Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Age of Darkness at the End of the World Text 1752 Angel of Light

Soon, the peak reached a huge space. The space was unprecedentedly huge. It was more than three thousand meters from east to west, from south to north, and the ground and ceiling were more than two hundred meters. It was like an arched opera house magnified a hundred times. , this opera house exceeds the limit that humans can build in any era. This huge space of at least ten square kilometers is actually covered with countless vegetation. The ground is moist soil, and gurgling streams are looming among the plants.

There are many kinds of plants in this land of more than 700 hectares. Although Gao Feng cannot identify them in detail, he can roughly find thousands of species. In addition, there are also a large number of insects scattered in it. Many of these insects were familiar to the ears and eyes of the previous era, but they are still unknown. Of course, many of those that cannot be found in this era have mutated and become dumber and fatter in an environment without natural enemies.

This is a complete biosphere. Everything evolved gradually according to a certain setting without animals. It may have started for thousands of years, but to Gao Feng, it seems that this place is very suitable for growing crops? The food grown in 700 hectares, with the optimization of underground technology, can feed at least 30,000 people.

Just when Gao Feng was secretly rejoicing, a beam of light suddenly fell next to him. This light seemed to have life. In an instant, it spread out two dazzling wings of light and became a stunning female angel. This angel had blond hair like gold and was as pure as sea water. Her eyes and facial lines are as if a master of art has spent his whole life carving them. Every millimeter is perfect. It is the most beautiful face Gao Feng has ever seen in his life.

"Welcome, powerful humans from Earth, perfect creatures with spirit and soul..."

"Is there room for further expansion of this land? How many procedures are required to eradicate vegetation and change it to grow food?"

Gao Feng paid no attention to the angel with a beautiful face. His eyes only focused on the vast botanical garden, but he questioned her unceremoniously, as if he regarded her as his servant.

"Why do you want to eradicate the biological circulation system? Don't you think that by observing the natural evolution of living things, you can get countless information and unlock more secrets?"

The angel formed by the beam did not have any angry expression, as if he had never heard Gao Feng's rude request, but he also did not respect Gao Feng's order. He still used a persuasive tone to make Gao Feng give up his previous thoughts.

"Just like your previous observations about humans on Earth? The Americans don't dare to build a base on the moon. Maybe it's your persuasion?"

Gao Feng changed the subject and expressed his suspicion. Regarding Gao Feng's question, Angel did not deny it, nor did he admit it. Instead, he shook his head helplessly and said:

"Are you still as greedy as before during the period of hundreds of years of destruction? Excessive demands will only cause the balance to collapse, leading to continuous catastrophes. Can't hundreds of years of catastrophe still make you realize your mistakes?"

When Gao Feng heard this, he immediately became angry. He dispersed the angel into particles with a wave of his hand, turned around, took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it, and took a deep breath of thick smoke that polluted the air, just like the poisonous mist spewed by a demon.

"The solar system can only be the solar system of mankind. Whether it is the earth or the moon, it is the territory of mankind. No creature is welcome to establish a base here, regardless of whether you are well-intentioned or malicious..."

"Poor humans, you use cruelty and greed to create shackles to bind yourself with the purpose of harm, but you have forgotten that God's original intention of creating you is to free your spirit and body, so as to ascend to a higher dimension. Let life evolve to a higher level, transcend the shackles of evil, and understand the truth of the universe.”

The angels gathered around Gao Feng again. Because they were not entities, Gao Feng had never caused harm to her, but she still never gave up persuading her. In her tone, she seemed to regard Gao Feng as a lost lamb and substitute herself as the messenger of God. The assistant rescuer shows his painstaking efforts in rescuing the other party from the sea of ​​suffering.

Gao Feng suddenly laughed exaggeratedly, so exaggeratedly that he almost couldn't breathe. However, he didn't need much oxygen, so he didn't have the effect of blushing and holding his breath, but the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth was more obvious.

"Hahaha, you are so funny. What god are you talking about? Is it the spaceship that crashed on the moon? Is it the creature that left the ruins of the city and left? Or is it the monster that kills and cooks humans as lambs? Sorry, I know a god, an extremely powerful god who treats humans as food. My ultimate goal is to kill him, twist off his head, peel off the scalp, pry open the skull, and see what his brain is like. What is it, and why do you think humans should be devoured by gods?”

Gao Feng's words were a double entendre, linking the Chaos God King with the deep space creatures that established a base on the moon. The violence and destruction burning like fire in his eyes were unabashedly reflected in the attention of the Angel of Light.

"Stubbornness, stupidity, greed, and cruelty, are these the only things you have left? Will it make you feel the positive emotions of happiness, optimism, confidence, relaxation, and courage? Will it make you remember the feeling of loving and being loved? If even these If you don’t have anything left, how can you understand the meaning of life and transcend suffering?”

"That's enough..., don't preach to me anymore, and don't try to impose your ideas on me. Human beings don't need your guidance, nor do they need to be grateful for your painstaking efforts. Hundreds of years of catastrophe and suffering, and I have never seen you reach out, let alone..."

Gao Feng excitedly interrupted the other party's persuasion. In a daze, he suddenly returned to the time when he first came to this era. Facing the desolate hometown, he could not find any trace of familiarity. The sadness and desolation was something that others could not find. Understandably, for a moment, he even forgot that May and the wilderness were still waiting for him to return, and actually started to quarrel with the Angel of Light. But just when he was about to vent all the pressure and depression accumulated in his heart, his perception suddenly scanned something. In a hidden position, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked into the light angel's eyes, which suddenly became cold, snorted coldly, and turned around to leave.

Light Angel didn't know what kind of projection technology was used, but he was able to follow Gao Feng step by step, walking through the corridors, and came to a metal door with complex inscriptions. This metal door looked nothing like other metal doors. Both, but the peak behaves like a volcano about to erupt, and it is obvious that the perception has already understood what is behind the door.

When the peak melted the door and stepped into the darkness behind the door, the light suddenly appeared, like a lit star, emitting infinite light, dispersing the dark metal, revealing a huge space only two sizes smaller than the Botanical Garden. If the Botanical Garden makes people It feels like you have traveled through the original jungle, and it is like stepping into the freezer of a space battleship.

Tens of thousands of transparent vessels are like a neat army, arranged layer by layer, from the floor to the ceiling. Each transparent vessel has a naked human being. These humans are male and female, except for infants and young children. There are people of all ages, with different races and skin colors. The four major races are complete, and there are even blue races among them. In addition to humans, there are also many humanoid creatures. Here, Gao Feng saw more than eight A giant of three meters and a little man of less than ten centimeters.

Transparent vessels are like crystal coffins. No life-sustaining liquids or pipes can be seen. In fact, Gao Feng had long known that the people inside had no vital signs. Even if they opened the vessels, they would not be able to survive. This made him Thinking of the specimen samples in the laboratory, they may be just like the collected antiques of human civilization, they are just museums of human natural evolution.

Standing next to a creature with white fur that looked like a snowman, Gao Feng squinted at the expressionless Angel of Light and asked mockingly:

"Is this part of your care for humanity? It's not easy to collect so many people, right?"

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