Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1672 Intensity

"Hahaha, there will be many opportunities to ask the Commander-in-Chief for advice in the future. Great changes are imminent in the world. Don't mention the word family. The Blood Clan still hopes to escape the disaster by relying on the Commander-in-Chief. How dare we two old guys not serve?"

You know better than to hit someone with a smiling face, let alone someone who gives generous gifts? Gao Feng himself has half-step star-shattering ability, and it is not a shame to obey temporarily. What is rare is that the gift slanders people. With the dragon-marked war robe, isn't it easy to catch the Holy Lord Bengyun of the same level?

After receiving the great gift, the two Holy Masters no longer cared about their face. They rolled up their sleeves and personally supervised them. They quickly sent a large amount of supplies to the airship and sent them to the wilderness continuously. However, Bilong and Qingcheng Feixue stayed at the Blood Hell station. There is no limit to the blood.

After hearing Xue Wuya's story, Bilong remained silent, while Qingcheng Feixue looked unconcerned. She glanced at Bilong and said disdainfully:

"It's impossible for you and me to do it. Xue Wuya dares to kill Beng Yun, the family member. Do you dare? Do I dare? Since we don't dare, what's the point of worrying about it?"

Bilong seemed to want to refute, but he thought that he had been known as a bastard in his family since he was a child. Even if he became the peak of Split Mountain, no one would look up to him. There were no relatives or friends in the family, no more than Xue Wuya, and there were many acquaintances from collateral families. After all, it was still With a long sigh, he said helplessly:

"My mother's grave is still in the family..."

"Your mother's grave is outside the family's ancestral grave. Don't think I don't know..."

Qingcheng Feixue continued to retort like a venomous tongue, making Xue Wuya dumbfounded. This was the first time he saw Bilong deflated in front of Qingcheng Feixue.

"What about you? I remember that you are a direct descendant and are stronger than Bilong and I?"

Xue Wuya's casual question made Qingcheng Feixue's face look frosty, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even stronger than when Xue Wuya approached Xue Wufeng that day.

The murderous intention came and went quickly. Qingcheng Feixue stretched out lazily and pretended not to care:

"Everything someone gave me, I kept a note in my mind. I originally planned to return it all, but now that I think about it, it doesn't make sense. It really makes me worry about the bunch of bastard things in my family. I don't have the hobby yet, even if it's that What if the bastard dies? Am I still the same person?"

Qingcheng Feixue spoke nonsense, and Bilong couldn't help but frown. Among the three people, Qingcheng Feixue's past was the most mysterious. He never talked about his past. Every time he returned to the family, he was always pushed back. This promotion failed. Holy Lord Yun seemed to be a completely different person. He seemed to have completely broken up with his family and never mentioned a word again.

Xue Wuya suddenly thought of something and said smoothly:

"You have been emphasizing that you are a man all these years. Is it possible that someone in the family is pursuing you as a woman?"

As soon as the words came out, two bone-chilling gazes pierced Xue Wuya's eyes like sharp swords, causing him to avoid Qingcheng Feixue's sight with palpitations. At this time, Qingcheng Feixue was like a cold poisonous snake, ready to attack at any time. The danger of possibly baring his fangs to deliver a fatal blow.

"Three families cannot run away at the same time. There must always be two to attract attention. The top families have all run away cleanly. Who can stop the first wave of attacks from the Chaos Front? Do they all count on the Grand Commander? Don't forget that the Grand Commander is not yet complete. recover……."

Qingcheng Feixue squeezed these words out from her teeth word by word. Bilong's ugly face lost a bit of embarrassment. After a while, he nodded and said:

"It's difficult to convince the family elders to evacuate, but after letting them know how powerful the Chaos God King is, it shouldn't be difficult to evacuate some of the family's children. Even if the Chaos Front army is approaching, there should be a chance to evacuate some people..."

"So, even if what I did is not authentic?"

Xue Wuya is not happy. It seems that among the three of them, he is the most arrogant. Look at him? Use the family directly as a shield.

"You can't say that. At least you helped the commander to dig up two Bengyun Jialuo, and you have the family as a means of restraint. If you promote a few Bengyun Jialuo, you are not afraid of losing control. The gains should outweigh the losses..."

Qingcheng Feixue was as meticulous as ever, unraveling the blood that got into the dead end. Although he didn't think so in his heart, what's the use of having too many Bengyun Gallo? The three major Bengyuns in the Free City are far from the three of them. Opponents, as they count on Bengyun's numbers, might as well count on Fengfeng. At least Fengfeng can always create miracles. Maybe there is a trump card that they don't know?

"Do you still remember what I said in front of the commander-in-chief?"

Xue Wuya suddenly raised his eyebrows and regained his arrogant and arrogant aura. Bilong's eyes lit up. Qingcheng Feixue covered her lips and snickered:

"There are always families who are lucky, so we can't let us work our butts off while they hide and reap the benefits?"

"I remember that there are four amethyst weapons in total. There is also an old guy with a narrow-edged sword who has never shown up. He has taken the benefits of the commander-in-chief. We can't just let it go. It's time to go find An Guotai..."

Bilong suddenly stood up, picked up the two-handed sword leaning against the table, turned his wrists, and danced out a round halo, swirling around thousands of moments of youthful beauty.

In the Jialuo world, if you ask a low-level Jialuo who has no family backing how much wealth the top families have, he will be stunned for a few seconds, and then tell you very uncertainly that the top families will have endless food. , endless rooms to sleep in, endless women to fuck, and endless slaves to kill. In his concept, the wealth of top families can no longer be described in terms of quantity. The most likely possibility is that it is endless.

However, Yan Twenty-Jiu knew clearly how amazing the materials possessed by an established top family were, but they were only astonishing. The production efficiency determines the material capacity. The production efficiency in the underground world is dozens of times that on the ground. It is only limited to Due to insufficient raw materials, many production capacities can barely guarantee the operation of equipment, which cannot be reflected in the accumulation of wealth at all.

The ground is different from the underground. It has a lot of raw materials, but not enough productivity. The primitive means can only allow them to have low-level products that have been processed initially. Whether it is food or living supplies, they all have very good raw material quality, but there is no deep processing. The added value is like using oil as firewood. Not only is it inefficient, but it is not as good as dry cow dung.

When a steady stream of supplies were transported from the Blood Prison Family to the Free City, Yan Twenty-Jiu spent most of his time dealing with various interpersonal relationships, coordinating the integration between the Blood Prison Family and various local interest groups, and even once, I would rather not have the supplies of the Blood Prison Family than accept the ideas of these difficult uncles.

No wonder Yan Twenty-nine thinks so. In fact, no matter whether it is Jialuo from the Free City, the tribe in the wilderness, the children of the Xuan Ye family, or the Maple Leaf family, they have no good impressions of the Blood Prison family. This group of people who have evacuated the family The guys haven't figured out the concept yet, and they start asking for this and that as soon as they arrive. If it's just these, it doesn't matter. There are also some high-level Jialuo who have brought over the family's habits, and they habitually run rampant. It's almost like a bully's style of robbing a good woman.

In the end, Gao Feng sent two strange beasts and little things to patrol around. Once they found a high-level Garo causing trouble, no matter whether it was right or wrong, they would give them a good beating first. Only then did the Garo of the Blood Prison family become more honest, and even the Disaster Beasts The forces that can be subdued may be useless even if the family ancestor is pulled out.

Gao Feng has no mind to pay attention to these things. In addition to communicating with the scale clone at a fixed time every day, he also has to deal with You Ming's conversations, seize the time to accompany his daughter, occasionally take his son and Caifeng out for a walk, and secretly meet Hua Qi from time to time. As for the other women, Gao Feng pretended to be strangers and deliberately kept a distance. As for Luo Xing, he simply ignored them.

Speaking of which, except for Kaiyue, who made his heart beat in the past but left regrets in the end, Gao Feng was not very responsible for women. Except for two women who were relatively close to him, he did not want to leave too many feelings behind and was burdened with too much. What a heavy thing to fight against the Chaos God King.

Relatively speaking, both Kalea and Caifeng have paid a lot for him. As for Yu Ya'er, Wan Yu, or Dark Demon, Gao Feng can only say sorry secretly. He does not have the time and energy to indulge in his children. The love is long, but the flower thorn does not ask for anything. It is like a small flower, blooming quietly in the corner. Even if it is not thought of, it will not care about anything. It makes Gao Feng feel guilty occasionally. When they meet each other, even if they do not speak, they can I felt a rare sense of relief.

In addition to spending some time on his family and women, Gao Feng spent most of his time supervising war preparations, the production and stockpiling of crystal fissioners, the production progress of various anti-personnel long-range missiles, the formation of the new blood sea fleet, and The progress of the reorganization of the Split Mountain Legion.

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