The next day, Lin Feng took Shangguan Yufeng and flew directly to the realm of the demon clan.

The demon clan is in the west of the continent, close to the territory of the Sword Sect, and due to the suppression of the Sword Sect, the demon clan has not dared to invade boldly, and they have been at peace with each other for a hundred years.

Lin Feng and Shangguan Yufeng entered the gap between the Sword Sect and the Demon Clan, which was a valley, with the Demon Clan on one side and the Sword Sect on the other. The mountains and rivers on both sides are beautiful and full of greenery.

I didn't go far just now, but I only heard the sound of killing in the distance ahead, and something happened.

Lin Feng and the others turned into another valley, only to see that the valley was empty for a hundred miles, and a group of people were fighting with each other, swords and swords, flesh and blood were flying, a group of people wearing Sword Sect robes were at war with the Demon Clan, looking at the situation, it should be the Demon Clan invading, the Sword Sect was resisting, there were about 100,000 disciples of the Demon Clan, and there were slightly fewer disciples of the Sword Sect.

In front of the two sides, the elders of the sects and the demon kings and demon generals on both sides were fighting together, and gradually the Sword Sect was a little weak, and it was gradually about to fall.

Lin Feng was a little strange, he didn't see that the demon clan had flying boats, but those pseudo-demon clans had them last time, I don't know if this continent is not suitable? But his own can be used, which is a little strange.

Seeing this, Lin Feng yelled, "Stop!", and the sound spread from the sky above both sides like thunder, earth-shattering.

Both the Sword Sect and the Demon Clan were suppressed, and immediately stopped, looking around, only to see Lin Feng and Shangguan Yufeng falling from the air in the middle of the two sides.

At this moment, the demon king of the demon clan saw two people out of thin air, and began to be startled, and after seeing it clearly, the demon king was furious: "Who kid, dare to stand in the way?".

"It's your grandfather, me," Lin Feng replied.

The Sword Sect was overjoyed when they saw that someone had come to help them, they had just felt a crisis, and now someone actually came out to help them, but they didn't know what the people who came to help were doing.

"You kid is looking for death!" the demon king scolded.

"I'm here today to persuade everyone to reconcile and don't hurt each other," Lin Feng said.

"It seems that you are really looking for death!" the demon king scolded as he drew his weapon and prepared to give it to Lin Feng.

"Oh, are you sure?", Lin Feng smiled, turned back to Shangguan Yufeng and said, "I'll leave it to you, I want to live." Lin Feng meant that he wanted her to exercise more, Shangguan Yufeng had broken through to Jindan again, and the skills still needed to be comprehended in the battle. And the realm of the Demon King was only at the peak of Jindan, so Lin Feng was not worried.

"Okay", when Shangguan Yufeng heard this, he finally had a chance to try his skills.

Shangguan Yufeng drew his sword and swept towards the demon king, the demon general, the sword was like a wind, and rushed directly towards the demon king with cold light, because Lin Feng said that she wanted to live, so her sword blade was less sharp and more powerful.

A sword qi passed, and the demon kings and demon generals were forced back by this force for more than ten meters, and they all fell to the ground, looking at Lin Feng and them with some fear in surprise. The Sword Sect was also stunned, breaking through ten thousand enemies with one sword, what kind of realm is this? I am afraid that it has reached the existence of surpassing this continent, and their head is only the seventh level of the Golden Pill, and the highest level of this continent is also the ninth level.

The demon king who fell to the ground, seeing this situation, felt bad, knowing that he had encountered an opponent, he had to beg for mercy, which was also considered to be self-aware, not arrogant.

"Two heroes, look high and raise your noble hands, spare the little ones", the demon king knelt and said to Lin Feng.

The demon general on the side was not happy, "King, there are so many of us, what are we afraid of him!".

"Get out! I don't listen to the king's words?!", of course the demon king knows that it is powerful, all the demons are no match for the other party, and of course he will not make fearless resistance. The demon general didn't dare to speak.

Seeing that the Demon King was soft, the Sword Sect was all relieved, and the Sect Master hurriedly stepped forward and thanked him: "Thank you Master for your help!

Lin Feng looked at him, "You're welcome", and then turned to the Demon King, "You hand over your treasure map, and then don't intrude on this side in the future, I will spare you!"

The demon king was shocked when he heard this, how did he know that the treasure map was their treasure of the town, and it had been passed down for thousands of years, although they didn't see anything, but they were unwilling to hand it over.

"Master, can you change it to something else, other conditions can be, that is, this picture is really the treasure of my clan's town, look at Master Haihan. The Demon King replied.

Lin Feng didn't want to rob it, so he said, "Why don't you want to?", looking at it with one look, the Medicine King was startled, this look is going to kill.

"This is okay, this is okay", the demon king hurriedly agreed, he didn't dare to refuse, although the figure was the foundation of their demon clan's life, and it had been passed down, he still didn't dare to refuse the person in front of him.

And Lin Feng just wanted to take a look, as for asking for it, it was useless.

"Then go and get it!", Lin Feng glared and said.

After hearing this, the demon king immediately took the bird demon back to get it.

When the Demon King went back, Lin Feng said to the Sword Sect Master: "Your strength is too poor, how can you protect the people? "

After speaking, Lin Feng took out a jade medal of exercise and threw it to Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing hurriedly took it respectfully, picked it up and took a look, it was actually a heaven-level exercise, a demon slaying sword technique, which could reach the peak of the high-grade golden pill.

Ouyang Jing hurriedly thanked: "Thank you so much seniors, this sect has nothing to repay, later, can the master go to this sect to fulfill our gratitude." Ouyang Jing's plan is to thank you, and secondly, I hope that Lin Feng can teach you one or two.

The demon clan saw that their faces were not good-looking, they had just seen the power, and this sword sect had mastered it, and they would always press the demon clan in the future, so that they could not raise their heads.

Lin Feng didn't reply, just waited for the Demon King.

After a moment of effort, the demon king came back with the map, stepped forward and handed it to Lin Feng, Lin Feng opened the treasure map, looked at it, and remembered it all, the original so-called Ashoka secret realm matching map is just the arrangement of the mechanism in the secret realm. These Lin Feng don't need it, there is no mechanism that can stop Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng finished reading it, he threw the diagram to the Demon King, "Please tell me about the origin of the diagram and the origin of the Ashoka Secret Realm Diagram you gave to the Yin Soul Sect!"

"Ah, has the master been to the Yin Soul Sect?", the Demon King asked uneasily.

"Extinguished!", Lin Feng replied lightly, in fact, Lin Feng included them in the space.

The demon king was taken aback when he heard this, and he didn't dare to slack off, so he said one by one: "Master, this map and the secret realm map are all left by our ancestors, and it is said that our ancestors originally came from that place, the North Dome Continent.

Our ancestors didn't know where to get the map and the secret realm map, and then they were brought here, how to come and go, we don't know, the secret map was given to the Yin Soul Sect because of the Yin Soul Sect's method, so let them crack the secret, in fact, the Yin Soul Sect has already been subdued by us."

"How did your ancestors get here?".

"I don't know, it is said that the ancestors came from a certain star field, and that star field was all demon clans, and then I don't know why I fell to the North Dome Continent of a certain star field. ", the demon king replied.

The Demon Clan's Star Domain, Lin Feng thought in his heart, it should be one of the six Star Domains, one is occupied by the Demon Clan, one is occupied by the Demon Clan, and the other four are occupied by the Human Race. There are also mutual involvements.

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