Yufeng continued, "You, the ancestor, have nothing else but weapons?

Lin Feng thought to himself, this jade phoenix wanted to trap her again, but she was helpless, the jade phoenix seemed to be Lin Feng's nemesis, and she was slandered once and then slandered.

Lin Feng had no choice but to take out another Ruyi swordsmanship and hand it to Yufeng, who unceremoniously took it and gave it to Ouyang Shan.

Then Yufeng pulled Ouyang Shan aside and said something, and soon the two became like sisters.

Ouyang Jing was even more grateful, and said to Lin Feng: "The great kindness of the benefactor, the old man is really grateful", it is the honor of his child to be able to worship under the super master, and the entire continent has never had such treatment.

"Little things!", for Lin Feng, it is indeed a small matter, the dignified Supreme Immortal Venerable, sending a few things, is like a doctor giving toys to kindergarten children.

Lin Feng left those things as a favor in the future, and they were all given away anyway.

"By the way, benefactor, there is one more thing I want to say to my benefactor."

"What's the matter?".

"Please follow me to the backyard, this is the secret of our sect all along."

"Oh?", Lin Feng became interested, he felt as if he was being led by something, how could it be secret? It can't be related to the treasure in front of him.

Ouyang Jing only invited Lin Feng to the backyard alone, while Yufeng was still chatting happily with Ouyang Shan.

"There is a cave in the mountain behind my sect, no one has been able to enter it, the formation at the entrance of the cave is too powerful, no one can open this continent," Ouyang Jing said.

"Oh, take me to see it!" Lin Feng replied, and Lin Feng also called Yufeng and them by the way.

Ouyang Jing and Ouyang Shan took Lin Feng and Yufeng into the back mountain of the sect, and soon entered the valley along the road on the side of the mountain, there was a mountain road from the entrance to the back mountain, and they only entered it after turning around along the road, passing by a huge rock, and when they arrived at Cherry Valley, the group got off the car and went up from the side of the sky.

The scenery here is picturesque, full of spring, and the vegetation is lush

Towering natural forests such as pines, village pines, and spruces stretch as far as the eye can see, and reddish cherries, lilacs, and pink peaches are shrubs all over the valley and ravines. Climb high and look at the layers of forests and seas, colorful, endless changes, if you want to climb the peak of the green pine ridge, people are in the vast forest sea. Looking down at the Baizhang cliffs, looking at the lush scene, the ancient pine cliffs, the remnant snow peaks, the pine waves, the clouds and mist, the scenery is comfortable and intoxicating. There are also occasional rock sheep on the roadside, walking on the rocks.

Entering this road is a relatively narrow road, passing through a line of sky, on both sides are towering mountains, you can't see the outside, as if you have entered a paradise. After a while, everyone came to a place, Ouyang Jing stopped, Lin Feng fixed his eyes, there was a stone under the cliff, and there was nothing on it.

The road ahead leads deep into the woods, with a cliff on the left.

Ouyang Jing took Lin Feng and the others to the other side of the road. Lin Feng followed without asking much, came to the edge of the cliff, looked at it, it was nothing, along this side there was a deep communication into the depths of the forest. And there is nothing surprising about it.

"We're going to go down from here, go down with me," Ouyang Jing said.

A few people went down the cliff, the height here is not high, about more than 30 meters, the bottom is covered by dense woods, there is no good road, basically there is no way to go,

The first to go down was Ouyang Jing, although Ouyang Jing was older, he was agile, the second was Lin Feng, and the last was Yufeng and Ouyang Shan.

The left side of the whole cliff is as smooth as a knife, but it is a little strange, the cliff is a straight edge on the top, but the bottom is like a V-shape, except for the shrubs occasionally inlaid on the cliff, nothing else can be seen, Lin Feng looked carefully, and suddenly saw the protruding part of the cliff on the right, there was a word on the side, and there was a pattern on the word.

The word is three strokes and one stroke, like a rich character, Lin Feng looked at it and didn't know what the word was, wondering why there was an engraved word? Looking up along the word, there was a circular pattern on it, and in the middle of the circle was a simple lotus flower, and it was like a dragon circling.

It is estimated that this is also a teleportation channel to other places, and everyone knows who built the passage and how it came about.

When a few people came to the entrance of the cave, Lin Feng's eyes lit up, it turned out that there was a cave about two meters high below, which could not be seen from the edge of the cliff or from the air, as long as he went down to see the entrance of the cave.

Lin Feng followed Ouyang Jing into the cave, Yufeng and Ouyang Shan carefully followed behind Lin Feng, grabbed Lin Feng's clothes, the cave is about 6 meters deep, 5 meters wide, and about two meters high, relatively spacious, the light can shine in, slightly dark, the four walls are rough, like a natural cave, in the middle is really a stone statue, I don't know what the statue is, the statue is very solemn. It's about a meter high, and it looks like it's been hewn out of the stone wall. There was nothing left, like a stone letter in front of it, and some gravel next to it.

Lin Feng suddenly asked everyone not to move, stood in place and retreated, it turned out that a large array had formed around the stone statue, the Heavenly Mandate Killing Array, and the array was enough to kill the Yuanying master. It seems that these things are at least the masterpieces of the Yuanying master, and a long, long time ago, this continent should have had the power of the Yuanying.

I don't know why it's not there now, and the highest cultivation on the continent is Jindan, and the pinnacle of Jindan is rare.

Of course, this array is just a pediatric for Lin Feng.

I saw Lin Feng wave his hand, and the lore array disappeared, with the disappearance of the formation, the stone statue cracked from the middle, and a door appeared, there was a trace of light dangling by the door, the door could only stand alone, what was behind the door Everyone didn't know, and I didn't know if I could come back.

Lin Feng wanted to give it a try, and said to everyone: "I'll go alone, don't go over, it may be dangerous for you to go, if you don't come out in an hour, everyone can go back and wait for my news, I will come back."

After entering, it was a teleportation array, I don't know where it went, and I don't know why there was this teleportation array, for Lin Feng, there was no need for a teleportation array, but this teleportation array seemed to be different.

Who built it and why it is here, he does not know. If the teleportation is unstable, it is possible to fall into the turbulence of time and space, Lin Feng surpasses the Da Luo Jin Immortal, he can not be afraid of the turbulence, and it is difficult for others to say, besides, this teleportation array at least needs the strength of the Yuan Infant to enter, the person who made this at the beginning is at least more than the Yuan Infant, Ouyang They do not have the strength of the Yuan Infant, and they cannot enter. Unless it is put into Lin Feng's own space, but Lin Feng doesn't want anyone to follow, he is still at ease.

Lin Feng walked into the door again, disappeared in a few minutes, the teleportation process was very fast, and after a while, Lin Feng went to the other side of the teleportation array, he looked around, surrounded by woods, and on the left side was a wall, after looking, after walking out of the forest along the road, Lin Feng looked up and saw that there was a tower above the left, and it was actually the Big Wild Goose Pagoda!

It was exactly the same as the tower that Lin Feng went to before, except that it was relatively new, surrounded by a wall, and there were people entering and exiting at the gate, which was different from the one Lin Feng went to. Could it be that you have traveled to the past 10,000 years of the Daewoo Continent? This teleportation array is a space-time array?

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