Lin Feng followed Shangguan Yufeng into the palace, there were only some maids in the palace, and there was an old man sitting on the throne, wearing an imperial robe, Lin Feng guessed that the old man should be the emperor of the Gaochang Dynasty.

As soon as the old man saw Shangguan Yufeng coming in, he scolded: "You stinky girl, you ran away, and you have a husband, what if you let the Yin Soul Sect know, there is nothing you can do for your father!"

Shangguan Yufeng stepped forward and said with a smile: "Father, don't worry."

"Why don't you worry, you're in trouble," the old emperor reprimanded.

"The Yin Soul Sect doesn't exist anymore," Shangguan Yufeng said.

"What? Yin Soul Sect doesn't exist anymore?


"Yes, it was destroyed!", Shangguan Yufeng said.

"What, is it true?", the emperor didn't believe it.

"Father, it's true, the news will come tomorrow."

"Ah, who destroyed it?", the old emperor asked in surprise, and suddenly he found a young man next to Shangguan Yufeng, pointed to Shangguan Yufeng and said, "Who is he? Is it the Xianggong you said?"

"Yes, at the same time, it is also the Lin Feng who destroyed the Yin Soul Sect," Shangguan Yufeng replied.

"Really?", the old emperor was also surprised, looked at Lin Feng, he muttered in his heart, he can destroy a sect, and his strength is at least above Jindan. With such a person as a backer, what is he afraid of in the Gaochang Dynasty? Shangguan Yufeng has found a good son-in-law, thinking of this, the old emperor's face became cheerful.

The old emperor immediately greeted him with a smile, "Ah, virtuous son-in-law, blame the old man for not knowing, offended and offended."

"I'm sorry, I'm not your son-in-law", Lin Feng replied, how did you come in and be recognized as your brother-in-law, can't you get over this stalk?

"Ah, Feng'er, what's going on," the old emperor wondered.

Shangguan Yufeng stood there without speaking.

"Ah, Lin Gongzi, look at what you said, the whole dynasty knows about you and the little girl, otherwise the little girl's face will not be able to face the world", the old emperor saw that Yufeng didn't speak, and said busily.

Lin Feng felt bad when he heard this, this was false, he pulled Shangguan Yufeng aside and said alone: "Didn't you say that you would only help? Why did you become a son-in-law?"

"I'm willing, am I not beautiful?", Shangguan Yufeng has become more and more interested in Lin Feng from the inn to the Yin Soul Sect, such a person is hard to find in the world, with high strength and good heart, finally has a chance, how can she let it go, Lai has to rely on it.

"If it's not this, how could I be made a son-in-law?", Lin Feng didn't like this kind of forced thing at all, his goal was to cultivate immortals, and women would only affect the speed at which he drew his sword. The so-called avenue is contrary to customs, and the vulgarity of the world affects the pursuit of the avenue.

"Then I don't care, you promised me anyway", Yufeng said as a scoundrel.

"Isn't this a lie to me


"I'm going to follow you anyway."

"Playing scoundrel, what is this going on?", Lin Feng no longer bothered with Shangguan Yufeng.

The old emperor over there saw the two arguing, and hurriedly said, "Lin Gongzi, Lin Gongzi!"

The old emperor continued, "Lin Gongzi, rest here first, and then disturb Lin Gongzi tomorrow, Feng'er, you can arrange it", the old emperor's mind was to create opportunities for them.

"Good father", Shangguan Yufeng secretly agreed happily.

At this time, after Shangguan Yun was set for half an hour, his body could move, and as soon as he came in, he pulled Lin Feng and said, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, teach me to cultivate, teach me."

Lin Feng really had no problem with this abrasive little kid, so he had to agree: "Tomorrow".

"Great, great," Shangguan Yun said happily.

"Yun'er, what are you doing? Don't be rude," the old emperor asked Shangguan Yun.

"Father, I want to worship Lin Feng as a teacher".

"That's good, that's good", the old emperor hurriedly changed his words, for his son to have such an immortal teaching, it is an ancestor to accumulate virtue.

After Shangguan Yun finished speaking, he immediately kowtowed to Lin Feng, for fear that Lin Feng would regret it. "The master is above, and he is worshiped by the apprentice."

Lin Feng was stunned, this is to forcibly apprentice, this Shangguan's whole family is a porcelain family!

He had no choice but to say, "Okay, okay, get up, I promised", otherwise he was entangled, Lin Feng secretly scolded himself, this is the end of being nosy, but it doesn't matter, he can leave if he wants.

Shangguan Yun saw Lin Feng agree, and hurriedly got up.

"In this way, I'll pass you some exercises first, and see how you practice in a week, if not, then don't blame me for not accepting you", Lin Feng thought about sending him away first.

"Okay Master," Shangguan Yun said. Lin Feng casually gave Shangguan Yun a piece of kung fu and sent it away first.

Shangguan Yun jumped up happily after accepting Lin Feng's exercises, and hurriedly went back to cultivate.

Shangguan Yufeng helped Lin Feng arrange a place to live, she didn't let the maid serve, she took care of Lin Feng herself, and said that she lived and ate, Shangguan Yufeng was very knowledgeable and did not disturb Lin Feng.

The next day, Shangguan Yun ran over early.

"Master, see how my cultivation is?", Lin Feng shouted at Lin Feng as he came in.

Lin Feng looked back and said, "You try."

Shangguan Yun tried it, and it turned out that the foundation was to practice qi threefold, and after practicing physical determination, he reached the ninth level at once, which was similar to Shangguan Yufeng.

Lin Feng also passed on to him the Yin and Yang Five Elements Sword Technique, which was the one he taught Xiao Ni, and also gave him a fairy sword. Facing Shangguan Yun, he commanded, "Continue to cultivate, and I'll see the results in a few days!"

A few days later, Lin Feng asked someone to call Shangguan Yun over

Shangguan Yun hurriedly ran over and asked, "Master, is there something wrong?"

Lin Feng said: "I will teach you and your sister a set of swordsmanship today, yours is the Dragon Yin Swordsmanship, with the Dragon Yin Sword, your sister's is the Flying Phoenix Swordsmanship, with the Flying Phoenix Sword", after speaking, Lin Feng took out two swords, the sword light was cold and compelling, the aura was moving, and it was heaven-level.

It is estimated that there is no such sword in this Tiankun Continent, and the weapons are divided into lower-grade, medium-grade, upper-grade, earth-level, and heaven-level. The Tiankun Continent is at most ground-level, and the weapons of the head of the Yin Soul Sect are only ground-level.

Lin Feng directly used the power of wood to infuse the aura into their bodies.

Lin Feng helped them break through, of course, they needed to consider the problem of adaptation, otherwise the aura like the sea would crush them. Because the laws of the continent here can't be too much, unlike the Tian Yuan Continent, which can be quickly promoted to the Mahayana period.

Soon Shangguan Yufeng and Shangguan Yun went from the seventh to the ninth level of the foundation, and broke through to the peak of the foundation building, and then it will be difficult for the Jindan to break through, the Jindan breakthrough requires a strong foundation and personal comprehension, and everyone is different, if you forcibly help break through, there will be no chance to prompt Yuanying in the future.

This is also because of the rules of this continent, Lin Feng can only help them here, and Lin Feng can also promote them to Mahayana, or even higher, but the law needs to be modified. He doesn't bother with these little things. Even if you can't do it, it all depends on your mood.

It's already good to be able to help them, Shangguan Yufeng and Shangguan Yun's strength is set at the peak of foundation building, basically it can be said that they are at the top of the strength in this continent, and the head of the Yin Soul Sect is not an opponent.

"I will help you improve and break through, but your foundation is not stable, and it will take months or even years of self-adaptation!", Lin Feng said.

"Thank you so much, Master", Shangguan Yun was glad that he had found a good master, Shangguan Yufeng was also glad to have met Lin Feng, thanks God for giving her this opportunity, and met Lin Feng, although he was touching porcelain, but Lin didn't mind.

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