Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1734 Soldiers first, etiquette second

With an order from May, more than a hundred people on the entire battleship quickly fixed themselves to their seats, pulled off their oxygen supply helmets and put them on, allowing themselves to become one with the battleship. This was also a side effect of the high-speed battleship, which had no gravity. Eliminate the device and the possible sharp arc turns at ultra-high speed will bring an unbearable huge load to the crew, and they may faint if they are not careful.

The time it takes for the Shahu warship to go from a suspended state to supersonic speed is very short. The powerful power system and excellent hull materials allow the warship to withstand loads that other aircraft cannot bear. When the annular air wave formed by the sonic boom spreads around the warship, , the sand fox suddenly accelerated, like a huge bat rushing towards the fleet.

In this short moment, the distance was several kilometers. If the battleship was not too big to hide itself with speed, few people would be able to see the battleship clearly. Even so, Charles's small fleet would not be able to see it clearly. Intercepted immediately, and in a blink of an eye, the battleship broke through the heavily guarded small fleet and plunged into the middle of Charles's large fleet.

At this time, the Charles fleet was in trouble, especially the natural officers. From the strange speed of the Sand Fox battleship, they directly associated it with the Chaos God King's Guards, modified assault ships, and the original attack and pursuit of a thousand modified assault ships. Killing, almost wiped out two armies and three fleet groups that destroyed the royal nest. If Charles hadn't gone all out and used himself as a bait to attract the assault fleet into a trap surrounded by enemies, there would be no telling who would win and who would lose.

What frightened them was that the semi-curved shell of the Shahu battleship was more suitable for flying than the modified assault ship, and its flexibility was even several times higher. Compared with the modified assault ship that was reloaded like a bull, the Shahu warship The Fox Battleship is like a dexterous bat, freely shuttled through the jungle built by the battleship.

If placed in the previous life, the Shahu warship was an absolute death-seeking act. The most advanced system of any warship may not be weapons or power, but it must be radar, and there are far more than one or two, for air and ground. There are no less than ten kinds of radars that can lock on enemy missiles, lock on enemy radars, artillery aiming radars, missile guidance radars, etc.

But there is no radar in this world. Electromagnetic waves make most radars ineffective. For a large and advanced fleet, the most effective detection method is unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. The most direct way to fight is to lock with a probe, and then use function calculations to calculate Distance, wind direction, deflection, and finally fire.

Obviously, the fighting method of this era is still in the confrontation mode of World War II in the previous era. What is great is that particle targeting and optical reflection tracking systems are used as the guidance targets of missiles. The problem is that if they cannot lock on, there is no way to shoot them down, just like now , the Shahu warship shuttled easily and at high speed, often flying past the edge of the heavy warship. The opponent did not even have time to turn on the short-range defense system, let alone open fire.

Just when Charles and Bismarck were racking their brains for the Sand Fox battleship, the Sand Fox battleship suddenly made a rolling movement and opened all its weapon launchers, showing its most ferocious side in front of Charles's fleet. There happened to be a group of hundreds of them. Unmanned fighter planes surrounded the Shahu battleship from all sides, and saw a light blue halo with the battleship as the center, suddenly spreading, and in less than a second, the light dissipated without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

The unmanned fighter planes that surrounded the battleship fell like dumplings. In less than three seconds, all the unmanned fighter planes that gathered from the inside to the outside were gone. The natural people in the fleet took a breath of cold air. The unmanned fighter planes Being destroyed is nothing. Any warship can destroy dozens or hundreds of drones. The problem is, it will never be so easy, and it will never be so weird. It exceeds the conventional killing range of normal weapons and becomes mysterious. Unpredictable.

The Shahu warship, which easily shot down hundreds of drones, began to shuttle through the fleet again. It still took a very short time to break through the sound barrier, and shuttled through the fleet group as fast as lightning. It was obviously huge, but it was not clumsy at all. The agility is terrifying.

At this time, Charles's fleet began to shrink, with three Destruction King's Nests as the core, more than 300 heavy battleships guarding the group, and two thousand light frigates and auxiliary ships in a defensive posture. It was actually forced by this battleship. This step?

We can't blame the Charles fleet for being so cowardly, but the power of the modified assault ships is really terrifying. In the past, the modified assault ships could easily subdue a fleet of squadrons, but they were unable to deal with unmanned fighters. Now even unmanned fighters can be shot down inexplicably. How could it be so? Doesn’t it mean that the opponent is stronger?

It is precisely with this idea that Charles does not seek merit, but seeks no faults. He first finds out the details of the opponent. When he was preparing to defend, the Shahu battleship finally slowed down and floated quietly in the sky, shaking slightly. , seems to be able to soar into the sky at any time, making it impossible for the electromagnetic gun to lock on.

At this moment, Gao Feng's figure appeared in the sky, and behind him was the Sand Fox battleship. He announced his appearance to Charles without any obstruction, and then Charles realized who had caused this farce.

Both Charles and Bismarck were acquaintances of Gao Feng. Relatively speaking, Charles had a deeper friendship with Gao Feng, while Bismarck only had transactions with Gao Feng and had no friendship. When Gao Feng entered the other party's flagship, Charles was all smiles, while Bismarck was gloomy. Face, thinking about Gao Feng's purpose.

"The biggest surprise in life is to meet again after a long separation. I am so majestic today. It seems that I have gained a lot after saying goodbye..."

Charles' hearty laughter exploded into his eardrums. If he hadn't known that this guy was full of evil, he would have been moved by his enthusiasm.

"I'm really sorry. I lack the necessary means of contact and have caused misunderstanding to you. I'm very sorry..."

Gao Feng gave a seemingly gentle smile and said these insincere words. Anyone who was not blind could see clearly that this was Gao Feng's deliberate demonstration. Otherwise, he could have come alone to ask for information.

But everyone present will not challenge whether the two parties can talk as equals. What matters is not affection, but equality of strength. If Gao Feng really wants to come alone, it will be really difficult to meet Charles, especially now that Charles is in control. For such a large fleet, it is normal for them to be superior to others.

"Brother, you came all the way here just to have a family relationship with us, right?"

Charles laughed, changed the topic, and asked Gao Feng's reason for coming. There was a glimmer of light and dark in the depths of his eyes. It was obvious that he was calculating the purpose of Gao Feng's appearance at this time. Gao Feng shook his head helplessly and said:

"The Chaos God King has already taken action. He is about to be unable to resist. Why don't you come to ask for help?"

The words "Chaos God King" have great magic power, which made everyone present change their color, especially those who were not very mentally strong. Their legs began to tremble, which made Gao Feng feel a little heavier in his heart.

"Brother, it's not that we are unwilling to help. You have also seen that many battleships are still cracked. Some time ago we..."

Charles talked about the various pursuits of the Chaos God King before. Gao Feng then understood why the modified warship had never appeared in China. It turned out that it was taken care of by Charles. Although he was lucky, he also couldn't help but regret it.

It's a fluke because more than a thousand modified assault ships are definitely not something that China can resist, especially for Jialuo. It only needs one battleship. No matter how many low-level Jialuo there are, they will fall down if they rush forward. No one can. exception.

Regret is due to poor intelligence, which resulted in missed opportunities. If he had known this, Gao Feng would have definitely used all his strength to wipe out the Chaos Fleet, first clearing away the claws of the Chaos God King, and then talk about solving the final boss.

"Your Excellency General, your daughter is still with me. Do you want me to send her here first?"

Gao Feng did not continue to dwell on the previous topic and talked about Catherine. As soon as these words came out, Charles couldn't sit still. He looked at Gao Feng anxiously and asked:

"Catherine? Is she..., is she okay? Is she injured? Was she cheated by another man?"

"Charles, I think personal matters can be discussed privately. Mr. Gao's purpose of coming is not clear yet..."

Bismarck couldn't stand it any longer, so he interrupted Charles' questioning, which made Gao Feng sigh in relief. Charles was just a few seconds away from rushing forward and grabbing him by the collar. Although he wasn't afraid that the other party could hurt him, he still didn't want to lose face. nice.

"General Bismarck, I haven't seen you for so long, are you still the same? I never thought that one day we would be on the same front..."

Compared to Bismarck, who had a rigid face, Gao Feng showed such unusual enthusiasm that Bismarck had to relax his face and express his gratitude.

"Catherine is fine, but if she can't join the Chaos God King, I believe it will be difficult for her to find a pure land to settle down in the future..."

Gao Feng said this not as a threat, but as a matter of fact. Today, China is blocking the way, but when China is gone, where can Charles and Catherine hide? He was using the topic to wake up Charles and Bismarck.

"I'm afraid Mr. Gao doesn't know that what we are doing now is to destroy the strength of the Chaos God King. No matter before or in the future, we will insist on fighting the Chaos God King, but we must directly face the Chaos God King on the premise of protecting ourselves. King, we are bound to die, but we are still capable of causing trouble behind the scenes. As long as we can deal a blow to the Chaos God King, isn’t it the same everywhere?”

Bismarck seemed majestic and rude, but in fact he was quite scheming. His words were neither humble nor arrogant, and they sounded meaningful. However, if you think carefully, you will find that the other party was all excuses.


Charles noticed an unpleasant look on Gao Feng's face, and thought to himself that his daughter was still in the other's hands. Although Gao Feng said nicely, he could send Catherine over at any time, but they were thousands of miles apart. Even if Gao Feng was willing, Charles wouldn't. Don't worry, for the sake of his daughter, he had to stand on the side of the peak and whispered to Bismarck.

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