"By the way, the senior Lin Fenglin you mentioned, when I was in Kanshui Sect, I heard people mention it. Gu Genshan's words changed.

"Really, that's great. When Ye Xing heard this, he was overjoyed that he was finally able to see Brother Lin.

"The Lin Fenglin seniors you mentioned, I heard them say that at the foot of the gate of the Kanshui Sect, he seems to have come to look for you, and it is estimated that I heard that you have ascended to the upper realm near here. "

"Great, Sect Master, Sect Master, can you take me over to find Brother Lin?"

"Of course, to tell you about this is to take you there. Gu Gen Mountain Road.

"Thank you, Sect Master. Ye Xing couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go", Gu Genshan pulled Ye Xing to fly directly from the same place, crossed the sky above the Kanshui Sect, and flew to the foot of the mountain gate of the Kanshui Sect.

When they flew over, they naturally touched the Kanshui Sect's large array, Zheng Zuo heard that there was a movement in the large array, so he came out to observe the situation of the large array, and happened to see Gu Genshan flying over the sect with a young man.

He secretly said in his heart, it's not good, he gave Gu Genshan a quick start, and he hurriedly sent a message to Sect Master Kang, asking him to come back quickly and inform him of this matter.

Lin Feng was still lying on the stone, waiting for news from the three sect masters, pondering how to thank them after finding it.

Suddenly, he felt two people flying in front of him, an old man he didn't know, but the person next to him, he was too familiar.

"Ye Xing!", Lin Feng hurriedly got up and sat up and took a closer look.

Ye Xing also discovered Lin Feng, and immediately rushed forward, pulling Lin Feng to hide his excitement, and said, "Brother Lin, I finally saw you again, it's so good, I'm so happy." "

Lin Feng also laughed, "Okay, okay, you guys are flying up one by one, it was Ye Chen a few days ago, it's you today, and the three girls will come up in the future, and everyone can get together then." "

"Yes, Brother Lin, the three girls miss you too. Ye Xingdao.

"How are the three girls?", Lin Feng asked.

"They are all very good, their strength is at the elder level, and they are named elders in the sect. "

"Where's Lao Qiu?"

"Lao Qiu is also an elder, and he has a lot of affairs to worry about in the sect. There are also Senior Sister Ye Ling'er, Senior Sister Li Yiyi, Senior Sister Su, Senior Sister Li Ziyan, and Senior Brother Li Ziming are all together. Ye Xing introduced Lin Feng with a smile on his face.

"Oh, they're with you too, a sect?".

"Yes, at that time, a new sect was built in the Nether, just in the original Demon Land Nanzhou, everyone was in this sect, Su Laozu was the head, and each head was named as an elder in the sect. Ye Xingdao.

"Good boy, make such a big move?".

"Yes, it is estimated that they will also fly up soon, and wait for the people cultivated by the sect to be strong enough. "

"Okay, when they're all up, we'll have a big party. "

"Yes, yes. "

"I am now settled in the Lingyun Sect of the Aoki Dynasty, and I am also settled in the medical hall in Heming Town, and I will often come here when I have time in the future, and the medical hall will be the gathering center for everyone in the future. Lin Feng said.

"Great, it's so much more convenient. "

Gu Genshan heard that there would be Lin Feng's people coming up one after another, and he couldn't help but be happy again, and he would take advantage of the opportunity in the future and strive to accept them all.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Lin, I just went to the realm and met Sect Master Gu of the Genshan Sect, and I have already entered the Genshan Sect as a core closed disciple. This is Sect Master Gu. Ye Xing pointed to Gu Gen Mountain Road.

Gu Genshan hurriedly bowed his hand politely, "Old decay is Gu Genshan, the sect leader of Genshan Mountain. Meet Senior Lin. "

Lin Feng looked at Gu Genshan again, cultivating to be in the late stage of the Five Elements Realm. It seems that the Genshan Sect should be good, and it is also a good thing that Ye Xing can have a foothold in the sect, Ye Chen has a foothold, and Ye Xing also has a foothold, so he is much more relieved.

After all, there are no resources and connections in the immortal cultivation world, and it is very difficult to make progress in cultivation, and he himself does not have so much energy to take care of Ye Chen and Ye Xing. Therefore, having a sect to take care of it is the best result.

"Thank you, Sect Master Gu, I am in the Heming Town Medical Center of the Aoki Dynasty, if you need anything, you can come to the medical hall and see a doctor at a discount", Lin Feng did not forget to advertise the medical hall.

"Where, where, it is also an honor for my sect to receive Ye Xing's little friend. Gu Genshan said.

"Senior Lin, Ye Xiaoyou has just arrived in the upper realm, and many of them are not familiar with it, I will take him to the sect first, settle down first, and then Ye Xing can go to you at any time. Gu Genshan asked, his mind was to take Ye Xing away quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to clean up after a few old guys came over.

"Also, Ye Xing, you go back with Sect Master Gu first and settle down first, since you are here, there will be many opportunities to meet in the future, so you don't have to rush this meeting. Lin Feng also felt that he had settled Ye Xing first, anyway, there was time to talk later.

"Okay, Brother Lin, I'll go back with the sect master, and I'll come to you when I'm settled. "

"Well, I'm in the infirmary, you come directly to the infirmary. "

"Okay. After speaking, Ye Xing followed Gu Genshan to leave the place, Gu Genshan couldn't wait to return to the sect in an instant, for fear that he would not be able to leave if he was discovered by a few old guys one step later.

Just as Lin Feng watched them leave, a voice came from his head:

[Ding, congratulations to the host, activate the reward, the gossip of the Gen Covered Bowl - Gen Hexagram].

[Gen hexagram - mountain - number seven].

[There are mountains outside the Gen Hexagram Mountain, and the mountains are connected. Immobility, stillness, stopping, restraint, calmness, stability, stopping what it wants, burdens. Two tables and two beds are connected, with bunk beds, beds and under tables. Measure out, can't travel, pedestrians don't return. Cancer, pimples, scabies, tumors, sores, spleen and stomach diseases, kidney diseases, stone disease. 】

[Congenital gossip formula: dry three links, the upper lack, the void in the middle, the shock of the Yang Yu, Xun Xia Break, Kan Zhong Man, Gen Cover Bowl, Kun Six Breaks].

[The gossip belongs: Qiandui (gold), Zhenxun (wood), Genkun (earth), Li (fire), Kan (water). 】

[Qiannan Kun and the north set the heaven and earth, Kanxi is separated from the east by water and fire, and Gen is the innate gossip lord in the northwest].

[Corresponding to human organs:

Qianyi: The first large intestine - gold

Pair two: lungs and mouth - gold

Separation three: heart and eyes - fire

Earthquake Four: Liver and Foot-Wood

Xun V: gall and strand-wood

Kan Six: Kidney and Ear - Water

Gen VII: Stomach and Foot-Earth

Kun Ba: Spleen and abdomen-soil

[Host: Lin Feng].

[Cultivation: Supreme Immortal Venerable].

[Holy Dao Cultivation: Entry-level].

[Repair value: 1000/10000].

[Skills: Tai Chi Swordsmanship, Yin and Yang Five Elements, Bagua Qianyi Away from Zhen Xun Kangen].

[Magic Weapon: Dog Stick].

Just when Lin Feng was familiar with the knowledge in his mind, Sect Master Kang took Zheng Zuo to take the lead in front of Lin Feng, and when he saw that there was no one in front of Lin Feng, he immediately felt bad. The other three Sect Masters also came here soon.

"Lin seniors".

"Lin seniors".

Everyone respectfully saluted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw that in addition to the three sect masters, Zheng Zuo, there was another one who didn't know, Zheng Zuo saw that Lin Feng didn't know Sect Master Kang, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Senior Lin, this is Sect Master Kang, the sect master of my Kanshui Sect. "

"Hmm. Lin Feng just said after knowing it. He wondered in his heart whether other people would fly up in the future, whether to go to only one sect, or to go to a few more sects, after all, each sect has a different background. If you go to one sect, you can't learn the things of other sects, if you go to different sects separately, then the three girls will fly up in the future, and they can take care of each other and learn from each other.

As the saying goes, eggs can't be put in one basket, and Lin Feng thinks the same for other people who will fly up in the future, it is best to put them in several sects, if there is a problem with one sect, the brothers and sisters of the other sect will help.

"I'm sorry, Master Lin, we didn't find Ye Xiaoyou. ", Sect Master Qian of the Fire Sect said with some frustration.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about this matter, that is, Ye Xing has found it. "

"Found it?", everyone listened, looked around, and there was no one. And Sect Master Kang immediately thought of Gu Gen Mountain, and it was estimated that he was found by Gu Gen Mountain. He regretted it a lot at the moment, he shouldn't have revealed the news to Gu Genshan for a treasure, otherwise the opportunity would be his.



[The gossip belongs: Qiandui (gold), Zhenxun (wood), Genkun (earth), Li (fire), Kan (water). 】

The attributes of gossip to be remembered are from the fire and water.


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