Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1578 Bao Yu

The tree man grabbed Xiao Ling, who was vomiting blood and was convulsing with his head hanging down, and flew towards the peak. The peak shook violently, and his body moved before his thoughts, and he quickly rushed between the black dragon and the King of Cherry Feathers. Perhaps it was just as the tree man had guessed. , King Sakura Feather cannot resist being devoured twice in a row. As long as King Sakura Feather is devoured, at most tomorrow, there will be a clone of the God King who looks like King Sakura Feather in the world.

Gao Feng didn't know what the Chaos God King's intention was to devour powerful creatures, but he knew that he would not fight the clone of King Yingyu no matter what. If he really encountered it, whether it was to kill the clone of King Yingyu, or the clone would kill him. , are unwilling to accept it.

At the last moment, Gao Feng stood in front of King Yingyu. At this time, the black dragon was rushing towards Gao Feng with boundless power. Only at this moment did Gao Feng understand why Xiao Ling was so vulnerable in front of the black dragon. The two sides were at least a hundred meters apart, and a powerful force The suction force captured the peak and pulled it towards the black dragon.

If Gao Feng doesn't resist, he will definitely be sucked to the black dragon and crushed by its huge body. This is the black dragon's innate ability. Just a simple impact will make Bengyun Jialuo unable to guard against it, not to mention there is a more powerful dragon. tail.

After the peak becomes a collapsing cloud, the biggest problem is the lack of lethality. The annihilation of all things is not detrimental to ordinary matter, but there is a problem with energy. Energy cannot be annihilated into a molecular state, and will either cancel each other out, or undergo a fission reaction, resulting in an explosion.

If there are any changes in the promotion to Collapse Cloud from the Split Mountain stage, I'm afraid it's just a different attack method. In the Split Mountain stage, you have to touch it with both hands to break the material into molecules. However, becoming Collapse Cloud doesn't have to be so troublesome and can be used as a long-range weapon. The actual power of the attack has not changed at all.

Back when the mountain was still splitting, Beng Yun was hit hard with a desperate blow. It cannot be said that he was strong at the peak, but he was just lucky. The energy in Beng Yun Jialuo's body was extracted to the lowest point by more than ten energy converters, and there was no extra energy to resist. Everything was annihilated before Gao Feng succeeded with one blow. If it had been another time, Gao Feng would have been killed instantly even if he had made a desperate blow.

Now the black dragon was attacking forcefully, but Gao Feng had no means of counterattack. He was unable to advance or retreat for a moment. As a last resort, he collided the two arm armors with each other and shaped them into a one and a half meter thick crystal back knife, which was aimed at the black dragon's open mouth. Cut down.

The extremely condensed amethyst is not a good weapon, but at Bengyun's level, there are not many equipments that can enhance oneself. The bright light and shadow turn into a long river from the blade, shining with a brilliance as blue as the sea. It slashed towards the black dragon's head, and at the moment of collision, the black dragon suddenly spurted out black breath, causing the sword to shatter like a long river of light.

Even the shattered sword light still has considerable lethality, but the black dragon also has a slender tail that is a hundred meters long. It rolls back and draws the broken sword light into powder, like fluorescent powder. It floated in the air, and then was absorbed by the huge body of the black dragon.

If Gao Feng could speak at this moment, he would definitely scold his mother and use all the energy in his body to turn into a blow, which could only replenish the black dragon. It was simply unreasonable, but the black dragon would not reason with Gao Feng and still rushed towards him and the giant light feather behind him.

As a last resort, Gao Feng resorted to an outdated trick, metal control. On the previous battlefield, countless unmanned combat aircraft were shattered. Most of the wreckage fell to the ground, but there were still countless metal molecules left in the air. These metal molecules were in the metal. Under control, it condensed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a giant metal dragon more than a hundred meters long was formed.

This giant metal dragon was two-thirds smaller than the black dragon. It looked very compact, just like a toddler challenging an adult. However, under the control of Gao Feng, the giant metal dragon rushed forward without hesitation. Gao Feng stood right next to the giant metal dragon. On the dragon's head, they launched an attack together.

Gao Feng is not the only one attacking. There is actually another creature on the battlefield, a wretched alien beast. The alien beast has an extraordinary sense of danger. No matter how you deal with any enemy, you must first save yourself before launching an attack. Previously Poisoning is just hard to guard against, so let it take a warning, and one wanders absolutely far away.

The black dragon's momentum is fierce. It does not have the various methods of the previous ooze monsters. It can crush everything just by relying on its own tonnage. However, it also allows the alien beasts to see that the black dragon is not a long-range food. It may be unparalleled in close-quarters combat, but Remote, that would be disrespectful.

After making sure that Gao Feng was in front and not being noticed by the black dragon, the alien beast happened to move to the side of the black dragon. This was a quite negative angle, so he could see the chrysanthemum when the black dragon flicked its tail.

Of course, looking for chrysanthemums cannot be said to be obscene and shameless of alien beasts, but as a fighting instinct of beasts. For beasts, there are not many tricks to quickly kill the opponent. Apart from biting the throat and suffocating the opponent to death, the only remaining method is to explode. .Chrysanthemum, pull out the opponent's intestines and internal organs, painful to death.

At the moment when the metal dragon collided with the black dragon, the opportunity that the alien beast had been waiting for finally came. The black dragon rolled up its long tail and hit the metal dragon like a meteor hammer. As long as it hits the mark, it will destroy the king's nest three meters away. The frontal armor will also be as pulpy as plasticine.

Just at the moment when the dragon's tail rolled up, the long-awaited chrysanthemum finally lifted its shy veil and was exposed to the eyes of the wretched beast. Twelve lines of fire arrived in an instant, faster than the black dragon's tail. This shows that no matter how powerful the power is, Energy is not as fast as the speed of light.

Only one of the twelve lines of fire hit the chrysanthemum, and the rest hit the root of the black dragon's tail, immediately piercing through the thick scales, leaving holes spraying black blood. If the vitals were not hit, it didn't matter how badly the black dragon was injured. , the black dragon that thrives on close combat is still as fierce as ever even if it only has half of its life left. However, when a line of fire penetrates its anus, no matter how powerful the creature is, it cannot withstand the feeling of the hot iron scalding its intestines.

The black dragon's tail suddenly deformed. Amidst the loud cheers of the tree people not far away, it deviated from the metal dragon and crossed by millimeters. The deformed dragon's tail generated huge kinetic energy and affected the direction of the black dragon. The head is slightly tilted, like a stiff neck.

A slight difference can make a thousand miles. This is particularly accurate when describing the black dragon. They were facing each other head-on, but suddenly they faced each other sideways. The metal dragon was like a warship ramming its long spiral metal horns, which happened to be aimed at the exposed neck of the black dragon, like a The sharp sword used the acceleration of both sides to stab in easily. At this moment, Gaofeng flew into the sky, shaking unsteadily amidst the huge collision sound.

The result of the collision was unexpected. The black dragon, which was three times larger than the metal dragon, was thrown away. At the same time as it flew away, most of the metal dragon's spiral horn broke off and was inserted into the black dragon's neck. Because of the material, it flew out. Unfortunately, the collision created by Gao Feng is full of honeycomb structures, which are equivalent to alternative blood tanks, releasing the black blood from the black dragon's body like a fountain.

Within a few seconds, at least hundreds of kilograms of the black dragon's blood were sprayed out. The strange thing is that once the black dragon's black blood comes into contact with the air, it will disappear without a trace, as if it melted into the air. The metal dragon succeeded with one strike, and in Under the control of Gao Feng, he continued to pounce on him, tearing at the black dragon with the horn thorns all over his body.

The black dragon was just caught off guard. Although it was severely injured, it did not affect its combat effectiveness. Its powerful body was not something that the metal dragon could tear apart. As long as the two sides did not accelerate together like just now, resulting in a coincidence, even if the metal giant stood still, Even if the dragon tears it, it may not lose any scales.

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