Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1279 The Guard’s Proposal

Returning to the surface of the trapped fire island, everyone was shocked by the high temperature of the island. The person doing the low work here was Xian Feng Jialuo, who had long been unafraid of the cold and heat, but at this temperature, everyone was sweating violently. Not only that, regardless of whether they were showing off or retreating, the crowd at the back came out one after another, gathered together, and crowded behind Gao Feng.

Gao Feng stood still quietly, waiting for someone. The dark crowd felt like a duck thrown into the oven, and it was spitting oil. It was better to come into contact with the mechanical spider Poison Garo, at least he could Using his abilities to make himself feel a little better, Garo, who still has a spider hanging on his shoulder, is only a little stronger than ordinary people. The sweat flowing out of his body is like a stream running in thousands of channels. In comparison, he has been following Gao Feng closely. , the guard who endured countless murderous looks was slightly better, at least the dust-free heat insulation suit on his body could withstand a certain degree of high temperature.

Gao Feng did not move, and neither did the Garos of the Maple Leaf Family. The Garos of the Xuanye Family and the Free City State did not dare to object. As for the remaining Garos, they looked at Gao Feng with complicated eyes, closed their mouths together, and endured this. In the torturous heat of hell, they didn't even dare to show their resentful eyes at this moment. Jialuo, who was imprisoned by the peak, had such a connection with the peak. He didn't trust them, Jialuo, who still had mechanical spiders hanging on them, so he paid attention. Most of them are placed on them to guard against something.

While waiting for the peak to start again, most people, in addition to frequently wiping the sweat that stung their eyes, were still looking at the small island of trapped fire. Not to mention the corpses scattered everywhere, every Garo here was Those who are used to seeing death said that the island is not too big or too small. Because of the magma lake, the area that can be used to build houses is actually not large. The surrounding environment is clear at a glance, and they soon found the island. The only exit.

In fact, Trapped Fire Island is an isolated island, a miracle nurtured by nature for thousands of years. Without the urgent and cost-intensive investment of a biological laboratory, Trapped Fire Island cannot be used in any other underground city. In the so-called At the exit, you can vaguely see the hypothetical movable steel structure bridge tower about three hundred meters away.

Not to mention the scorching high temperature, not to mention the rolling magma that can melt steel, just saying that they are in a lonely situation is enough to make people despair to the extreme. The huge danger lingers in the hearts of the Gallo people. As they become more and more careful, As he continued to observe, the panic in his heart became more and more serious, and he couldn't help but place his hope of survival on Gao Feng again.

No. 2 acted alone. Although the distance was not far, Gao Feng had no intention of looking for her. Sen Luo did not ask Gao Feng to rescue Xing Wuming personally. The reason why No. 2 followed Gao Feng was not only as a guide, but also the sense of accomplishment of rescuing Xing Wuming with his own hands. on the one hand.

The previously huge ice crystal mushrooms were no longer visible. The knife-edge hill-like buildings were wrapped in white water vapor. You could vaguely see the sharp ice peaks inside the white mist-like water vapor, which made people's hearts suddenly rise. , if you get close to it, it will be very cool. In fact, the water vapor contains extremely high temperature. The reason why Fire Island is so hot is that the steam turns the entire island into a sauna.

More steam followed the hot air flow, like clouds and mist, covering the top of everyone's heads. The dome hundreds of meters above and the break down from the peak could no longer be seen. The surging steam emitted under the light of the flames. With a rainbow-like colorful light curtain, it looks like a fairyland in the clouds, and thousands of golden raindrops fall from the clouds and mist.

These pleasing scenery contain deadly murderous intent. Anything touched by the golden rainwater, whether it is rocks, magma, land, or other things, will emit milky white flames. It seems low-key and simple, but in fact it has the potential to destroy the world. Yan's dominance.

As the temperature gradually climbed, when Jialuo behind him could hardly stand still, No. 2 finally appeared. The equipment was similar to Gao Feng, but it was not recognized by everyone. Everyone looked at her with eager eyes, except Gao Feng, who was Jialuo. With the recognition received, I believe that none of the Jia Luo present would like the image of the Nirvana Armor itself.

Looking in surprise at the huge coffin board behind No. 2, Gao Feng's mind was filled with twine. No wonder No. 2 spent so long working on it. It seems that in order to protect Xing Wuming, she actually spent all her time to build a life-saving cabin, and it was a non-powered suspended life-saving cabin. I just don’t know if Xing Wuming would be comfortable sleeping in it?

"Everyone is here, let's go..."

Gao Feng didn't explain anything, let alone introduce No. 2's plan. He led Garo from the Maple Leaf family to the other end of the island. No. 2 kept wearing a helmet. It was not surprising that no one could recognize whether he was a boy or a girl, so he followed in a muffled voice. Behind Gao Feng, before he made up his mind to go out again, he let Gao Feng take the lead and subconsciously regarded himself as a follower of Gao Feng and others.

Just when they were about to enter the area shrouded in steam, the guard who had always been hated by everyone suddenly said:

"In front is a warehouse for common supplies. There is water, food, and insulated clothing. If you need it, you can go inside and get it..."

Almost all the Garos looked towards the peak. They didn't care about food, but they couldn't lack water. In just a short time, they had at least two ounces of sweat left, and their throats felt like they were on fire. They had to comfort them no matter what. As for insulating clothing, only a few people care about it.

Gao Feng hesitated for a few seconds, nodded, and the Galos immediately rushed into the warehouse of common supplies happily, but no one noticed. Gao Feng winked at the Gallo of the Maple Leaf Family and asked them to stay calmly. , as a result, everyone else rushed into the warehouse to plunder, and only a few people, including No. 2, stayed outside.

"Any more skull rings? Give them one..."

The skull ring is the synchronous activation device of the Nirvana Armor. Gao Feng said so. The introduction introduced the two Xianjun Jialuo to No. 2. It just so happened that No. 2 took the previously formatted Nirvana Armor with him. Gao Feng did this. , but also to help the two Xianjun Jia Luo improve their hope of survival.

Unexpectedly, No. 2 shook his head and said: "There are only two, and Sen Luo didn't expect that we could capture six armors. If we can meet with Sen Luo, we might..."

"Do you think it's possible for us to go back the way we came?"

Gao Feng retorted depressingly. The biospace panic above his head had long been destroyed. The question now is no longer the reaction of the biological laboratory, but how to safely avoid the white flames? No. 2 also knew the difficulties mentioned by Gao Feng, and immediately stopped talking, firmly grasped the three-meter-long rescue capsule behind him, and prepared for the worst.

"I do know a way to reach the exit of the biology laboratory..."

Just when both of them were depressed, the guard who had just taken the initiative spoke again, his voice weak, like a little daughter-in-law who was used to being angry. Maybe he didn't expect Gao Feng to believe him, so he kept staring at his insteps. Seems a little guilty.

"The Fire Island is the secret of the laboratory. It not only has a processing point for genetically modified medicines, but also the energy supply system of the laboratory. I happen to know that the entire energy supply system has an almost abandoned maintenance channel, but the channel It has been closely monitored, and it is only possible to pass if it suffers a devastating blow in the laboratory, otherwise the higher authorities will need to issue a special pass..."

In Gao Feng's approval, the guard explained his method intermittently. Gao Feng had not thought clearly about the pros and cons, but No. 2 said:

"The energy supply system has always been a secret of the laboratory. It is an important unit independent of the laboratory. Senluo tried his best to get the equipment maintenance order. Unfortunately, there was no detailed map, which was very risky... "

"There shouldn't be a problem, right? Maybe the senior management of the laboratory would have run away long ago, or else wouldn't the indiscriminate massacre order have been issued just now?"

The guards were very worried about the orders from the top of the laboratory. It was better to avoid the devil guards than to avoid the peak. The guards of the prison had long known everything about what the devil guards were doing on the small island trapped in the fire. Chu, if it weren't for this unscrupulous order, he might not have rebelled so happily.

"One thing needs to be considered. Sen Luo once deduced that the energy system relies on precision robots for maintenance. He has always suspected that these robots have self-destruction systems. If the self-destruction system is activated, the entire laboratory will be destroyed..."

No. 2 entered the role, did not refute the guard, and took the initiative to correct the omissions from Gao Feng, which made Gao Feng determined. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would join Sen Luo. If nothing else, he was still happy with Sen Luo. At this time Garos packed large and small bags, and filed out of the warehouse like New Year's shopping. Most of them were carrying food and water, and some were carrying various weird small instruments. There were less than three-thirds of them wearing insulating suits. one.

Under the initiative of the guards, they came to the end of the island where Xing Wuming was imprisoned. At this time, they heard the loud sound of ice cracking behind them. The icebergs that were frozen together finally couldn't withstand the torment of the high temperature, and the whole collapsed. The previous buildings were razed to the ground. At the same time, white flames also swept across the island, blocking most of the original exits.

With a better reason, Gao Feng used metal to quickly build a metal bridge to the other side on the island. A bridge that can accommodate a single person is not difficult. It was built in less than five minutes, but the metal stock market crashed on the island. It heats up the fastest, and after a while, the temperature of the metal bridge is enough to grill the slices.

No. 2 couldn't wait any longer and passed first, followed by Gao Feng and Xianjun Jialuo. Just as the guards were passing by, they suddenly heard the crowd yelling at dogs. miscellaneous. Several pieces of solid debris flew out of the crowd and hit the guards but could not get past them.

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