Lin Feng flew around the Wuji Holy Land, his divine sense swept around, and he didn't find Li Ziming and them. He guessed that Li Ziming and the others must have gone in the direction of Ye Chen. Therefore, he sent a message to Ye Chen, telling him that Li Ziming might go to him first, and let him remember to take care of it.

Just when Lin Feng was about to return to Black City again.

[Ding, host, please rush to the Heart Fire Small Intestine Star Field. There is a medical code that is about to be published], the voice of the system came.

"New Medical Codex?", Lin Feng was overjoyed, this matter was a big deal for him, and everything else was a trivial matter, Lin Feng summoned Ye Chen again, and asked him to talk to the sect about it, he could help find Li Ziming and them, and arrange it.

After explaining, Lin Feng took out the old turtle and patted the turtle's tail again, "Go to the Heart Fire Small Intestine Star Domain." “

Grunt, the old turtle purred a few times, and then disappeared in place with a swish. Soon they came to a strange place, and when they arrived, it was dark.

"Xiao Ao, why haven't you arrived yet, stop quickly, it's not safe to walk in the dark, find a place to rest. Lin Feng said.

The old turtle glanced at Lin Feng, made another sharp stop, and landed on the flat ground. It was already dark, and I couldn't see all around, and a few lights shone in the distance in the darkness.

Lin Feng walked towards the light, this was a large village, and there were several houses at the light.

Lin Feng walked to a room with a light, knocked on the door, and after a while, the door was opened, and a handsome little girl showed half of her head, looking through the crack in the door, about five or six years old.

"Who are you?" the little girl asked curiously.

"Little girl, do you have anyone in your family? I'm passing by and want to spend the night." Lin Feng asked

"Who's that, Xiao Ni?", someone inside the door heard the movement and shouted from inside.

"Grandpa, someone wants to spend the night. The little girl replied back.

"Oh, wait a minute", after a while, I saw an old man come from inside, open the door, and look Lin Feng up and down.

Lin Feng hurriedly stepped forward and said, "This old man, I just arrived here, can I stay overnight? This is the accommodation fee." Lin Feng said as he took out 10 gold coins and handed them over.

The old man hesitated for a while and took the gold coin, looking at Lin Feng, Lin Feng was dressed gorgeously, like a rich son, not like a bandit, the bandit would not give money.

"Where are you from?", the old man asked.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "Yes, uncle, I came here from a far away place, passing by your land, what kind of place is this?"

"This is the Daewoo Dynasty", the old man heard Lin Feng say that he came here from a very far away, and his accent was not local, so he was relieved and replied.

"Where is your village?", Lin Feng asked again.

"This is Xinlong Village, Dongcheng Prefecture, then you can live first. ", the old man replied.

"Oh, thank you, old man".

"Sir, rest early, don't disturb, let's talk about it tomorrow", the old man introduced Lin Feng into the house and arranged a small room next to it.

The old man asked Xiao Ni to lead Lin Feng to the room over there, although the room was not big, it was also tidy.

"Thank you", Lin Feng said to the little girl.

"No thanks", Xiao Ni still looked at Lin Feng curiously, she hadn't seen a stranger in the village for a long time, and Lin Feng's arrival made Xiao Ni feel a little fresh.

"What's your name?" Lin Feng asked.

"My name is Liu Xiaoni, and my big brother will call me Xiaoni. "

"What does Xiao Ni want?".

"I, I want to grow up, protect the village and protect grandpa!".

"Yes, Xiao Ni is amazing".

"Hee-hee" Xiaoni grinned mischievously.

"This chocolate is very sweet, give you a taste. Lin Feng took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl looked at the chocolate with an eager gaze, but she still didn't dare to take it.

"You can take it and eat it, take it and ask your grandfather if it's okay. “

The little girl took Lin Feng's chocolate and said, "Brother go to bed early, take my brother to play tomorrow", and ran to her grandfather's house quickly after speaking.

"Okay, it's a word".

The next day, Lin Feng got up early, and he said goodbye to Xiao Ni and her grandfather

At this moment, a young man from outside, who looked more panicked, hurriedly ran in

He shouted to the old man, "Patriarch, it's not good, there are bandits!

The old man was shocked, "Bandits, what? Hurry, hurry, let everyone quickly hide in the ancestral hall of the back mountain", the old man hurriedly ordered, and then said to Lin Feng: "This little brother, the village is in trouble at present, please go to the ancestral hall with us for refuge."

"Bandits?" Lin Feng was a little curious, there are bandits here

"There will be bandits here several times a year to rob things, we all hide in the ancestral hall, bandits do not dare to enter the ancestral hall, the ancestral hall has the organs set up by the ancestors, they attack the organs, the organs will eat them. The patriarch said.

Lin Feng didn't continue to ask, followed the patriarch and a group of people and quickly entered the ancestral hall behind the village, the ancestral hall is close to the village, living in the middle of the village, the surrounding villagers are easy to gather, the ancestral hall is very large, can accommodate thousands of people,

Soon, men and women came one after another, and a group of villagers poured into the ancestral hall, staying quietly in the house and not daring to move.

The village outside the ancestral hall became an empty village, and soon, several bandits rushed in from the head of the village, with strange faces, and they chased them until they came to the ancestral hall, and when they reached the ancestral hall, they stopped. Hindered by the organs of the ancestral hall, you can't enter half a step.

Lin Feng observed the ancestral hall and found that this ancestral hall actually had a strong defensive strength, and there was a large array faintly, it was estimated that the ancestors here were monks and left a large defensive array.

At this time, another tall bandit came from behind the bandits, and when the other bandits saw the tall bandit leader, they immediately made their debut.

I saw the bandit leader striding over, looked at the other bandits fiercely, scolded these bandits a few words, and then he came to the ancestral hall alone, stretched out his big hand, and smashed it down with a fierce fist.

There was a crack in the big array in front of the ancestral hall, Lin Feng was also stunned, this leader had some strength, the big array in the ancestral hall was at least the foundation building level, and this bandit was probably also a foundation building monk. Lin Feng checked the strength of the bandits, and sure enough, it was the strength of the foundation building.

And the people in the ancestral hall saw this scene, they were so frightened that they went straight back, the ancestral hall that had been protecting them all this time was actually opened and cracked, they didn't know how long this ancestral hall could maintain them, which made them very afraid, and Xiao Ni also hugged the patriarch tightly.

Lin Feng saw that the cracks in the ancestral hall array were getting bigger and bigger, and he walked out of the ancestral hall.

The patriarch didn't know what Lin Feng was doing, so he was startled and hurriedly shouted to Lin Feng: "Brother, don't go over".

Lin Feng didn't look back, and still walked out.

When the bandit leader saw that someone had come out of the ancestral hall of the formation, he was stunned at first, and then laughed: "Someone actually sent him to death, haha."

"I can't help myself!" the bandits next to him also laughed.

"Oh, is it?" Lin Feng replied lightly

"Haha, the guy who doesn't think he can do anything about it, he won't come up to die!", shouted the bandit leader.

Lin Feng glanced at the bandits, and didn't say a word, he gently stretched out his arm, crossed his middle finger and thumb and snapped his fingers, and after the snap of his fingers, the group of bandits fell to the ground one after another.

The people in the ancestral hall were stunned when they saw this scene.

"That young man defeated the bandits!".

"Yes, it's amazing, the village is saved. "

"Immortals, must be immortals." The villagers were overjoyed.

After solving the bandits, Lin Feng beckoned to the villagers and signaled that they could come out.

The villagers in the ancestral hall hesitated for a while, and then saw that there was really no danger, and then came out one after another

Everyone continued to beat the group of fallen bandits with iron tools and hoes, and soon the group of bandits was beaten into mud.

Lin Feng shook his head when he saw this, and secretly said in his heart, this is too violent. How much should this villager hate bandits?

The patriarch thanked Lin Feng and said, "Thank you, little brother, for saving our village", and the villagers also came over to thank Lin Feng.

"You're welcome, where do these bandits come from?", Lin Feng asked.

"These bandits are in the forest a hundred miles away, they generally don't come out, they come out to grab things, the city lord has sent people to suppress them before, so they only come out occasionally in a few places", the patriarch replied.

After hearing this, Lin Feng said with a smile, "The bandits are all sick people, and if they are sick, they must be treated." Lin Feng snapped his fingers lightly again, and a divine thought rushed into the distance, slashing across the sky.

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