Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1681 Crying Garo

A large family is not a sheep without the ability to resist. More than a dozen dazzling rays of light rose into the sky, like brooms, clearing the flies-like drones in the sky. Then they were attacked by the drones with concentrated fire. In a few blinks, those The counter-attacking Divine Blessing Cannon was reduced to ashes in the bursting fireballs.

The heritage of a large family is not limited to these. Near the family station, on the seemingly desolate mountain rock walls, stone walls slid open silently, revealing dark cave entrances, followed by rusty small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. Come out, spit out bright flames, and launch a counterattack into the sky.

The youngest of these anti-aircraft guns is over fifty years old, and most of them are trophies captured from the Third Ground War. These trophies may not have enough anti-air firepower, but they are pretty good against airships and underground tanks. The far-sighted elders in the family picked up the family, painstakingly dug out the rock, arranged it, and silently guarded the family inheritance.

However, the family elders who once had some foresight and arranged the family's final defensive position never thought that their descendants would be so unwise. They knew that there were thousands of huge and terrifying warships not far from home, but they did not want to go far away. He ran away, but stayed in place and hesitated, and finally met with disaster.

At least two-thirds of these small-caliber anti-aircraft guns failed to fire, and the ones that did fire did not make the Chaos Front care at all. The Chaos Front had no plans to use large warships, and only used unmanned combat aircraft. With the number of unmanned combat aircraft, The resistance of the Garos was consumed abruptly.

Soon there was fierce resistance, and as the razed buildings disappeared, thousands of people fled their homes in despair, fleeing to the surrounding wilderness. At this time, more unmanned fighter planes swooped down, strafing the modified company. Shooting anesthesia and intoxicating guns, all those who were hit, whether they were Jia Luo or ordinary people, fell to the ground unable to move like rabbits being hunted.

Thousands of unmanned combat aircraft are like a giant comb, cleaning up the fleeing people on the ground. People's desperate shouts, wailing, cursing, or begging as they run can't move the cold unmanned combat aircraft. Those who are still carrying their children The parents were even more desperate. They knelt on the ground, stretched out their hands and made the most heartbreaking plea to the robot demon flying in the sky. Then, under the gunfire of the anesthesia gun, they fell hard beside their children. Not long after, they fell hard next to their children. , wailing children also fell down, some were too young to withstand the dose of anesthesia for adults, and quietly stopped breathing.

The number of people running away is getting smaller and smaller. The first ones to fall are ordinary people. Some fall from their families. Some fall from their families. They refuse to run anymore and would rather die with their families. Some want to die with their families. Smart people who pretend to be dead and hope to fish in troubled waters don't know that there are such things as life detectors in the world, which can be easily shot back by unmanned fighter planes.

There are also some people who can't even catch up with the unmanned fighter jets. These people are all powerful Jia Luo. There are split mountains and regret armies. If you observe carefully, you will find that the peak combat power of this family has not been damaged at all. The losses are ordinary. People and low-ranking garas, or their wives, children, and families.

At the critical moment of life and death, the Garos burst out with unprecedented speed and endurance, rushed out of a distance of more than a hundred kilometers, and threw away all the chasing drones behind them. At this time, the population was gone, and only The most powerful group of people in the lower family.

These Garos who thought they had escaped the catastrophe were full of boundless regret and annoyance, as well as endless hatred for the Chaos Front. These people did not flee in all directions, but gathered together tacitly, standing in a hidden place. In the mountain col, he looked angrily at the huge fleet suspended above the ruins of his family, and swore in his heart that even if he became a hungry ghost in hell, he would fight to the death with the God King of Chaos.

Just as they were taking their last look at the family, a heavy warship hidden in countless warships deflected slightly and sprayed out a black dot that created an afterimage. In an instant, the dot flew over a distance of more than a hundred kilometers, It hit the center of the group of Jialuo who were hiding in the hiding place hard.

When the dust pillar rising into the sky gradually dissipated, the mountain col where Jia Luo was once hidden also changed its terrain, leaving a huge black hole and radiating silt soil. Only Jia Luo was not seen. This family is the strongest The huge force, just under the shell of an electromagnetic gun, turned into blood molecules that were finer than dust and sand.

When the last power of the large family was wiped out, on the bridge of an inconspicuous heavy battleship in the fleet, the captain with short silver hair and a delicate and cold face, like a toy doll, stretched out his snow-white index finger and easily wiped out The name of a large family was marked on the virtual display in front of him, and he said in a clear voice and without emotion:

"Send an order back to the Fleet Headquarters. The First Division completed the No. 2 clearing plan, captured 10,897 people, cleared 1,560 people, eliminated the enemy's third-level danger, and 220 Eight, Level 2 danger, 11 confirmed to have been wiped out, no one escaped..."

After issuing the communication order, the cyborg captain, who was appointed commander of the first division, hesitated slightly and continued to order:

"Launch a hunting plan, dispatch unmanned fighter planes to conduct sweeps and reconnaissance, capture all discovered humans, order the reconnaissance aircraft to fly indefinitely, and do not go back on the fleet until it is confirmed to have been destroyed..."

This order determines the beginning of the catastrophe in China. From this moment on, the skies over China will be filled with unmanned fighter aircraft, capturing the discovered Chinese descendants. Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will also encounter dangerous enemies with the most accurate and quick way. Feedback to the base camp of the Chaos Front.

In one day, three large families, twelve medium-sized families, and dozens of small families all disappeared. No one could return the intelligence of these families, and no Garo who could detect the enemy's situation could slip under the Chaos Front's nose. To escape underground, the Chaos Front just ignored him before. Once they decided to take action, no matter how many investigations Jialuo did, there was no way to pass the information back to the family.

One day is not enough for the entire Jialuo World to react, but it is enough for the top families to be vigilant. If it were not for this vigilance, the top families would have been exterminated by the underground people fifty years ago. Knowing that as a barrier, blocking Families between the Chaos Front and the mainland lost contact one after another. The top families reacted immediately and sent hundreds of floating airships and thousands of Vanguard Garos to advance in the direction of the Chaos Front's invasion.

But they never thought that the Chaos Front's attack method was different from that of the underground people. The ground was no longer the decisive factor in the war. The sky was the battlefield. No matter how many old airships were sent to the door, they were just targets. Xianfeng Jialuo is just a prey under the anesthesia and guns of drones all over the sky.

Just as the morning light of the next day officially broke through the darkness of the sky and lit up the red clouds, more than a dozen dilapidated floating airships burning with black smoke returned to their respective families in a way that attracted much attention. These airships were abnormal. Miserable, even the ones in the best condition had a huge hole in the hull. From the ground, you can clearly see the internal structure of the ship, and some airships. Even the appearance of the ship cannot be preserved. Except for the core cabin, it is still there. It works, and other parts are like being pieced together randomly. Being able to float in the sky only proves that the underground people's new engine is very powerful. If it were replaced with an old engine, there would probably not even be any dregs left.

The reason why these airships were able to come back was not because they were brave and good at fighting, but because they saw the opportunity quickly. While the forwards exploded one after another, they began to climb towards the clouds. At the last moment when they were about to be destroyed, they hid in the clouds to hide from the cats. Even so, there were still Many airships were blindly fired by the powerful firepower of the Chaos Front and were damaged in the clouds.

If any of the underground officers under Gao Feng were here, they would shake their heads and sigh at the stupidity of the top families. The battleship intelligence of the Chaos Front was deliberately passed on to the top families by Gao Feng very early, and even in some details, Give the most detailed description. For example, to describe a heavy battleship, you would compare it to the horror of a half-step disaster beast, and to describe the destruction of the king's nest, you would directly use the half-step broken star.

But no one believed it. They preferred to believe what they saw with their own eyes. Now that they had seen it with their own eyes, none of them felt the joy of discovering the truth. They were all on the verge of tears and were extremely gloomy about the future. The fleet sent out was more than just a vassal. The cannon fodder provided by the family, as well as the direct elite children, are preparing to achieve results on the battlefield in Gallo's way. Even among the prominent Gallo attacking from the ground, there are a large number of family elites as commanders. Now these people are Can't come back.

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