Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1309 Self-regulation

Not far away, radiation protection suits were thrown on the ground in a mess, being stepped on by the Garos. No one wanted to take a second look. If possible, the Garos would rather be naked than wear smelly things. The scorching bonfire was surrounded by the Garos, who were unwilling to take a step back even if they were sweating profusely. Each Garo stared at the long-horned wild pig roasting beside the bonfire with greedy eyes.

There is no shortage of food in the underground world, but there is not much food that can actually be eaten. Especially Jialuo, who was captured by the biological laboratory. Since the day he was locked up, he has never eaten solid food. He had faded away a long time ago. When they saw this long-horned pig that was the king within a hundred miles and stood at the top of the food chain, they were like an old pervert who had just been released from prison for decades and was visiting a lingerie show. The savage beasts who were so excited and killed countless people didn't even have time to scream before they were killed by dozens of Garos.

The sky was getting dark, and with two mighty landing tanks at the center, a feast was unfolding. Regardless of whether the radiation content of the long-horned barbarian pork exceeded the standard, the Garos ate with their mouths full of oil, while the two Cyborg girls hid aside. While enduring the fiery eyes of the Xianjun Jia Luo, he frowned and lamented his future destiny.

Gao Feng sat with his legs bent on the seat of the tank's main gun, holding a mycelium cigarette in his mouth. He frowned and looked at the endless darkness in the distance, ignoring the bustle below. He was aloof and aloof, in this darkness that was falling at dusk. In the land, the wanton carnival of Jia Luo by the fire was in sharp contrast with the arrogant peak, but in Jessica's eyes, it was so harmonious, as if it should be like this, and the words Shala told her flashed through her heart. , a heart suddenly sank.

Gao Feng was not as deep as Jessica had guessed. In fact, Gao Feng was studying the cross star on his palm. His right hand was in a place where the firelight could not reach. The palm of his hand was emitting a halo, with just a trace of blue halo. The shiny cross star had It's uniquely gorgeous, like a peacock in estrus showing off the feathers on its buttocks.

The change in Cross Star started with Jessica's change. Jessica is different from Sarah. Sarah has a simpler mind and less courage. She has a submissive character. Gao Feng will do whatever she says. Jessica Her personality is stronger and she is suspicious of everything. The more she thinks, the greater her mood swings, and the more nervous she becomes, causing her brain waves to be abnormally active, stimulating the mysterious crystal between her eyebrows, leaving her in a state of overflowing energy. , and spiritual power is the most delicious food of Cross Star.

Fortunately, Gao Feng's right hand is parasitic with a cross star, which can contain any mental attacks. Jessica's problem is that her brain cannot bear the increasing mental power all the time. If she can always maintain a calm heart, she can barely bear it. Unfortunately, she encounters A sudden turn of events led to a complete explosion, and the Doji star was gained in vain.

For Cross Star, Gao Feng definitely couldn't say that he likes it. If he could turn back time, he hoped that he had not passed by the ruins of the city, so that this weird thing would not get into his hands. Besides, Cross Star could take the initiative Absorbing mental power turned Gao Feng into a paralyzed face with no emotions. After a long time, he might not even be able to tell whether he was a human being or not.

Now that all the mental strength Jessica had accumulated has been absorbed by the Cross Star, she has a sense of satisfaction that she has eaten and drank enough. Even her size has grown a bit. This makes Gao Feng extremely uneasy. If she continues to grow without restrictions, , God knows what will happen, if this is just a larval body, it will be troublesome. Gao Feng doesn't want to see the cross star slowly covering his whole body, turning into a smurf.

But Jessica is lucky. As long as she stays with Gao Feng, her head will not be blown off by her expanded mental power. Yesterday was just a small explosion, which almost killed several Xianjun Jialuo. If it was complete In this form of spiritual storm, I am afraid that there will be no one left alive within a hundred meters.

He squeezed his palms tightly and sealed the cross star. Gao Feng let out a long sigh in his heart. He closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and activated the qi training technique he had forgotten for a long time. If one day the cross star is out of control, I'm afraid the only way to save myself is to practice Qi.

The icy cold night in the wilderness passed with Gao Feng's gentle and distant breathing. The morning had not yet completely arrived, and the gradually rising temperature drove away the cold night. Gao Feng opened his eyes at the moment when the light returned to the earth. He spent the entire night Breathe according to the way of Qi training, without thinking. Although I haven't slept, I am surprisingly full of energy, and my heart is inexplicably cheerful. In the past, when I was still a Xianfeng Jialuo, I would practice Qi training for no more than two people at most. Hours, now more than ten hours, I can still clearly feel the weak airflow in my lower abdomen. The airflow is like an elusive breeze, coming and going, but at the peak, I can clearly feel its strength.

The Garos need much less rest time than ordinary people. Soon all the Garos appeared outside the tank. They greeted each other and talked, and each found a place to solve their personal problems. The Garos were mixed but not chaotic. Even if they were separated and separated, He can also take care of both left and right, and if an accident occurs, he can provide support as quickly as possible. After all the Garos get on the bus again, today's trip will begin. Of course, we have to wait for the two shy beauties to follow the crowd. Come back out of sight.

There is no specific direction to the peak. The landing tank drives forward in a straight line. The desolate land passes quickly under the landing tank. Compared with the radiation zone, it can only fly close to the surface. At this time, it can maintain a height of ten meters. The position of ten meters is just right, which can not only expand the detection range to the maximum, but also maintain a certain degree of concealment. After all, flying too high can easily expose you.

There are more and more plants on the ground, and occasionally you can see thin streams appearing and disappearing among the plants. Although it is still very desolate, it is at least a bit lively, but there are no traces of human activities, not even animals. Not much. The scanning system for landing on the tank was not as powerful as expected. Many animals and beetles hurriedly got into their nests when the slight hum of the tank's engine came. Only perception could find them.

Speaking of perception, Gao Feng discovered a strange phenomenon. In addition to him, there were nine Split Mountain Garos in the team. The symbol of the Split Mountain Garos was perception. Even the worst Split Mountain Garos had a perception range of 300 meters. , but now, Gao Feng's perception can cover Maple Leaf Garo's body, but Maple Leaf Garo's perception cannot cover himself. His body is like an invisible black hole. Whenever a strange perception approaches, it will disappear into the invisible. middle.

Gao Feng couldn't figure out whether Rishan Jialuo did this deliberately to show respect or for other reasons, but he had no intention of delving into it. There were too many strange things that happened to him. The most important question now was what to do next.

After being lost underground, Gao Feng was mentally prepared. Whether it was the forces in the wilderness or the fleet, the chance of existence was slim. The underground Northern Military Region sent 80% of its military power to the surface and united many large forces. The consortium has rented General Nirvana. Even if Gao Feng is not lost underground, there is no way to stop them. Maybe asking for help from Huo Yan will give them a chance to evacuate some of them. The problem is that the underground army has colluded with the top families. They regard the wilderness and the city of freedom as a Cake and fire itself cannot be protected.

In the carriage behind, the Garos were talking in low voices. Several of the Split Mountain Garos learned to smoke with Gao Feng in the underground world, and each of them puffed out cigarettes, causing a smoky atmosphere in the back. The other few Xianjun Garos I hate this smell so much that I have to endure it in front of the Split Mountain Garo Gate. Anyway, I divide into two small groups to maintain the superficial harmony.

Gao Feng could hear even the slightest whisper. Originally, Gao Feng didn't care about it, and he never thought about asking Jialuo to abide by discipline like a soldier. Suddenly, Gao Feng thought that since entering the surface, Jialuo people are very... Communicate less with yourself and see more awe in their eyes.

Fengye Jialuo and Gao Feng were trapped in the underground world together. It can be said that they depended on each other for life. What connected the two sides was not the difference between them, but a friendship that was close to family affection. But for some reason, the Jialuo people became more and more afraid of him, even if everyone was afraid of him. Even Rishan Jialuo cannot change it.

Memories of the past flashed through his mind, and Gao Feng discovered that this change was actually caused by himself. From the moment he entered the underground world, he had always been immersed in a repressed mentality and held a barrier to other people. During his time in the underground world There was another series of killings. Gao Feng himself couldn't figure out how many people he had killed. Some should be killed and some should not be killed. In the end, Gao Feng couldn't even tell whether he was doing it for revenge or for venting.

The sum of these changes makes Gao Feng no longer even recognize himself, let alone others? Coupled with the inexplicable parasitic cross star in his palm, Gao Feng became more and more indifferent. Even Maple Leaf Garo began to be afraid of him, let alone easy communication.

After figuring it out, a strong sense of loss emerged spontaneously, accompanied by deep fatigue. Gao Feng had been struggling to realize the concept of China's rejuvenation, even if he parted ways with Black Claw, he had to maintain his independence. He finally overcame many difficulties and allowed Shicheng to rise in the Western Wilderness. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and he himself became a bereaved dog. He didn't even have a bereaved dog in his lair. He had a huge family but had nowhere to go. .

The ambitions of the past have long since disappeared. Although he is deeply wary of the Chaos Front's attempts to test China, he is already disheartened about China's future. If given the choice, Gao Feng really wants to find a place to live in seclusion. No longer participating in the changes in this troubled world.

"I don't know what's going on at home. Maple Leaf Hill is not very reliable, and Uncle Kuang abandoned us and ran away. I'm really worried..."

"What's the use of worrying so much? Isn't the old uncle still here? I followed the old uncle for a walk down there, and I became a Split Mountain Garo. What else is there to be afraid of?"

"Don't murmur here. Uncle will definitely lead us to find the woman and the child. If they are all dead..., we also have the strength to take revenge..."

Feng Yecheng's words silenced all the Garos. Feng Ye Garo had long looked down on life and death. The only thing he was worried about was his family. Once their family members encountered misfortune, they would not cry and wash their faces with tears. They would only grit their teeth and use The fist smashes the enemy's head into pieces, just like the Blackstone Mountains.

When Gao Feng heard these words, he suddenly felt boundless anger, burning away all his previous decadence and avoidance. Yes, he brought the Maple Leaf Family from the Black Rock Mountains. Maybe Maple Leaf Mania intended to take advantage of him, but The simple-natured Fengye Jialuo always stayed by his side and never left him. Even if the life and death of the family's women and children were unclear because of him, he did not blame him. What reason did he have to give up?

Within a few minutes, Gao Feng completed his self-regulation and determined his future goal, which was to find the women and children of the Maple Leaf family and take revenge on the underground army. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would not give up.

After making the decision, Gao Feng felt relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. Only then did he realize that his mood swings were so violent just now, and the cross star on his palm didn't come out to cause trouble? Looking down, I saw that the cross star had extinguished its halo, and tiny dark blue spots appeared on the light blue surface. Each spot required a magnifying glass to see clearly. Countless spots merged together to form several shallow nerves. The veins, at first glance, look like tattoos with delicate patterns.

After taking a deep look at the cross star, Gao Feng stopped caring about it and began to think about how to find the troops left in the wilderness. Xian Zhao and Jian Fenghou's Blood Cub Army was the largest force in the eastern wilderness. , is also the most likely to survive the army. There is also a frigate and many airships such as the Evernight, and there are a large number of anti-aircraft weapons. Even if only one-fifth of the team can evacuate, Gao Feng can still grasp it to a certain extent. counterattack force.

Ganzi built a powerful storm army in the western wilderness, but unfortunately it was all gone. Gao Feng no longer expected to have many troops left, he only hoped that Ganzi and those close to him could escape this catastrophe.

"Sir..., sir..., in front of you..., there is... in front of you."

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