear, with a special liveliness.

For a time, there seemed to be internal conflicts among the children, especially the other two girls, who belittled the black-haired Lolita at the same time, which made Gao Feng feel a little unhappy. However, he also found that except for the black-haired Lolita, the other children Feeling anxious and something seems wrong? She couldn't help but extend her mental power and intercepted the mental waves of several children. She was immediately speechless. It turned out that the other children thought they were going to eat the little black-haired lolita, and the little black-haired lolita was attracted by the hair color and appearance similar to hers. The skin is curious, resulting in misunderstanding.

"Don't you think I can really eat people?"

Gao Feng interrupted the children's speech and glared at them with a fierce look. The little red-haired boy, who had been silent at this time and acted very introverted, secretly glanced at Gao Feng, nodded firmly and said:

"The system tells us that people outside like to eat children..."

"He can't eat people, I can feel it..."

The black-haired little loli took the initiative to stand up and defend Gao Feng, looking very sure. At this time, the other four children rolled their eyes at the same time and said in unison:

"Your feelings are never right. You make us get lost every time. What else would you do besides eating?"

Now Gao Feng finally figured out the cause and effect. Although the black-haired lolita looks weird, she is actually a confused person. Whatever she does has the opposite effect, which makes other children have a feeling that as long as the black-haired lolita's intuition can be reversed, The direction is correct, that's why there was the previous debate.

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