Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1655 The Dead City in the Northern Wasteland

Until the scale armor clones were completed, the little fan group did not return. Instead, the migrating fleet came from the Western Wilderness. This fleet consisted of a modified assault ship and six floating airships. It was very strange. The modified assault ship was the first one. , using dozens of cables to drag the airship that resembles a train car behind it. Except for the full number of people on the modified frigate, there are only six poisonous people on the airship. The rest are all kinds of materials and food in sealed cabins. .

This weird fleet is all the ships of the Fire Project. Among them, the modified assault ships are used to carry people, with medical boxes that can be stacked on top of each other by underground people. They can carry up to 300 people at a time, while the airships are used to carry relocation and development equipment. The various supplies needed can be transported back and forth every two days, and 4,500 people can be transported in one month, and 10,000 people can be transported in less than three months.

Population is not the problem, the problem is whether the materials can meet the needs of early development? There are also novels. The savings for future development and the materials transported will be astronomical. One person hoards food for a year, including staple food and non-staple food, at least 500 kilograms, and 10,000 people means 5,000 tons. And just in case, at least Stock up on food for two to three years to avoid natural disasters and other impacts.

In addition, clothing, building materials, tools, equipment, equipment, weapons and ammunition, mining equipment, smelting and processing, replacement parts, etc. are also needed. These things must be stored for at least five to ten years before they can be used without supplements and support. Under the premise, it has developed from scratch. In this way, everyone can reserve ten tons of supplies.

This is the most difficult part of the migration. The airship can carry up to fifty tons of materials at a time. Because it has to pass through the radiation area, in order to prevent radiation contamination, some materials must be sealed with lead plates, which reduces the amount of materials transported. Ten thousand people is already the limit, even a thousand more people may affect the entire plan.

Gao Feng watched the fleet slowly fly by dozens of kilometers away from the energy node. After thinking for a few minutes, he determined that there was no way to improve efficiency, so he turned and left. He couldn't put his eggs in one basket. Thunderstorm Plateau was left to The last resort for his family, to ensure their future safety, was not that the more people the better, but the permanently frozen ice fields that he could visit. It seemed that he had never seen the ice demon that drove the Jade Clan out of the northern wilderness.

The northern wilderness was once the largest wilderness area. Apart from the central wilderness, only the northern wilderness had the largest population. Even after experiencing massacres after defeat and death migration after being driven away from their homes, the northern wilderness could still retain a population of 300,000. This shows the grand occasion of that year.

The desert people in the north are different from those in other areas. They are more savage, stronger, and more attached to their homeland. Their lifelong thoughts are to live and die here, so that their homeland is not invaded. Too many desert warriors fight. Die on this cold land that I have always loved.

The only exception is the Jade Tribe. The Jade Tribe is not the most powerful tribe in the northern wilderness, but it is definitely the most savvy tribe. It is geographically closer to the central wilderness, so it knows how to adapt. In the catastrophe of the northern wilderness, there were originally less than 100,000 people. The Jade Clan took the opportunity to develop and exceeded 300,000 people. This shows that the Jade Clan is very calculating.

Today's Jade tribe has tied themselves to the peak. Not everyone is willing to make this decision. In their eyes, no matter how fertile the land in the south is, it is not as comfortable as the ice and snow in the north. What's more, Yu Ya'er is the northern wilderness and the most comfortable place in the world. The most powerful clan, a beauty as famous as the princess of the Fire Tribe, there are countless warriors who are willing to sacrifice everything just to win the heart of a beautiful woman.

If Gao Feng is Yu Ya'er's own choice, no one has anything to say. The wilderness has its own rules, and everyone respects the female Jialuo's choice. The problem is that Gao Feng still doesn't like Yu Ya'er, which arouses There was public outrage, and the treasures in the hearts of countless warriors were looked down upon. This was a slap in the face to the entire northern wilderness.

At this time, Gao Feng didn't know the Jade Clan's hatred and anger towards him, so he drove his scale-armored clone and swaggered over to the Jade Clan's residence. Then he felt a vague negative emotion. This emotion was not terror and fear, but a kind of... This suppressed anger is like a volcano about to erupt, brewing with unimaginable terrifying power.

The pearly body of the scale armor clone accepts all comers, absorbing them all and converting them into mental power storage. Compared with the mental power converted from fearful emotions, the angry and violent negative emotions are purer and more powerful, which makes Gao Feng very It is to enjoy the comfort of this increased strength.

However, the angry negative emotions were quickly suppressed and deeply restrained in the hearts of everyone in the Jade Clan. They probably guessed that the terrifying figure above their heads was not something they could deal with. According to the tradition of respecting the strong in the wilderness, they tried their best to express The meaning of retreat.

Without the negative emotions, Gao Feng felt bored. He crossed the Jade tribe and continued northward, flying hundreds of kilometers and officially entering the northern wilderness. Under the dark red sky, there was an endless expanse of maroon, which was iron ore. The depressing stone-like color is dotted with countless cyan vegetation that seems to be shrouded in dust. The rolling hills rise one after another. In some places with higher altitudes, white ice and snow cover the tops of the mountains like ice cream.

If the western wilderness is barren and the eastern wilderness is desolate, then the northern wilderness is desolate, a kind of desolation that can tell the world. In the northern wilderness, anyone can find themselves insignificant and revere this desolate world.

Gao Feng has never been to the northern wilderness and doesn't know the terrain and direction here. However, on the desolate brown land, there are some white star points intermittently connecting a winding road. This road can only be seen in the sky. You see, if it falls to the ground, you will be surprised to find that the so-called white stars are all human bones exposed in the wilderness.

The long road paved with human bones stretches and twists and turns, all the way to the end of the world. It seems to be endless. Each bone seems to be far apart. In real terms, tens of thousands of lives have died on this road.

Gaofeng naturally flew along the Bone Road. The road was winding. In order not to lose his way in the air, he deliberately slowed down. He passed by countless abandoned tribal remains along the way. After a day, he arrived at a huge city.

This city was once one of the largest tribes in the northern wilderness. The outside of the city is built with huge rocks five meters long and wide, eventually reaching a height of more than thirty meters. In the city, there are also masonry buildings polished by rocks. , each building stands in an orderly manner on both sides of the road, like a neat row of soldiers.

In the very center of the city, there used to be a huge and towering palace. Now the palace has been destroyed, leaving only dozens of rock pillars with ten people hugging each other, and broken bricks and tiles. Next to the ruins is a palace that can accommodate several people. The huge square with thousands of people is now filled with white bones, arranged like large and small hills.

This is a dead city without life. There are scorched black marks everywhere in the city, which are the color left after the fire burns. There are also black and red spots like moss walking around, which are the color of blood splashing at the moment when life withers away. .

A magnificent dead city that has witnessed the rise and decline of civilization, as well as barbaric plunder and destruction. The wind of wilderness shuttles through the streets and alleys of the city. Doors and windows emit screams like ghosts crying, as if The unwilling souls cry from the soul.

This supposedly worthless city unexpectedly allowed the scaled clone to stay, because in the sky above the city, one could clearly feel the negative spiritual power that could not be dispersed and even the strong wind could not blow it away. This strange force formed a gloomy The magnetic field drives away any creature that explores the city.

The scaled clone didn't know what the magnetic field in the city square was, and he didn't care. The negative spiritual power here was far more pure than the negative spiritual power of the Terror Lord. It was pure death, caused by countless undead souls at the end of their lives. , despair and curse from the bottom of my heart.

Only the pearl body in the scale armor clone is not taboo, and has an instinctive desire to devour any negative mental power. It quickly swallows up all the negative mental power remaining here, and makes the scale armor clone like drinking ice in the dog days of summer. As refreshing as water.

Almost instinctively, the scale clone began to rise, looking for other cities at the highest point under the clouds, eager to obtain more negative spiritual power.

After the baptism of the energy lake, the scale armor has been completely restored to its best condition, and the 360 ​​crystal sands embedded in the scale armor are absorbing the free energy between heaven and earth all the time, so that the scale armor clone is surrounded by a layer of Invisible energy layer, it can be said that even if the scale armor clone is bombarded head-on with a large-caliber armor-piercing projectile, it may not be damaged, but the mental power is the truly powerful source of the scale armor clone, even if it absorbs the lost mental power of the terrifying god master , and the spiritual power of death in the city is still far behind the terrifying god lord before. If you want to fully exert your strength, you need more negative spiritual power.

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