"Why get out of here? Is it bad here? Yang Mi asked.

After all, this is Yangmi's home, and Yangmi naturally does not want to leave this familiar home.

The other women also cast doubtful eyes.

They also live in the city, and they don't want to leave if possible.

Zhang Feng explained: "No way, we have to leave. "

You should all know about the mutant zombies."

"I found that the number of mutated zombies is increasing, and the strength is also increasing."

"The current mutated zombies are still only first-level mutated zombies, but there will be second- and third-level mutated zombies in the future."

"There are too many ordinary zombies in the city, and such a huge base will definitely give birth to huge mutated zombies."

"We still have a lot of ways to deal with ordinary zombies, but how can we deal with a huge number of mutated zombies?"

"We must be away from the city for safety reasons, so this is not suitable for us to live in for a long time."

"Then there's the question of resources."

"Water and food are all necessary conditions for our future life."

"But this community does not meet our living conditions, there is a lack of water and no farmland where we can grow food."

"No matter how much grain there is, there is not enough for us to eat, so we also need a piece of farmland that can be used to grow food and develop animal husbandry, and only such conditions are suitable for us to live for a long time."

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Yang Mi said seriously: "The master is right, this place is really not suitable for us to live in, it seems that we are indeed going to move in the future." Reba

, Huang Yuyao, and Cheng Jiajia also nodded silently.

They didn't understand Zhang Feng's approach before, but now they understood the deep meaning.

Zhang Feng said again: "In the future, we must establish our own survivor base. After all, we still have to have children, and I don't want my children to live in an unsafe environment. Hearing

Zhang Feng say this, Yang Mi's face instantly turned red.

The other women had the same reaction.

"So where are we going from here?" Yangmi asked with a red face.

Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "I don't have a clue now, I looked at the map but haven't found a suitable address."

"When you have time, you can also look at the map and find a suitable place for us to live."

"We'll find it." Reba said enthusiastically.

The future painted by Zhang Feng gave Reba their future, and they also saw hope to live.

"This is only a temporary base, but we can also manage the temporary base first to gain experience in managing our own base later."

"On the other hand, we also need to guard against these survivors, people are heart-to-belly, and no one knows what these survivors think."

"For our safety, we have to manage these survivors well, which is why I have to register and collect their food."

"Controlling their food is equivalent to controlling their lifeline."

Zhang Feng explained to the women again.

"You don't have to explain, we understand." Yang Mi said gently, looking at Zhang Feng's gaze, full of love.

Feeling the love in Yangmi's eyes, Zhang Feng had a whim, hugging Yangmi was to bow his head and kiss.

When the remaining women saw this scene, they immediately blushed.

However, they did not escape, but looked at the movements of the two with a funny face.

After a while, the two separated.

Cheng Jiajia said boldly: "Master, I want it too."

"Here you go." Zhang Feng smiled and beckoned to Cheng Jiajia.

Cheng Jiajia smiled slightly and took the initiative to throw himself into Zhang Feng's arms.

Zhang Feng held Yangmi with one hand, held Cheng Jiajia with the other, and kissed Cheng Jiajia.

The beauty is in his arms, Zhang Feng can do whatever he wants.

Now life is really good, there are no words.

Reba and Huang Yuyao were a little embarrassed.

Among the four women, Yangmi and Cheng Jiajia have taken the initiative, and now there are only two of them left.

However, Zhang Feng will not take the initiative to force them, all by their own volition.

After a while, Xie Qin came over to report the situation, and the survivors had already dealt with it.

And the female warrior has already rested and can continue to fight.

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Then continue to clean up the community, our goal today is to clean up the community." "

There is no need to leave a guard here in the villa complex.

After all, there are zombies outside, and if these survivors want to escape, they can do whatever they want.

As long as they could escape alive, Zhang Feng didn't mind them escaping.

So there is no need to leave soldiers to guard them.

There are several buildings in the community, there are many residents, there are more rooms, and it is more troublesome to clean up all of this than the villa area.

So Zhang Feng also changed his strategy.

Zhang Feng first assigned a team to clean up all the zombies scattered in the community to ensure that there were no zombies in the community.

This step alone took more than an hour to complete.

The front and back gates of the community have also been closed, and the zombies outside cannot enter for the time being.

Therefore, as long as the zombies in the community are disposed of, there will be no zombies in the community for the time being.

Since the end of the world, Zhang Feng is also walking in a community without zombies for the first time.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Zhang Feng or Xie Qin, they were all full of joy.

Who wouldn't want to live in an environment without zombies.

Anyway, Zhang Feng, they definitely like to live in such an environment.

Next, you need to deal with the zombies in the building.

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