Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1324 Cat and Mouse

The sudden appearance of the red-robed girl as a warning was nothing to Gao Feng. It meant that the power struggle in the Blood Sea Alliance was unimaginably complicated. No matter what the other party's purpose was, he was the party being calculated, and so were the tribal leaders here. Simple, they are the backbone of the central wilderness, and the resources they control control a large part of the materials and population. No matter what they represent, they represent a tribe. Once the peak kills them, they will face the entire central region. Wilderness is the enemy.

At that time, maybe the people behind the girl in red will use the excuse of attacking him to gather together the scattered deserters. Once the gathering of the deserters is completed, in order to appease people's hearts, the peak will be the obstacle that must be removed. A little peak knows it well.

It seems that this is a dead end specifically targeting Gao Feng. The person who set up this game is quite clever and has a certain understanding of Gao Feng. He knows that these stupid tribal leaders will not pose a threat to Gao Feng and uses Gao Feng's help to complete the cleanup and integration of the Huangren. , and at the same time, it puts him in the gap between the wilderness people and the underground people. Both sides will be enemies of him. Even if he cannot die, there will be no chance of development in the wilderness unless he leaves the central wilderness.

Behind him, Xuan Liuqi coughed inadvertently, and then he came up and gave Gao Feng a box of mycelium cigarettes. Xuan Liuqi didn't smoke, but when he broke into the underground camp, he still got a pack and put it on him. It was prepared for the peak, and now it was a good excuse.

"Commander, there is a situation."

Xuan Liuqi only said six words, and after helping Gao Feng light a cigarette, he returned to the place pretending to be nonchalant and winked at Kunshan. Kunshan also saw that something was wrong and couldn't help but touch the handle of the gun at his waist and said, Be on guard.

The garlic-nosed man was as smooth as a ghost, so he naturally noticed that something was wrong, and made a vague gesture behind him, asking the Garo people behind him to prepare for action. The originally quiet scene suddenly became tense, and many tribal leaders opened their oil-stained collars. , his hands reached under the table and touched the weapons they had prepared.

Smoking a cigarette and puffing away smoke, Gao Feng seemed unaware of the imminent smell of gunpowder. He squinted his eyes and remained silent. Finally, the leader with rotten teeth beside him couldn't help but say:

"Lion of the West, this is good for everyone. The Quanten tribe was destroyed. We can keep this account in mind. Enough people have died. Those who survived will continue to live. We will double the compensation. Quanteng tribe, I am willing to provide a thousand men, a thousand women, 300 large animals, and 700 small animals. As long as you say a word, they will be delivered tomorrow. "

As soon as Rotten Ya opened his mouth, it was equivalent to reaching the substantive stage of the flop. Others were not far behind, and each reported the price they were willing to pay. Some were even willing to cede land in the rich plains at the deepest part of the Canyon of the Giants. As long as Gao Feng nodded, they would immediately It will become a large tribe with a population of 20,000 and more than 10,000 livestock of various kinds. All of them will be strong and strong, and they will be top-notch among large tribes.

The prices of the tribal leaders are not heavy. In name, these things are for the Quanteng tribe, but in fact they are for Gao Feng. As long as Gao Feng nods and is willing to maintain the current situation and not take the initiative to anger the underground people, let them live in peace. .

"If I don't agree, will I not be able to leave the Hall of Bones today? Or, even if I leave, I won't be able to leave the City of Bones?"

Gao Feng threw the cigarette into the wine glass, leaned back more comfortably, and used ridiculing and sarcastic words to stimulate the tribal leaders present. Some impulsive tribal leaders suddenly changed their colors and stood up to argue with each other. But he opened his mouth and said:

"There has been trouble in the wilderness these years. Although the underground people have killed many desert people, they only account for a quarter of the dead desert people. Many tribes with long heritage have become extinct. Those tribes are larger than our tribe and have more warriors. , now that they have disappeared, we are stronger, that is, we know when to move forward and when to retreat. We cannot ask for it. The only hope is that our descendants can be better. "

Gao Feng's eyes flashed, and his nose looked stupid, but he was not stupid at heart. He knew that the front line of the underground people was too long, and he had no intention of attacking the central part in one go. Once a confrontation was formed, there was a possibility that the underground people would launch another attack. will decrease, and this time difference is when the desert people seek negotiations with the underground people. Excessive stimulation of the underground people will only hurt both sides. Obviously, they have their own plans in mind.

What Guan Toubi said before was already a showdown. As each tribal leader stood up with weapons of different shapes, hundreds of Garo people gathered around like a tide, instantly surrounding Gao Feng and the other three, just like Xuan Xuan. As Liuqi imagined, the weapons arranged on the weapon racks were cleared away in the blink of an eye. With just one order, the Garo people and tribal leaders would rush forward and cut Gao Feng and the other three into pieces.

The smell of gunpowder had reached its peak, but no one took action. The tribal leaders knew the reputation of the Western Lion, so they retreated as much as possible and drowned themselves with the crowd. As for the thugs, the Jia Luo Zhong, also because of the reputation of the peak, Reluctant to take the lead, he kept looking at the leaders behind him, waiting for their orders or gestures.

There were only two people sitting there, Gao Feng, who was always sitting comfortably on the back of the chair, and the leader, who was pressing the table with both hands and could explode at any time. The word "do it" stuck in his throat. , but it is not easy to shout out. There is no real fool among the tribal leaders in the wilderness. No matter how timid the tribal leader is, he fought his way out of the siege with a sword. After all, the strong is respected in the wilderness, but years of enjoyment and comfort have worn off It was only the loss of their blood and courage that made them look so mediocre.

If Gao Feng is even a little bit surprised or frightened, Garlic Nose will take action without hesitation. He looks huge, fat and bloated, but no one knows that he is an agile Jialuo, showing off his mid-level strength. He became the fastest person in the wilderness and had every chance of escaping from the peak. But for some reason, he felt like an invisible net was actually wrapping him up.

Garudabi has been slow to issue the order, and the Garozoists could only use heavy breathing to suppress Gao Feng and the other three, but except for Kunshan being slightly nervous, the three of them never made any move, as if what they encountered was just an illusion. Perhaps they themselves don’t know that the reason why the desert warriors who rush into battle with passion are so rational is because the power that is so powerful that they despair is following the cross star in Gaofeng’s palm, emitting invisible fluctuations, disturbing them heart.

Before the banquet, both the tribal leader and the black hand behind the girl in red regarded Gao Feng as a pawn. However, the Blood Sea Alliance regarded Gao Feng as a lone wolf who deviated from the rules, while the black hand hiding behind the scenes and waiting for profit believed that Gao Feng was a chess piece. It was a man-eating tiger. In fact, neither party thought that the peak they placed in the trap was a prehistoric giant beast, and besides the peak, there were nine other such giant beasts.

The garlic-nosed man did not take action. In addition to Gao Feng's untimely indifference, there was also Jia Luo's own talent for predicting danger. Not only him, but other Jia Luo people also felt the sudden huge danger, which made them fear Feng Feng. Have great fear.

In fact, the feud can no longer go on at this point. They can't kill a Rishan Jialuo no matter what. Although Fengfeng has the power to wipe out the Jialuo people at will, he is unwilling to cause more killings. Desolate people have to survive. Philosophy, when they face an overwhelming disaster, they will not fight to the end, but will look for every opportunity to survive, at least to allow their descendants to survive and continue the bloodline of the desert people. This is not the same as the courage of their ancestors to overcome obstacles. Not inconsistent.

Regardless of whether they are hawks or doves, they are actually right. They have their own ideas about the future of the deserted people. However, due to problems with vision and knowledge, they do not understand the power and madness of the underground people. The black hands hiding behind the scenes are not only interested in the central In addition to their ambition to unify and centralize power in the wilderness, they also do not know the ferocity of the underground people. The so-called natural and dangerous Canyon of the Giants is just a joke. Gao Feng already knows that the underground people have fighter planes and long-range missiles. Even without these, hundreds of heavy tanks can It can climb hundreds of meters and form a ground combat force like a helicopter combat group. At that time, the advantage lies in the hands of the underground people.

The only one who can understand these peaks can easily kill the tribal leaders here, but he can't do this, let alone the guys who may be hiding behind the scenes. Even if there are no masterminds behind the scenes, if they kill these people, the Dragon Lancers will Suddenly switching from being a hero in the mouth of the Desert Man to a butcher, the Desert Man tribe will be torn apart, and even the dragon spearmen will be lost. By then, the Desert Man who can form a confrontational force with the underground people will become a mess, and the peak of being an outsider will be It is impossible to twist them together, let alone defeat Huang Ren.

The stalemate lasted for less than a minute, and Gao Feng untangled the tangled threads. He suddenly thought about it, raised two fingers, and Xuan Liuqi immediately gave Gao Feng a cigarette. When the curling smoke once again filled the space between Gao Feng's brows and eyes, the pressure and threats that were as thick as substance were slightly released. He immediately pressed his hands on the table, and his whole body was stiff and his nose was wheezing like an ox. It wasn't just him, most of the people here People do this, as if they are not surrounding a peak but have just experienced a marathon of despair.

"If you all die here, who will benefit the most?"

At the moment they were just relaxing, Gao Feng asked suddenly, causing his small eyes with garlic noses to flash with cold light. From beginning to end, Gao Feng only lit one cigarette. Before and after this cigarette, he was confused with the hundreds of people present. Garazhong has experienced a roller coaster-like pressure change. How could he not see that things have gone beyond their predictions? Even the worst prediction has become the best scenario now. You know, then This is the judgment that the Jia Luo people were completely wiped out and one third of the tribal leaders were killed or injured.

Facing such a powerful peak, he only had one term in his mind, Xianjun Jialuo. Only Xianjun Jialuo was so powerful. It was so powerful that hundreds of Jialuo people could not shake it at all, and Fengfeng's questioning was like a dark night. A bright light was lit in the scene, and he suddenly understood a lot of things hidden in the fog. This killing feast was not aimed at the Western Lions, but someone wanted to use the hands of the Western Lions to get rid of them.

Drops of sweat as big as beans broke out from Garlic Nose's forehead. Not only him, but other tribal leaders such as Lan Ya were even more unbearable. Even surrounded by the powerful Jia Luo people, the legs of several seemingly strong tribal leaders He also felt weak and wanted to sit on the floor full of bone residue.

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