Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1676 The Name of Killing

When the entire Ross family was preparing for war, the army led by Huo Meier encountered the first Ross tribe. The tribe happened to be by a hot spring pool. This hot spring pool that is steaming all year round can be seen from a distance. The moment they saw the hot spring pool, these women, covered in dried blood, felt itchy all over their bodies, especially Huo Meier, whose mind was filled with crazy thoughts of rushing into the hot spring and soaking in it all day.

The hot spring pool is the source of life for the Russian people. In this area that is cold all year round, food and vegetables can be grown beside the hot spring. The soil here is fertile and contains mysterious substances that accelerate plant growth, so the Russian people living here can thrive.

There are more than 500 people in this small tribe, including more than 200 strong men, and the rest are old, weak, women and children. They found a large team of more than 2,000 people from a distance. For a time, the entire tribe When they became nervous, children and old people were sent to hide in hidden places, while women and men took up weapons together and prepared to fight foreign enemies, which shows the fierce folk customs of the Russian people.

Just like a replica of the northern wilderness, when the Ross people saw clearly that the visitors were just a group of women, they immediately went crazy. The whole clan went out together, with twisted and ferocious faces, showing inexplicable ecstasy, treating Huo Meier and her subordinates as wild animals. Slave ready for capture.

Slaves are the most precious wealth of the Ross people, but not every Ross tribe can own them. Only the most powerful tribes and the most elite warriors can own slaves. The sources of slaves are complicated, and some of them migrated here with the Ross people. Some of them originally lived on this land, while others were made by the Rus and were demoted as slaves because of their mistakes.

Under the almost cruel rule of the Russians, as long as they are slaves, there is no slave who does not want to escape. It is better to freeze to death in the wild and starve to death than to be tortured to death by the Russians. Since the Russians came to this land, there has been no slave It is natural to die of old age.

In the eyes of these Russians, Huo Meier and her expeditionary force could not survive in the mountains. The slaves who came out were all female slaves with the highest value. But when they were extremely excited and collided with the women, several Thousands of black iron flat-blade knives were used to chop off the heads, disemboweling each Russian and beheading them.

Before the Russians who fell behind could see clearly, the crowd rushing in front melted like ice and snow splashed with hot spring water. The next moment it was their turn to be the ones rushing at the front, cutting off the blades and splashing blood. , scattered limbs, rolling heads, and intestines and internal organs dragged on the ground, becoming the decoration behind the woman, and more of them are extremely miserable corpses.

Xianfeng Jialuo had almost no chance to take action. Xianfeng Jialuo was always watching from the side. Huo Meier didn't even look at the battlefield, just waiting to take a hot spring bath. A battle of this level did not require her to command. In the turbulent battles and death marches, not only she is growing, but every woman has grown to varying degrees. They are no longer the group of people who have just escaped from hell and have not yet gotten rid of the memory of their once supple female identities. Now, they are all Biros men. And a fierce warrior.

The battle ended just as it started, but the killing did not end. According to the usual style of the expeditionary force, the women rushed into the Ross tribe's camp, dragged out the old people, children, and sick or injured men, and drove them outside the camp. , on the killing field littered with corpses, they were chopped off one by one.

The Russians did not beg for mercy, nor did they struggle. After their defeat, they lost all their energy and energy, and were like a group of numb statues. They allowed the ferocious women around them to cut off their heads, which made the scaled clones who were hiding aside to observe a little bit. It is an unpleasant feeling that these Ross people and the Ross people who invaded the wilderness are simply two races, and the negative mental power gained is less than one-tenth of what it was before.

The scale-armored clone would not have thought that the most ferocious tribe of the Ross people was invading the wilderness. Even among the Ross people, they have similar evaluations to mad dogs. Only the strongest warriors have the perseverance to fight, and all powerful people A warrior must be the most unruly and rebellious. Only in this way can a fierce and bloody nature be cultivated in one's bones.

In the blink of an eye, the killing was over, and there was no one left alive in the Russian camp. The women spontaneously divided into several groups. Some collected supplies to prepare for the next departure, some set up camp and collected firewood to plan the camp, and some occupied the commanding heights to prepare for the next trip. The companions who were resting after the killing were alert. Naturally, some people couldn't wait to take off their clothes, and jumped into the hot spring regardless of their appearance, invading the water from head to toe.

In a strange land, there are always weird things that people can't understand. Early the next morning, Huo Meier, who had just gotten up, was warned by her subordinates. She quickly walked out of the camp and came to the scene of yesterday's killing. She saw that she had not had time to deal with it. The corpses were all turned into white bones. Not to mention flesh and blood, even the cartilage was gone. There was no blood left on the ground. They seemed to be greedily absorbed by the earth overnight.

The strange events that happened outside the camp made Huo Meier feel horrified. They slept in the camp three hundred meters apart last night. They were so close to each other and didn't notice anything strange. What if those things that ate the corpses were going to eat them alive? Man, I'm afraid that more than two thousand women will end up in a terrible situation?

Not daring to stay any longer, Huo Meier continued to leave after the expeditionary force had breakfast, and soon left the deserted hot springs and tribal camp. At this time, the scaled clone suddenly appeared in the air and walked to the place where the bones were piled up. , with a flick of the finger, a hole more than two meters deep and one meter in diameter was opened in the ground. In the hole, several blue-scale creatures with eight long legs and a shape that resembled prawns were quickly drilling down. .

The palm-sized eight-legged blue shrimp flicked in the palm of the scale-armored clone's hand, which was full of fine scales. Every time it flicked the waist and abdomen, it would make a crisp sound that shook the air, which showed its powerful force. Ordinary people would break their bones if they hit it. The arms are so light that if they hit the head, they might even lose their lives.

The counterattack force of the eight-legged blue lobster was ignored by the scale clone. The fingers holding the blue lobster were slightly staggered, and then the strong carapace of the blue lobster was separated, revealing the snow-white and delicate shrimp meat, and then the shrimp meat and shrimp shell were separated. Throwing it away, the scaled clone stopped all its actions, used thought waves to contact the distant peak, and started today's report, introducing to the peak the characters and customs here, as well as the species assessment of creatures like blue lobsters.

After Huo Meier's expeditionary force massacred the hot spring tribe, their slightly relaxed hearts became tense again due to strange and unknown events. Then they encountered two Ross tribes. These two tribes obviously had not received any information from them. Malsahan's warning also treated the expeditionary force as a runaway female slave. They rushed forward and were massacred in a swarm. Apart from leaving corpses all over the ground, there was no chance for a historic dialogue.

This gave Huo Meier a headache, and she was unwilling to conduct any social environment investigation, but she would resolutely carry out the orders, especially the orders told to her personally by the scaled clones. It was a pity that the Ross people did not give her a chance, and those other than those who looked like wild dogs The Russian children biting like crazy were even less likely to tell her anything.

In one day, the expedition force was a little tired from the continuous journey and the massacre of two tribes. In this hostile land, Huo Meier did not dare to advance quickly and ordered to set up camp before the sky darkened. This time they Far away from the Russian camp, only a few Xianjun Jia Luo was sent to monitor the corpses.

Just when night enveloped the world and the outside world was dark, the body had not changed, but something went wrong in the camp. Two beasts appeared out of nowhere and suddenly rushed into the camp. Under the light of the campfire, two beasts appeared. A sharp sword-like fang let out a deafening roar, biting and attacking the women who were caught off guard.

For a moment, the tent collapsed, the fire scattered, people ran away, and it became a mess. The Xianjun Jialuos who were anxiously monitoring the corpses hurried back, but when they ran back to the camp, the two culprits who caused the chaos were also killed by Huo Meier. After being subdued by others and smashed by hundreds of fists, the two saber-toothed tigers that terrified the Russian people collapsed on the ground and let out pitiful wails.

If Gao Feng were here, he would definitely guess that these two saber-toothed tigers that look like prehistoric creatures must be a new species of Siberian tigers that have undergone mutation. They look tall, powerful, manic and violent, but in fact they are not even as good as hunting and teasing, and at best they are Showing Feng Jialuo's fighting skills.

After a while, those corpses turned into a pile of bones, which made Huo Meier completely let go of her worries in her depression. Since the Russians had lived here for so many years, there should be no big problem. As for the two troublesome saber-toothed tigers , reserved as a gift to the commander-in-chief. Didn’t he ask to find out the species status of this land? There shouldn't be much to say about sending two mighty-looking soft-footed creatures, right?

On a mountain peak less than five kilometers away from the camp, two men with painted faces and powerful figures looked away in surprise. When they looked at each other, they could clearly see the fear in each other's eyes. These two men were the Snow Queen. The animal trainers in the Guards, the two saber-toothed tigers were the beasts they brought to test them.

Camping in the wild at night is a risky behavior. Even the former Frost Wolf Clan would not dare to camp in the wild. In the darkness without lights and moon, a sudden attack by a ferocious beast like a saber-toothed tiger would cause casualties. It will definitely be disastrous and damage the vitality of the team. The best way is to use the excrement of saber-toothed tigers and other beasts to mark the territory in a circle around the camp.

The problem is, that group of outsiders slaughtered three tribes in two days and camped randomly in the dangerous wilderness. Even the saber-toothed tigers did not cause a commotion. They returned to peace in a blink of an eye and did not even see the corpses being touched. This shows that, Outsiders are more powerful than they think.

The two animal trainers who came out to investigate the enemy's situation said nothing, turned around and walked back to report the news to the leader who sent them. The biting cold wind at night passed by them inadvertently, taking away a trace of the fishy smell. It was the urine of beasts smeared on their bodies. Only in this way could they dare to go out in the wild at night.

Unbeknownst to the two Russians, a silent black shadow followed closely in the night sky above their heads. These two were elite among the elite Russians, with an average height of three meters, and their personal strength was almost at the beginning of the Han Army. Running and jumping on rugged and steep rocks was smoother than running on flat ground, especially at night when it was hard to see anything. There was almost no hesitation. Every time they landed, they were just right. In the blink of an eye, the two of them were running across two hills.

These two people were more familiar with the terrain than they were with their own fingers. They had been running for more than three hours without hearing a single breath from them. It was obvious that they had not tried their best. When they began to slow down, their scales The clone has calculated that the two men's three hours of continuous running covered a straight-line distance of at least 180 kilometers.

You know, it’s not easy to move forward in the rugged mountains and rocks. Maybe the straight-line distance between the two peaks is only a few hundred miles, but if you really want to walk from one end to the other, it might be several kilometers away. It’s more extreme. Even dozens of kilometers away, this shows how extraordinary the two of them are, and they are no weaker than the leader of the Ross people killed by their scaled clones in Hell Canyon.

But they are only not weak. When they are presented to the scale armor clones, they are also beaten to death with a palm. The purpose of the scale armor clones following them for more than three hours is to build the station behind them, which is built at the throat of the mountains. A solid fortress in a difficult terrain.

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