After Lin Feng left the Danfeng Sect, he first went to the village where he had just come here to find Xiao Ni, and planned to send Xiao Ni to the sect

As soon as he returned to the village, the village chief saw Lin Feng coming back and hurriedly came out to greet him.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a benefactor."

"Is Patriarch Xiao Ni here?", Lin Feng asked.

"Benefactor, three months after you left last time, there was a flying fairy, to see what qualifications Xiao Ni has and the bloodline is good, I want to teach Xiao Ni, take Xiao Ni to the Jade Sword Immortal Sect of the North Dome Continent to cultivate, and said that after the cultivation is good, Xiao Ni will come back. "

"Isn't Beiqiong the hometown of the cultivator surnamed Cao under the Big Wild Goose Pagoda? Lin Feng thought to himself.

"What kind of person took it away?".

"A beautiful fairy who can fly".

"Didn't you leave any words?".

"No, it's just that Xiao Ni will come back after she finishes her studies".

Lin Feng listened and guessed that it should be a certain sect that saw that Xiao Ni's qualifications were good and accepted as a disciple, and Xiao Ni should not be in any danger

Although Lin Feng was a little disappointed, it also made Lin Feng feel a lot more relieved, and it was good for Xiao Ni to have the guidance of the immortal master, and she would have the opportunity to go to the North Dome to visit her in the future.

Lin Feng left some gold coins and some exercises for the patriarch to hand over to the young people in the village to cultivate, so that he could protect himself.

After Lin Feng said goodbye, he flew directly to the teleportation array of the Yin Soul Sect, Lin Feng didn't need the teleportation array, he could go wherever he wanted.

Lin Feng took out the old turtle and sat on his back, clapping his hands again, "Xiao Ao, go to the Tiankun Continent,

With a whoosh, the old turtle disappeared in an instant.

By the time Lin Feng fell, he had already arrived at a new place, this was a vast forest, the forest was all over the mountains, out of the forest was a road, and in front of the road was a street.

Pedestrians came and went on the road, and Lin Feng stepped forward to find a passerby to inquire: "May I ask what kind of place this is?"

The passer-by replied: "You are from other places, this is the city of Qamdo of the Gaochang Dynasty." "

After Lin Feng thanked him, he walked into the street, there were many inns in the city, Lin Feng found a luxurious inn, and asked about some things by the way, the inn was full of people, and it was the most suitable to inquire.

Lin Feng asked the innkeeper about the affairs of the Tiankun Continent and the affairs of the sect, there were several major sects in the Tiankun Continent, the Sword Sect, the Dan Sect, and the Lingyun Sect were the three major mainstream sects, the Yin Soul Sect, the Happy Sect, and so on belonged to the second-level sects. The innkeeper also told Lin Feng about the various sects, and Lin Feng roughly understood that the sects here were also cultivating immortals, and the level of cultivating immortals was according to the boss's description, and Lin Feng guessed that the highest was roughly in the Jindan period.

Hearing that there was also a Lingyun Sect here, Lin Feng suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, he didn't know how the senior brother of the Lingyun Sect of the Tianyuan Continent was doing, and he hadn't gone back for more than half a year.

However, Lin Feng is not in a hurry, he comes and goes freely, he can go back whenever he wants, he focuses on tasks, which is what he cares about the most.

The boss was introducing, and suddenly a young woman came out of the door, dressed luxuriously, with a beautiful face, lips like apricots, and she hurriedly ran in, followed by a few guard-like people who also rushed in.

As soon as the other guests saw it, they all rushed out of the way, and the boss's face also changed, and he quickly hid, and motioned for Lin Feng to leave quickly.

Lin Feng sat peacefully as if he hadn't heard it.

The woman came in and sat at Lin Feng's table, and Lin Feng didn't even look at her.

And a few guards who followed behind came to Lin Feng and shouted, "Princess Yufeng is here and don't get out of the way!"

"Don't yell and scare others, you go back, I won't go back!".

The guard said, "Princess, if you don't go back, the emperor will take our lives."

"I said it, I won't go back!I won't marry the Yin Soul Sect's Yin Soul Son!", Princess Yufeng said.

"That, that, the princess is not to blame the little ones for forcibly taking the princess!"

"How dare you!".

"I can't help it, I have to grieve the princess!".

Seeing this, Princess Yufeng hurriedly turned around and sat down beside Lin Feng, holding Lin Feng's arm and saying, "I have a father-in-law, he is, you go back and tell your father!"

Lin Feng was a little speechless, this jade phoenix was clearly trying to slander him.

The leader of the guards looked at Lin Feng: "Boy, hurry up, don't delay my master's business!".

After hearing this, Lin Feng quickly got up, pretending to be scared and said politely: "Ah, sir, I'll leave here and now." "

"You can't go!", Princess Yufeng said.

Lin Feng was speechless, and said pitifully, "This princess, please let the little one go." "

"I said you are my father-in-law, you are!", Princess Yufeng said.

The guards were also anxious, and they didn't dare to get angry at the princess, so they had to get angry at Lin Feng, "Boy, get out of here!".

Lin Feng hurriedly said, "Official, you see I can't leave!"

"Then I'll cut off your arm!"

Lin Feng pretended to be frightened and hurriedly lowered his head and stood aside, and the Lord of the Jade Phoenix looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

"Princess, come with us!" said the guard.

"I'm not going back today!", Princess Yufeng said.

"The princess is not to blame the little ones," said the head of the guard.

At this time, Lin Feng stepped forward, Lin Feng thought about what kind of Yin Soul Son this princess was with, most of them were related to the Yin Soul Sect.

"This official, you see, your princess is unwilling, then forget it, you see that I can't drink tea well", Lin Feng said.

"What are you talking about?!, you are looking for death!", the guard retorted angrily.

"I'll forget it, you guys better go back, you princesses don't want to, don't make it difficult for others," Lin Feng said.

"You are looking for death!", the leader of the guards took out his treasure knife and slashed at Lin Feng, the boss and the princess were stunned, Lin Feng was afraid that his life would not be guaranteed.

Lin Feng sighed, then held his head, his fingers flicked quietly, and a wave of energy shot over, and several guards and leaders fell to the ground and fainted.

Lin Feng turned around and continued to sit down to drink tea, touched his heart with the other hand and said, "Ah, I'm scared to death baby."

After Lin Feng did all this, he suddenly felt a sense of pleasure, in the Daewoo Continent, facing the sect, facing the worship of so many people, he had to have a serious expression, pretending to be a superior, not smiling, he was too tired, and now he is still comfortable returning to the ordinary.

The princess and the boss were blindfolded, and thought to themselves, what's the matter? A few foundation building masters have fallen, where did the masters come from?

Princess Yufeng looked at Lin Feng again, and felt that the young man in front of her didn't look like a master, but there was no one else around.

"Did you get it?" asked the princess curiously.

"What are you talking about, I don't know!" Lin Feng said, and immediately got up and went out.

"You, don't go!" Princess Yufeng stopped Lin Feng and said, Princess Yufeng guessed that it must be Lin Feng pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Ah, princess, it's not a trivial matter!", Lin Feng begged for mercy.

"It's really not you?".

"It has nothing to do with the villain", Lin Feng pleaded, and after speaking, Lin Feng swaggered out and walked out.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt that there was a sword aura behind him, and instinctively reacted Lin Feng's body protection aura quickly protected, Lin Feng's body protection aura was as hard as King Kong.

Just listened, with a bang, as soon as Lin Feng turned around, it turned out that Princess Yufeng tried him with a sword, and the sword was broken into several pieces.

"Sure enough, it's you!", cried the princess.

Lin Feng saw that this little girl was too scheming, in order to test it, she actually used a sword, in case it was an ordinary person, wouldn't it be a burp? Lin Feng still said with a smile, "Ah, princess, since it's okay, then I'll go first." "

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