Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1583 Temporary subordinates

Gao Feng found it incredible. Chaos battleships require authority verification, and ordinary people cannot control any kind of equipment. Just over two days later, this abandoned battleship actually flew here. What makes Gao Feng even more strange is that the power source of the battleship was obviously dismantled by himself. Packing up, I don’t know where they got three semi-solidified crystals to make the battleship operational again.

Gao Feng immediately became interested. These prisoners must have masters who are good at cracking. For this person, Gao Feng must get it. The days to come are still long. It is not difficult for him to seize the Chaos battleship. The reason why the battleship is swaying and flying is very simple. The underground soldiers were very unaccustomed to controlling the Chaos Front's warships. Just barely flying was considered a good thing, so there was no need to expect to be able to control them freely.

He unknowingly sneaked into the battleship through the rear hatch. Not long after, he met two soldiers who were checking the route. They screamed in horror when they saw Gao Feng. Gao Feng didn't even try to throw them away, but walked straight between them. , like a calm customer visiting the supermarket, a minute later, the warship sounded the siren.

Dozens of fully armed soldiers with hive rifles rushed to the front of the peak. Without waiting to take aim, they started screaming. The guns in their hands suddenly melted and twisted, turning into steel snakes and biting their wrists.

Amidst the clanking sound, the steel snakes fell to the floor and made a collision sound. Strangely enough, as soon as they fell on the floor, the steel snakes lost their agility and became as stiff as statues.

Gao Feng remained calm and walked through the crowd. The disarmed soldiers retreated to the wall in shock and watched Gao Feng walk towards the bridge. Inside the battleship, Gao Feng had an unimpeded path. Any resistance was a joke. Metal control relied on weapons. The soldiers who were capable of fighting were extremely relaxed. Even when Gao Feng reached the bridge, no one could successfully fire.

There were many people on the bridge, the most conspicuous were the two generals. When they saw Gao Feng for the first time, they showed understanding in their eyes and bowed their heads slightly to pay tribute to Gao Feng. Among them, the older, middle-aged general said gratefully:

"Thank you Holy Lord for the rescue, otherwise we would have..."

"How do you control the battleship? Where did you get the power source?"

Gao Feng had no time to talk nonsense with them. These people were worthless in Gao Feng's eyes. As a soldier, he couldn't even fight the enemy bravely, so what could he do if he kept them?

The younger general noticed Gao Feng's displeasure and quickly explained:

"Encryption technology is not complicated. I happen to be the deputy chief of staff of the Eastern Military Region. I am engaged in intelligence and information work. I have figured out a complete set of cracking plans. If the Holy Lord needs it, I am willing to provide it with both hands..."

"The power source is in a lead-sealed warehouse. We checked the battleship warehouse and found a spare set of power sources. We are in a sea of ​​sand, so..."

The middle-aged general explained the origin of the power source. Gao Feng nodded this time. No matter what, it was all for self-rescue. Thinking of the powerful fleet and strength of the Chaos Front, Gao Feng's heart softened. No matter what, it was China. Miao people, when invaded from outside, always need more people to come forward.

"From now on, the battleship and you will be taken over by me and move forward in the direction I guide..."

Gao Feng didn't talk nonsense and announced the destination of the battleship in public. Unexpectedly, everyone present showed a hint of joy, and there was no unwillingness to be forced.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Lord, for taking me in. I just don't know where I am going. From now on, I am willing to treat you with Lord Holy Lord's guidance..."

The middle-aged general stood at attention and paid tribute to Gao Feng. As he spoke, he revealed their embarrassing situation. Gao Feng shook his head helplessly and said:

"Chaos invades, the world is so vast, even Holy Lord Bengyun has nowhere to go. Either kill the enemy, or be eaten by the enemy, there are only two consequences..."

Gao Feng felt this. Everyone present was the remnant who had escaped from Cloud City. They understood the meaning of Gao Feng's words. Everyone's face suddenly turned pale. The young technical general asked dryly:

"Isn't it possible that the Holy Lord can't kill them?"

Gao Feng sneered, shook his head, and was silent for a few seconds. He suddenly thought that maybe more people should know the truth about the Chaos God King. Only in this way can they arouse their fighting spirit. Otherwise, according to the traditional Chinese character , before the bayonet is pressed against his chest, he will be immersed in his own little life.

"Don't talk about me, even Broken Star Garo can't defeat them. The second Broken Star Garo, King Yingyu, fought to death last night, but it was just..."

Gao Feng talked about yesterday's soldiers. There was neither exaggeration nor embellishment. He just said it as he wanted. It was objective and plain, but everyone listened intently.

"At this time of crisis in China, I hope you can think clearly about what a soldier is and what are the responsibilities of a soldier? Can you escape yesterday? Can you escape today? Can you escape tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? As long as the Chaos God King is still alive. , If you still want to devour humans, there will never be a safe place in the world..."

The last words at the end made every underground soldier think deeply. It is what ordinary people want to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, but when there is no more pure land in the world, who can live an ignoble existence? None of the soldiers present suspected that Gao Feng had deceived them, and they were not worthy of Bengyun Jialuo's deception.

"Whatever the Lord Holy Lord says, we do what we do. There is no underground world now. From now on, we will be the descendants of China. We are willing to shed the last drop of our blood for China..."

The middle-aged general's expression changed erratically, and finally he roared with gnashed teeth. He had been chased by the God King's guards before, and then escaped from the sea of ​​sand. In just a short period of time, he had survived two catastrophes, and had two brushes with death. He felt that Death is just that, but I mustered up the courage after all.

With the general taking the lead, the people below also shouted slogans. After Gao Feng pointed out the direction to the Leicra family, he lost interest in talking and closed his eyes to fall asleep. Even though Bengyun Jialuo continued to experience high-intensity battles, He would also be exhausted, not to mention Gao Feng's worry about the future, which made his heart more tired than his body.

The battleship turned around and flew towards the Lei Clan family staggeringly. At the same moment, the news of the Chaos Front's invasion had spread throughout the Jialuo world. Countless people were surprised and angry, some were secretly planning, and some were happy and excited about them. For them, the arrival of the Chaos God King was a good way out of their predicament, and among them was Sun Crown Lianlian, who had fallen into a low ebb again.

After Sun Ming Lian Lian plotted against You Ming, he obtained the treasure left by his family ancestors and confidently launched a counterattack against the Lei Clan family. Unexpectedly, Gao Feng accidentally sabotaged it and lost the little remaining family power. He had to continue to lie dormant and wait. opportunity.

After learning the news about the Chaos God King's invasion of China, Sun Mian Lian Lian had other thoughts. To others, the Chaos God King was the land of life and death. To the Sun Ming Family, he was a potential ally. Speaking of his understanding of the Jialuo World , who can compare with the former top family? If we help the Chaos Front lead the way and conquer the Garo World, maybe the Sun Crown Family will one day regain its power.

As for the rumors that the Chaos God King cannibalizes people, they are nothing to Sun Mian Lianlian. Putting aside the possibility that they are rumors, even if they really cannibalize people, what does it mean? There is nothing else in the Jialuo world. Isn’t the population as large as it needs to be? Even if it eats ten thousand people a day, it is enough to feed the Chaos God King for many years.

So when other families were gathering their forces as a precaution, Sun Crown Lianlian took a floating airship and headed in the opposite direction towards Cloud City, where the Chaos God King was. This time, she was thinking about using the help of the Chaos God King. With the power of the enemy, the Jialuo world will be destroyed one by one, and all those who have made trouble will be punished...

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