Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1339 Deterioration

The fighter planes came out of nowhere, and Gao Feng was fully prepared, but not a single missile landed at the Crescent Mountain station. On the contrary, there was a faint thunderous roar coming from far away, and the sounds were continuous, some big and some small. It was only at the peak of midnight that I realized that, except for the Crescent Mountain station, all the other deserter stations had been bombed. The burning flames ignited the night sky hundreds of miles away. How similar was this night to the bombing in the Canyon of the Giants?

The underground people's revenge came earlier than Gao Feng predicted, and it would take time for the Deserters' front to collapse. Gao Feng originally waited for the Deserters' stronghold to collapse under the food shortage. At that time, he could take action and gather most of the Deserters' warriors, relying on Crescent Mountain. At the station, the Dawn Goddess hoarded more than 30,000 tons of food to expand the dragon spearmen.

The underground people once again disrupted Gao Feng's calculations. The only good news is that the underground people do not know the truth about the fall of Crescent Mountain. So so far, the underground people still wishfully believe that Crescent Mountain is still in the hands of the goddess of dawn. Can you blame the high-level Jialuo for attacking too quickly? Not one of the twenty high-speed light motorcycles left at the emergency exit escaped. The goddess of dawn, who lacked effective communication methods, naturally didn't know that the base she had worked so hard to build was an advantage to the enemy.

The Crescent Mountain base was safe and sound, and so were the Dragonlancers. Most of the people were hiding underground. On the second and third days, the air strikes continued. Except for Maple Leaf Little Flower’s reconnaissance team who was exploring outside, there was no one at the base. It is not easy for anyone to get permission to go out, even to get to the ground.

It wasn't until the dusty Maple Leaf Flower came back on the fifth day that the air attacks completely disappeared, and no more fighter planes appeared in the wilderness sky. At this time, except for the Crescent Mountain Station, the desert defense line was wailing, and even Maple Leaf Flower and him The investigation teams all have the desolation of a rabbit dying and a fox pitiful.

"It's so miserable. You didn't look at it. People died one after another. They were all burnt to charcoal. Even their bellies exploded. They were still burnt on the outside but already cooked on the inside. There are even worse things. Man No. 100 was buried alive by the collapsed soil. The fire had been burning outside for several days, and it was all suffocated. When you dug it up, it was filled with the smell of smoldering white meat. You could smell it from a long distance away. Those who survived The desolate people vomited while digging. They didn't dare to touch the corpses with their hands. The meat fell off as soon as they touched it. They couldn't do it without digging. Their last grains were all inside, mixed with human flesh. It all smelled like something. Now that I think about it, I think I will never eat meat again in this life..."

Maple Leaf Flower's description was very detailed and true. It was so real that even Gao Feng wanted to vomit. He really couldn't imagine how the remaining barren warriors managed to eat the food dug out of roasted human flesh into their mouths.

I thought Maple Leaf Flower's description was detailed enough, but after Gao Feng saw it with his own eyes, he discovered that Maple Leaf Little Flower had told less than 50% of the actual situation at most. The cavalry team, which consisted of less than a hundred people, was still several kilometers away from the Desolate Man's stronghold. They smelled the burnt smell and putrid smell in the air. By the time they got closer to two kilometers, the ground in front of them had turned completely black. In many places, even the sand had been burned and formed into semi-crystalline material like volcanic rock.

The charred ground exudes a faint high temperature. You won't notice it at first, but as time goes by, you will feel the heat from the bottom up. This makes the beasts under the Dragon Lancers a little commotion. Even the beasts who have long been accustomed to the high temperature ground in the wilderness can't stand it. The high temperature shows how violent the fire set off by the underground people was that day.

Thick ashes slowly rose up as the hundred-headed beasts advanced slowly, gradually forming dark clouds that obscured the sun, and soon dyed the dragonlancers black. Only the peak and the small maple leaves could isolate these. The dust that contains the ashes.

As a fortress to defend against attacks by underground people, the Deserted Man's stronghold is not unsturdy. Many buildings are built with huge rocks. Now even the huge rocks have collapsed, leaving only some broken walls. The former roads have long been buried in the blackened dust. Under the situation, the dragon spearmen could only follow the peak and approach from the shortest distance. As they approached, the charred corpses buried in the ashes were brought out by the four hooves of the riding beast, trampled to pieces, and a pungent stench suddenly emitted. .

Only then did the Dragon Lancers realize that they were in the middle of countless corpses. Looking around, thousands of corpses were walking around the stronghold in various weird postures after being burned. It could be seen from their twisted shapes that they were burned that day. How painful it is before burning to death.

Many corpses were torn apart like porcelain under the iron hooves of the riding beasts. Their internal organs and bones were mixed together, and they were stepped into the ground by the riding beasts behind them. After being baked for a long time, the corpses had long lost their moisture and made a crackling sound. , creepy.

The further we walked, the more corpses there were and the stronger the stench became. Even the Dragonlance Rangers who were used to seeing corpses and being accustomed to blood couldn't stand it. Many of them looked pale and were shaking while sitting on the beasts, covering them with their hands. Keep your mouth shut, lest you accidentally spit it out.

This place is like a lifeless hell. Even with the high temperature, everyone walking on the ground still feels cold in their hearts. When they arrived at the ruins of the building, they suddenly discovered that the corpses here had been piled up, and many of them were in narrow terrain. In such a place, the corpses almost formed a mountain peak.

Almost all the corpses died in the most painful way. The charred arms stretched out like dead branches, lying on the ground with their heads raised, wailing silently, and the corpses were torn and twisted together, like a conjoined man, in a terrifying posture. Once again, it impacted everyone's vision and planted the seeds of fear in their hearts.

The most fearless warrior will be frightened when he comes here, and the most fearless warrior will tremble all over when seeing this hellish scene. Except for Gao Feng and Maple Leaf Flower, even Xianjun Jialuo in the team also started to tremble. It's a nightmare beyond their imagination.

In this unbearable nightmare, ghost-like desolate warriors were wandering among the corpses. Most of them had severe burn marks. Many of them had their skin burned off, exposing their scarlet muscles and burns. Brown pus will also flow out from the area.

These living desolate people seemed unable to see the peak and the dragon spearmen. They rummaged numbly among the corpses. Some people died silently while searching, adding an extra layer of thickness to the corpse pile. Some people found them from the bottom of the corpse pile. Once they notice some charred food, they will eagerly stuff it into their mouths, crush it with their black and yellow teeth, and swallow it mixed with the ashes.

The suffering that is deeper than the pain and terror is hunger. The Desolate Man had already cut off the supply of supplies before the underground bombing. According to Peak's calculations, after the food was exhausted, the Desolate Man could hold on for at most three to seven days before the entire army collapsed. When the Desolate Man collapses, the group he once belonged to no longer has any binding force. If he doesn't want to starve to death, he can only find ways to find food. At that time, the peak will appear with food and recruit most of the Desolate Man warriors to strengthen his own strength. It is a pity that the underground people's determination and intensity of revenge were not included in the calculation.

This was an accident with only losers and no winners. The underground people lost all the sentries and strongholds in the central wilderness. The wilderness front suffered a devastating blow. Most of the desert people were killed by the underground people, and Gaofeng lost his source of troops. .

Thousands of desolate people were burned to death here, and the surviving desolate people also suffered burns of varying severity. If they did not receive treatment, they might die of wound infection soon. Before that, they would starve to death. Thinking of this, All this was caused by himself, and Gao Feng felt guilty.

A single mistake led to the death of tens of thousands of people, which seriously deviated from his original idea. Maybe if he had not appeared in the central wilderness, the desert people would not have suffered such a disaster, and nearly a hundred thousand desert people would not have died like this. He got it from the underground people. The intelligence received is enough to analyze the next step of the underground people. They are not determined to swallow the central wilderness in one go. At least until they have completely digested the western wilderness and the southeastern wilderness, the underground people will maintain a fragile confrontation with the wilderness. The emergence of the peak has made all this worse.

There were only a hundred lonely wild ghosts left among the thousands of desolate people. If the peak did not appear, at least 80% to 90% of them would die in three days. The dragon spearmen jumped off the beasts one after another, took out the water bags and food, and gave them to the animals. The instinctive desolate people were left. When they got food and water, they ate like starving ghosts. Only one person was different from the others.

This man was sitting on the remains of black smoke and embers. Only his bloodshot eyes could be seen clearly on his blackened cheeks. If he hadn't been sitting in a conspicuous position, it would be difficult to distinguish him from the corpses around him if he was still. come out. The water and food provided by the Dragon Lancers were placed beside him, but he didn't even look at them. He stared blankly at the empty front, seeming to be deep in thought or distracted.

After being treated by the dragon spearmen, the well-fed and drunk desolate people spontaneously organized themselves to help find the surviving desolate people in the pile of corpses. Under their busy work, the maverick desolate people became even more dazzling, and Gao Feng controlled the green scales. The beast walked up to the man, looked at him from top to bottom, and after a while he said:

"If you want to live, eat the food. If you want to die, wipe your own neck and have fun. If you are not alive, you are here. Who are you doing it for?"

Gao Feng said this because this man was different from other desolate people. The other desolate people were more or less burned. Only he could not find any scars on his body. He could survive such a level of attack intact. Preserving oneself is also a skill, not to mention that this guy is still a high-level talent, almost as good as the red-robed girl he met before. Normally, he is also a talented person.

From the reverence of the surviving deserters for this man, Gao Feng knew that he was the leader here. As a leader, seeing all his subordinates lost before his eyes, the feeling could only be understood by Gao Feng, who had lost his foundation in the west. Although Gao Feng's words were not loud, each one sounded like thunder in the man's eardrums, finally making him raise his head and look at Gao Feng indifferently.

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