Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1697 Forcibly Marrying the Queen

The queen and her scale clone, who had not yet figured out the situation, appeared in a dark and cold palace. This was a forgotten palace. The dust on the ground was full of drag marks from various insects. And in the center of the dust, sat A skeletal old woman.

The old woman slowly opened her eyes and saw the cute Ice and Snow Queen, as well as the evil-eyed evil god holding the Ice and Snow Queen with one arm.

"No matter what you want, there is nothing you want here. Anastasia is a kind child and will not hurt anyone..."

"Are you? Are you Maria? Princess Maria?"

Anastasia has long been immune to the scale clone. No matter how provocative she is, the other party will not attack her and does not care about her own safety. However, she can recognize this skeletal old woman from her voice.

"I didn't expect that the Russians really have nuclear bombs. Is this your last resort?"

After completing a task, the scaled clone had an extra sense of accomplishment, which made him sigh involuntarily. As soon as he said this, the old woman's dim eyes flashed with a dazzling and cruel light, and Anastasia was still in a daze. , obviously don’t know this super secret.

"You want a nuke?"

Princess Maria squeezed out these words from her teeth one by one. A powerful energy was running in her body, and it would erupt like a volcano at any time.

"Either exterminate the entire nation or dismantle the nuclear bomb..."

The same soul whisper of the scaled clone resounded in Princess Maria's mind, and then an overwhelming mental intimidation came to her, and the energy that allowed her to operate receded like a tide, and then she Like ordinary people, they can no longer move a finger.

"Aren't you afraid that I will detonate a nuclear bomb?"

Maria was not willing to give in, or it could be said that the strong nature of the Russian people made her unwilling to bow to outsiders. Of course, Anastasia, who had no moral integrity, did not count.

"There is no way a nuclear bomb can kill me. Even if the nuclear bomb under you has a power of 10 million tons, and even if you detonate it, it will not succeed..."

After saying that, the scale armor clone showed the blocker to the other party. The blocker seemed to suddenly come to life at this moment, with six antennas flashing signals, and the prismatic metal turned into a strange crystal with light flowing.

Maria looked at it for a long time, but couldn't understand what it was. After a while, she shook her head and said:

"I can't promise you, the nuclear bombs are reserved for our clan's biggest enemy!!!"

"What is a nuclear bomb? Is it reserved for the Abyss Dragon Eagle?"

Anastasia also noticed something was wrong and asked involuntarily. Maria looked at Anastasia who could not see anything kindly and explained:

"It's not the Abyss Demon Eagle, but another enemy. It is an enemy that cannot be defeated by conventional means. Once he discovers our clan's hiding place, he will definitely eat you..."

Anastasia didn't understand, which didn't mean that the scaled clone didn't understand, and immediately said:

"Hunting the God King? Only that lunatic would go around eating people..."

Maria's eyes suddenly widened, she looked at the blood-red monster-eyed scaly clone in surprise, and asked slightly tremblingly:

"You..., you know him? Have you seen him? Where is he now?"

"I'm afraid a nuclear bomb can't kill him, just like a nuclear bomb can't kill me, but he can definitely kill me, and I can't kill him..."

The scale-armored clone did not answer. No one except Gao Feng could answer Princess Maria's question. Even if Wu Dao and others knew the answer, they would not dare to tell it to non-Chinese races.

"I still can't give it to you or dismantle it. The nuclear bomb is reserved for the Chaos God King. It will not be detonated unless he appears. If he doesn't appear, even if you kill all the Russians, I won't care..."

Maria still refused the scale armor clone. At this time, the scale armor clone still intercepted the opponent's truest thoughts. Just as Maria said, the nuclear bomb was specially left for the Chaos God King, and it was also specially left by the previous royal family for the Chaos God King. The great gift prepared by the king, to be precise, the reason why the Ross people retreated to this land was to use the last group of people to attract the arrival of the Chaos God King, and finally die together.

It is for this reason that Maria has stayed here for decades, never leaving. Her mission is to wait for the arrival of the Chaos God King and then detonate the nuclear bomb. Apart from this, there is nothing else to do. She is distracted, even if her tribe dies, even if the magic eagle wakes up.

The clone fell silent, seeming to be thinking about the true meaning of the other party's words. At the same time, Gao Feng, who was reorganizing Shanjia Luo and dispatching troops and ships, also fell silent. After a while, Gao Feng's complex expression returned to normal, but his eyes did not know where he had drifted. After I left, the people around me were already used to being dazed from time to time during peak times, so they didn’t pay attention and continued with their own affairs.

"Perhaps my request is really too much, but please remember your promise. This crystal sand is given to you so that you can wait longer..."

The scaled clone followed Gao Feng's instructions and stopped worrying about the issue of nuclear bombs. He sent out a crystal sand full of energy and disappeared with the Ice Queen. Maria stared blankly at the dust-like crystal sand in her hand, feeling The endless energy inside replenished her own losses, and she closed her eyes again. This time, no matter who came, she would not pay attention anymore, because the almost forgotten name of the Chaos God King finally appeared again, and the names of millions of Russians The blood feud resurfaced in her heart, along with the cruel memories of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

The scaled clone brought the Ice and Snow Queen to Wu Dao's military camp. At this time, they were hundreds of kilometers away from Marsahan. In a short time, the Ice and Snow Queen had no way to return to the royal city. The sensitive Anastasia felt different. The smell of Wangcheng asked very alertly:

"Where are you taking me? What exactly do you want to do?"

"My master is very hesitant about his attitude towards the Russians. He originally killed them all, but unfortunately the price he paid was a bit unbearable. He also admires certain qualities in your bones. He really hates and respects you, so he decided to marry you for the time being. Only by uniting the Chinese and Russians can we avoid the killings on both sides as much as possible..."

The scale-armored clone's explanation was very detailed and rude, and the Ice Queen's emotions went crazy without any surprise:

"What? You want me to marry your master? Do you have shit in your head? How can I marry someone... someone I've never met before..."

"You are blind, you cannot see, men treat you the same..."

"Asshole, how can they be the same? The smell is different, the old man is different from the young man, the warrior is different from the coward, and..."

"You are not a dog, why do you use a sniffer? The commander-in-chief doesn't care about your killings in the northern wilderness, so you should accept the commander-in-chief's kindness with a grateful heart and a guilty conscience..."

"Bah!!! Who killed all the tens of thousands of members of our Frost Wolf Clan? You didn't kill enough over there, so you came here..."

"So asking you to marry the commander-in-chief to resolve the grievances between the two parties is just a nominal union. Maybe you will never be able to meet each other in this life..."

"Impossible, who do you think I am? Once you marry someone, even if you don't like it, you must be respectful and loyal for the rest of your life. How can I just marry someone I don't understand casually..."

The scale clone is obviously not suitable for persuading others. Gao Feng has no idea about Anastasia, nor does he know what she looks like. This is just an alliance that is beneficial to both parties, just like signing a contract. However, the contract is based on the situation of marriage, allowing the Russians and Chinese people in this land to temporarily live in peace.

"Then you will never take a shower in your life, and there won't be a piece of flexible paper..."

After Anastasia's boring noise, the scale clone shamelessly launched a weapon of destruction that was more terrifying than nuclear weapons. Anastasia was silent for a while and then said:

"How old must your master be? How ugly must he be? This must be used to force a blind man..."

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