Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1301 The Strange Basement [Re-updated]

The heavy iron door squeaked with an almost groaning sound and closed heavily, separating the space where Jia Luo was from the outside world. Before Jia Luo could figure it out, they saw Gao Feng pulling off the breathing mask and taking a deep breath. A breath of turbid air immediately triggered cheers from the Garrots. The reason why they couldn't rest outside was because the omnipresent strong radiation was constantly attacking their bodies. They had to keep their bodies active in order to use Garrot's own force field to offset it. Threat, Garo is most dangerous only when they are asleep. In their sleep state, they are not much stronger than ordinary people.

After the Garos took off their breathing masks, they had never felt that free breathing was so precious, making them cherish every breath of oxygen they took into their lungs, even if the air quality here was not high, the string that was always tightened by death Suddenly, Jialuo lost his belief in perseverance and sat on the ground one by one. Three seconds later, snoring continued one after another, and there was no time to replenish nutrients.

Jia Luo can sleep and rest peacefully, but Gao Feng cannot. Although this shelter built in the underground parking lot looks like no one has come in for hundreds of years, it may not be 100% safe. Someone must be on guard. Feng Yeqiang also thinks so. Holding his sore eyelids, he looked at everything here to distract himself. When he saw that Gao Feng was also holding on, he couldn't help but say:

"Uncle, you've been working the hardest these days. Get some rest. I'm here..."

Feng Yeqiang said it sincerely, Gao Feng shook his head and refused: "I can still persist, you go to sleep first, and I will replace you when you are asleep. I don't worry about the others..."

When Gao Feng said this, Feng Yeqiang felt extremely happy. He had always felt guilty for not entering the biology laboratory with Gao Feng. Gao Feng was willing to go through life and death for the Maple Leaf family's Jialuo, but he failed to do so. His heart was always heavy. Now he has Gao Feng. I felt a lot more comfortable, so I stopped insisting and lay down on the ground. Within a few seconds I heard a loud snoring sound.

A series of snoring sounds roared like a tsunami in the closed space, making people panic. Gao Feng didn't pay attention. He walked in the dusty shelter, looking for possible safety hazards. The owner of this shelter didn't know who it was. Obviously, There is no military common sense, the layout is very unreasonable, and there is no complete ecosystem. The accumulated materials seem to be a lot, but if they are really used, even if there are only ten people, they can be used up within three years. But I don’t know why, Mr. Feng It feels like this place is very familiar, as if I have been here a long time ago.

After walking through rows of shelves, we reached the core area of ​​the shelter, which looked very much like a replica of a parking lot. To be precise, the people who built the building actually built a four-story parking lot for the building and opened the third floor, adding the final layer to the building. The lower floor is used as a secret warehouse. There are all kinds of food and cans here, as well as large water storage tanks that have long since evaporated. In addition to survival necessities, there are also simple power generation equipment. The diesel generator has long been rusted into irregular iron blocks. , covered with moss, and moisture is obviously the biggest enemy here.

Moss was the only active species Gao Feng saw in the land of death, which made him feel relaxed and comfortable. At least a place with life was not so depressing. Gao Feng confirmed that the poor power system was out of action and began to visit, because this place was the most A relic of the era that is close to Peak's memory. Every inch of space and layout here allows him to relive the memories of the previous era.

The owner who built this place was obviously not a good person. Not only did Gao Feng find a large number of weapons and ammunition, but also a large amount of medicines and materials that were absolutely illegal in the previous era. What surprised him most was that here he found a pile of The banknotes in the room, sealed in transparent plastic, have gone through hundreds of years of changes and are still intact. They are like bundles of cotton. They are stacked layer by layer in a secret room of hundreds of square meters, stacked from the ground to the top. On the ceiling, in addition to Chinese currency, there are U.S. knives and British pounds. A rough calculation shows that there are at least billions of cash here, and it would take ten trucks to transport it.

Suddenly seeing so much cash, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated when he had lived only on wages in his previous life. This was an emotional change that could not be caused by life and death. It gave him a crazy impulse. His mind was filled with distracting thoughts of getting rich, and he was constantly calculating in his mind. How many things can the cash here buy, and how many supplies can it be exchanged for?

It's a pity that even the most beautiful dream will wake up. Not even a minute later, Gao Feng remembered that the era of being able to buy with banknotes has disappeared forever. To him, these things are like the countless shells discovered by archaeologists in the past era. Generally, shells can be used as currency in ancient times, but in the previous era, there was no chance of becoming cultural relics.

Billions of wealth suddenly turned into a pile of waste paper. Gao Feng's heart changed from extreme excitement to intense disappointment. While he was laughing in surprise, a wave of dizziness came to his brain. It was the emotional change that shocked his extremely tired body. At this time, Gao Feng saw the bedroom decorated by the original owner.

The living room separated by crystal glass is fully equipped with all kinds of equipment, such as flush toilet, surf bathroom, kitchen, study room, etc. No better than the outside, the bedroom behind the crystal glass is spotless and maintains the appearance of hundreds of years ago. The snow-white plush carpet on the floor, or the various extremely luxurious furnishings, did not attract Gao Feng's attention. He stared at the big bed in the middle. The big bed that could accommodate five people rolling over was of great significance to him now. All attraction.

Just when Gao Feng walked to the glass and wanted to rush in desperately, he saw a white skeleton wrapped in a red silk nightgown in the middle of the big bed. He had seen corpses died in various ways, but he had never seen anything like this. The holy skeleton, with its snow-white bones wrapped in silk, looks like a perfect work of art at first glance. With peak experience, it can be seen that the owner of the skeleton is a woman. A two-meter-high giant photo on the bedside is obviously It is the image of the master during his life, a beautiful and youthful girl. She is not stunning, but has an indescribable youthful atmosphere. She is also the image of the girl closest to the previous era. For some reason, Gao Feng always feels that she is different from the one he once had. His girlfriend Phil looked very similar, but no matter how he recalled it, he couldn't remember what his girlfriend really looked like, as if it was covered by a veil.

Gao Feng didn't know why the skeletons appeared here, nor did he know what stories had happened here. Suddenly, Gao Feng had no intention of entering. This was just a dusty cemetery, and they were just a group of outsiders disturbing the souls of the dead.

The image of the girl in the photo kept repeating in Gao Feng's mind, awakening many forgotten memories. Many memories he could not get, such as the ending of the war, the ending between him and Phil, etc., but When he relived these memories that once made him worried, the expectation and excitement were gone. It was like a stranger watching a video he had seen before. Although the plot of the video was very exciting, it could not arouse the stranger's emotions. resonance.

Gao Feng didn't understand why this happened. The thing he once thought he cared about most, after being forgotten, suddenly appeared in front of him like a dust-covered treasure, but he lost the enthusiasm when searching for it. His body, which had not rested for a long time, kept sounding the alarm. But his brain was extremely active, immersed in his own thoughts.

The sleeping Gaofeng woke up in another form and found that he had fallen into another space. There was no difference between heaven and earth, no up and down, and no existence of any tangible things. He was surrounded by a light blue, just like the sky. Integrated with the sea, in this blue space, Gao Feng felt extremely peaceful, as if he had returned to the beginning of his birth, with a pure mind, no worries and no joys. This feeling of absolute comfort made him fall instantly, and there was nothing else. The thoughts are simply integrated with this space, regardless of each other.

This unusual and wonderful feeling made him so addicted that he forgot all his worries and troubles. There was nothing in the world that could compare with the feeling at this moment. In this piece of comfort, what he pursued and what he expected was still there. Nothing that you hate does not exist, and you can enjoy the great freedom of detachment in the unconsciousness and selflessness.

Without the sudden noise and screams outside, I believe it would be difficult for Gao Feng to wake up from this detachment that makes people forget everything. If given a choice, Gao Feng would rather sleep in detachment all the time, looking for an opportunity that will bring happiness to his soul. , Unfortunately, he did not live in a vacuum world after all. When he opened his eyes, a strong sense of loss that he had never experienced before came to his mind. He felt that he had lost something extremely precious.

Before the disappointment dissipated from his heart, the anxious Maple Leaf Cirrus ran to Feng Feng. It happened to be the moment when Feng Feng could clearly see the surrounding environment. He saw that most of the previously compact and orderly shelves had been overturned, and various boxes and cans were covered on the ground. , each and every Jia Luo, who was at the lowest level, was running in panic. The constant noise made the place look like a vegetable market. Then, Gao Feng saw countless slender vines scrambling out from every corner, as if thousands of them were rushing out. A poisonous snake suddenly wakes up from winter and attacks everyone.

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