Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1736 The Truth of History

The main reason why Charlotte persisted in not retreating was because she still hoped that the scale clone would annihilate the Charles fleet or seize more warships and supplies. Therefore, Gao Feng did not expect Charlotte to be defeated by him from the beginning. After all, this is a selfish woman and a scheming villain.

Soon Charlotte led a one-eyed middle-aged man into the Sand Fox battleship. They observed all the details inside the battleship very carefully. When May greeted them, they could even see the desire and greed in each other's eyes, especially The milf Charlotte's eyes burned with greedy ambition, which made May not help but feel contempt for her, and she also felt a sense of pride in the powerful industrial system of the system to which she belonged.

If there had not been the invasion of the Chaos God King, or if he had left China, he would not have felt this way in May. This was a comparison between one nation and another technologically advanced nation, a comparison of superiority, and thus produced? ? ? ? Novel students develop a deeper sense of belonging.

Gao Feng met with Charlotte and the two in the small conference room of the Shahu Battleship. As soon as they met, Charlotte expressed her eager ambition:

"If you can help us defeat Charles, we are willing to surrender as a whole and serve as your subjects and weapons to fight against anyone who dares to oppose you..."

"Including the Chaos God King?"

Gao Feng interrupted the other party's statement and directly stated the core issue, which was also the shadow on the minds of all Chaos Front people.

Charlotte hesitated for a moment, then said seriously:

"Including the Chaos God King..."

Gao Feng chuckled in his heart and shook his head repeatedly. Although he didn't show it on his face, everyone present understood what Gao Feng meant. He looked down upon the combat power of Charlotte and others.

Charlotte's cheeks were a little hot, and her heart was filled with rage, but she did not dare to express her anger. The scale-armored clone had clearly told Charlotte that Gao Feng was his master, and Gao Feng's orders were his will. Even with such a powerful And if the mysterious figure cannot oppose Gao Feng, what confidence does she have to resist?

"I have known Charles for a long time. His daughter is still a guest at my place. Why do you think that I will help you deal with him? Besides, his troops are so powerful and more valuable than you..."

"Because he is a coward, a coward who only attacks his own people. Our current situation is all caused by Charles's group of bastards..."

Charlotte became excited and danced about her past hatred. As a front-line commander in the war with the Russians, what she hated most was betrayal and betrayal. After sacrificing countless comrades and companions, she finally achieved the final victory. They didn't expect to be plotted by the Chaos God King, and what they didn't expect was that when they escaped from the Chaos Front, the people who were chasing them were their former comrades, and it was Charles who stepped on the corpse of a natural person who had defected to get to the top.

Gao Feng couldn't tell who was who, and he didn't bother to tell. Charles did keep his hands on Charlotte. One scale clone couldn't contain the entire fleet, which might cause chaos and losses, but it couldn't destroy a large fleet with thousands of battleships. , as long as Charles is a little more determined, he can easily kill Charlotte.

After Charlotte vented her negative emotions, Gao Feng continued:

"I don't want to care about your grudges, and I don't want to listen to them. The Chaos God King is my enemy. My knife will only hit the Chaos God King. So what if you both die together? Will the Chaos God King lose a hair? What if? You can't even distinguish the seriousness. I think there is no need to continue talking. My energy should be used to deal with the real enemy..."

After saying that, Gao Feng took out his cigar and threw it to the silent one-eyed man and May. The intersection between men is simpler than that between women. A cigar brought the one-eyed man and Gao Feng closer together. With a smile on his face, the man lit the cigar and took a deep breath. Unable to bear the discomfort of not smoking for a long time, he coughed, breaking the brief silence.

"I think what this leader said is right. If you kill Charles, the dead people will not be able to come back to life. But if the Chaos God King is not dead, your and my descendants will still be able to follow the same old path..."

These words made sense, at least to a man, but Charlotte was still unwilling and said with resentful eyes:

"Don't forget, Charles not only killed you and my men, he also killed our family members who stayed behind..."

"I don't think it's possible for Charles to kill your family..."

Gao Feng suddenly understood what the problem was. There was a time in the Chaos Front when natural people died out in large numbers. Although they used unnatural people as an excuse to rebel, the question was, since they knew that unnatural people were not safe, why did they continue to use them? The regulations on the management of non-natural persons seem reasonable, but they are only used as a punishment method and are not very effective in curbing non-natural persons. Many of them cannot withstand scrutiny.

Facing the questioning looks of the two people, Gao Feng asked helplessly:

"Don't you know that the Chaos God King cannibalizes people? The reason why Charles defected is that the Chaos God King decided to eat all the remaining natural people. It seems that except for the part of Charles who defected, you are the only remaining native natural people. …….”

As soon as these words came out, Charlotte's face turned pale, and she covered her chest and couldn't breathe anymore. The one-eyed middle-aged man bit off the cigar in his mouth, his eyes filled with blood, as if invisible flames were rising from his body.

"This is impossible, how could someone eat people?"

Charlotte completely lost control of her emotions and screamed, which caused a strong impact on Gao Feng's eardrums. May suddenly stepped forward and shouted:

"Shut up!!! The commander-in-chief is waiting for your answer!!!"

This scolding initiated by May made Charlotte's voice pause. The one-eyed man suddenly knelt down on one knee. The remaining one-eyed man released a bright light and looked at Gao Feng:

"If I join you, will you kill the Chaos God King? Swear in your name?"

"It's not whether I will kill him, but I must kill him, otherwise, my family and my race will be eaten by him..."

Gao Feng answered seriously, and the seriousness in his eyes made it impossible to tell the lie. The one-eyed man nodded heavily, stood up and said to Charlotte:

"I have made my decision, and it cannot be changed. If you want revenge, then stand with me. If not, take your people and walk away..."

These words were said in their own language. Gao Feng understood it only partially, but May couldn't understand it at all. Fortunately, Charlotte made a decision quickly:

"If we join, will you hand over this battleship to us? To deal with the Chaos God King, we need more powerful weapons. I don't think the Chaos Front battleship can defeat the Chaos God King..."

These words made Wuyue extremely angry. Her eyes were waiting for Charlotte like the enemy who killed her father. Gao Feng shook his head and said:

"I will not provide you with battleships for the time being, nor do I need you to be on the front line. Rather than fighting soldiers, I need auxiliary personnel more, such as maintenance, equipment operation, and battleship driving..."

Charlotte and the two were stunned at this moment. They didn't expect that they didn't want to sell themselves to others, especially when the other party clearly only had one battleship, but they showed such arrogance, which they couldn't understand.

"As for Charles, I think you can meet and explain it clearly in person, especially since both parties have a common enemy. Although this guy is not brave enough, defecting itself is enough to illustrate his attitude. At least you don't have to worry about being betrayed again, right?"

Gao Feng was only thinking about solving Charlotte and dividing the spoils with Charles. In a sense, what he did was also a betrayal, but it was more subtle.

"I will not go to see Charles. Even if he did not kill my family, he is an accomplice. Even if you do not recognize us, we will not give up fighting the Chaos God King. This is a commitment as warriors. Maybe in your eyes, we Weak and insignificant, but for us, even if we die in battle, it is an honor..."

Charlotte's persistence, One-Eyed Felix's desire, and the declaration that resonated with May, all made Gao Feng look at them differently. Maybe many things should not be taken at face value. Suddenly, he thought of the day n recommended by Bismarck. , maybe Japan may not be more suitable to be the commander of the support fleet, at least in terms of fighting will, Charlotte is better.

"How many people can you gather? People who can skillfully pilot battleships and engage in battle..."

Gao Feng hesitated for a while, until the cigar was hot, he woke up from his thoughts and said these clear words. Charlotte and Felix looked happy. At this time, they had forgotten about bargaining. Being accepted was considered an achievement. Wish it.

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