Three days later, Elder Chen, Hua Chang and Lin Feng set off with the outer disciples, and all the disciples set off in batches, with the inner disciples in the front and the outer gate in the back.

The inner disciples have always looked down on the outer door, and compared the inner disciples to one university, and the outer door is three. The inside and outside are relatively far apart, and there is basically little conflict between the two.

There are many masters among the inner disciples, and those who are on the dragon list are all genius disciples of the inner door, and many of the outer disciples dare not think about it.

From Danfeng Sect to Daewoo City of Daewoo Dynasty, it takes a few days to travel, and the team of hundreds of people used to be considered mighty, and it takes a lot of money to go back and forth, including accommodation, which also shows the strength of the sect, so each sect is basically a few hundred people, and no one is convinced by anyone between the sects.

This time, if any sect has a place on the dragon list, it will give the sect a long face. The Thunder Sword Sect has won the championship three times, which has caused the disciples of other sects to be very unhappy, and they are all eager to win the championship for the sect.

After a few days, he finally arrived in Daewoo City, Lin Feng only followed the large army to Daewoo City, if he was alone, he would have arrived in a few minutes.

Daewoo City is indeed a prosperous capital, this is the most prosperous place in Daewoo Continent, there are countless pavilions, streets are vertical and horizontal, shops and storefronts are dense, crowds are surging, eating, drinking and having fun, many new disciples are here for the first time, and they are also surprised by the prosperity here.

The main street is near the river, which is a river that runs through the Daewoo Dynasty, and when it reaches the city, it divides into several narrow small rivers, and the noise on both sides of the river is undulating, and people from various places come and go.

Here is also the largest elixir, utensils trading center, the venue of the contest is ten miles on the left side of the river, the venue is a very wide platform, the center is a diameter of a thousand meters of the contest field, the distance around is the stand, in front of the stand is the rostrum. It's okay to sit tens of thousands of people in the venue. It seems that the Daewoo Dynasty is rich and rich.

Lin Feng and the others came to the venue on the second day, the venue was already full of men and women and disciples of various factions and dynasties, and there were several people who looked like royals and elders sitting in front of the rostrum, it seemed that these people should be the emperor of the dynasty and the great elders or heads of various factions. Each area in the stands is a sect, and the people in the stands are full of voices and ears.

Shui Qingrou has been following Lin Feng's side closely, Lin Feng glanced around, and looked at the people sitting on the rostrum, these people have a strong breath, their internal strength is tight, and they are all top masters.

Before the start of the game, Emperor Daewoo talked about some of the reasons and thanks for the competition, and then announced the rules of the competition, first of all, to register for the knockout round, all the applicants compete with each other, until the top ten are decided, and then the championship is won, the knockout game adopts the point system, that is, the more points you beat, the higher the points, you can also get the same points as the other party if you defeat the person with high points, and the knockout round also accepts anyone's challenge.

Each sect, each dynasty sent two hundred disciples to compete, Danfeng Sect is naturally also the top inner disciples of the sect to participate, the outer disciples have never participated or challenged in history, this time the main responsibility is Wang Long, who is ranked eighth and tenth on the dragon list, Li Yi, they have the hope of winning the championship, of course, other sects should not be underestimated.

The eyes of the audience were focused on these disciples, waving their flags and shouting for them, and the Treasure Pavilion of Daewoo City also opened a gambling market, allowing everyone to bet on both sides of the game and which sect won the championship.

When Lin Feng swept over the stands, he suddenly found a familiar figure not far from his right, wasn't that Lan Die'er, how did she come here, and she was sitting on the side of the Zixia Sect. Lan Die'er didn't find Lin Feng, and Lin Feng planned to ask her after the venue was over.

The competition officially began, the disciples of each faction sat around the bottom of the competition platform, each time twenty people went up to fight, so that after a few rounds, the rest of the people continued to match the challenge, the disciples of each faction have come up with the strength of the house, the wonderful places come up one after another, cheers and screams are endless, the outer disciples feel that it is a rare wonderful competition, but also let everyone appreciate the exercises of each faction, from which to learn.

After a period of competition, the top ten were produced, this time the Danfeng faction Wang Long, Li Yi accounted for two places, the Lei Sword faction had three places, the Xingyue faction, the Quanzhen faction, the Zixia faction each had two places, and the Daewoo Dynasty had one place, it seems that the sect is still strong.

The winner of the Daewoo Dynasty is the great prince Yuwentai, Yuwentai is handsome and chic, not only a beautiful man, but also a martial artist who is not weak, and he is a prince!

Whenever Yuwentai came on the stage, a large number of girls screamed and cheered, and became crazy, completely like a chasing stars.

"Yuwentai I love you," "Yuwentai I want to give you a baby", "Yuwentai come on"... Most of the girls went crazy and were excited.

The top ten competition is still a knockout point system, the first person on the platform is Lei Jianpai Lei Ming, last time the dragon list ranked first, Lei Ming pointed to the audience, "Who came up to challenge?", for the first place on the dragon list, everyone below was somewhat jealous.

"I'm on", Wang Lung jumped up and landed in the ring in a volley, "Let my brother come to lead the lesson, last time Wang Lung was defeated by Lei Ming, this time Wang Lung will be ashamed."

Lei Ming looked at Wang Lung and said with a smile: "His subordinates are defeated, and they actually come to send them to death?"

"I don't know whose hand the deer died, don't run rampant".

"Haha, Lao Tzu is qualified to be rampant, and I will defeat you again today".

Wang Lung has been training hard since his last defeat, and his strength has increased, no, he is confident that he will be undefeated.

"Then let's see the move", Wang Lung raised his sword and used the Danfeng faction's swordsmanship Danfeng Sword First Style, and the sword light flashed between them, and he quickly slashed towards Lei Ming.

With a bang, Lei Ming swung his sword and stabbed at Wang Long, this sword Lei Ming suddenly used all his strength, and at the same time as the sword stabbed past, a sword qi killed Wang Long.

The sword qi is full of ten thousand catties, and the boulder will also become powder, and the people under the stands are surprised by this strength when they see it.

Wang Lung was not to be outdone, "Danfeng Second Style, Phoenix Dance for Nine Days!", Wang Lung dodged the sword qi, and the sword light was dazzling like light and shadow to attack Lei Ming, only to see countless lights and shadows, and he couldn't see which one the sword was, and ordinary people would be defeated when they were dazzled.

Of course, Lei Ming was not to be outdone, and also admired Wang Long's strength that had improved a lot compared to before, "It turns out that you have broken through to the early stage of foundation building, which is rare and rare."

"Then come and learn and learn," Wang Lung said, and rushed over again.

The sword shadow flew on the stage, and the audience was dazzled, applauding from time to time, and some watched with relish, and the cheers of their respective sects for their own camp came and went, and the two fought back and forth for several rounds, anxious together, regardless of victory or defeat.

Suddenly, Lei Ming stepped back and shouted, "Open", the aura around Lei Ming's body soared, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds, and the surrounding air was also attracted to it and rotated.

Wang Lung was startled, "What? Break through the middle stage of foundation building?!", Wang Lung secretly complained to himself, he didn't expect Lei Ming to have made great progress, and the head of the Lei Sword Sect on the rostrum looked a little proud.

Gradually, Wang Lung was a little defeated, and the disciples of the Danfeng Sect were very anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

"Let's end it early, Lei Ba Sword Rain!", Lei Ming's sword walked like light, as if it had changed into countless swords, attacking with sword qi, Wang Lung waved his sword to resist, but he couldn't capture which of the countless sword shadows was a real sword, and countless sword qi pressed towards Wang Lung.

With a bang, Wang Lung was hit by the sword qi and flew out hundreds of meters away, falling into the ring, spitting blood from his mouth.

Wang Lung was defeated, and the defeat was very complete, and the disciples of the Danfeng Sect were immediately very depressed, and they all bowed their heads with dejected expressions.

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