Lin Feng got up early the next morning

When he came downstairs, Lin Feng thought to himself, this is a medical hall, but it was a restaurant before, and it was originally used to make steamed buns, soy milk, porridge and eggs, and a simple breakfast. These Lin Feng can do it, after all, so much knowledge has been mastered, making a bun is not a side dish?

Lin Feng wanted to taste the taste of the ingredients he made in this realm.

Lin Feng made all the noodles and beans left in the store into buns and soy milk.

The buns made by Lin Feng are different from the original

In order to make it taste good, it is added to the aura, and the power of gossip is used to improve the taste, so that the food has changed.

Lin Feng originally planned to transform the store into a medical hall, but now it is a snack bar, and there will always be people who ask, so he found a sign and wrote on the sign: 100 yuan for buns, 300 porridge and eggs, and 300 soy milk. While supplies last, the serving time depends on the mood of the owner.

If the price is too high, no one will bother, he is not selling steamed buns in the first place, and he will be transformed into a medical hall in a few days.

After hanging out, sure enough, the customers who passed by were surprised and scolded the shopkeeper for being too dark and crazy. Lin Feng didn't care about this, let them go.

There was no business for the whole day, that's right, Lin Feng was lying on the chair in front of the store, shaking it, thinking about how to transform it into a medical hall. And what's going on with the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is no historical data, and Cao Jindan hasn't come yet, which means that Mr. Li who Cao Jindan met should still be there, but I don't know if it's now, or in the past period of history, this is uncertain.

He first came to the Daewoo Continent, then to the sect, met the demon clan, had the drawings of the secret realm of Ashoka, knew the things under the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and then came to Shangguan Yufeng, and met the demon clan, the Sword Sect, and obtained the treasure map and jade Ruyi. Then teleport to this plane.

Lin Feng pondered what the connections were here, it seemed to be all coincidences. I thought about it for a long time and didn't figure it out. Maybe it has something to do with the medical codex.

At this time, two guests came to the door, and many guests generally did not stay when they saw the price, but these two guests stopped when they saw the sign.

One of the two is a young man and the other is an elder.

The young man and the elder came in and sat down

"Boss, come with four buns and two bowls of porridge. ", the young man said.

"You have breakfast?", Lin Feng didn't expect anyone to come, he knew that he would just hang up and close down.

Lin Feng had no choice but to go over and take four buns and hand them over, and then brought two bowls of gruel, and after the young man finished paying, he asked, "Boss, why are your buns so expensive?"

"The only one, the exclusive secret recipe", Lin Feng said.

Oh, the young man hummed for a moment, didn't ask any further, and ate with the old man.

The elder didn't talk much, as if he was thinking about something. Young people's thinking is that there is a reason why it is expensive, it will not be so expensive for no reason, and they will not lack money if they spend it to eat, but ordinary people dare not consume it like this.

When they ate a bite of porridge, the touch of porridge across the tongue was unprecedented, it was brought by the aura, wrapped in the food to change the taste buds of the sensation, it was so wonderful, they couldn't help but eat a few more bites, and also ate a few bites of steamed buns, under the super refreshing feeling, they quickly finished eating. Not only is it delicious, but it seems that their mental and physical strength has increased a lot.

"It's delicious, I've never eaten anything like this, boss, what's this made of?

"No, each person is limited to consumption once, and I want to eat it next time", Lin Feng said expressionlessly.

After the two finished eating, the young man took out his business card and handed it to Lin Feng and introduced: "Boss, my name is Luo Jun, this is my teacher Professor Liu, Professor Liu is a scientist, I am engaged in catering, I am very interested in your food materials, see if I can cooperate with you?"

"Can't", Lin Feng refused directly after taking the business card. Lin Feng didn't want to make breakfast at all.

"Then do you have any requirements, can we work together?", Luo Jun said, Luo Jun still remembered this steamed bun delicacy, because he had never eaten such food, and if he cooperated, it would definitely be good for him.

"I wanted to open a medical clinic in this store. Lin Feng said.

"Oh, you know how to heal?".

"I understand a little. "

Luo Jun looked skeptical, "Do you really understand medical skills?"

"You haven't slept well lately, your temper is a little big, and your appetite is not good, right?" asked Lin Feng.

"Yes, how do you know", Luo Jun was surprised.

"Medical skills, your liver is not good, the liver qi is stagnant, the liver is emotional, it affects your mood, the liver regulates the qi, you are stagnant, you sleep badly, the liver hides the blood and the soul, the liver problem causes the soul not to return to the liver, and the sleep is definitely not good. The liver belongs to wood, Muke soil, and the spleen and stomach belong to soil, which causes your spleen and stomach to be transported abnormally and your appetite is not good. The liver is clear, and your eyes are dry. Lin Feng said a lot.

Professor Liu and Luo Jun were shocked when they heard this, "This is your medicine? Why can't we understand it? Does the liver have these functions? Biological anatomy has not found these functions." "

"This is new empirical medicine", Lin Feng explained, in this world, there is no yin and yang five elements, no empirical medicine, no traditional Chinese medicine, just physical and chemical research medicine.

"What kind of medicine is this, is it so amazing?", Luo Jun asked.

This medicine is based on the application of the universal laws of the universe, such as the contradiction of yin and yang in everything, and the yin and yang in the human body, and this analogy can be applied to the human body. Lin Feng said.

Luo Jun shook his head, "I still don't understand." "

"That's right, this is different from physical and chemical medicine, it's called Chinese medicine. Lin Feng said.

"If your medicine is feasible after physical and chemical tests, it is a new discovery. Professor Liu said.

"You use physical chemistry to test empirical medicine? It is not a system, it cannot be tested by physical and chemical standards, just like you cannot use the technology of a car to test the ability of a train. Lin Feng said.

"If you don't go through physical and chemical tests, then others won't believe you and will think you're witchcraft. Luo Jun reminded.

"That's just a matter of fate, and I don't have to promote this medicine here. Lin Feng said.

"If it's really that good, it's a pity not to promote it. I can recommend medical universities for them to study. Professor Liu said.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later. By the way, you can drink some chrysanthemums, which can clear the liver and eyes. Lin Feng said to Luo Jun.

"Chrysanthemums can clear the liver and eyes, aren't chrysanthemums flowers?", Luo Jun wondered.

"In traditional Chinese medicine, medicine and food are of the same origin, and all plants can be used in medicine. The concept of medicine in Chinese medicine is different from your medical concept. Lin Feng explained.

"What you said is really eye-opening," Luo Jun said.

"Yes, I will recommend it to my friends at the Medical University, I hope to carry forward your Chinese medicine. Professor Liu said.

Lin Feng didn't expect them to help anything, after all, there was no Chinese medicine here, and it was a very difficult project to promote a new medicine and be familiar to the general public.

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